Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 28 - The Primal Union Of Souls

Vera Sidorov's eyelids fluttered open after what she considered to be her most perfect night ever.

She felt warm and cared for.

The candles of the room were blazing with a calm light as this room didn't have light coming from the outside, obviously, Valentine had left them on, in case of 'anything'.

A delicate and delightful smell permeated her nostrils, like lavender.

When she finally regained her bearings, she noticed she was being embraced by two people.

In front of her was the sleeping Valentine, with one of his legs entangled with hers and his arm on top of her waist.


She didn't know what was going on until she felt a mumble from the back, and felt another hand take her waist and pull her in.

It's naturally Fayette whose head was resting on her head hair as she felt her soft breathing on her neck.

The two of them were wet and smelled like they took a shower not too long ago.

She felt bewildered, they didn't do anything...?

Either she slept like a log and didn't hear anything, or their 'activities' didn't take place at all.

She lifted up slightly and moved her gaze to the door that was still closed, then to the bag with their things that were still there... no one had come in, it seemed the doors were really secure.

Valentine had checked them up yesterday, he tried to break in with the door closed and couldn't.

The only way to open it would have been with another one of those 'keys'.

Her movement produced the two lovers to wake up at the same time.

As if he had always been awake, Valentine's eyelids opened with a headstart, the first thing he did was to gaze at Vera's big beautiful eyes.

"Good Morning, Vale... or afternoon, I don't know anymore." Vera kissed Valentine's cheek and smiled, she hadn't expected this warm move coming from them.

Before answering her, Valentine did the same action she had performed before, checking their stuff.

"I don't know either... how did you sleep?" Valentine caressed Vera's hair and asked while his gaze remained on Fayette who unlike him, always took her time to fully wake up.

"Perfectly, I have never slept so good in my life... or my death?" She smirked and even took advantage of the situation to let her hands move around.

"Let's sleep a little more..." Those were Fayette's first words, after checking everything is alright, she came to the conclusion that they're safe, for now.

She's tired.


After their first lovely session and the 'game' everything turned ridiculous, they slept yes.

For ten minutes.



She was woken up by sudden thrusts and could hardly repress her moans.

The two of them didn't want to wake Vera up, especially in the circumstances they were in, the girl was bound to feel bad.

But the passion couldn't be repressed.

"Let's go to the bathroom, we can... have a shower and some more..." His husky voice suggested but didn't stop his hips.

Fayette moaned and nodded before they separated, took their bathrobes silently, took the key from Vera's table together with a knife just in case, locked the door desperately and ran... ran towards the bathroom.

The hallways were empty with only the noise of their pants and steps resonating through the luxurious place.

Once they entered and locked the door, their feelings could no longer be repressed.

What was supposed to be a bath session ended up as a three-hour full-fledged lust-filled encounter with moans and grunts being released constantly through the whole ordeal.

It's like what they did before was but an appetizer.

The two of them felt ecstatic, this lovemaking was like nothing the two of them had experienced before, even for Valentine, his experiences with his beloved sister, Christine... paled in comparison.

Their souls screamed in joy at the union and they wouldn't stop seeking each other's bodies until the hours they had rested before seemed to become nonsensical.

Fatigue took over giving way to satisfaction and they finally stopped the barrage of pleasure, cleaning each other in order to look once again 'pristine'.

"T-That was, amazing... Vale, I have never felt anything like that... a-and that's a lot to say... I love you..." Fayette smiled with happiness as he cleaned her hair, some of his 'liquid' fell there by mistake... or not.

"What do you mean that's a lot to say!?" The reaper immediately stopped with outrage.

"I mean... in the future we no longer have sex in reality..."


"In the future, humans spend most of their time in virtual worlds... there, feelings and sensations can be controlled, to seek a better ecstasy, to seek a great climax, everything is altered to the point that sex with our bodies is nonsensical, before meeting you, I didn't use my body for that in a long time... and what I felt today with you, it far outstripped everything I have felt before, I don't know why it's like my soul is content..." She took his palm and kissed it with infatuation.

She couldn't explain it, it's the satisfaction that comes after one has struggled a lot.

As if she ran a race across the entire Earth, and when she finally finished, Valentine was there, waiting for her in the line with a can of water ready to sate her thirst.

She just couldn't explain it, but it's the most satisfaction she has felt in her entire life.

Valentine wasn't much different, what they did today, wasn't just lust... there is something beneath, but he can't get the gist of it yet.

Much like her, he felt as if after battling a hundred soldiers, she was there, waiting to heal his wounds, giving a massage and kissing his forehead.

It wasn't the satisfaction of the body, it was the passion of the spirit.


"You have virtual words, yet wars are still waged physically?" He smirked and continued to clean her silky hair, he sat on the edge and she was between his legs.

"Well, you know how we humans are... wars in the future are a mix between humans and robots, more humans than robots still, as they're seemingly unable to make complex decisions, yet... but well, due to a particular treaty and event nuclear development got halted, that meant that we were back to the days when there wasn't nuclear deterrent... but it became worse... the poor countries became our battleground... Africa, South America, middle-east..."


"Even your actions could be said to have caused a major impact... you might have not known but your action changed the entire destiny of the world..."

"What do you mean? what did I do?"

"Do you remember that time that you filtered information of the entire world's entire nuclear scheme? I think that's one of the reasons I became a fan of yours... you used Russian servers when you did that to pass as a Russian hacker to deviate attention, in truth you were using an inhibitor and sending them from Canada." She smirked and splashed some water on and about with her luscious legs.

"Yes... how did they-?" They shouldn't have been able to recognise his movements.

"As the world moved forward, so did technology, everything in the web is registered somewhere, with enough AIs investigating and trying to cover the matter, it didn't take long before your movements came to life, but by then you were long dead and I wasn't yet born."

"Why do you know all these things, Faye?"

"Because the world didn't want another 'you', Vale... so we were forced to study all your movements, all your patterns, to prevent another 'you' from coming to life... we know everything about you, what became public... that's why, I know what happened with your sister, but I don't know what happened with your mother or Francesca, I assume that's some deep secret related to Magnus, correct? According to the registries, they were murdered by your enemies due to their connection with you, this is not correct, right?" She continued to press on a little bit.

"Yes... I don't want to talk about it, Faye." He said finally, still not willing to talk.


"I understand, you don't have to if don't want honey, I know when to stop..." She caressed his cheek lovingly and he continued to clean her hair that was already more than clean, but he likes cleaning her long golden hair.

"Anyway, to summarize... an event took place roughly a hundred years after your death... an asteroid was going to fall on Earth, a moderate-sized one, not big enough to produce extinction, but big enough to cause a catastrophe whenever it fell. Guess where it was going to fall?"

"... I don't know, it could be anywhere... Europe?" He just said name for the sake of saying it, not really having an idea, but to think an asteroid would truly fall.

"No... The United States, Pueblo Arkansas." The blonde smirked, knowing her man would come to a conclusion with those mere words.

And she wasn't wrong...

"I see..."

"Care to come up with a hypothesis?~" She caressed his tights and awaited.


He remained silent for a while, considering a few things.

"Let's see... if it's a hundred years in the future... is the president of the united states a descendant of Carter Evans or Donald Collins?"

"So you're asking whether he was a member of the red party or blue party? what makes you think it's going to be either of the two? it could be anyone else..." She furrowed her brows slightly.

"Their influence..." he shrugged his shoulders, a hundred years is too much to make an accurate conclusion, they're dozens of governments that could be established during that time, but politics and the capacity to tell lies are in the blood.

"It's a descendant of Donald Collins, and?" She answered for him, giving him one last hint.

"Red Party huh... then I assume a hundred of years in the future, the US used the information I filtered to keep a close watch of the countries with a nuclear deterrent, there were a lot of them listed in there that weren't public, like Mongolia, that's because those countries weren't the ones to develop them, they were developed by others in their territories to conceal it... if I remember correctly there was even a Russian one in Madagascar... anyway, at that time they were already developing projects to go to mars and whatnot, I assume in a hundred years that might have taken a nice turn, right?"


"Then the answer it's simple, my information was only useful to keep track of who actually had atomic bombs and where did they have them the quantity didn't matter... and the location was bound to change, but if I'm correct what they did was to repress this information as much as possible, they couldn't just risk the move a hundred bombs in Madagascar from one place to the other in plain view when everybody else in the continent knows what's in there... in a hundred years more than a thousand more bombs can be generated, and even more powerful than a hundred years ago... being in the point of impact of the asteroid, it was more than convenient for the US to push the other countries to put their nuclear assets together to clear this threat... using the technology developed by this company that wanted to go to mars, they sent the nuclear bombs against key spots of this asteroid and blew it apart... whether it disintegrated in fragments or was completely destroyed, I don't know..." He concluded the first part of his hypothesis.

"..." Fayette bit her lips tightly as waves of heat spread through her body.

"And what does the president of the United States has to do with any of that?" She asked with a husky voice.

"Simple, the blue party tend to be more scheming and sick than the red party, the two of them are dirty to the core but in different ways, even if the president is a descendant of Donald Collins, that alone is not enough, the Red Party have deep connections with Russia and China... for a degradation economy such as theirs, the most convenient thing to do is to repeat history... the same things they have done in the past... war."


"In order to go to war with total security that the other party wasn't going to obliterate them, they need to get rid of the nuclear deterrent, and what better opportunity than this one? if it's the blue party, they would keep some bombs hidden just in case, but the Red Party would get rid of all of them, create intricate treaties to maintain the status quo and go to war in order to recover their decaying economy with the production of armament, am I correct or not, Faye?~"

"..." She can't say anything, she's just astounded.

"Even then, I'm sure some of those bastards kept one bomb or two just in case... but the treaty said some bullshit like this 'we promise to utilise the totality of our nuclear stock to get rid of this disaster so you should follow our example and do so too... and if you don't... then let the asteroid end this planet' something like that... with a promise like that and the information of who actually held the bombs in their hands, they had more than enough to coerce the governments of the world to do what they wanted, I can even go farther... after the asteroid was finished, either China invaded Taiwan and Hongkong or Russia invaded Ukraine... Israel probably took over Gaza and the entire Palestine... so on and so forth, war broke loose and look! magic... the economies of the world restored at the cost of millions of deaths... the richer became richer, the poor ceased to exist or were used as a bargain, slaves... nothing changed." By the end of his 'hypothesis', he clenched his hands so tightly as his hand itched, it itched horribly... but then realised he was deforming Fayette's beautiful hair and stopped.

"Honey..." The beauty could only look aggrieved when seeing him like this.

"It's like that, right? after so much killing, taking care of all those bastard, killing mafia bosses, erasing political parties, coercing them to follow the rules... in the end, nothing changed, right?"

He had sacrificed his team, his Rose, for a ridiculous ambition... the moment he died, everything went back to how it was, even erasing the roots was not enough.

Fayette sighed and raised up, pushing him against the floor as she started to stroke his sleeping friend.

"Honey, it doesn't matter..." She tried to comfort him.

"Answer me, it didn't change, right?" His silver eyes looked at her heterochromatic ones with anger.

"It doesn't matter Vale... we're in Hell now..." She lay down and gave it a few licks.

"Whatever happens in the Earth, it is not our concern anymore... you answered correctly, relax... let me give you a reward, okay?~ just forget all that, it's meaningless, we're here now, you and me..." She had never seen him this angry.

Moving her hair aside, she started to work him out... and it worked, with the pleasure, the anger disappeared.

She could somehow understand where the anger is coming from, Fayette didn't expect their conversation to come this way, but it's the truth, he had given his life away in order to make a change, but... nothing had changed... during his life, things had indeed worked as everyone feared the bringer of euthanasia... but after his public execution, it was as if the world got rid of its shackles... for hundred years evil just restored.

If tomorrow someone told her that after her death, France had been destroyed... she'd be pissed too.

"We have been here, too long... ugh... V-Vera..." He held her bobbing head and stuttered.

"..." But Fayette was too focused to pay attention to Vera, right now, she just wants to satisfy her man.



"We have to prepare, I know you want to sleep Faye, but we have to investigate this place... what's available, what we can buy, so on and so forth... our money is limited and we might be forced to leave eventually if we don't find a mechanism to increase our wealth." He stood up and wore his bathrobe.

"And what are we going to wear?" Vera stood up as well, naked... together with Fayette as the latter yawned... she walked funnily and took the Bathrobe and wore it too.

"Of course, we're going to wear this, I'm not using those disgusting rags again..." She presented herself in front of Valentine, tying her and Vera's brown hair on a ponytail as the latter wore it too.

"How do we look?" Vera asked confidently as the two ladies presented themselves in front of him.

"..." He looked at them with an inquisitive gaze, their necklines, cleavage... legs... their slightly wet skin.

They're exquisite...

"Too lewd, you're showing too much skin, we have to get another pair." He deduced much to their outrage.


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