Assassination Through the Netherworld

Chapter 8 - The World Is Our Oister

"Fayette, wake up! We have to move!"

The beautiful blonde yawned slightly and opened her beautiful yellow and blue eyes.

Not having slept so well in a long time.


Upon realising Valentine's frantic shouts she woke up with a heard start, "Is it a threat!?"

She took her knife and stood on guard, but failed to see her partner.


"I'm here, we have to leave, there are black clouds!" He shouted in exasperation and came down from a nearby tree!

"Black clouds!? Where!?" She hurriedly picked the single bag of fur that contained the stones and the two started to run!

"My nine o'clock, they're approaching, we have to leave the fastest we can and round them up." He yelled, taking her by her hand, the two had more energy today than yesterday but they still had to rationalise it for at least two days before another 'meal'.

Fayette nodded and ran following his lead, they were already regenerated but the mental scar was present… the scar left by eating human's flesh.

'We have no cave close by, if we're caught underneath that dammed fire shower, we're done for!'

Running to the opposite direction of the cloud wasn't a smart move, the cloud would eventually catch up, the best way to do it was to get out of its way!

For the next half an hour they ran and started to divise the cloud in the distance, approaching slowly but sure enough, it was still following them!

However, while they were running, something incredible occurred!




Their hearts seemingly stopped upon hearing those noises!

That's… animals?!

"V-Valentine, what do we do!?" Fayette yelled with emotion but also concern!

Those noises, they're coming from where the cloud is going to!

If they catch up to it… They might not be able to escape the cloud!

Valentine furrowed his brows!

"I will-"

"If you dare suggest I leave you to fight them and run away leaving you marks to follow after… I'm going to kick your balls so hard!" She growled and her sharp glare was undeniable!

He took a deep breath.

"Okay… We're going to hunt them! As fast as we can!"

If they can get something to eat… They will!


The two ran towards the source of the growls, and it didn't take them more than a few minutes to reach, what they found left them awestruck!

"W-What the hell…" The two stood behind a tree, gaping as the black cloud made itself known in the distance, covering one of the moons!

In front of them there were three of what appeared to be wolves and two of what appeared to be wild boars.

And they said 'appears to be' because just as they expected… they're bigger and more hideous than normal!

"W-What do we do? there are too many!" She decided to ignore those monstrosities' appearance and asserted, thinking of a plan, they could somehow outmanoeuvre them, but what about that black cloud? Their time is limited!

"We cannot just leave it, look at that!" He pointed towards somewhere nearby where the two packs were fighting and saw that… There is a small pond of water!"


"W-What!? Valentine we!-"

"There is no time, the cloud is coming, I'm going to distract them and kill one, I want you to fetch as much as the meat as you can while I lure them away, also drink as much water as you can!"

"What about you!?" This bastard he's putting her on a pedestal again!

"Fool, after you're done, place the bag of fur somewhere and come lure them yourself, then I'll drink water and we're fucking gone!"

He wouldn't hold any delusions of killing all those beasts himself, there is no way, even with that knife!

"There is no time, NOW!"

The atmosphere started to heat up and darken the burning smell entered their nostrils and ashes floated all about, the cloud is near.

Taking the two knives he ran in front of the stunned Fayette who got ready to run in the moment he gave the signal, but, even then… She clenched her hand, and without even asking for confirmation, picked two knives herself and ran in!

'I'm your partner!'

She had never been underestimated for her lack of ferociousness, no!

'Today I'm going to show you, that I'm qualified to stand by your side!'


Valentine ran towards one of the boars that was surrounded by two wolves, it had deep wounds and obviously they had been killing each other for a while.

The other boar was fighting a wolf in equal grounds, all those beasts were at least two metres high!

'Why are all those damned beasts so big!?'

It mattered not, like a phantom he approached until the wolves realised his presence, but it was too late!

He let himself fall towards the boat and slide on the ground, not minding the scratches and wood branches breaking his skin as his body slides underneath the boar!


With a vengeance like no other he stabbed his improvised knife inside the boar!


The beast howled in pain and he was surprised at how easy the knife went through the beast's skin!

With the momentum of his body, he summoned all of his damned strength and slashed the knife!


Like cutting a watermelon, the beast howled once again in despair and fell on top of its budding organs!

Marginal amounts of blood spurted on Valentine who then stared back at his work and it was then that his eyes widened when he saw Fayette running towards one of the wolves!


What he saw next stunned him.

Like a pro, the woman took advantage of the fact that the wolf was focusing on Valentine, her steps touched the ground like leaves falling on water, without any noise at all!


When she was close enough she jumped in a pirouette that lifted her a lot higher than the wolf's body with rotating motion!

Turned and with the momentum of her body moving on the air, swiftly cut the wolf's head!



A massive cut appeared on the wolf's neck and blood spewed eveywhere!

Fayette landed gracefully and her glare stared straight at him, no words were necessary!

A maniacal smile resurfaced in his face and his eyes stared at Fayette with a new light!

He didn't run and scream to attract the wolves no… He ran back towards the wolf that was now catching after him!

Meanwhile, Fayette smiled and glanced at the wounded wolf, analysing the field.

One boar is down, twitching and dying, it won't stand up soon, but they have to make sure to finish it off.

Another boar fighting the wolf, too busy to pay attention to them.

The other wolf howled in pain but also anger!

It lounged towards Fayette with its sharp claws, they were sharper than that creature in the cave!

She ran head first against the wolf as it jumped!

Her eyes seemed to shine as her enhanced genetics analysed every movement of the beast.

Once again her legs seemed to dance, three steps she took in this maddened sonata, with the first got in position, with the second she evaded the ravenous claw, and with the third cut the beast's waist!



The wolf fell on the floor helplessly, but Fayette didn't stop, she stared at her partner only to see him piercing his knife on the wolf's skull!

'These knives are so efficient!' She thought, were it not for those knives they wouldn't have a chance!



She ran towards the fallen boar that intended to stand up again to keep fighting, and without letting it rest, she cut its neck!

Valentine made a quick run, he finished the second wolf by cutting its brain where the shining stone was and saw that the big boar had killed the second wolf and was starting to eat it!

He took advantage of that to finish off the wolf that Fayette left badly wounded while the woman in question cut the boar's flesh and took whatever she could, he stared to the horizon.

The black cloud would be upon them in half an hour at most!

Is half an hour enough to round it!?

This was in Fayette's mind as well, the woman cut as fast as she could, taking the best flesh and the fur and placing it in her bag, when she filled two and when she thought it was enough, she ran to the small water pond!

Valentine didn't think of facing the large boar unless it took the initiative to attack them, it didn't make any sense, but he took the wolves' stones and several of their claws before walking to the pond where Fayette was drinking to her fill.

The two drank like maniacs!

"Fuaaaa!!! So Good!!" The woman even splashed water on her body and he followed the moment they drank to their fill.

At least they managed to have a slight 'wash'!

The two covered themselves in a moistened layer against the heat while Fayette focused mostly on her silky hair and crotch!



The boar approached after finishing its meal, intending to have a drink!

"All yours fella, let's go!" Valentine, now in a better mood after a good looting, took his partner's hand and they ran off!

"There is not much time, it's going to be on us in a few minutes, run as fast as you can!" He yelled and the happy woman nodded.

Fucking hell, she never felt so happy for having a 'shower'!

The smell of burning wood made itself known and the temperature increased once again, they could smell the smoke already and the light through the layers of burned trees!

"Shit, come!" Valentine changed the angle of their sprint, now running away but also around the cloud!"


Fayette moved her gaze to the side where the burning trees were staring to be seen!

Run, run!!

Valentine kept running with Fayette behind him.

They ran and ran but eventually, the damned fireballs started to fall on them!



The yells of pain started but they could see the light, a big section of the forest in front of them wasn't in fire, that meant the limit of the cloud was close!


He ran and ran and eventually jumped outside of the damned fire barrage!


His body fell heavily, with deep burning wounds on his back and all over!

"UGHH!!! W-WE MA-!"

He yelled back with emotion despite the pain and stared back at his partner.


Fayette was nowhere to be seen.

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