Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 3 - In Order To Survive

The atmosphere became tense as every single person inside the cave stood up, the first to regard the incoming man was Michael who had been the closest!

"W-Whats wrong!?" He yelled but his voice was broken, that growl just now! What kind of animal is that!?

A bear?! I can't be! He had heard bears and that thing is not a bear!

Valentine moved back and remained on guard, inwardly cursing at that damned Asian that awoke whatever was calmly sleeping inside the cave!

"I-I DON'T KNOW! THAT CREATURE IS HORRIBLE! WHAT SHOULD WE DO!?" Haruhiko also got in guard but his legs were shaking, maybe a little more confident now that there were more people around him, but still deeply scared!

"This is all your damned fault! Couldn't you just stay in your place!?" The first one to yell was surprisingly the 'scared' girl, Shuzna!





The asian's frantic shouts seemed to further irritate the mysterious creature that made its way through the cave's tunnel towards them! The only thing they could hear was its abyssal growls, together with the steps it was taking, one step at a time closer to their demise!

Except for Valentine, they all stared at the sealed exit repeatedly, there is no escape!

It only took several seconds, seconds where the time seemed to have stopped as two bright red eyes showed from the cave's darkness!


The creature made itself known, exhaling and inhaling deeply, making more and more smoke as it did so!

Valentine clenched his hands the moment half of the creature's body shone due to the light emitted by the falling flaming bullets.

'This thing... It's not a bear...!'

The size is at least twice or three that of a bear! Its putrid and dirty fur was red and brown, whether the brown or the red colour was its original colour... They could only guess in their accursed heads!

It had scars all over its face, clearly having fought many of its kind... And won. Its claws were as long as knives and no doubt, sharper.

The beast's gaze roamed every single one of them, staring at his food.


Valentine who had been thinking of ways to... defeat... This thing, if it was even possible, could only move his gaze when someone yelled and it was then when he saw how Haruhiko took and pushed Michael towards the creature!


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Carl yelled and hurriedly grasped Haruhiko's shoulders but his gaze remained on the stumbling Michael who just fell in front of the beast!


It didn't take more than a few seconds.



The beast stomped his foot on the pitiful man's body, crushing a big part of his body, and creating a minimal earthquake in the process.

But it was enough for Valentine to analyse!

The next second, the beast crouched down under their stunned gazes and opened its massive maw that to no surprise was full of nightmarish teeth, and directly bit on the howling man's head!


With but a single bit, the man's whole head, neck... A massive chunk separated from its body in a gore-ish picture that would be imprinted in the minds of this group forever, those that managed to survive that is.


"W-WHAT DO WE DO?! WHAT DO WE DO!?!!" Shuzna yelled frantically and held Fayette's legs, having already fallen to the ground, her eyes couldn't stop watching the beast hungrily feeding on the man's body!

"FUCK THIS!" Carl released Haruhiko's shoulders and ran to the entrance of the cave!

Valentine only gave him a sidelong glance before he once again focused on the beast, looking through the cave to see anything... anything he could use!

Fayette wasn't much different, except for Shuzna and Haruhiko, no one paid Carl any mind!

The man stood in front of the showering fire and grit his teeth, there is no way he's staying here to be eaten by that beast!

He doesn't know if he's going to die due to this shower of fire, but one thing he's sure of is, that if he's completely eaten by that beast, there is no doubt he's going to die!


Therefore, with the biggest reluctance in the world, he yelled and ran outside of the cave!


Carl's pained grounds and howls of despair resonated for as long as he remained close to the cave, whether his body simply disintegrated due to the acid rain or he managed to go away, they couldn't know.

All they knew is that the beast is ready to finish its meal...

"Listen, Valentine...? We can throw those two sluts to the beast and survive, I know you're strong! You and I can try to survive as long as possible if we let this beast eat them! If it's not enough, then we can try what Carl just did, what do you think!?" Haruhiko spoke next, still on his guard and proposed to Valentine.

Valentine only stared at him briefly, 'He's not as stupid as I expected him to be...'

His gaze moved towards Fayette, who was casually also giving him a deep stare as if waiting to see what his decision was going to be!

Shuzna also gazed at him with the same expectation.


The beast only needed to eat another leg... It was clearly hungry just going by the time it was taking it to eat a whole body!

"Very well, let's do that." Valentine smiled wickedly and answered, his gaze staring straight... At someone in particular!


"N-NO!!!" Shuzna yelled in despair upon hearing Valentine's answer.

What's to come next doesn't need a scientific to decipher!

"H-How can you..." Fayette gazed at Valentine in disbelief, this was clearly not the answer she had been expecting.

"Good! As I expected you're not a stupid person!" Haruhiko yelled and started to walk towards the duo together with Valentine, inwardly he couldn't help but curse.

'I would have preferred to be left alone with the sluts, especially this blonde... But they're weak, clearly, this fool is the best option to survive! If two bodies aren't enough, then I'll just suggest escaping to throw him to the beast at the last moment!'

He'd rather stay with either of the women, not only could he fuck them quickly but if necessary they'd be easier to push to the beast than this man!

But if he proposed this to the blonde, she surely wouldn't accept... If he proposed it to the weak girl not only she might refuse, but even if she accepted, could he restrain the other two by himself? That Indian-Japanese slut doesn't seem to know how to defend herself.

The best option is this Valentine!


It took mere seconds for the two girls to get cornered, Fayette's gaze stared at Valentine as if she wanted to burn his corpse to ashes!

But it was then that her eyes opened widely when a sudden force pushed her forward!

"Take her, take her first! I'll pleasure the both of you, suck your dicks, you can take turns! ANYTHING! I'LL DO ANYTHING AS LONG AS YOU LET ME LIVE!" Shuzna yelled, her expression no longer pure, no longer kind!

Yes, she would use those fools just as she had used everyone else! Men are so easy to control!


Fayette couldn't believe what was happening, she expected everyone here to betray her but...


A woman like her, and the woman she had been protecting ever since she arrived, betrayed her like this!?


The beast yelled once again in hunger, clearly expecting the next offering!

And it was then that Fayette's eyes widened once again.



With a swift kick that no one was able to perceive Valentine kicked Haruhiko' s stomach!

The man coughed a great mouthful of blood, never having received a kick so devastating in his whole life flew several metres and fell on the ground on his back like a piece of trash!

His head hit something and came to an abrupt stop, still in disbelief, 'W-What just happened?'

In front of him, there was the visage of the horrendous beast, its bloody mouth dripping on his head.

The beast's leg lifted and placed itself atop Haruhiko's head... Then started to press down, with more... and more strength!



The massacre started and the survivors gained themselves a couple of minutes.

Valentine held the stunned Fayette's shoulders, she gazed at him with widening eyes as more and more conclusions continued to be drawn inside her head!

'H-He... Excepted all this!?'

Valentine released her shoulders after having caught her and walked towards the horrified Shuzna.

"I hope you learn your lesson, trusting a woman you just met? Naive." Those were his only words towards Fayette, this betrayal was more than expected...

She might be experienced in combat... But not in life... Never leave your back towards anyone... Not even your allies.

Had she not done that, she would have caught Shuzna's wicked gaze and give-away attitude, victimizing herself in order to gain support, but willing to throw them through the cliff whenever necessary to survive... He had seen so many of them, he could almost recognise them by smell.

He walked to the despaired Shuzna who crawled back, realizing her own mistake!

"N-NO! DON'T DO THIS! I CAN DO ANYTHING! PLEASE UGH-!" All he received was a strike to her neck that knocked her out cold!



Under Fayette's still stunned gaze, Valentine dragged Shuzna's body through the hot and dirty soil before throwing it like a bag of rubbish towards the beast that was still enjoying Haruhiko's flesh.


Fayette regarded all this and clenched her hands, she couldn't say anything.

"We have three minutes... I suggest we attack it while he's distracted eating..." Valentine sat on the floor without any care in the world!

"How can you be so calm!?" Fayette yelled in exasperation! He just threw someone to be eaten by this creature like it was nothing!

"You seem to not have understood... We have three minutes... I deemed you as the most qualified in this group, show me that I wasn't wrong... Fayette." He said calmly and waited for her next answer!

The mature blonde's body shook in slight nervousness, she had lived through despairing situations, but nothing like this… 'Indeed, there is no time for that now!'

"Are you saying that we can fight it?" She sat down next to him, they had three minutes, surely she could allow herself this much after being betrayed in such a disgusting manner.


She stared at Shuzna's unconscious body with disgust, a few more bites to Haruhiko's body and it would be her turn.

"Do we have any other options? Do you want to run out there as Carl did? That black cloud covers approximately three cubic kilometres of an area if my calculations of its distance from the floor are correct, I'd say between three kilometres and five kilometres... That's between twenty minutes to forty minutes of running depending on how fast you are, your body won't take that long before melting, trust me, I incurred heave damage after just five minutes."


Each one of his words stunned her, but even then she managed to open her mouth next, "Four kilometres and three hundred metres approximately... I don't bet on our success if we take that route, Valentine..."

"... Have you hunted before?"

"Never something this... Big." She answered still staring at the beast with disgust, what exactly is this thing?!

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHH" Shuzna's painful howls served as the ticks of a clock, telling them that they had to think faster.

Obviously she woke up due to the extreme pain.

"One minute and a half..." He said 'calmly' and his calmness made her even more exasperated because her heart was pumping blood to the point she was starting to feel dizzy due to that fact and the heat of the place!

"I can't think of a plan at all, this thing it's too big and just with the small tremours each of its steps does... It's heavy as well, you should have noticed, we only have one advantage, it is very slow... But if it touches us even once..." She bit her lips and gazed at the beast's claws as they ripped the howling Shuzna's flesh until she made no more noise as if annoyed with her pained cries.

She sighed and stood up, her big chest wiggling slightly as she moved her long hair to the side "I will do whatever you say... You're the commander this time around." She said with all due seriousness.

It was his turn to sigh as he stood up and walked to the cave's entrance, she furrowed her brows but followed him nonetheless.

"Just copy me, and don't die..." He extended his hand outside of the cave and the pain came immediately!


His hand extended and grasped a rock that was scalding hot to the point it was shining!!

"AAHH!!!" He yelled in pain and took the rock in his melting hand in front of the stunned Fayette!

Without even wasting a single second due to the marginal pain, he ran at maximum speed towards the beast and when he was in front of it, swung his arm that had the scaling piece of rock technically 'merged' to it!




His scalding rock impacted the creature's head, right on its eye! and he didn't stop there!

With a swift movement and gritting teeth, still feeling the mind-numbing pain in his hand, he climbed on top of the creature's body and kept the scalding piece of rock, firmly pressed against the beast's eye!

The noise of burning flesh followed together with the beast's pained growls as it moved on and about, desperately trying to release itself from this bastard's clutches!

Valentine struggled to maintain his position, hoping this thing managed to burn through and reach the brain!


He heard Fayette's pained groans and saw her rushing at the beast with a rock of her own!

Without even thinking she jumped swiftly and with a pirouette landed on the other side of the beast's neck, almost falling!

"HHAAAA!!" Resisting the pain, pressed the rock against the beast's other eye!



The two grunted in pain and managed to keep their place briefly, that was until the beast managed to flush Fayette to the ground, not before clawing the side of her body!

Its claws pierced through her skin like a hot knife does to butter and cut through a big chunk of her waist!


She fell on the ground, very near to the beast and held her waist in pain, feeling her intestines start to leak out!

Valentine saw she was incapacitated and grit his teeth, but the first phase was completed, this damned beast was blind now!

He managed to jump from the beast's body and land beside her, throwing the rock aside with great difficulty as the damned thing had technically melted in his skin!

With a pained expression, the lifted Fayette's body and without the slightest delicacy, threw her away from the beast!

"UUGGGHH!!" Fayette grunted in pain and flashed him a pained glare, but only then did she notice that he actually pushed her away from the beast who could have stomped on her body at any minute!

With obstacles out of the way, Valentine breathed heavily and tried to ignore the raging pain in his hand.

It was melted…

'The beast is now blind, but what if it can regenerate like us!? I have to be quick!'

It wouldn't be easy, he didn't have any piercing tools or weapons, only blunt rocks, there were only two possible places that he could attack and he would go straight for them!


The beast growled in pain but also ANGER!

It slashed its claws in all directions, piercing the scorching walls all around trying to kill the two pests that managed to injure it, but it couldn't do shit...

Valentine easily evaded all its clawing intents and when the time was right and the beast was in the right position, he lounged!

Fayette stared at him once again go on top of the beast until he reached the head and without any delay, punched his fist straight on the beast's burnt eyesockets!



The 'bear' noticed that the little shit was on its body and started to move erratically once again, clawing here and there, hoping to catch it!



Valentine held his ground with a serious and lifeless gaze, and kept punching the same spot over and over and over!

Until it finally gave in!


With another punch, his hand went through!



He retracted his bloodied hand, not without making sure to extract a piece of brain at the very least!

then punched again while holding his grip against the beast's erratic and pained movements!



After two more punches, he finally managed to get a catch of the beast's big brain, he clawed onto it and pulled!


The beast's grey matter struggled to tear but its body was responding against the merciless assault!


With a swift pull, Valentine pulled a big chunk of the brain but he noticed something, this thing It has something hard inside it!


After taking the chunk of brain, he saw how the beast seemed to start to lose its balance he prepared to fall and pulled the beast's abused head all the way down!


Fayette's widened eyes stared at the falling beast as Valentine fell on his two legs after taking down the horrendous creature like he just killed a simple deer.

The creature moved no more... And the Bringer of Euthanasia stared at the 'shiny' piece of brain with interest, he tore the grey matter out of it as the 'thing' became shinier and shinier.

What remained in his hand is a piece of red shining stone.

Something he had never seen before.

What's more impressive is that he... 'Felt' like eating it... As if something inside was him was telling him that his hunger would stop if he did!

"W-What are you doing!?"

Fayette's voice stopped him and it was then that he noticed that he had the 'stone' halfway inside his mouth!

His gaze moved to the naked bloodied woman who held her intestines in pain and gave him a shocked gaze.

He lowered the stone, deeply in thoughts 'What was I about to do? This thing... It may even be poisonous, what am I thinking!?'

He threw the stone to the side and without saying anything else, his body fell beside Fayette's totally wasted.

She regarded him and then at the obviously dead creature, sighing in relief... They succeded.

"Y-You know..."


"That name... Valentine... Doesn't fit you at... all."

Those were her final words before falling unconscious, obviously, the pain having consumed her mind, at the very least she knew, that this wouldn't kill her, not when that 'fall' didn't.

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