“Huh? W- Who’s the Iron Mask? That’s terrible…”

While caught by surprise, Fran looked down helplessly.

As if in pursuit, Kelturi threw in a few more words.

“Yes! That’s what students call you. You don’t usually show any emotion at all.”


“But, since your ambush…you’ve changed completely, Fran.”


“Few students call you by your nickname anymore. On the contrary, there are rumors all over the place about why…you’re so beautiful these days. That’s the subject of talk everywhere.”

Fran was unaware of Kelturi’s sarcastic remark.

Perhaps that was why she responded with a coy question.

“What do you mean, they don’t call me Iron Mask anymore? And what do you mean by beautiful?”

Kelturi shrugged pensively.

Fran herself was an indifferent woman.

She didn’t really know what people thought of her or how they saw her.

Kelturi disliked going around the bush and threw in a straightforward comment.

“Girls are fond of that topic. But in your case, it’s all too obvious.”


“Let me get this straight. You like Lou, don’t you?”

“Uh, huh~~!”

Fran was flustered, but just then…

“Kelly, enough talk. Enemies are here.”

Lou’s sharp voice rang out.

Apparently, enemies were approaching.

Kelly looked even more stunned when she heard that.

“Lou, are you really going to take this match seriously?”

“Yeah, please keep watch tight, Kelly.”

In response to Kelly’s question, Lou remained smiling and stared straight into her eyes.

“I-I got it! I’ll do my job right!”

Kelly was momentarily stunned.

Although he was human, he looked nothing like one at all…

Lou’s expression was reminiscent of the now-deceased Sowell, Schulvestre Eltvara.

He immediately turned to Fran.

“Fran, we’re under attack. Are you okay?”

“Ye-yeah! I’m fine!”

Fran faltered with her words, but she soon got into the spirit.

Lou briefed Fran of the situation.

“There’s a herd of Orcs 300 meters away. There are 10 of them, and we’ll use the same coordinated attack as before to lure them out. We’ll use the same signal and timing.”

“All right.”


Kelturi was given a start when Lou called her name.

“I’m sure your arm can handle it, but you’ve got to protect yourself.”

“G-got it…”

After Lou spoke, he left behind Kelturi, who looked a little sad, and took a fighting stance with Fran…

As before, Lou crept quietly up to the herd of orcs.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

Speaking of which…

There were ‘Irregular’ demons, also known as superior or rare species.

Beings of the same species that were born unexpectedly were called Irregulars, and they often had an advantage in size and ability.

The Orc herd that Lou and Fran were now trying to defeat were also of the superior species.

There were also special creatures called the Orc General.

They had about three times the physical strength of a normal orc, and were skilled with weapons.

Some of them even understand human language, though only a little.

They seemed to be at the level of human children, so they also had the intelligence to make decisions.

And this Orc General was the leader of the herd.

With the Orc General at the center of the herd, the pack continued to move through the forest.

However, two of the ten Orcs in the herd were quickly eliminated by an intruder who appeared out of nowhere.


They were astonished at what just happened.

Then, perhaps out of rage, the Orc General roared loudly.

Beyond the gaze of the astonished Orcs…

A tall, skinny human with no weapons, namely Lou, was standing there.

The enemy! 

The Orc General identified Lou as such.

He ordered his troops to surround him in groups and kill him at once.

There was indeed a marked difference from Lou’s previous fight with the orcs.


With the exception of the Orc General, the remaining seven Orcs gradually surrounded Lou, gradually narrowing the circle.

However, Lou remained motionless with his arms folded.

The Orc General’s expression showed irritation.

He was discomforted.

A normal human being would have a look of fear on his face…

Not on that human man at all.

Yeah! Whatever.

The Orc General growled and ordered his troop to charge.

At this point, he had no reason to order the pack to retreat.

The Orcs attacked simultaneously.


The Orc General felt Lou’s figure blur for a moment, and he quickly lost sight of him.

Then he saw…

He saw the figures of his comrades who had been decapitated or had large holes in their stomachs.

What the hell just happened?

Amidst the Orc General’s confusion.

Something even more out of the ordinary happened.

Without warning, he felt the presence of the man right in front of him. 

The tall, thin man, Lou, stood in front of the Orc General and told him.

“Looks like I can’t lure the … herd out when you’re around. Then you die.”

The Orc General was so terrified that his body went rigid and unmoving.

Instantly, Lou’s fist shimmered like a streak of light and easily chopped off the head of the Orc General.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

“Oh, here they come!”

Lou appeared in front of Fran and Kelturi with five orcs in tow.

I knew he’d be fine…

Despite that belief, Fran was still worried.

But when she sensed Kelturi’s resentful gaze…

Fran hurriedly began to prepare for her spell.

Right, we are in the middle of a game with Giselle and Nadia.

Eventually, when her magic power was high enough, Fran called out Lou’s name loudly and began to chant the magical formula.

“O Great Apostle, who sits in heaven! Lend me thy divine cleansing flames! Fire Blast!”

Lou quickly left the spot.

And then, multiple flame bombs shot from Fran and flew towards the orcs.

Three of the shots instantly obliterated the orcs, and Lou quickly buried the two orcs he had missed with his fists.

Through coordinated play, all of their enemies were defeated… Lou unhurriedly returned to Fran and Kelturi.

Fran breathed a sigh of relief while waving at Lou.

“Whoa, thank God! We won!”

“With just Orcs? In Lou’s hands, they’re nothing. This is but a farce…” 

Kelturi, however, muttered in boredom and turned away with a snort.

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