Fayette sighed and rubbed her sweaty forehead, Valentine had just finished the windows, they were barricaded with only minimum light coming through and he's now building Vera's pool.

She had slaughtered so many creatures and taken their fur to replicate a carpet that she doesn't know anymore, the house is just a massive room with a big bed filled with fur, several pillows and of course, more fur for the covers.

There is an improvised kitchen that Valentine built with timber and she created some simulated grass in there with Vera's help.

Their house is finally taking form.

How many days had it been, they don't know, in order to rush and build everything faster, they worked overnight.

Valentine was adamant in placing some traps but the girls insisted that he does so only after the house is finished, much to the burglar's irritation, today is finally the day where he can start laying some traps and building a place for both Teddi and Miki.

"It's looking wonderful, now we have a bed, a sofa and a kitchen... what's left?" Vera regarded their new lodging with happiness, to think that they have a house in the netherworld, who could have said?

"I'm going to start laying down the traps~" He excused himself with a sword in hand while the two ladies groaned and saw how he mounted Miki and went away, presumably to get the race of the puma-porcupines extinct, they have an entire section of the house just for weapons and by now there are more than a hundred arrows made out of the porcupine's needles.


"I want to try something, Vera, help me."

"What is it?"

"Do you think you can connect two trees together?" Fayette asked the beauty and Vera started to contemplate, for perhaps more than a week she's been training and can freely move a single root as much as she wants.

She extended her hand forward and a root started to protrude then she used said hand and pressed it against the tree's stem, piercing it with her Mahogany root, the kind of tree she is can only be described as though, the root is invasive and she had already tried to pierce things with it.

The root travelled across the stem and protruded from another side eventually connecting with the next tree.

"Like this?" She asked Fayette, with this they have a 'branch' they can use to go from one tree to another, but her idea goes further than that.

"That's great, but I want something else, try to make it so that the branch is beneath our feet, this measurement." She took one of the needles, marked with a determined measurement and showed it to her, what she wanted to do was a 'pathway' between trees, basically, extend the house and allow them to go anywhere they wanted without having to come down, it would be useful if they ever were to face enemies on foot whilst in the forest.

"I need you to cut it." Vera bit her lips, she had already gotten used to cutting down her roots, but... it still hurts.

Fayette sighed and took the sword, the horntail is not strong enough to cut her root effectively.



Fayette held the panting Vera whose hand shivered, after cutting down the root, it didn't wither, it remained in place, but the girl's spasms served to tell that she hadn't enjoyed the experience.

"You alright?" She moved the beauty's hair away.

"Y-Yes..." The noise didn't come out too convincing.

Fayette allowed Vera to rest amidst the silence of the forest with only the noise of Teddi's snores entering their eardrums.

"We can leave this for later, there must be another way." If they went along with her plan, she'd have to cut Vera's root over and over again.

"No, let's do it! I know I can do it!"




Valentine held his spear and went hunting, in the way he encounter their new friend, Lolo... that's the name they had given the troll.

The female was called Lola and the little kid, Loli.

Yes, their naming sense is more horrendous than a demon's visage, but beggars can't be choosers.


Although no communication flowed between one another, Valentine could readily tell that the troll has hunting experience, plenty of it.

Despite its massive size, it could sneak and camouflage amidst the branches, using his skin to serve as a cover... his intent is to hunt more of those pumas in order to get more needles and create traps, he didn't like the fact that Miki and Teddi were always left uncovered while they're safely sleeping upstairs, if some monsters came in great numbers to slaughter them in retaliation, he'd be hopeless to do anything and only look like the bear that he came to appreciate, got murdered.

As a preventive person, he wouldn't allow such an event to take place and hence started thinking of what kind of traps he could lay against the greater foes... creating holes and concealed spikes were amongst his priorities.

They hunted several boars and he'd allow Lolo to take them himself as they really didn't need that much food, they also allowed several of them to escape, he stopped Lolo at the key moment by staying in between and shaking his head, unaware of whether the numbers of those creatures were extensive, if they were to go and slaughter everything in their way, there might come a time in which there are no longer preys to hunt.

As they crawled furtively, awaiting one of those pumas that seemingly went extinct as he could see none of them, he saw a small clearing with a hill!


Valentine regarded several goblins in the entrance and they were guarding!

"This is their hideout!" He smirked, Vera and Fayette had come several times trying to find this hideout, mostly due to the fact that the goblins are a threat to their supremacy in this forest, they're intelligent creatures that slaughter everything in their way, thankfully, they're weak, otherwise, the mess they would create would be greater.

He didn't have a way to tell Lolo to remain here, and the small hill's entrance is not big enough for him to enter.


Valentine charged together with Miki and Lolo followed behind.

The sudden commotion produced a torrent of goblins to come out of their cave with different weapons to fight, those are clearly forged weapons!

'As expected they have treasures in there.' He smirked, the goblins are reckless and don't even bother about numbers or whatever, they will murder or die in the process, hence, he has the advantage.

Allowing Miki to do as she wanted, the savage bear crashed straight against the entrance, crushing several goblins in the way who attacked her but were unable to pierce her skin, she spewed magma on some, as they continued to come out in big numbers, at some point, there were more than thirty!


Using the spear he impaled the head of one, swung it and crushed the corpse against another, swiftly murdering through the battlefield and creating torrents of blood.

Red blood would shed these lands today.

And he didn't notice how the blood started to concentrate in one place... the more blood was shed, the bigger the lump.

The Blood Maiden Forest is about to wake up, thirst for slaughter.

Lolo also carried on the onslaught on his own, he had desired to get rid of the goblins but by himself, it's impossible, now that he has an ally, his club won't stop smashing skulls.



When Valentine noticed, it was too late.

A lady... one created with pure blood, wielding a gigantic axe equally made of denser blood, swung her axe without contemplation, and took away a massive chunk of Miki's flesh!


Valentine charged towards this figure with wrath, whoever this whore is, how dare she sneak like that!?


His spear swung towards the neck, bisecting the bloody silhouette and splashing blood everywhere for blood is what forms its core and flesh.

But... the figure was immutable, her axe changed directions and charged towards Valentine!



He managed to dodge just in time, but the speed is just ridiculous!

The head of the lady reformed, she didn't have any face, or eyes... but then, it contorted into something horrible as she approached Valentine!

'I knew this fucking forest wasn't normal!' 

That single exchange alone had him understand that there is nothing they can do to stop this creature!

"MIKI!!" With the creature's attention on him, he commanded Miki with his mind, the bear staggered and pushed Lolo away to the forest with a big hump, the Troll immediately understood the retreating signal while Valentine's spear clashed against the Blood Maiden's axe, resulting in his spear being cut into two...


With Lolo gone, he ran towards Miki, but the Blood Maiden followed behind, she wouldn't stop until she swallowed blood!

The blood of the surroundings all formed together into another figure of another lady, this time with a sword and the two of them charged towards the running Valentine and Miki!

"What the hell is going on!?"

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