Assassin Landlord & Beauty Tenants

Vol 2 Chapter 2642: God officer

For the next step, Zhao Tiezhu was surprised to find that the devils that could have been seen from time to time were all gone. It seems that those people have evaporated. (_--)

On the way, only the faint light flashed.

There is a slight **** smell in the air.

This taste came from behind Zhao Tiezhu.

On this road, Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Yutian both killed a total of 73 people, including 37 Zhao Tizhu and 36 Shi Shitian.

Of course, the people who met along the way must have more than 73 people, and many of them ran. This is quite helpless. Zhao Tiezhu is quite helpless. He will not split his body. People have to run. You may chase one or two, but ten. Come to a scattered run, how do you chase?

“Is it found that people are getting less!”

Shi Haotian looked around and said, "No one!"


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said, "And the atmosphere has become a bit wrong."

"Don't they use missiles to kill us here!"

Shi Haotian suddenly said.


Zhao Tiezhu shook his head. "The missile has a big target. If you don't wait for him to fall, we will find that when we run again, we will definitely have time. It is better to take a bunch of submachine guns and shoot at us. This may be a little effective!"

"How come no one!" Shi Yantian said with a puzzled voice, "Is it difficult to be beaten?"

"Impossible, Japanese, if you really want to fight, he is half dead. He can't be afraid. How many people have we killed now? More than 70, there are hundreds of people here, and it is impossible. There is no master, the guest who said before the door, I believe it must be Abe Jinming, this time the Yamaguchi group grasps the intention of Jia Ying and Feng Gang is very obvious, in order to lead me, lead me, why? To avenge his apprentice, and the Master avenged his apprentice, Master can't come, how can it?" Zhao Tiezhu said.

"Well, then?" asked Shi Haotian.

"Since Abe is here and now, the yin and yang apprentices that Abe and I have come out are absolutely impossible to appear!" said Zhao Tiezhu. "Although those are not very good things, they are used to consume their physical strength." However, there is absolutely no problem. It is impossible to see what is happening now, a situation that no one has!" said Zhao Tiezhu.

"Not a single person."

Shi Haotian said, suddenly stepped back.


A gunshot.

A bullet hit the original position of Shi Langtian.


Zhao Tiezhu bent over and picked up a stone from the ground. He turned directly and threw it out somewhere.


A sound.

Immediately, a person fell from a tree in the distance.

"Don't you change the ambush?" Zhao Tiezhu said with confusion.

"As far as this level is concerned, it is useless to fight ambushes."

Shi Tiantian said disdainfully, "I haven't fired yet, and the murderousness leaks, it's too weak."

Zhao Tiezhu did not speak, but continued to move forward.

No matter what intrigues he has, anyway, his goal is to take his woman away, it is as simple as that.

Anything that is in front of you, he will tear him apart, and that's it.

It took about ten minutes to go. In the ten minutes, no one appeared any more, and even those who even ambushed were gone.

All the way is calm.

Zhao Tiezhu has even walked to the place where he can see the headquarters of the Yamaguchi group, and there are still no ones.

Just when Zhao Tiezhu wondered if the other party would give him an empty city plan.

A truck suddenly drove from a distance.

The trucks are not too slow, it seems that they are not going to hit Zhao Tiezhu, and even if the trucks are driving fast, Zhao Tiezhu and Shi Yutian are hiding, and there is no problem at all.

The truck stopped at about 50 meters in front of Zhao Tiezhu.

Immediately, the baffle of the bucket behind the truck was opened.


One by one jumped from the truck's body.

Looking at the bodies of these people, Zhao Tiezhu was shocked.

The bodies of these people are very strangely blue-purple, similar to ghosts. Moreover, these people’s bodies are very strong, even strong enough to make people feel awkward, and that one arm is actually better than Zhao Tiezhu’s. The legs are still thick!

On these people, there is a stick-like thing, some sticks are inserted in the joints, and some are inserted in the muscles, making people feel very infiltrated.

"What is this stuff!"

Zhao Tiezhu looked at these people in amazement. Suddenly, Zhao Tiezhu saw the eyes of these people.

All are empty, godless!

what's going on?

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for a person to have so-called empty and godless in the eyes, unless you are blind, otherwise your eyes will bring some of your emotions, but There is no emotion in the eyes of these people! It’s a little bit of emotion, it’s like walking dead.

Walking dead!

Yes, this is how they feel for Zhao Tiezhu.

"These people seem to have no soul!"

Shi Haotian frowned and said.


Zhao Tiezhu nodded and said. "And, the breath of life is very weak, but it gives people a very dangerous feeling!"

"This...a bit like the kind of thing that Xiangxi rushed to the corpse!"

Shi Haotian said.

"Xiangxi corpse corpse?"

"Well, the people who are rushing to the body, that is, the zombies in the mouth of normal people. However, those people rely on some skills to stimulate the nerves of the body. Although the body is not conscious, it can be carried out according to the instructions of the corpse. Actions such as jumping, and these people are obviously not dead, but the feeling for me is the same as those of the dead!" Shi said, "In my opinion, these people are more like the same year." A kind of thing that poison extends."


Zhao Tiezhu asked.

"Human form."

Shi Haotian said, "In that year, someone in Miaojiang discovered a poisonous insect. The poisonous insect can climb into the human brain and control some behaviors. Of course, it will not be very mysterious. At most, it will let you both hands and feet. It’s not working, sometimes doing some movements that you didn’t think about. Later, the sorcerers trained the poisonous worms and used them to control people. Later, they passed to Thailand and became the head-down technique. These people watched, we call those who are controlled, called human form, they are conscious, but they are manipulated, but then because this thing is too evil and difficult to practice, this technology is slowly lost. I just saw it from the information in my home."

"These people are just like human figures?" asked Zhao Tiezhu.

"Well, if it's really human, and the body is still so strong, it's hard to deal with!" Shi Haotian said earnestly.


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