Astral Ant Tribe

Chapter 38 Juniper

After more than 70 days, the special chemical worker ants cultivated by Longbai emerged one after another, with a body length of 22 centimeters.

The current length of Cypress cypress is only 18 to 19 centimeters.

The special chemical worker ants are one size larger than the king ant, Long Bai. Accordingly, they are more energetic and efficient in their work.

Those "small" specialized worker ants cultivated during the junior ant king period gradually became auxiliary porters.

On a small hill below the mountain range, there is a large area of ​​cotinus trees growing.

A cold night,

The leaves of the cotinus tree are bright red and shiny.

Before you know it, autumn is coming to an end.

Recently, Long Bai has spent a lot of time and energy on cultivating intelligent worker ants, and Yamashita's work has not been delayed too much.

The three large reservoirs were all completed, drained, and dug through to form a C-shaped super large pond surrounding the small pond.

The upstream of the nearby river ditch is blocked and intercepted, the diversion canal is led into the large pond, and the drainage channel from the pond is led into the downstream river ditch.

On the east side of the small pond, including a section of the river ditch, a large pond with a side length of 8 meters was dug.

After digging, drain the pond water and connect the entire line.

Finally, some trimming of the edges and corners resulted in a circular pond with a diameter of about 13 meters surrounding the small pond.

There is an isolated island in the center...

The azure god-given seeds are working hard to take root deep into the ground. There is no rush to penetrate them all for the time being, and they are ready to do it next spring.

The project at the foot of the mountain is basically completed.

When the temperature drops, the worker ants don't like to move and simply stop working. All the worker ants resident at the foot of the mountain return to the mountain ant nests for a long winter vacation and wait for the spring of next year.

The larvae of the intelligent worker ants are more than 20 centimeters long, and their development has become slow, but they have been reluctant to spin silk and form cocoons.

This guy has a huge appetite, and it has already eaten half of the force food worth 1,000 raw stones.

Not sure if it was enough, Long Bai himself was reluctant to eat it.

Not sure when the larvae of the intelligent chemical ants will form cocoons or be born, Long Bai guards the ant nest and dare not travel far.

Similarly, it is uncertain when the god-given fruit pandan seeds will ripen this year, so Mo Lan must guard her territory.

The time of waiting without knowing where the end is.

Large blue ants and specialized blue ants that were cultivated later emerged one after another.

As the predators were driven away near the mountains, hares and squirrels became rampant.

Long Bai and Mo Lan hunted extensively for the blue ants to refine and reserve.

Soon enough food was collected to feed the ant colony for a month, and the blue ants were also filled.

Nothing to do.

Boring as hell.

Molan flies very fast, flying close to the force barrier, leaving early and returning late, searching north and south, collecting winter dates, kiwis, citrus, persimmons, pomegranates and other wild fruits.

On a cliff, I pulled out a large black bee's hive and brought back a lot of honey.

Long Bai directed the blue ants to combine honey and fruits to brew 'ant honey' with different flavors.

I started doing food research out of boredom.

Research results: The more types of fruits, the richer the flavor types, the more delicious the ant honey is. Adding an appropriate amount of meat will give a better taste.

Long Bai speculated that if some dried fruits such as torreya nuts, pine nuts, almonds, and walnuts could be added, the taste would definitely be better.

The way Long Bai and Mo Lan eat has completely changed.

Mainly fresh meat.

When eating, let the worker ants cut large pieces of meat into shreds of suitable size.

Spread a large leaf on the ground and put ant honey on it.

The shredded meat is dipped in ant honey and eaten.

Cypress trees widen the entrance to the ant nest, and a spacious dining room with a length of 1.5 meters and a width of 1 meter is opened on the left side of the entrance.

The eating position is fixed in the restaurant.

It's a delicious, sophisticated, elegant and tasteful new way of eating.

Boredom is the source of civilization and progress.

The sky outside the ant nest was dark and cold, and the rain was falling.

There are ant colonies living in the ant nest, constantly releasing body heat, and the incubation room is always warm as spring.

Finally, after eating all of Long Bai's Force food, the intelligent worker ant larvae spun silk, pupated, and entered the final stage of emergence.

Finally, in the Molan territory, the god-given fruit orchid seeds absorbed a large amount of force. After 50 raw stones were used, the capsules entered the final stage of maturity.

The fruity pandan seeds are matured and harvested first. The quantity remains the same at 308 seeds. The quality is improved to a higher level and can be sold for 6 rough stones/seed.

Long Bai now eats once and is not hungry for three or four days.

Mo Lan would not be hungry for five or six days if he was full once.

Of the fruity orchid seeds produced this year, 4 each of Longbai and Molan will be eaten as early adopters. The remaining 300 seeds will be kept and all will be sold to the caravan next spring.

Dry the seeds and collect them after drying.

Long Bai and Mo Lan began to tidy up their respective territories in preparation for their distant exploration.

There isn't much to clean up. The main issue is the security of the territory. We need to collect thorny branches and renovate and strengthen the fence.

Currently, there are 100 specialized soldier ants in Longbai, 36 in the north of the mountain, 12 on the top of the mountain, 36 in the south of the mountain, and 12 at the bottom of the mountain. There are still 4 disabled soldier ants standing guard at the entrance of the ant nest.

Everything is ready, except for the intelligent worker ants.

After waiting for a full 10 days, this product has finally emerged from the cocoon.

The whole body is pitch black, with a body length of about 25 centimeters, slightly larger than a chemical ant, and an extraordinarily large head, which occupies one-third of the entire body.

"Do you have any inherited memories?"

Long Bai shook his tentacles and sent messages using the ant tribe's unique communication method.


There was a period of confusion and confusion in the intelligent chemical worker ants.

That means no more.

Long Bai: "Can you command other worker ants?"

The intelligent worker ant was confused for a moment, then understood what Long Bai meant. He turned his head and shook his tentacles, and all the worker ants near the nest came closer.


Long Bai shook his tentacles to disperse the surrounding worker ants and said, "Follow me."

During the few days of waiting, Mo Lan simply stayed in the restaurant.

"Long Bai? Intelligent worker ants?"


"Does it direct worker ants?"

"Commanding worker ants is instinctive and innate. However, it has no inherited memory and doesn't understand anything. I need to teach it many things."

"Long Bai, what you mean is..."

"Let's stay another day, and I'll take him to get to know the territory, get to know all kinds of plants, and the saplings cultivated in our nursery."

"All right……"

Mo Lan reluctantly agreed and followed him out of the nest.

"It's called Molan, my friend. You don't have to be afraid of it."

Long Bai turned to introduce the intelligent chemical worker ant.

The intelligent chemical worker ants who were afraid of hiding behind Long Bai clicked their tentacles to express their understanding.

Long Bai pointed to the four specialized soldier ants standing guard at the entrance of the cave and asked, "Can you command the soldier ants?"

"It seems okay..." The intelligent chemical worker ant tried shaking its tentacles, and four soldier ants came closer.

However, four soldier ants stepped forward, looked around the intelligent chemical worker ants, and then turned away.

Intelligent Chemical Worker Ant: "They don't recognize me."

Long Bai: "..."

"Mo Lan, let's take it out to see the world."

Long Bai led the intelligent worker ants out of the ant nest and came to the tree planted by Long Bai. He solemnly introduced:

"This tree is my destiny seed. The tree species is 'Long Cypress', and I named it after it. The so-called destiny seed..."

"The Force food you ate when you were a larvae was produced by the Life Seed, and it is the most important wealth of the territory."

Long Bai continued to lead the way to his second destiny tree and said: "This tree is also my destiny tree, the tree species is 'Jiupe'..."

Mo Lan, who was following him, suddenly asked: "Long Bai, didn't you say that the intelligent chemical worker ant is very smart? Do you want to give it a name?"


"Then call it juniper?"

Long Bai immediately turned his head and said to the intelligent chemical worker ant: "Its name is 'Mo Lan', and my name is 'Long Bai'. I am your king. Now, I give you a name that belongs to you, Juniper!" Named after my second life tree.”

"Mo Lan. Long Cypress. Juniper."

The intelligent chemical worker ants seemed very happy, refining the key points, cheering and waving their tentacles. .

"My name is Juniper!"

"Very smart!" Long Bai praised and continued to introduce: "That one is the juniper seed, and that one is the emerald cypress seed..."

PS: No more updates today.

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