Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 26 - A Typical Married Couple II

"How about we play a game before we sleep, now that we have gone all the way to the end?~" Halfway through their sleep, Fayette felt like doing something else, in all truth, the lust hadn't yet subsided, but after such a wonderful session of true lovemaking, lust seemed to be... unimportant.

"Oh? and what kind of game is that? sounds ominous to me..."

"The game where we say each other's truths to one another~"

"We have played that before, I never win." He sighed and embraced her harder, hoping they could just sleep and forget this game.

Two lovers telling each other their secrets, what could go wrong?

"Because you're the nastier one out of the two of us, and that's a lot to say... that's why I love that game~"

"Okay, Faye... okay... just say the topic..." He relented with an amused smile, how could he reject anything she proposes.

The last topic they played was 'public embarrassment'.

Something they did to embarrass each other in public.

She said that during a military presentation that was being watched by millions, she stepped on the wrong step of the ladder and fell on her butt... the person in charge of setting up the ladder was executed.

'No wonder you're in hell' that's what he said and he got scolded for his lack of 'pudor'.

Thankfully they met in hell and they're from different timelines, if they were in the same timeline, he'd have definitely murdered Fayette, beauty or not.

As for his 'public embarrassment', well... that's likely the reason she wants to play again.

He was recorded having sexual relationships with a female outside of his matrimony, the woman wasn't identified but despite his incredible reputation across the United Kingdom and Europe, he still got a great deal of hate and a lot of shame fell on his wife, Francesca.

He might have done worse things publicly, but this is no doubt, the matter of most embarrassment for him, more for his wife than himself, he'd really done something horrible to her.

Obviously, since then the beau blonde Fayette Blanchet hadn't stopped her intents on trying to play the game again trying to fish for more information!

"The topic is... who is that mysterious girl?~" She unashamedly stated her intentions, with their sweaty bodies joined together in the most primal of ways, does he dare reject her!?


He dares...

"Y-You! isn't it here where you try to spoil your woman!?"

"Who told you that? that's Texas' constitution, we're in Wyoming..."

"Don't play that card on me, Valentine Wagner... this is hell, not the United States!"

"What's the difference?" He smirked and gave her butt a playful squeeze.

"... I'll ignore that... I lived in the US for a long time you know, also, don't try to change the subject, I know that you're a scoundrel, it won't work on me!"

She pouted and squeezed his in return, it's bad but not that extreme...


"... change the topic and we will see..." he still tried to negotiate, he can't get out of this mess, he can only lower the backlash.

"I will change the topic but you can't reject again..." She set up her clauses as well.

"It's going to be worse, right?"

"Yes~ but you won't reject because you love me, right?~"



"O-Of course..."

"Good~ the topic is... who and how did you lose your virginity with!?~" She giggled and awaited his delighted acceptance.

"Rejec- UGH!" He felt his little brother get squeezed harshly inside that cave!


"Hmph! aren't you afraid that I will love you less after your answer?~" Second tactic, delude and coerce.

"Honey, you're deep inside and my womb is full, I think it's a little late..." She said honestly with a deadpan.

"You go first..." It's always better to go afterwards to these kinds of 'games'.

"Very well, mine is rather anti-climatic, we finished a three-year campaign in Poland, my mother was trying to engage me with some rich bastard, I rejected once again, but felt deeply irritated at her insistence, I had been moving up in the chain of command but she seemed to not acknowledge my efforts no matter what I did..."

"..." He can understand how that feels, to not have your efforts acknowledged.

It happened with his father all the time, not with his mother, she would always support him no matter what, their relationship was... special.

"That night we all got drunk before flying back to Toulouse and I just did it with the commander in order to spite my mother... if I wasn't 'pure' it would be harder for her to hook me up with anyone and at that time and well... he seemed like the best option... he tried to marry me afterwards as it so happened that he had been trying to make moves on me, but I rejected him and we never saw each other again more than in some army meetings, the end~" She concluded her story, it truly seemed as if she didn't give the thing enough importance.

"And what's his name?"

"I don't remember~ why? are you going to look for him and kill him again, are you jealous?~"

"Hmph! do you think I'm that type of man?!"

"Says the one that was about to cut down that demon's neck?" She smirked and showed him a mocking glance.

"You were going to cut down Lucretia's neck too." He gave her a furrowed gaze, also with a smirk of his own.

"Do you dare to remember that bitch's name!? Forget it now! w-wait... you... don't evade the subject, tell me who took your virginity! damn you!"

He almost fooled her! this bastard, how can he be so crafty!?

"Shit..." He twisted his tongue in annoyance, Fayette is too smart for her own good, she's definitely the most clever woman he has ever had.

His other women he'd usually play them like a fiddle, not in a manipulating way, but in a crafty way, they didn't have Fayette's perspicacity.

"Hmph! open that delicious mouth of yours and say... who is it?! is it the same woman who you used to cheat on your wife!?"


'Who is jealous now? and how could you even arrive at that conclusion!?'

In her own perspective, Fayette imagined he was forced to marry someone he didn't want, he's after all, the son of a noble and he had to marry whoever he was told to marry, this isn't something that applies just for females.

Males too.

He married this woman but kept his crush to the side, at least, that's what she presumptuously assumed just like any woman... and she's deeply concerned about this woman's identity.

She wasn't wrong.

But nothing could prepare her for the natural tonality with which Valentine answered her enquiry.

"Well, I lost my virginity when I was sixteen years old, with my sister, in my room... happy?"

".. Ah?"

"And before you ask, yes, that woman was my sister..." He spilt all the beans, better now than never.

"... Eh?"

"And I had an ambiguous relationship with my mother as well during the latter parts of her life before she got murdered by that bastard... but we kept our boundaries." He uttered with poison.

"... Ih?" But Fayette's brain had already turned into mush.


"You're joking... I-I know you always do worse in this game but... this is ridiculous..."

"It's the truth... in fact, it's not a secret, just that it didn't go public in order to protect the Wagner's reputation, or Magnus' reputation, to be more precise." Just uttering that name produced disgust within him.

"And I hope you don't think you're going to leave me like this, you're going to explain everything, now..." Fayette's cold glare wasn't a joke, now that her curiousness got picked, she won't let this matter rest until she's satisfied.

"Now? Vera is about to wake up..."

"I don't care! why your sister?! a-and your mother!? how could you!? you disgusting pig!" She uttered with some mock disgust, not even trying to separate from him in the slightest, this... is not weird at all, for her timeline, not his...

"I told you we did nothing!"

"And this is the part where I believe you?"

"Yes?" He smirked shamelessly.

"Honey that would be a boring book, I don't believe you!"

"Well then...if you don't believe me, I don't have to give you any details, right?~"

"Okay, I believe you! now start talking, the sun is going to come out..."

"There is no sun here Faye..."

"Valentine Wagner you better start talking now or..."

"or what?~" He squeezed her butt tighter in a challenge, awaiting the moment she would say 'or we will go another round'.

"o-or I'll squeeze it so hard that the head will pop out..." The blonde knows where to hit if she wants to cause critical damage moreover... she has him in the right spot to go about her threat.



"Okay, no need to get violent alright?" He sweated bullets, rule number one of survival, don't take the piss out of someone that's holding you at gunpoint.

And well, his little brother is currently at gunpoint.

'Guess I'll have to talk....'

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