For Giselle, Lou said, “I’m going to change my method of persuasion a little.”

Eventually, Lou summoned a fearsome three-headed magical beast from the underworld.

…The Cerberus.

As a summoner, Adelaide had heard beforehand that Lou was following this magical beast that served as the gatekeeper of the underworld, but she was still pricked by curiosity.

No wonder.

It was the first time for Adelaide to see Cerberus in person, and it was the perfect object of curiosity for her.

While Adelaide was staring…

Lou commanded Cerberus to do something.

Then, with a brief howl, the magical beast sat down and closed its eyes.

It seemed like Lou had ordered it to protect him and Adelaide during the operation!

Lou turned to Adelaide again.

Now it was time for the two of them to invoke the rescue spell on Giselle.

“Adelaide-san, you need to time your breathing first.”

Previously, during the spring semester, students had been practicing the basics of magic.

And breathing was one of the many fundamentals of magic.

Adelaide nodded silently and gradually matched her own breathing to Lou’s.

After a while, the unique rhythm of the Breathing Technique brought Adelaide into a state of complete relaxation. She relaxed physically and let her consciousness flow to Lou.

Eventually, the magic wave aura emitted by both Lou and Adelaide merged and sublimated.

A mysterious wave of magical power enveloped Adelaide, making her feel as comfortable as if she were in a peach garden.

Lou, on the other hand, closed his eyes and didn’t move a muscle.

The two were already in a light trance.

Lou placed his hand on Giselle’s chest.

If Fran were to see this, she would writhe in jealousy.

But Lou’s hand was already wrapped in a dazzling glow…

Little by little, the light was sucked into Giselle’s heart.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

『What is this place?』

When Adelaide exclaimed, Lou’s voice came right back.

『Giselle has created a spiritual world within her soul, the so-called Mental World. We’ve entered it as astral spirits. And … Giselle’s will is here.』

Lou and Adelaide’s souls, it seemed, had now left their bodies.

Adelaide felt as if she was having a very vivid dream, and a touch of sentience.

Adelaide looked around her…

It was a desolate desert.

The trees were dying, and the river in front of them had completely dried up, exposing the bottom.

This…was this what was going on in Giselle’s mind? 

That child, who was so free and imposing…

This was the mind world which portrayed what was in the heart…

Adelaide immediately conveyed her doubts to Lou.

『No, no, Adelaide-san.』

『What do you mean?』

『This is a sham, not Giselle’s original intention.』


『Giselle wanted to live a freer life, and she got lost. The responsibility of being the Student Council President, leading all the students of the Magical Girls Academy, and being the proud daughter of a Duke, had completely molded her into one type of person.』 

『A mold?』

『To put it another way, it’s an alternative way of life. At one point, a conflict arose in Giselle’s mind wondering if this was the way she want to be…And, it mounted.』

『Giselle’s struggling deep inside…I didn’t notice anything at all…”

Adelaide muttered quietly and looked down apologetically.

When Lou saw how unusually pained Adelaide was, he continued to speak.

『Moreover, the devil, Vine bewitched Nadia, who then took advantage of Giselle and pretended to be a friend.』

『Na- Nadia!…R-Really?』

『Yeah, Giselle was influenced by Nadia’s negative, horrible darkness, and her personality became more and more violent and extreme.』

But Lou had already defeated Vine.

Giselle should be free by now.

As if reading Adelaide’s thoughts, Lou said.

『I have defeated the devil and broken the spell.』

Lou said without hesitation.

The rest was in Giselle’s mind.

The life of the talented Giselle…

…In fact, it was full of many possibilities.

Someone had to make her aware of the ‘truth’…

She would die in this world, shut in…

That was according to Lou.

He was calm, as if he was already sure he could help.

Adelaide, on the other hand, was impatient and couldn’t stand waiting.

『Lou! F-For now, let’s get to Giselle.』

『Okay, let’s hurry. The magic wave will tell us where she is.』


They went to the place where Giselle was.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

『You again? I’m not getting out of here!』

『Giselle, this place is dangerous. Please, you have to listen to me.』

『Shut up! I feel so at home here! I’m free and unbound!』

When Giselle recognized Lou, she spat at him.

Then she sat down with her knees in her arms and turned away with a plop.


『Huh!? Who’s it? C-Chairman!』

Adelaide called out from behind Lou.

Then Giselle jumped up like a spring puppet.

『I’m Giselle Carpentier, Class 3-3A. Good day, Chairman.』

In addition to developing students’ magical abilities, the Magic Girls Academy also teaches them lady etiquette.

A habit that had been ingrained in her for two years wasn’t so easy to get rid of.

Giselle was an aspiring knight of the capital and was polite.

She greeted Adelaide with an upright and respectful bow.

『You fool! You’re not supposed to be here!』

Adelaide said.

She approached Giselle and hugged her.


Adelaide whispered slowly as she tightly hugged the confused Giselle.

Let’s get back to everyone…

Giselle listened to Adelaide’s persuasion, but slowly shook her head as her expression turned morose.

『I can’t go back in disgrace now. I couldn’t stop Nadia from going out of control, and I caused trouble for everyone. And on top of that, I lost the game.』

When Adelaide heard Giselle’s words, she burst out laughing.

『Hahaha, you’re a gem, but you’re just a student, aren’t you? Students, you see, grow as they learn. Sometimes we make mistakes.』


『Don’t overreach yourself. It’s only natural that you’re unable to solve these difficult problems.』


『Giselle-san, you’ve been working too hard. you know? Let your shoulders relax.』


『Be more lenient with adults. Ask for help. But don’t forget to be polite. You’re polite enough for that.』


『As a lady, you are well qualified!』

Giselle was admonished by Adelaide…

She remained silent and looked down in embarrassment.

However, Giselle’s expression had returned to her face with a clarity she had never seen before.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ 

“Lou! Mother!” “Giselle!”

Fran and Kelturi’s voices intermingled.

They shouted in delight at the sight of Lou, Adelaide, and Giselle emerging from the Ruins.

Next to Fran and the others, Moral nodded in satisfaction.

Thank God! They’re safe!

All three of us came back safe.

Like Fran and Kelturi, Adelaide and Giselle had naturally been subjected to Lucifer’s Secret Technique.

Because of their randomly written True Name, the devil could no longer control their minds.

But the case was still open. 

“Nadia hasn’t woken up yet!”

Giselle reacted to Fran’s worried voice and rushed over at once.

“Na-Nadia! I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have done that! I should have paid more attention to you!”


Moral pulled Giselle away from clinging to her.

“What to do?!”

“There’s nothing you can do. The girl won’t come back.”


“Leave everything to Master Lou… He’ll use magic that you can’t cast. Without Master Lou’s help, this girl will never be able to return to this world.”

Giselle, who was staring at Moral fuming, huffed.

She realized a frightening truth.

“Uh-uhhh…Y-You! You’re a demon?!”

“So what? I’m just telling you the truth.”

Giselle was astonished and angry, but Moral was completely unfazed.

Adelaide interceded at this point.

“There, there, Giselle! Let’s leave everything to Lou, as the girl said. It was Lou who saved everyone here, including you.”


Giselle, who had been very upset…

Adelaide’s report finally made her understand the situation and managed to calm her down.

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