Chapter22 - Explanation

In the end, the cost of the True Dragon King leather armor to be forged by Olvo Gilden, a touted master craftsman was…

A set for Lou and Fran was agreed on a low price of 800 gold coins.

Marco told them that it would normally cost twice as much…

Of course, under the condition that they brought their own raw material, but the assistance of Fran, the daughter of the Countess of Dumer, a financier of the company, was a big help.

It could be said that the company made concessions in consideration of Lou’s purchase of a number of clothing.

Although with Fran’s instructions…

In any case, they bought two new vestment robes, two second-hand clothes, 3 bliauds for commoners, 4 second-hand suits, etc…

She bought not only clothes but also felt hats, leather belts, and pointed shoes. The total price was 300 gold coins, which led to them paying a large sum of 1,100.

In order to make a living as a temporary teacher at Girls Magical School in this royal capital, he must be well groomed with that much.

Naturally, the new items had to be made to order, and it would take four weeks for the leather armor to be specially made, twelve days for the robes, and five days for the bliauds.

All the items except the leather armor were to be delivered to the Count Dumer’s residence as soon as they were finished.

Incidentally, only the leather armor was to be made by Olvo, while Elda was to be in charge of tailoring the vestments and bliauds.

Thus, Lou had 1,700 gold coins left from the amount Adelaide gave him.

Afterward, Lou said he wanted an affordable sword, but…

Again, Fran offered to buy it as a thank-you for the leather armor he bought for her.

For the sake of a greater good, it was a necessary expense to protect himself and his master.

Before buying the sword, Lou wanted to change the clothes he was wearing.

He was about to take off his clothes on the spot, but a smiling Fran stopped him.

He felt that the aristocratic clothes were too formal and he really didn’t like it.

Lou got Marco to set up a separate room for him to change…

Despite this, Fran exhaled when he returned in a bright green bliaud.

It was the first time Lou wore a bliaud, but he perfectly brought out the word “chic.”

“I’m sorry about your brother’s clothes, but this one suits me better.”

Lou said nonchalantly…

He stored his clothes earlier in his storage bracelet at Fran’s instruction.

Her brother wouldn’t wear the clothes that others had worn anyway.

In that case, they would have no other choice but to throw it away.

“What a waste,” she remarked…

Fran was quite a tightwad.

Meanwhile, Olvo brought the sword.

There were four swords: two of his own making, and two second-hand swords brought in by adventurers.

After listening to Lou’s wishes, large swords such as claymores were omitted from the list, so only small to medium-sized swords were brought in.

“Come on, Lou! Just try to pick one of these for now.”

Lou carefully assessed the four swords that had been brought onto the mobile display.

The first one was a Scramasax…

Seaxes were originally known as large combat knives.

Normally, the blade was about 30 cm long, but a sword with a blade of 70 cm or more was called a scramasax.

It featured a sharp single-edged blade, a straight tip, and a very sharp edge.

Next was the Damascus Sword.

It was made of Damascus steel, a tough steel with a wood grain pattern.

The sword was almost always referred to by the name of the material.

This one was a sword Olvo originally designed. Its shape, including the blade, was similar to the Scramasax mentioned above.

And then a Baselard…

Although it was a double-edged sword, it was rather classified as a dagger.

However, it seemed to be a custom-made sword with a slightly longer blade.

It was said to be easy to use for both slashing and assault attacks.

It was found in a labyrinth by an adventurer, and was maintained by Olvo.

Finally, the Beidana.

This was originally used by farmers, akin to a nata knife.

Olvo maintained the generic version of it so that it could be used as a weapon.

It was a single-edged sword, and was easy for anyone to use.

Lou looked at the four and immediately grabbed the Damascus sword.

To ensure that there was no danger, he signalled the people around him to back off and took a few swings.

Fran had never seen Lou use a sword before, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.

The fluid way he swung his sword embodied a dancer performing a sword dance.

“Yeah! This is it, Olvo.”

“The one I brought this time is relatively plain, but… I think that’s the one sword that can last the furthest. It seems to suit you well too.”

Fran overheard the conversation between them.

Then she asked Marco how much the sword cost.

Marco whispered softly to Fran, and she nodded silently, as if to say, “The price is not a problem.”


Meanwhile, in another reception room of the Kingsley Company…

“This is bad.”

“Yeah, definitely bad.”

The two girls exchanged glances. 

However, they couldn’t just run away.

After all, the woman was famous for being moody.

She was the acting principal of the Magical Girls Academy they were attending.

Just then.

A knock sounded on the door.

The two of them shuddered.

“Excuse me.”

The voice that echoed in the room was a dignified taut voice inherited from her mother, Adelaide.

“My, look who’s here. Michelle and Olga, how do you do?”

“H-How do you do, Principal-sensei.”

“How do you do, sensei?”

“I’m sorry to have kept you both waiting.”

Frans smile made them even more petrified.

The acting principal they knew, Francesca Dumer, would never come up with such a nifty line.

In fact, Fran had always been unsociable, even in class.

The only time she would show the slightest bit of emotion was when she was arguing with a wicked person who tried to overturn things up with his power, age, gender, etc.

…That was why the students gave her the nickname, Iron Mask. 

But now, the Iron Mask was…

The girls were bewildered by Fran, who smiled gently at them like the Holy Mother.

“Ladies, I would like to introduce you to my follower and the new teacher who will be taking up his post at the school. This is Lou Brandell-sensei.”

“I’m Lou, Lou Brandell, nice to meet you.”

“Ha-Hai! My name is Michelle Estre. I’m a sophomore at the school.”

“Me too, I-I am Olga Flaviny…Uh, er…what’s going to happen to us now?”

It was no crime for Michelle and Olga to have followed Lou and Fran.

However, though it was not generally a crime, it was a serious ethical issue for students from the Magical Girls Academy.

Following someone to peek into their private life.

Find out what kind of shopping they would do.

As part of the school’s policy of raising ladies to be role models for women…

These actions were unbecoming of a lady, and if found out, would naturally be a violation of school rules.

The girls were sure to receive a warning at the very least, or worse a suspension from the school.

“You were curious about us, were you?…Well, I’d rather prefer it if my students didn’t hold much curiosity towards me…If you do the same thing again, I won’t be so forgiving, understand?”

Forgive them the next time?

Next time?

She wasn’t going to blame them? 


That was impossible!

The girls looked at each other.

This inconsistency must have swiftly passed through their minds.

Olga asked fearfully.

“S-Sensei…next time, really, really?”

“Fufufu, you doubt me? I’m serious. Otherwise…do you really want to get suspended so badly?”

“NO! I don’t want to be suspended. But…”

Olga was still having trouble grasping Fran’s true intentions.

She was keen on knowing why she was not being punished.

“Think about yourself from here onward, but you need to reflect on your actions.”

Curiosity killed the cat…

Even if you thought it was just for fun, an unsuspecting curiosity could destroy you.

Fran once again gave them a firm warning.

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