Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2621: Boxing!


Rain, finally pouring down

Chen Lingshan stood calmly in the rain, letting her body wet with rain. In her eyes, there was only one person, Zhao Tiezhu.

Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Langtian rushed out almost at the same time after preliminary temptations.

Extremely fast

It’s almost raining, it’s like there is no way to hit them.

Zhao Tiezhu’s fist, with Shi’s fist, directly hits the front of the air.

Shi Yutian’s fist made Shi Yutian’s name a legend. The strength contained in this fist has reached its peak. Moreover, this seemingly sparse punch has already contained countless changes in it. These changes are so small that the average person can’t see it at all.

After this pair of punches, Zhao Tiezhu suddenly understood that this person is not simple.

This fist has already erupted over 90% of the power. Now, the self of this state, over 90% of the power, is already quite amazing. If you change yourself a few days ago, you must achieve such a strong force. Unless it breaks out beyond 100% of the power, it can be achieved, and if it breaks out 100% of the force, it will definitely damage the body.

Such a strong punch is just like a big fight in front of the old man. This is really a little scary.

Zhao Tiezhu was shocked, but Shi Langtian was shocked.

Shi Haotian is best at fists, so when he saw Zhao Tiezhu and his fists, it was really happy to say nothing. At the moment, Shi Haotian broke out 100% of the power, and secretly applied A few tricks, these skills are enough to remove 30% of the opponent's strength

According to Shi Langtian's calculations, it is estimated that he can solve the young man in front of him with a punch. However, the situation that the young man he expected to fly out did not happen. On the contrary, the young man did not move. Standing in place

A thunderbolt smashed the sky, and the thunder light was on Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Haotian's face.

Shi Haotian’s surprised look is still there, Zhao Tiezhu, but he responded quickly.

a bunch of combination punches

Zhao Tiezhu’s quick attack on Shi Tiantian launched an attack.

Shi Haotian’s reaction was not slow. Zhao Tiezhu’s attack had just come. Shi Haotian stepped back a small step, then clasped his hands and slammed up with Zhao Tiezhu.

Rain, the two people’s fists became a mist

The figure of two people slowly became blurred

The fists of two people once again collided in the air, and this time, Zhao Tiezhu raised the power to 100%.

This punch allows the rain around the two people to be shot by the gas, a wave of ripples, as the rain spreads.

Originally, this kind of shock wave is invisible, but because of the great rain, the shock wave is particularly obvious.

The rain that was shot and hit, not far from Shi Wenxi and Chen Lingshan, there was a feeling of pain in the faint

The two of them touched each other, and Shi Haotian actually took a step back, but Zhao Tiezhu still remained motionless.

"how is this possible"

Shi Haotian screamed, hands raised, gas stagnation Dantian, then, the gas madly spewed out, into the fist

Pegasus Meteor Fist

Shi’s fist seemed to have turned into a meteor, and attacked Zhao Tiezhu. Even the raindrops that fell, it seems that there are no more fists.

Zhao Tiezhu did not retreat, but stepped forward step by step, and the spirit of the gods soared to over 100%.

Ten thousand meteor-like fists, in the eyes of Zhao Tiezhu, are slowly becoming less and less, and the lightning-fast fists are slowing and slowing down.

"Give me a stop"

Zhao Tiezhu shouted and his hands suddenly opened his fingers.


Two crisp sounds

The tens of thousands of boxing shadows disappeared.

Shi Tiantian’s fist was caught by Zhao Tiezhu’s hard-working

It’s a hard catch, not Zhao Tiezhu blocking or blocking

"how is this possible"

Shi Haotian was shocked to the extent that he couldn’t attach. He had a meteor fist, but he was a master of ancient boxing inherited from Shenzhou. The man was called Seiya. Later, the Japanese brazenly used the name of the man and the famous stunt. Draw a step in the cartoon in Japan, but also caused a considerable sensation

This day, the meteor fist is a fist that uses quick attack, which gives people a feeling that they have a million fists. Then they change their fists between the virtual and the real, and then reach the opponent’s goal. But it takes quite a quick punch.

Fast, this is the most exquisite place in this boxing method.

However, even with such a fast fist, Zhao Tiezhu grabbed his fist with both hands, which is simply something that only people can do.

Under the horrified eyes of Shi Langtian, Zhao Tiezhu’s mouth screamed and shouted, “It’s too slow to fly to Laozi”

Shi Haotian did not react, and he felt that the whole person suddenly left the ground.

Looking closely, Zhao Tiezhu actually took his own hands and raised his whole person, and then he felt a whirlwind.

I was thrown out by Zhao Tiezhu.

a muffled sound

Shi Haotian fell heavily on the runway not far away, rolled a few times, and then quickly stood up.

Under this circumstance, there was no harm to Shi Langtian at all, but the shock to Shi Haotian was incomprehensible.

"How could you be so powerful?" Shi Yantian said with shock.

"I don't know how I am so powerful."

Zhao Tiezhu said with a smile, "This is just the beginning. Next, I still have a lot to show."

"It seems that I should not treat you as a simple younger generation."

Shi Haotian clenched his fist and said, "Next, I have to use my fame."

"very welcome"

Zhao Tiezhu squinted and said, "This time, I also let you see my famous stunt."

"Your fame stunt?"

Shi Haotian’s face showed an interesting look. “Well, then, if I can’t bring you down, it’s me.”


Zhao Tiezhu laughed and said, "Looking at your skills, or my stunts."

Shi Haotian smiled and did not continue to speak, but raised his hands and closed his eyes slightly.

At this time, Shi Haotian’s spirit of the whole person has also changed.

If Shi’s gas field is strong, it’s strong now.

Zhao Tiezhu’s look is also dignified.

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