Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 1211: The secret of Cao Ziyi

The secret of Cao Ziyi in the first one hundred and twenty-one chapter

"Well, who are you going to ask?" Cao Ziyi took the bottle and smiled at the people around him, and the people around him looked forward to the look, and hoped that the bottle could be transferred to him because Cao Ziyi was present. Among the women, the most mysterious one. Although everyone does not usually say it, but those curiosity and doubts are getting stronger as time goes by! In the whole villa, Zhao Tiezhu knows the most about Cao Ziyi. Even Zhao Tiezhu is full of doubts about Cao Ziyi. Others only know that Cao Ziyi is a painter, and he is kind, can talk, and will do things, as if there is nothing to make Cao Ziyi embarrassed.

Cao Ziyi gently turned the bottle a bit. After the beer bottle turned two times, he slowly pointed the mouth - Zhao Tiezhu.

The joy of Zhao Tiezhu’s face can be said by Hao Tian.

"Oh, the iron column brother is really lucky, but, iron pillar brother, can you help me ask Ziyi a question?" Li Linger said.

Zhao Tiezhu shook his head decisively. "No."

"Iron column, what about me?" Su Yanni threw a wink to Zhao Tiezhu.

"No!" Zhao Tiezhu is shaking his head decisively.

"Iron column, can I? I am a foreign friend!"


"Iron pillar, I am a queen, as long as you ask me a question, I will give you a music CD that I have unique, and it is my signature!" Sun Jiaying tempted.

"No, no." Zhao Tiezhu always shook his head. "Whoever does not change, I have one of the biggest problems I want to ask, Yi, who, who said it is useless, wait for the next opportunity."

"Oh." A group of women had no time to help, and Cao Ziyi was smiling with a smile, and even looked at Zhao Tiezhu a little curious. In fact, she also wanted to know that Zhao Tiezhu would ask something.

"Well, I asked, don't bother you if you wait!" Zhao Tiezhu looked at the people around him seriously and said.

"Good! Firm and not noisy!" The sisters around agreed to nod.

Zhao Tiezhu stared at Cao Ziyi and said slowly, "Zi Yi, are you related to Si Ru?"

Cao Ziyi squinted a little, then narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want to know?"

"Well, I really want to know!" Zhao Tiezhu's face was unprecedentedly serious.

"How do you say it." Cao Ziyi's face also showed a little thought, and then in the eyes that Zhao Tiezhu looked forward to, Cao Ziyi nodded and said, "It's related."

"I will know." Zhao Tiezhu broke out in the eyes of a burst of light, and then it was a moment to restore calm, "But, Yi Yi, I think, you are you, Si Ru is Si Ru, you say yes?"

"Yes!" Cao Ziyi nodded with a smile and said, "If you still want to know, you have to wait for the next opportunity."

"I don't want to know." Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "It's all old, it's useless to know, are you saying?"

"Really!" Cao Ziyi nodded. "She is her, I am me, different."

"You two are playing riddles." Su Yanni and other women's eyes flashed with a look of gossip watching Zhao Tiezhu and Cao Ziyi, Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "Of course it is a mystery, you IQ is not enough, so you can't see it."

"Go to death!" The girls erected the **** without any grace, facing Zhao Tiezhu.

Then the goddess of fate began to play with everyone's feelings. It has been playing until nearly eleven o'clock. When everyone is playing with a bit of interest, they have not even transferred to Cao Ziyi once, which makes everyone with a heart of gossip Very dissatisfied but also helpless.

"Okay, just play here." Su Yanni took the bottle and said, "It's not too late, let's take a break."

"Wait!" Zhao Tiezhu stopped the people who were about to leave and said, "Don't you say that you want to give me a mysterious reward? Reward?"

"Ah?! Oh! You don't say we forgot." Su Yanni suddenly realized, immediately said, "The reward is in your gift, you can go back and see, remember, the blue box inside, it is me. For you!"

"Red is what I sent you!" Li Linger said.

"Mys is yellow," Lucy said.

"My is purple." Sun Jiaying said.

"My, it is white." Cao Ziyi said with a smile, "You should not be disappointed."

When Zhao Tiezhu heard everyone say this, he immediately went upstairs with full expectation, then locked the door, pulled the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and took out the gifts he had received.

The first one to open is the blue box, which is the gift of Su Yanni.

When Zhao Tiezhu opened it, he was stagnant in an instant.

This is a piece of cloth-like thing. However, after Zhao Tiezhu unfolded the fabric, he suddenly found out that this turned out to be a **** and violent male swimsuit!

A deep v-neck, directly to the bottom of the navel, and then a small piece of cloth in the middle allows you to wrap the private parts, the other is vacuum! Yes, it is a thorough vacuum.

"I rely on, this... this is too exciting!" Zhao Tiezhu compared the swimsuit to the body, and then put it aside, and then it was the red box. This is the gift that Li Linger gave him. Zhao Tiezhu opened it. Inside, it turned out to be a small bottle with a little red liquid in the bottle and a card under the bottle.

"Iron column brother, this is my spiritual hallucinogen carefully developed. It is more powerful than the second generation. When you see your favorite girl, use this, haha, to ensure success."

Zhao Tiezhu looked at the contents of the card, then looked at the bottle and decisively put the bottle in the dark cell of his own dominoes. This is a big killer. Zhao Tiezhu firmly believes that he will not use it. Pick up the girl, guarantee by personality!

In the yellow box, it is a small box. Next to the box, Lucy also puts a piece of paper. The production is an English word, lubricant.

Zhao Tiezhu's English is not good, so I don't know what the lubricant is. In the spirit of eagerness to learn, Zhao Tiezhu opened the phone and translated the word. The result showed Zhao Tiezhu startled.

"Run...lubrication, agent?" Zhao Tiezhu rushed to open the small box, and sure enough, it turned out to be a box of men's body lubrication, agent, and still imported products, marked with men and men dedicated!

"My grass, this is too heavy!" Zhao Tiezhu directly hid the lubricant in the dark grid. If the gun is rusted afterwards, it can be used!

Another one is Sun Jiaying, Zhao Tiezhu opened it and looked at it. Nothing special, there is a cd inside, and there is a sentence from Sun Jiaying.

"It seems like we haven't heard my songs alone at home, which makes me resentful and gives you a copy of my album. You should listen well, don't be captivated by my songs!"

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and collected the cd, and then only the white box was left. This is Cao Ziyi.

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