"Ah?" Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu with amazement, and then saw Zhao Tiezhu grabbed a hand on the red line.

Zhao Tiezhu just wanted to use force.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu felt something wrong.

This kind of wrong is a feeling that there is no source at all, because Zhao Tiezhu’s sixth sense is now strong enough to a certain realm, and this kind of realm will make Zhao Tiezhu have a strong face when facing some very hanging things. Insufficient to not.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu saw a man and a woman coming out of the hotel, he could feel it.

When I touched this red line, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart squinted.

"No, not this!"

Zhao Tiezhu’s mind suddenly jumped out of the column and touched the blue wire without any hesitation.

However, I don’t know why, when I touched this wire, Zhao Tiezhu actually felt the same.

And these two feelings directly let Zhao Tiezhu have a certainty!

These two wires can't be removed!

As for why can't it be removed? Zhao Tiezhu can only say that this is an intuition, which stems from his experience of so many years of **** rain.

Why can't both be removed? If neither of them can be removed, what should I do? Could it be true that Sun Jiaying was killed and killed with himself?

However, in addition to these two lines, it seems that there is no third line!

Zhao Tiezhu frowned.

Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu’s eyes lit up.

Since it is wrong to find out with your sixth sense, why not be right?

Zhao Tiezhu said that he would do it, and now, time has entered ten seconds.

Zhao Tiezhu touched his hands on the two wires, and then tried to calm down his already a little anxiety and began to feel the two wires.

These things are very suspenseful, but they are actually a kind of predictive ability for danger.

Just, is it really easy to calm down?

The number on the LCD monitor is ringing, and the sound is heard in the ear, just like the reminder song. The heart can't help but follow the sound quickly.

In only five seconds left.

Zhao Tiezhu’s heart finally calmed down.

Then, Zhao Tiezhu felt it!

He felt a very magical thing.

In these two lines, it seems that .com also hides two very thin lines. And that is the two very thin lines that make Zhao Tiezhu’s heart burst into hair.

Zhao Tiezhu simply couldn’t think too much, just pick up the broken army and brush the rubber outside the red wire directly.


Inside the red rubber, there are two copper wires, one is a normal copper wire, which is thicker, and the other is a thin copper wire that looks like a hair.

Subsequently, Zhao Tiezhu cut the rubber of the blue wire.

The inside is the same situation!

Zhao Tiezhu is a bit clear in a flash!

It seems that these two lines, no matter which one you cut off, will make the strips, which will cut the small copper wire that looks like a hair, and once the small copper wire is cut.

At this time, time is only two seconds left!

Zhao Tiezhu did not find a line, and then broke the army on the top.

The copper wire of this line was cut directly, and the small copper wire that was as small as the hair was not damaged.

Time, jumped to one, and then, when I was about to go to 0, stopped.


A slight card-sounding sound, Zhao Tiezhu’s cold sweat slid down instantly, and when he saw that the explosives did not explode, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart was finally put down.

"Call. Hanging." Zhao Tiezhu wiped the sweat on his forehead. This time it is very hanging. It is a common person to change. Even if you know that these two .com lines are hidden in the main line, keep this. The roots of the west line continue, this requires a very skilled knife, but fortunately, Zhao Tiezhu does not say that the dagger is playing, but it is only a matter of seconds to cut an apple.

Sun Jiaying's face was almost white without blood. When the number jumped to 1, Sun Jiaying felt that she must die this time.

At such a moment, Sun Jiaying suddenly felt that in her life, it seems that in addition to the cause, there is no pursuit of nothing.

When a person is going to die, there will be a feeling of great understanding, and Sun Jiaying, at such a moment, has a great understanding.

Of course, this is not to say that Sun Jiaying has become a saint since then, but Sun Jiaying feels that in his life, when he pursues the peak of his career, can he stop and look at the people or things around him, can he pursue a little other pursuit? For example, the kind of things that men and women in their twenties need most.


Can I try to chase after love?

In Sun Jiaying's view, it is really a bit early to fall in love at this time. Although she is already in her twenties, Sun Jiaying feels that her career can continue to rise and she can have better development. Then, talking about fetishes will undoubtedly distract yourself, and if one's energy is dispersed, it is likely to be half the effort. This must not be what you want to see, and it seems that there is really no one who can make it. A man who likes it very much. However, when he found that his statement is likely to end in the next second, Sun Jiaying was surprised to find that his so-called love was actually full of wills.

Then, Sun Jiaying saw the man who was in front of him and his face was full of perseverance.

Some people say that men are the most attractive when they are serious.

This is actually true.

At that time, Zhao Tiezhu was concentrating on the control of the army and removing the main line. The movements made Sun Jiaying’s heart tremble fiercely.

A man may be a woman because of his appearance, and a woman may also fall in love with a man because of a man's movements and looks.

At such a moment, there is a man who is willing to stay with you and even die together, which is enough to completely fall a woman who has not experienced the baptism of love.

In the case that the number is about to jump to 0, Sun Jiaying has a kind of idea that if he can die with his landlord, it is also very good idea.

However, both of them survived after all.

Sun Jiaying’s body is shaking and there is fear, but there is another kind of emotion in it.

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