Zhao Tiezhu rushed out in a cool shower. The water drops on his hair were still hanging on the hair. The lower body was just like last night. He was only surrounded by a bath towel. His upper body muscles were strong and the lines of the whole body looked extraordinarily strong at this time.

Zhao Tiezhu pulled a towel and rubbed his hair. He looked at Sun Jiaying lying in bed, Zhao Tiezhu smiled. At this time, Sun Jiaying even gave the quilt directly to his head.

Zhao Tiezhu threw the towel to the side and said, "Jia Ying, have you slept?"

Sun Jiaying snorted in the quilt and did not speak again.

"Since you are asleep, I have to change clothes. Don't peek at it." Zhao Tiezhu said.


Zhao Tiezhu smiled and pulled the towel on his body. Then he walked to the side of the suitcase and opened the baggage. He found underwear in it, and Sun Jiaying still stuffed his head under the quilt.

Hearing the sound coming from outside, Sun Jiaying’s heart was called a curiosity.

"Does he wear clothes now?"

"What would it look like if he didn't wear clothes?"

Sun Jiaying’s thoughts in the heads of the seven hundred and eighty-eight were immediately shook his head. "When did I become so embarrassed, I even thought of a man who didn't wear clothes."

However, although the mouth said so, but Sun Jiaying’s curiosity was not reduced, finally, Sun Jiaying’s curiosity succeeded in defeating the so-called moral code in his heart. Sun Jiaying secretly pulled the quilt down and then put his head. Looking out a little out, a pair of eyes just exposed from the quilt, Sun Jiaying saw a smirk face.


Sun Jiaying screamed. When she saw that the owner of the face was Zhao Tiezhu, Sun Jiaying seemed to be a child who was found to have made a mistake. He covered the quilt tightly on his face.

"Are you peeping at me?" Zhao Tiezhu asked with a smirk.


Sun Jiaying shook his head decisively in the quilt.

"Then what did you do just now?" Zhao Tiezhu sat down with a smile, then pulled the quilt up and covered it.

The question from Sun Jiaying was passed directly from the side.

"I... I am stuffy." Sun Jiaying said, "Get out of breath."

"Isn't that boring now?" Zhao Tiezhu lay down and asked.

"Not boring."

"Then you are going to sleep at night like this?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Well, I am used to this, it is very good, not cold!" Sun Jiaying replied.

"That's up with you." Zhao Tiezhu's face flashed a smirk, and then twisted his body.

After a few seconds.


Sun Jiaying directly opened the quilt and then waved in front of one hand.

"You fart!"

Sun Jiaying screamed.

"Positive solution." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I have eaten soy beans this evening, so... you know, it's so comfortable, you can continue to sleep with a quilt, anyway, I may have to put a lot of farts at night."

"You... you are disgusting!" Sun Jiaying said with a grin. "How can you be so disgusting!"

"Fart is the temper of human beings. It is even more important to the martial arts. How can you say disgusting?" Zhao Tiezhu said seriously. "The last time you caught a cold, I still gave you a lot of gas. Those can actually It’s a fart, why don’t you see you say disgusting?”

"Ah! You are so disgusting, I am going to sleep, ignore you. If you want to fart, remember to say to me, I am ready to do it." Sun Jiaying said, lying down and turning around. Back against Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and turned his body, facing Sun Jiaying's back, and then gently placed his hand on Sun Jiaying's small waist, slowly moving from the waist to the abdomen.

Sun Jiaying’s body was a little tight, but then she relaxed.

Zhao Tiezhu moved and moved to Sun Jiaying. The whole body was almost tightly attached to Sun Jiaying's back.

Sun Jiaying felt the burning sensation of Zhao Tiezhu’s hand, and then felt the warmth on the buttocks behind him. The whole body’s temperature brushed up and Zhao Tiezhu’s hand continued to move up, slowly coming. Sun Jiaying's chest position, then, Zhao Tiezhu's hand suddenly paused.

"You didn't wear underwear!" Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"How do you wear underwear when you sleep?" said Sun Jiaying, "sleeping in underwear is very bad for the body!"

"Really, it is not good for your body to my body!" Zhao Tiezhu smiled and put Sun Jiaying's petite chest tightly on his hand, then...

The next move is naturally a bit unsuitable for children. Of course, everyone is a pure person. They also ate milk when they were young, so everyone should not think about it. When Zhao Tiezhu and Sun Jiaying are studying the structure of the human chest.

Zhao Tiezhu’s milk-clawing dragon claws have already been practiced as pure as fire, and there is such a fascinating power. The rookie in the bed like Sun Jiaying was decisively destroyed by Zhao Tiezhu’s claws, which destroyed all the body and underpants. Line of defense.

I don't know how, Sun Jiaying's body has turned over, facing Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu's hands don't know how to put them on Sun Jiaying's chest. Their mouths are sticking to their mouths, doing the tongue fight. The matter, and the thighs of the two are also rubbing each other from time to time.

Zhao Tiezhu released his hand and moved his body backwards. Then he looked at Sun Jiaying and said, "Ask you again, regret it?"

"No regrets, no regrets." Sun Jiaying nodded seriously.

Zhao Tiezhu smiled and turned over and pressed it up.

Sun Jiaying looked at Zhao Tiezhu with his eyes blurred, watching Zhao Tiezhu’s evil smile, and the sharp-eyed face. He only felt that the whole person was happy and fainted.

Zhao Tiezhu gently separated Sun Jiaying's slightly split legs, and then kneaded a hand three inches below Sun Jiaying's waist.

"Hey." Sun Jiaying raised his hands and circled Zhao Tiezhu's neck. A pair of ** also wrapped around Zhao Tiezhu's waist, and then pressed Zhao Tiezhu's body tightly together with her.

"Oh, it seems that you are quite active." Zhao Tiezhu smiled and controlled the small iron pillar, and after groping the road ahead, the waist was forced to move forward.

Sun Jiaying's legs entangled in Zhao Tiezhu's waist fiercely clamped Zhao Tiezhu's waist. The whole body's upper body was unconsciously lifted up, and the teeth bite on the lips, and the whole person made a snoring sound.

Since then, Sun Jiaying has been charged by Zhao Tiezhu. Became another woman of Zhao Tiezhu.

More exciting content is worth looking forward to...

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