Thursday afternoon…

Today was when Lou was going to meet up with Nadia for a ‘date’.

He had classes today as well, so he was going to meet her at a certain place in the capital after the classes were over.

Everyone knew their meeting place ――― It was located in the northwest of the city, so that Lou, who was new to the city, wouldn’t get lost.

It was the Cathedral, a sacred building with an overwhelming aura. It stood alongside the Royal Palace in the central square of the royal city of St. Helena.

The cathedral was dedicated to the great Creator, who was said to have created everything in this world.

It was also said that the hero who founded the Kingdom of Valentine, Bert Creed Valentine, received his blessing. Almost 80% of the population of the continent worshipped this great God.

The entrance to the cathedral faced the central square, and incessant devout believers would visit the cathedral every day.

The entrance and the halls were guarded by strong and menacing Knights Templar, so that no insolent person could run amok in the area.

Nadia had been waiting for Lou by the entrance long ago.

Today, she wasn’t wearing the school uniform that she usually wore.

Instead, she was wearing a specially designed vestment robe that wizards liked to wear.

The color of the vestment was her favorite, yellow.

It was the perfect shade for this season, representing the sprouting grass buds of spring.

She had removed her headdress, so her long chestnut hair in a ponytail was peeking out.

Just then, someone called out to her.

“Oh, you’re the daughter of the Viscount Charlois, aren’t you? I believe you’re…”

“Yes! My name is Nadia. I’m Nadia Charlois, Cardinal Breval-sama.”

The person Nadia called Cardinal Breval was an old man dressed in a tunic called a dalmatica and a cloak called a coop.

“Did you come to worship today, Nadia-dono?”

“No, I’m meeting someone today.”

“Oh! You’re meeting someone? Hmmm…our Creator is indeed a Great God who creates bonds between people. Let us pray that you’ll form a good bond with the person you’re meeting today.”

Cardinal Breval clasped his hands lightly in front of his chest and muttered a word or two.

Naturally, Nadia prayed as well.

A few moments later, their prayers ended.

Breval smiled serenely, bowed, and slowly left the scene. 

Then, ten minutes later.

“Sorry, sorry!”

Lou appeared waving his hand.

“Mmm, you’re ten minutes late.”

Nadia’s slitted eyes narrowed, but she smiled gently without any sign of anger.

Then, after waving away Lou’s apology, they left the cathedral.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

The central square was still very crowded.

The two walked in the corner, avoiding the flow of people.

“Today, I want you to accompany me to go shopping first.”

Nadia clasped her hand, facing Lou.

It was a ‘prayer pose’, different from when she prayed just now.

“Sure, that’s fine. Where are we going?”

Lou nodded in understanding and asked.

“As a matter of fact, my magic wand broke during the game last time.”

“I see. Do you have any idea which shop we’ll go to?”

“None at all! When I’m at the mansion, our merchants would come to the mansion, and we buy whatever we needed. I never had the chance to go shopping in the capital.”

“Is that so?”

“Un! At the student dormitory, not only our merchants, but even Giselle’s family’s official merchants come to the dormitory. Of course, they’re female shopkeepers, ugh.”

“Oh, I get it. It’s a girl’s dormitory.”

“So if there’s a place Lou-sensei knows of, please take me there.”

Nadia said with a smile.

“Er, I don’t have much of a clue either, but… I think I can take you to the Kingsley Company.”

When Nadia heard the name of the restaurant from Lou, she thought for a moment, but then tilted her head cutely.

“Hmm~ Kingsley Company? I’ve never heard of them.”

“Really? But they’re all good people.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Upon hearing Lou’s words, Nadia looked at him with interest.

And then.

“What kind of people are these good people you speak of, Lou-sensei? I’m curious.”

Nadia suddenly took Lou’s hand and urged him to lead the way.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

Next to the cathedral where they met, there was a commercial district with famous merchants and stores.

Lou and Nadia talked as they walked towards the place where the Kingsley Company was located.

Then they saw a group of male students walking from the other side.

There were five of them…and three women.

One of the boys called out to Nadia in a teasing tone.

“Hey! Well, well, well, isn’t this the honorable Nadia-sama?”

The uniforms they were wearing were familiar to Lou.

They appeared in the documents that Adelaide showed him.

It was the uniform in the Boys Magical Academy.

The school that trained male wizards in the Kingdom of Valentine was the Boys Magical Academy.

It was founded at the same time as the Girls Magical Academy, creating the twin peaks of magic schools in this country.

But what of them!

They were fooling around with three women in gaudy makeup.

From the way they were talking, they seemed to be women who worked at some tavern or bistro.

The glint in their gazes reminded Lou of Lazar Barbier, whom he had punished before.

“Lou-sensei, I know this is hard to say.”

Nadia lowered her voice and whispered to Lou.

“The person who called me is…Headmistress’s younger brother.”

“Fran’s younger brother?”

Lou knew that Fran had a brother.

The first clothes he wore in this town were also borrowed from her brother.

Lou was reminded again.

Lou’s voice was so loud that the man who had first approached them glared at him.

Looking closely, he indeed had a vague but definite resemblance to both Adelaide and Fran.

“Excuse me? Was it my imagination, or did I hear you say my sister’s nickname?”

“You’re not imagining it. It’s because I definitely named her.”

Lou replied and stepped in front of Nadia, standing between her and the man who seemed to be Fran’s younger brother.

“W-What the hell? Who are you?”

Lou introduced himself to Fran’s brother, who was now quite flustered in front of him.

“I’m Lou Brandell. I’m your sister’s follower.”

For a moment, Fran’s brother showed confusion…

He immediately stared right back at Lou and started cursing furiously.

“W-What?! Y-You! You’re my sister’s follower, so why are you so high and mighty? Besides, you’re a commoner! A-Also, w-why are you with Nadia-sama?” 

Even when Fran’s brother yelled at Lou, he remained blissfully unconcerned.

“Ask your questions later. Tell me your name first. I’ve introduced myself to you.”

“Unh! I-I’m…I’m George Dumer, the next head of the Count of Dumer family. Remember it well!”



The way Lou spoke and the way George panicked in response.

I wonder if the interaction between the two of them had hit a nerve.

Nadia suddenly started laughing out loud.

It was the first time in a long time that she had shown such a fresh and radiant smile.

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