After the first day of the spring semester…

Lou and Fran returned to the mansion by carriage as usual.

In the afternoon, they were to go to the ‘Hunting Forest’ for a preliminary inspection, as planned.

Adelaide had only heard from Lou that they would be using magic to get to the forest.

Because of her nature, she didn’t think too much about it and just said, “I’ll leave it to you.”

“Lou, how do you plan to get to the forest?”

Fran asked curiously.

Unlike Adelaide, Fran had experienced Lou’s Flight Magic.

I can fly, again! she thought

“This time, I think I’ll borrow Vivi’s power… the earth spirit Gnomide.”

Lou answered Fran with a smile.

“Vivi? An Earth Spirit Gnomide? Not an Earth Spirit Gnome?”

Fran looked at Lou in suprise, hearing his response.

Lou answered with another smile.

“It was Vivi, the Earth Spirit Gnomide, who blessed me.”

Gnomide and Gnome…

They were also spirits of the earth, but the former was a female spirit and the latter was the male.

In general, it was the male gnomes that gave blessings and appeared in public by far the most.

The Gnomes were better known for their names and existence.

By any chance…

When it comes to spirits, do women also like Lou?

Fran pondered on that for a moment.

But the thought was so ridiculous that she stopped.

Even if it were true…

She’d probably be depressed thinking about it.

But that aside…

She was more interested in knowing how they were going to get around with the help of the Earth Spirit, who Lou called Vivi. 

As a wizard, that was Fran’s honest feeling.

“Er…Borrowing the power of a spirit? How exactly will you do that?”

“Yeah, I’ll leave the basics to Vivi. But it’s either through the Spirit World or through the earth’s veins.”

The Spirit World and the earth’s veins…

Fran, of course, knew both.

But they were words rarely used. 

Simply put, the Spirit World was different from this world.

The earth’s veins referred to the pathways of the earth’s energy that reside in the ground.

“What?! Through the Spirit World or the earth veins? Could it be, could it be that?!”

“Yeah, we use Transference Magic.

Transference Magic…Lou made it sound so easy.

However, this magic was nonexistent in the magic that Fran and the other humans were currently using.

Ages had passed since the beginning, when it was said that God once ‘materialized’ and took form…

It was said that there was a time in the distant past when a magical nation, boasting an advanced civilization, called the Old Ancient flourished.

Transference Magic was one of the ancient magical high enchantments that they used…

This could be found in a few old documents left behind.

First off, it was a complete mystery why those ancestors, who boasted such a high level of civilization, perished.

It was said to be caused by a tremendous natural disaster.

However, from the traces of ruins they left all over the continent, excavation and research had progressed to the point where only their names were know…

There were many ancient wizardry that had been unearthed from historic ruins and were impossible to theorize or elucidate, but were still in use for convenience alone.

And even among Kelturi and the other Arlvs, who had been around longer than humans, there were only a few who could wield them.

This was something that Adelaide had heard from Kelturi.

The logic behind the Transference Magic used by the Arlvs was fundamentally different from that used by the predecessors.

Fran had such knowledge only because her mother told her stories…

Hence, she couldn’t hide her surprise when she heard that Lou could easily use Transference Magic.

“Amazing! Transference Magic!”

When Fran said that, Lou’s expression changed to one of surprise.

According to Lou, Transference Magic was activated by the power of a spirit or higher being, and the secret of the Arlvs that Fran had just mentioned…

Also, there were a few different types of magic with different logic.

Anyway, Lou said that he could not reveal the details of the Arlv’s Transference Magic because it was considered a forbidden spell.

In addition, Transference Magic, which was used with the help of higher-ranking beings such as spirits and others, depended on how well the soul could communicate with these beings… 

“Aside from the Arlv’s transference magic, was Transference Magic really that advanced?”

Fran was just dumbfounded by Lou’s bluntness.

Then she chuckled.

If her ‘magic-otaku(geek/nerk) Mother’ were here…

She would definitely try to find out the essence of Transference Magic, even if it meant threatening Lou.

“But my Transference Magic isn’t good enough, if you ask my Grandpa.”

Lou said and scratched his head.

Seeing Lou’s appearance, Fran realized it again.

For Lou…

The ‘standard of all things’ was his great teacher, Schulvestre Eltvara.

“Fran, we’re about to leave. Let’s get ready.”

Lou’s call made Fran snap back to reality.

She exhaled a deep ‘phew’.

Then she said, “All right,” and went back to her room.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

“Lou, I’m ready…”

Fran was wearing…

She was wearing a dark green vestment robe made of expensive fabric.

It was a very common design for vestments worn by wizards, but it was Fran’s favorite.

She wore a pendant around her neck with a gemstone that amplified her magic power, a mithril wand in her hand that activated her magic, and a silver dagger at her waist with an exorcism effect, all of which she loved.

“Whoa, you look good, Fran.”

“Really?! That’s great.”

That was exactly what Fran wanted to hear from him.

But there were more, waiting to surprise and delight her.

“But a little more protection would be even better. Fran, can you take off that vestment?”

“Eh? Take it off, now? I’m wearing underwear underneath…”

“Yeah, we’re running out of time. Come on.


Fran couldn’t help but peer into Lou’s face.

But the expression on his face was the same as always, a gentle smile was there.

There wasn’t a hint of wicked thoughts there.

…It made Fran feel a bit complicated.

She was relieved, but at the same time, she was worried if he ever considered her as a woman properly.

I like Lou, love him!

I also believe that he’s a rational person.

She would readily accept it if Lou asked to hug her.



“O-Okay, I’ll just take it off.”

Fran slowly removed her vestments.

Her body was also…

She was as beautiful and well-proportioned as Liliane and Josephine.

The only thing that set them apart from each other was that…

Her skin was white and porcelain-like.

Lou froze in place.


He quickly picked up the vestment that Fran took off and carefully spread it on the bed.

“It’s a little cold, but bear with me for a while.”

Lou comforted Fran…

With ‘certain expectations’, Fran felt a little disappointed and looked down sadly.


She suddenly heard a voice calling her.

Fran looked toward the source of the voice…

She found Lou’s dazzling eyes staring at her in her undies.

“You’re really beautiful!


He-He always does that!

Fran was so ecstatic that she couldn’t help but burst into tears.

Seeing Fran’s face, Lou laughed like a child.

“We can use a steel enchantment on this vestment, but the weight will remain the same.”


What?! Out of nowhere?

“O steel, son of Mother Earth! Entrust me only with thy unfathomable strength! In return, I’ll give you the same lightness and suppleness you’ve always dreamed of!”

Fran could feel Lou’s magic power rising.

“Steel Calypse!”

Before long, a dazzling white light shone from Lou’s hands, and Fran’s vestment was enveloped in that light.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

About half an hour later, in the great hall of the Dumer mansion.

Adelaide was facing Lou and Fran, who were leaving for the ‘Hunting Forest’.

“Huh! How did you, who rarely wears this kind of vestment robe, decide to wear it now?”


Adelaide turned to Lou, ignoring her beloved daughter who was desperately protesting at the top of her voice.

“Lou, it looks like you’ve done something…special for that vestment. Thank you very much. I know she’s such an unreliable girl, but please take care of her for me.” 

Lou asked Adelaide to look up at him and said a familiar line.

“Okay, leave Fran to me.”

“Thank you, Lou.”

Adelaide thanked him again…

Lou, protect Fran for as long as you can! she inwardly prayed.

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