Chapter5 - Funeral

「I was thinking of recovering a few of their keepsakes but…I can’t leave things like this.」

Lou calmly told Fran.

According to him, there were many other demons and beasts in the vicinity.

So there was a possibility that the knights’ corpses would further be eaten away and become undead.

「The cadavers here are merely a vessel for the body after the soul has departed. But we can’t let them be marred any more than they already are, having sacrificed their lives to protect you.」

Lou said he would give the martyred knights a proper burial…

Hearing this, Fran burst into tears again and muttered.

「You’re gonna be fine now. Yeah, as Lou said, we must mourn properly.」

Lou carefully arranged the bodies of the knights in a row and signaled Fran with his eyes.

Fran caught it and knelt with her hands clasped in front of her.

Lou waited till Fran kneeled completely before taking a breath.

With a rhythm that seemed to be a unique breathing technique, Lou’s internal magic power soared rapidly.

His lips moved, and he chanted a sonorous Kotodama.

「O Great Being, who governs the truth of life! Their souls have departed to you in the heavens. Grant me the task of returning their remaining physical vessels to Mother Earth! Mother Earth, grant me strength! Show them the route back to you! I will use your divine grace to send them your way!」

Fran was familiar Kotodama chanting that came from Lou’s mouth.

Kotodama verses were different, because they were funeral magic used by bishops and monks who served the gods.

Eventually, when the surge of magic power reached its peak, the spell would be activated.


A dazzling white light enveloped Lou.

Lou moved his hands, and the white light filled the area, enveloping the bodies.

Then the bodies of the knights in front of them turned to dust in a flash.

When the white light gradually subsided…

Only the armor and helmets of the knights were left on the ground.


「I’ll store them in the storage bracelet for now.」

Lou picked up the armors and other equipment that the knights had been wearing.

Lou said that these too should all be given to the bereaved family as mementos.

「What about your luggage?」

At Lou’s prompt, Fran looked around…

A familiar cherished bag was left beside the carriage wreck.

It wasn’t taken away probably because it only contained personal belongings such as clothes and documents related to her training in the neighboring country.

Fran picked up her bag and hugged it gently to her chest.

「Off we go, then! To Fran’s house.」

Lou was still smiling calmly.

Feeling relieved, Fran hugged him as before, wrapping her arms firmly around his back.

It was, by all accounts, an artless act of a woman entrusting herself to the love of her life.

Lou once again chanted that Flight Magic spell…

And the two of them rose quickly and disappeared into the sky.


「Fran, it would be inappropriate to just land in the city like this.」

「Yeah, I know. I think it would be best if you land a little further away from the city, and we’ll walk.」

They were flying towards St. Helena, the royal capital of the Kingdom of Valentine.

Fran said that if Lou’s power was too exposed, it would cause trouble later.

「What kind of trouble?」

「Your power is far beyond the framework of a single wizard. You’re a hero, so to speak.」

When Fran called him a hero, Lou’s face turned bitter.

「I’m not kidding. I don’t like that kind of thing. That’s why I left the Arlv Village.」

「But you still have the power to use it, don’t you?」

「Hmm, well…」

After all, there was magic to be wielded…

For some reason, the frown on Lou’s face was so funny that Fran couldn’t help but chuckle.

Then exerted all her strength on her arms around Lou’s back.

「Come on! Did you forget? You’re going to be a teacher at my school.」

「Teacher…be a teacher? Then would I be just like my Grandpa?」

Lou didn’t seem to have much of a clue.

But Fran thought as she stared at Lou’s face.

I’m in trouble. I’m in trouble if I don’t get him to teach at our school.

If he becomes an adventurer, I’ll never see him…again.

So…let’s say it straight! I want to say it! I must tell him!

「Yes! I think your talent will be beneficial in teaching others. Besides…」


「…No, it’s nothing. Come on, this is already the royal capital. Let’s land in that area.」

Fran still couldn’t express her feelings.

She felt disgusted by her own lack of courage.

Lou and Fran ensured that there were no people on the road a short distance from the royal capital St. Helena…

Then they descended discreetly into a wooded area, a little off the road.


Thirty minutes later…

Lou and Fran were in front of the north main gate of St. Helena.

「G-Goodness! Lady Francesca! W-What on earth happened to you?!」

The guards at the north gate were stunned to see Fran covered in mud and dust and exclaimed with a stutter.

In contrast, Fran replied with a slightly strained expression.

「Thanks for you as always. I’ll talk to Count Ryan, Captain of the Royal Capital Knights, about the details. In the meantime, can you accompany me to the mansion? Oh, and he’s coming with me.」

After issuing instructions, Fran exhaled lightly.

A sense of fatigue seemed to hit her now that she was finally able to go home.

The guards stood erect and saluted.

「R-Roger! We will escort you to Count Dumer’s mansion. And who is this?」

A guard pointed at Lou behind her.

It was probably baffling why the filthy dressed Lou was with Fran.

He gave off that impression.

「He…He saved my life. I won’t tolerate rudeness!」

When Fran saw the guard blatantly pointing his fingers at Lou, she…

She frowned and stated decisively.

「Yes! I understand. Hey! Ask someone to take my place here. Also, call for a carriage and backup to guard Lady Francesca.」

The guard shouted again, and the other guards quickly dispersed.

One of them stood in front of the main gate, and the other three, along with the guards who had been there before, took up positions on the four sides of Fran, throwing sharp glances at the surroundings.

Lou witnessed everything and realized anew… Fran was a noble lady.

In a somber atmosphere, Fran walked towards the carriage parked by the gate, flanked by guards.

Lou then followed after her, feeling detached from the world.

He had been living in the Village of Arlv until recently, and the atmosphere of the royal capital and its bustle was very fresh to him.

The door of the carriage was opened, and as Fran got in, she extended her white hand out from inside.

The guards looked dubious when they saw it, but Fran grabbed Lou’s hand firmly and invited him into the carriage.

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