Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1209: play games

The first thousand and two hundred and nine chapters to play the game

"If you want to see it, you can see that Linger and us are not outsiders." Su Yanni said to Zhao Tiezhu with a smile.

"This, men and women don't give each other." Zhao Tiezhu said shyly.

"Okay, let's play, Linger, if it's yours again, I will see the underwear you bought this afternoon!" Su Yanni laughed.

Li Linger wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't want to take big risks. It's too dangerous. Sister Yani, you remembered me, wait a minute, oh."

"When you go to me, let me talk." Su Yanni said proudly.

Li Linger turned the bottle.

There is a saying that is not to say, it is not time to report, but the time has not arrived, the time is up, the retribution will come.

This sentence is used in Su Yanni's body, it is so accurate.

This Li Linger turned the bottle hard. After the bottle turned for a few laps, it finally stopped slowly. The bottle mouth was aligned with Su Yanni!

Su Yanni’s face sighed and said, “Oh, Linger, you didn’t cheat!”

"Haha, I am not an iron pillar brother!" Li Linger laughed and went straight to the ear. "Yan Nijie, you can get better, better, go to me, haha, I have a lot of things." Waiting for you!"

"I turned myself, how could I turn to you." Su Yanni said, and turned the bottle hard. Zhao Tiezhu looked at the bottle and meditated and turned to me, but suddenly I felt the eyes of Su Yanni. Zhao Tiezhu immediately understood the chill in Su Yanni's eyes.

"If you go to your words, if you dare to embarrass me, I will let you know what is life without desire!"

Zhao Tiezhu directly ignored. This makes Su Yanni crappy.

The bottle slowly stopped.

It seems that the goddess of fate today really wants to play between Su Yanni and Li Linger. This bottle of mouth is evenly directed at Li Linger.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Li Linger directly smiled and leaned forward, "Yan Ni sister, this is aimed at me, this bottle mouth, see no, aim at me!"

"Knowing to point to you, hurry up, I choose the truth, hey, don't think about it to me!" Su Yanni snorted and said.

"Hey, I have to ask well." After Li Linger stopped laughing, she looked at Su Yanni with amazement. After seeing Su Yanni’s hair, Li Linger suddenly said, "Sister Yan Yan, tell me, You and Iron Pillar, how many times did you do the first night?"



Su Yanni and Zhao Tiezhu both cried out at the same time.

"Don't you hear the question clearly?" Li Linger looked at Su Yanni seriously. "Would you like me to talk again?"

"Linger, you!!" Su Yanni looked at Li Linger with a red face. She did not expect Li Linger to ask such a privacy question. Although her relationship with Zhao Tiezhu is not a secret in the villa, but together Going to bed, that's two things, this Li Linger actually skipped the problem of going to bed directly, asked the first night to do a few times, this... This is simply too pit, because if you calculate it carefully, this can be considered as two The first question is whether they have gone to bed or not, the second is to do it a few times! ”

"Linger, this is two problems!" Zhao Tiezhu said, "Although you are smart, we are not stupid."

"Hey, Tiezhu brother, don't bring you like this. Just when Yan Yan sister asked me to wear this, you didn't help stop it. Now I ask the question, you will help Yanni sister, you are eccentric! ”

"This... I am talking about things." Zhao Tiezhu said, "And, this matter involves me, this is equivalent to asking two people, this is not, unfair, you can only ask one person."

"Right right, you can only ask about me alone, can't involve others, and the iron pillar can't be transferred to you." Su Yanni said.

"This... that's okay." Li Linger said after a moment of contemplation, "I will ask, Yan Yan, have you had your first love?"

"Ah!?" Su Yanni screamed again.

"I didn't ask who I was this time. I only asked your first love, Yan Yan, you said, of course, you can choose not to say, if you don't say, come to the big adventure, I still have a lot of tricks. "Lie Linger said in amazement."

Su Yanni looked at Zhao Tiezhu for help, but found that Zhao Tiezhu is also helpless. Since everyone is going to play, it is impossible to follow the rules! Then you can't play it.

"Come on." Li Linger urged.

"Okay, I have done it!" Su Yanni took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"I know you." Li Linger smiled smugly, but there was a slight smile in the smile that the ordinary people could not understand, and Lucy also sighed a little, although they knew they had a relationship, but this pro The ear heard that it was still a bit uncomfortable.

"Well, I said, Linger, then, it is you!" Su Yanni snorted and turned the bottle again. This time she did not turn to Li Linger, but turned to Lucy.

"I am a big adventure." Lucy is worried that if the person asking the question asks if you have had such a problem with your first love, you must be at a loss, so it is a big adventure, and the province is embarrassed.

After Lucy turned the bottle again, she stopped at Su Yanni's body. Perhaps it was to vent her anger. Su Yanni actually let Lucy confess to Li Linger's love, and then recorded it with her mobile phone! This directly angered Lucy, so a group of women in the villa actually launched a magical moment, but it was a very interesting war for Zhao Tiezhu.

First of all, Lucy let Su Yanni wear a dress that is said to be bought at noon. After Zhao Tiezhu saw it, she was stupid, because Su Yanni’s boat turned out to be a tight-fitting thermal underwear! This set of thermal underwear, Su Yanni's body is perfectly displayed, and the impact on Zhao Tiezhu is no less than Li Linger's Christmas costume. After that, Lucy got the opportunity to punish people, and this time, the object is Sun Jiaying, Sun Jiaying chose a big adventure, because Sun Jiaying is new, Lucy has no difficulty in Sun Jiaying, just simply let Sun Jiaying choose one The person kissed the matter, and finally Sun Jiaying kissed Li Linger, which made Zhao Tiezhu very angry. It seemed that after so long, the buddy did not get anything! I can't always look at your side and come over there, there is nothing for me?

Zhao Tiezhu’s idea has not existed for a long time, and it has been transferred to the bottle! It was Zhao Tiezhu’s turn to be punished, and after Zhao Tiezhu turned the bottle, the bottle mouth was directed at Sun Jiaying!

Su Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his eyes wide open, and Zhao Tiezhu’s hair was suddenly erected.

It won't be this chick to let the buddies get along with them? Zhao Tiezhu thought to himself.

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