Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Chapter 2392: See also Ouyang Ying

"Is Brother, you haven't called people since you came to sh!"

The voice of Ouyang Ying at the other end of the phone was slightly blamed. ""

Zhao Tiezhu, a glimpse, seems to have come to sh for so many days, and really forgot to look for this Ouyang Ying who worships what he worships.

Of course, Zhao Tiezhu is not an idiot, naturally he will not say that he has forgotten.

Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I am not busy, these days are a lot of things, you know, I am not coming to play, is to learn!"

"Hey, that iron brother is busy with you." Ouyang Ying said a little wronged, "You are a busy person, Ying Ying is just a little nurse."

"I can't say this. You are the woman I booked. How can I call it just a little nurse!" Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile. "I just thought about not calling my family Yingying for a long time. I don't want to call her, but I am worried that you have to go to work. I called this phone. If it affects how you go to work, what if you are found by your leader to call you? It!"

"It's okay to pull, brother of iron pillar, as long as you want me to call me, I will secretly pick it up, hey, big deal, I ran into the toilet." Ouyang Ying said with a smile.

"Then you are in the toilet now?" Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"No, people are pulling at lunch break." Ouyang Ying said, "Is brother of Iron Pillar, are you going to class in the afternoon?"

"After the afternoon?" Zhao Tiezhu thought for a while and said, "No class in the afternoon, what happened?"

"Then you can come and see people in the afternoon?" Ouyang Ying said with hope, "I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"This? No problem!" Zhao Tiezhu agreed to the mouth and said, "Where are you?"

"I am in Xuhui District xxx, **** private hospital!" Ouyang Ying said, "Iron brother, I have to call me, I will pick you up!"

"no problem."

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu called Chen Lingshan and said that he had to go to eat with people in the afternoon. Chen Lingshan did not ask much. The two chatted a few words and then hung up.

Zhao Tiezhu did not have a car at this time. Therefore, Zhao Tiezhu had to go to the school gate first, and then the taxi went to the place agreed with Ouyang Ying.

When the car was still on the road, Zhao Tiezhu received another call. This phone made Zhao Tiezhu a bit strange, and was called by Lao Tao.

"Iron column, your dormitory problem, I have already arranged for you, just in your class!" Lao Tao said with a smile.

"Oh? Then I don't have to live with Ye Shishi?" Zhao Tiezhu asked in a happy heart.

"Of course, if you are a lonely man, if you live in a dormitory, you can't say it right? Your dormitory arrangement, I have already told your counselor, you will contact him this evening, and he will take you there. Past!" said Lao Tao.

"Thank you for Professor Tao." Zhao Tiezhu said with gratitude.

"no, I'm fine."

Hanging up the phone, Zhao Tiezhu is somewhat relieved. When I don’t know that Ye Shishi is his cousin, Zhao Tiezhu actually likes to live with Ye Shishi. It’s still beautiful, and it’s beautiful, and it’s the best. Zhao Tiezhu does not have much hobbies in this product. Beauty is one of them. If Zhao Tiezhu enters the legend one day, it may be the legend of picking up a girl. However, after knowing that Ye Shishi is actually his cousin, Zhao Tiezhu has no idea. In particular, this Ye Shi poem still gives you the next medicine, which makes Zhao Tiezhu’s pressure suddenly a bit big, and no one is thief every day?

This Tao professor actually arranged Zhao Tiezhu’s dormitory at this time. This is what Zhao Tiezhu’s mind is, so Zhao Tiezhu has a feeling of relaxing at this time.

Soon, the taxi came to the agreed place with Zhao Tiezhu.

When I got out of the car, I was surprised by Zhao Tiezhu in a snow-white building. This private hospital looks like a public hospital in terms of scale, but the traffic is obviously smaller than that of public hospitals. Moreover, Parked at the entrance of the hospital, a good car in the water, the worst is the Toyota Camry Honda Accord and so on, if you are a qq Alto, are embarrassed to stop inside.

"I am here."

After Zhao Tiezhu sent a text message to Ouyang Ying, he waited patiently at the hospital entrance.

At this moment, an ambulance screamed from a distance, and then slammed down at the hospital door. Several doctors and nurses pushed down a car on a stretcher, and then Zhao Tiezhu went back. I saw several military green jeep rushed into the hospital with an ambulance and parked next to the ambulance.

Zhao Tiezhu was originally standing near the door. Seeing such a huge fleet of cars, Zhao Tiezhu hid his body to the side.

On the stretcher, Zhao Tiezhu vaguely saw an old man. The old man squinted and looked okay. He just didn’t know why he was lying on the stretcher. From those military green cars, he got some strong camouflage clothes. The soldiers, these people rushed into the hospital with the doctors.

"The people in the military region."

Zhao Tiezhu quickly judged the origin of this group of people, but Zhao Tiezhu did not continue to understand the interest, if everything wants to know, then Zhao Tiezhu will not live now.

Soon after the group entered, the shadow of Ouyang Ying appeared at the door.

Ouyang Ying, wearing a white robe, is not as **** as a female nurse in the Japanese love action movie, but in the eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, it is a bit more youthful and temperament, giving a true angel. General feeling.

"Iron brother, you come to pull!"

Ouyang Ying ran to Zhao Tiezhu, then opened his arms and directly held Zhao Tiezhu in his arms.

Zhao Tiezhu naturally stretched out and held it together with Ouyang Ying.

"Iron brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, I want to die Yingying!" Ouyang Ying said excitedly.

"Isn't that seen? You, you, the boss is not a small person." Zhao Tiezhu reluctantly patted Ouyang Ying's head and said, "How are you still used to live here?"

"Habit, here is not the same as the military hospitals, there are soldiers, there are people here, it feels different, but also more difficult, but these people have to deal with!" Ouyang Ying proudly said, " According to our head nurse, my performance for one or two months is enough to be the head of the head nurse."

“Really?” Zhao Tiezhu asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true! Don't say it, Tiezhu brother, let's go, go in with me, I will let you see where I work."

Speaking, Ouyang Ying walked into the hospital with Zhao Tiezhu’s hand. When she first entered the hospital, a middle-aged woman ran over.

"Ying Ying, come with me soon!" middle-aged woman cried.

"What's wrong? Head nurse."

"There is an emergency, hurry up!"

"Okay!" Ouyang Ying promised, and looked at Zhao Tiezhu apologetically and said, "Iron sister, I am sorry, there is an emergency, I have to help."

"It's okay, go." Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "I strolled by myself."

"Well, then I will come to you when I am busy!" Ouyang Ying followed the middle-aged head nurse and ran upstairs.

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