Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2076: the power of nature

"The egg is finished!" Braun sat in the car, watching the car being pushed a little bit into the river. For a moment, the whole person felt soft, although the car was tied with a rope on one side, but God knows when This rope has to be disconnected? Even if the rope is not broken, if the entire car is soaked with water, then you don't have to die?

Anyway, in any case, both sides are dead!

"I don't want to die!" Braun grabbed the handrails helplessly and looked at the yellow torrents outside the window. There was a feeling of crying for a moment. (_%%)

at this time.

A black thing suddenly came out of the water.

That is human hair!

Then, under the hair is a face full of perseverance.

Braun can be sure that he has never been so happy to see Zhao Tiezhu.

As if to grasp the last life-saving straw, Bailing exclaimed, "Zhao Tiezhu, come and save me!"

Zhao Tiezhu just struggled out of the water at this time. When Hong Feng came over, he directly drowned Zhao Tiezhu, and Zhao Tiezhu did not have the first time to get out of the water, but a jack-up and gave his body. Sinking into the water, the legs broke out with great strength, and the bridge deck was directly cracked, and two pits were stepped out, while the upper body was forced to withstand the car, and the car was not rushed into the river by the flood peak.

At that time, Zhao Tiezhu fully felt the power of nature, and his power was placed in human beings. It was all top-notch. In the face of flood peaks, even Zhao Tiezhu broke out all the strength, even in the air. Do not use it, but still only let the car move slowly, nothing more.

Fortunately, this mountain torrent is coming quickly. It is only a dozen seconds. The flood peak has passed, and Zhao Tiezhu has stabilized the car. After that, Zhao Tiezhu emerged from the water.

As soon as he came out of the water, Zhao Tiezhu heard someone calling himself, and looking at it, a familiar face but actually strange face appeared in the window.

"This person... I seem to have seen it!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at Bailing and frowned. Although he felt that he had seen it himself, he really forgot where he had seen it. In fact, it is no wonder that Zhao Tiezhu could not remember that Zhao Tiezhu had only met with Bailing, and the only time he met. The Braun is still wearing national costumes. Now Bai Ling is not only a white face, but also a pear flower with a tinge of rain. The clothes on the body are just simple t-shirts. Compared with Zhao Tiezhu’s first meeting, the difference is poor. Too much.

Zhao Tiezhu can't think of where he has seen this person. He simply doesn't want to, but now is not the time to think about it!

Zhao Tiezhu turned directly and pulled the rope and rushed to the shore.

It took only a dozen seconds for Zhao Tiezhu to return to the shore.

"This is just a flood peak. Waiting for the water will definitely continue to rise. When the car continues to stay there, it will be washed away. So, we have to hurry up!" Zhao Tiezhu said to the murder.

"Well!" Nodded and nodded, although the water on the shore had already drowned the knees, but what Zhao Tiezhu said, quit will never say no.

Zhao Tiezhu stood directly on the shore, then grabbed the top of the rope with both hands, and rushed to the front, grabbed the rope, and the younger brothers of the Blood Soul Hall also came up.

A total of ten people were not there. When they grabbed the rope, they wanted to pull the bus to the shore.

The strength of Zhao Tiezhu’s body broke out. The whole rope was tightly stretched, just like the steel cable on the overpass. The rope made a squeaking sound, which was the sound of the rope when it was fully tightened.

Zhao Tiezhu’s strength is very great. At least in normal times, a person pulls a bus and plays like it, but at the moment, the car is full of people, and there is the power of the flood. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu’s outside with a squad, etc. Several people used the strength to eat milk, and they did not even pull the car.

"My grass, how is it so heavy!" Zhao Tiezhu bit his teeth, and the whole body lay down in a dead end, stepping on the ground with one foot and directly stepping out the concrete floor to two pits.

After pulling for a dozen seconds, I saw that the car still had no movement. Zhao Tiezhu felt that I couldn’t wait, because if I continued, the car could not move. It’s better to squat now that the water has not drowned the car, and hurry to save one by one. When you can save a few, you will save a few.

Just as Zhao Tiezhu planned to go back, several young people rushed over from the side.

"We help you pull!" cried these people.

"Thank you!"

Seeing these people, Zhao Tiezhu’s heart is a joy. Although these people do not have much power, the so-called crushing camels is the last straw. Maybe these people will come in and move themselves. What? The car is the most difficult thing to do when you first start pulling. If he has inertia, it is much simpler to pull it up.

"Don't be thankful, after seeing what you've done, if we don't do anything, then it's really not a human!" said the youngest handsome man among the young people.

"Well, everyone cheers together!" Zhao Tiezhu grabbed the rope with both hands, and then waited for a few young people to pull the rope, Zhao Tiezhu cautiously shouted, ", force!"


Killing and screaming, and madly, the power of the body will burst out.

Just... that car, there is still no movement.

"It's still not enough!" Zhao Tiezhu is really anxious. There is not much time in the moment. In a few minutes, the water will really wash away the car. Then the person who died will not be so simple. .

At this moment, several people rushed over. These people were all people who were surrounded by people. At the moment, they saw Zhao Tiezhu and others who were dead, and these people could not help but rushed down.

The power of the example is huge. In less than a minute, no less than ten people rushed over.

Under the unified command of Zhao Tiezhu, these people came to the strength of eating milk.

Huang Tian pays off.

The bus finally moved slowly, and after the initial inertia, the car slowly slowed down under the traction of Zhao Tiezhu and others.

It was about forty meters away, slowly turning into thirty meters, then twenty meters.

Just as everyone cheered and encouraged to pull the car to the shore.

Suddenly, another flash flooded from the upper reaches, and this mountain torrent was several times larger than it was just now.

"Everyone withdraws first, here is dangerous!" Zhao Tiezhu called.

"Grass, to withdraw and withdraw!" someone called.

"Come on, the last twenty meters!" someone shouted.

Zhao Tiezhu was too late to feel the emotions. The muscles of his hands were tight and the force was fierce. The car was pulled directly to a place ten meters away from the shore, and that Hongfeng, just rubbing the car, rushed to the downstream!

(There are book friends in the book review area who questioned why Zhao Tiezhu did not hurry up and walked over. In fact, if people who walked in the river understood it, the faster you rush, the more unstable the center of gravity, the more It is easy to be washed away by water. It is a step by step, to stabilize the center of gravity to go far. In addition, do not underestimate the power of nature. Any individual or organization or even a country is in the face of nature.

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