Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 621: Academy Call, Yunyun Wants to Be a Mother

The two who heard the news immediately put down their work and rushed over here.

At the same time, Ji Ye also sensed some discoveries.

"There is indeed still some remaining power of the old Devourers after they turned into Dao in the soil," Ji Ye said happily: "Perhaps the Netherworld has hope of reviving."

"In other words, the Netherworld has not been completely destroyed?" Yang Tianfang asked in surprise.

"Obviously." Ji Ye affirmed.

"Although it is a bit incredible, it makes sense when you think about it carefully." Chu Kuang pondered and analyzed: "After all, the existence of the Netherworld is indeed different from other divine domains in the heavens."

"Indeed." Jiang Zhao agreed deeply.

As we all know, after the destruction and collapse of other divine domains in the heavens, they will fall into the cosmic garbage dump of the Netherworld.

But the Netherworld itself is a garbage dump.

In addition, after the divine domains of the heavens fall into the Netherworld, they can become nutrients for the Netherworld and grow the power of the Netherworld.

In other words, the more divine domains collapse, the stronger the Netherworld will be.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these reasons that the Netherworld can still retain a glimmer of life after experiencing the ancient catastrophe.

The tiny worms growing in the soil at this moment are probably the most primitive form of the fierce beasts and insects in the Netherworld.

Of course, these tiny worms cannot grow out of thin air.

According to their subsequent observations, the breeding and growth of these tiny worms are probably related to the purified corpses of fierce beasts and insects.

The more densely the corpses of fierce beasts decay, the faster the tiny worms breed.

For this reason, several people also specially verified it.

The purified corpses of fierce beasts are piled up in the same place. As these corpses decay rapidly, the tiny worms in the soil below are also increasing wildly, competing for nutrients with each other, devouring each other, and gradually giving birth to all kinds of strange forms, and their bodies are also growing.

Such a magical scene made Jiang Zhao and others feel deeply moved.

"Do you think that we humans were born in this way at the beginning?" Yang Tianfang speculated curiously.

"It's not impossible." Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled.

Not to mention, Yang Tianfang is quite gifted in science.

As they were talking, Luo Changfeng and Lian Yuer had already arrived at the scene. After witnessing the situation with their own eyes, they were deeply shocked.

"My goodness, if that's the case, then can't we restore the Netherworld?"

Luo Changfeng's heart was surging.

The big guys in other divine domains only reshaped the former divine domains, but their Netherworld domain didn't need to be reshaped at all, just restored directly.

"It must be restored, but the current situation in this area is best not to be discovered by outsiders, otherwise it will inevitably attract all parties to spy on it," Jiang Zhao said seriously, "Let Brother Jin arrange some people to come and guard this area."

"There's no need to be so troublesome," Luo Changfeng waved his hand and smiled, "Can't we just build the Netherworld Holy Palace here?"

"Well, this is a good idea." Jiang Zhao's eyes lit up, "Okay, little Luozi, your IQ is good~!"

"Who are you looking down on," Luo Changfeng said unhappily, "The Buddha is now What's wrong with the successor of Emperor Cang?" Jiang Zhao smiled dumbly, with some concerns, "It's just that building the Netherworld Palace in such a place, wouldn't it be a little dangerous?" "With the God Killer and the World Destroyer sitting there, there can be no danger." Luo Changfeng said confidently, "This is their territory, and those who will join in the future are all Netherworld Star Soul Masters, who can naturally adapt to this environment easily." "That's right," Jiang Zhao said with a smile, "Then I'll leave this matter to you." Luo Changfeng patted his chest, with an attitude of "I'll do it, you can rest assured." Chu Kuang and the other three were a little surprised: "Netherworld Palace? Aren't you going to establish a country? Why are you starting to build a palace?" "Oh, I forgot to tell Brother Chu," Jiang Zhao told the previous discussion, "So Brother Chu will have to help with the follow-up of the Zombie Palace." Chu Kuang naturally wouldn't refuse this. But his expression was a little strange, "Does it mean that we are very short of manpower now?" "Yes, there will be more in the future." Jiang Zhao nodded seriously. "Tell me if you need manpower. It's easy to recruit some people." Chu Kuang said.

"Brother Chu, do you have a good way?" Jiang Zhao and others looked at him expectantly.

Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang looked at each other and smiled secretly: "Did you forget something?"

Everyone was puzzled.

"Student card!" Chu Kuang reminded jokingly.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Luo Changfeng looked at each other in surprise, their hearts pounding, and they said "Fuck" at the same time.

"Fuck, how could you forget about this?" Luo Changfeng was surprised and happy, "Brother Chu means that you can still bring back the graduates of our academy?"

Chu Kuang smiled and said, "Just send them a call later, as for whether they come back or not, it depends on them."

"Call order?" Jiang Zhao was also shocked, "Are you sure this call order can be conveyed to the graduates of the past generations?"

You know, the former graduates of Starry Sky Academy have long been scattered all over the world, scattered in the upper and lower divine realms.

"Of course," Chu Kuang smiled confidently, "It took a lot of effort to develop this student card, and I've been waiting for this day."

"Hiss~" Jiang Zhao couldn't calm down for a long time, "Will they come back?"

"That depends on whether the momentum we create here is big enough. As long as the momentum is big enough and they see hope, they will naturally choose to come back," Chu Kuang grinned and said, "It's not much. As long as half of them can come back, it will be enough to establish the Great Xia Kingdom." Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and Luo Changfeng couldn't help but feel excited. Although they had guessed that the Starry Sky Academy was playing a big game, they didn't expect that the last move would be so cool. How did that sentence go? A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet. "Then what are you waiting for, just send it directly~!" Luo Changfeng said excitedly, "I can't wait any longer." "Well, this matter needs to borrow the power of the Savage Tower," Chu Kuang hurriedly explained, "The authority is held by the deans of all generations. I will go back to Great Xia and issue the call together with Dean He, and then wait for the fermentation. If possible, you'd better make some big noise here to spread the reputation of our Great Xia." "That's easy." Luo Changfeng patted his chest confidently. In fact, after the efforts of the elites of Daxia during this period of time, the reputation of Daxia has already spread.

"However, there may be fewer graduates in the upper divine domain," Chu Kuang added, "The majority of them should still be in the lower divine domain, so someone in the lower divine domain must also cooperate to gather the graduates there."

"This is easy, just leave it to Beiye Divine Kingdom." Jiang Zhao smiled.

"Okay, that's it." Chu Kuang nodded and smiled, and the whole person also had a feeling of high spirits, "After so many years of precipitation, this day is finally coming, haha!"

Jiang Zhao and Luo Changfeng were also looking forward to it.

Only Lian Yu'er was confused. After asking Luo Changfeng in a low voice, she understood the whole story. She couldn't help but widen her eyes and exclaimed, "Oh my God, have you been preparing for so long?"

I always thought that Daxia wanted to establish a country in the upper divine domain on a whim.

Now I know that Daxia has been secretly preparing for this for thousands of years.

It has been planning for thousands of years just to rebuild the Great Xia Divine Kingdom.

It is no wonder that Daxia is so powerful now.

It is hard to imagine what the scene will be like when the thousands of years of sedimentation completely erupts.

Then, everyone began to continue searching for hidden connection points.

Unfortunately, there was no progress after searching for a long time.

Luo Changfeng and Lian Yuer directly contacted Xingxiu Palace and prepared to build the Netherworld Holy Palace here.

When the Netherworld Holy Palace is built later, they can also help find connection points, which is the best of both worlds.

The only trouble is that as this area is gradually purified by Yang Gangbin, other forces in the deep of the Netherworld are gradually noticing the changes in this area.

Although purifying the ruins area is not a new thing for all parties.

After all, the territories of all forces are derived from this.

But it is obviously not normal to purify the territory directly in the deep of the Netherworld.

After all, even the ruins on the surface of the Netherworld are rarely purified into territories by the Divine Kingdom, let alone the deep of the Netherworld.

The reason is also very simple, the territory of the Netherworld is really of no value.

Not to mention the danger and effort, in the end, you can only get a piece of shitty place with no birds, which is worthless.

Even the kingdom of God, which is dominated by the Netherworld, rarely purifies the Netherworld territory. At most, it symbolically purifies one or two pieces and puts them as mascots. No people are willing to settle in the Netherworld territory.

The terrain is weird, but there is nothing else, let alone farming.

Who would come to such a place?

Therefore, Daxia's behavior of purifying the deep area of ​​the Netherworld is easy to attract the attention of various forces.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal.

In the eyes of various forces, Daxia must have found something great in this area.

Even if the construction of the Netherworld Holy Palace began later, it still did not dispel the suspicion of various forces.

Therefore, in the following days, various forces would send some star soul masters to infiltrate and investigate from time to time.

Although basically one came and one died, this aroused the interest of various forces.

After helping here for a few days, Jiang Zhao also returned to the Xingxiu Palace, ready to explain some things and set off for Tongtian Divine Realm.

As for the connection point between the deep layer of the Netherworld and the Savage Tower, it is estimated that it will not be found for a while.

Chu Kuang obviously realized this, and at this moment he was ready to go back to Daxia and issue a call for the Starry Sky Academy.

At the same time, the construction of other sacred palaces in Daxia was also in full swing.

Ruan Yunyun really wanted to go to Tongtian Divine Realm with Jiang Zhao, but because of the matter of the Mechanical Holy Palace, she had to stay here.

Before leaving, she said goodbye reluctantly and cried bitterly.

"That..." Jiang Zhao felt distressed, so he looked at Gao Chi on the side, "How about Teacher Gao work harder and take care of it for a while?"

"No problem," Gao Chi naturally would not refuse, "Anyway, it's still in the initial construction stage, it won't be too late to officially start when Yunyun comes back."

"Uncle Gao~ I know you love me the most!" Ruan Yunyun thanked excitedly.

Gao Chi looked helpless, "Just go and come back quickly, but if it's just the two of you, isn't it unsafe?"

"Don't worry too much. If Tongtian Divine Realm really had any bad intentions, they would have done it long ago." Jiang Zhao said with a smile.

"That being said, you still have to be careful." Gao Chi reminded.

"I know, Uncle Gao~!" Ruan Yunyun stuck out her tongue.

The Beidou Emperor slowly drove out of the deep layer of the Netherworld.

Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun on the Emperor's carriage were talking and laughing, playing and joking, as if they had returned to their carefree student days.

Although they encountered some troubles when passing through the control area of ​​other forces just now, they were easily solved by the two.

Jiang Zhao didn't even make a move, and Ruan Yunyun solved it alone.

It can only be said that during the time when Jiang Zhao grew up in the God Realm, Ruan Yunyun was not idle either, and her strength improved a lot.

Especially in the cultivation of the Mechanical Martial God, she was almost promoted to eight and a half stars.

And with the improvement of the Mechanical Martial God, the control over the power of the Mechanical Creator became stronger and stronger.

Coupled with the two great assistants of Virgo and Zhang Yuelu, it was really a god who killed gods and Buddhas who blocked the way.

"Tell me the truth, did you hook up with other girls in the God Realm?" Ruan Yunyun asked with a hum.

"I really didn't, if you don't believe me, ask Miss Qin." Jiang Zhao said righteously.

"Hmph!" Ruan Yunyun turned her head away angrily, not knowing why she was upset, "I think you just don't want to marry me! Look at little Luo Zi, she's almost having a child."

The sudden forced marriage caught Jiang Zhao off guard.

"I'll ask Uncle Zhongzheng for marriage when I come back this time." Jiang Zhao hurriedly expressed his attitude, feeling inexplicably sweet in his heart.

Speaking of which, it seems that the two of them are indeed old enough to consider getting married.

"That's about right!" Ruan Yunyun nodded contentedly, "I always thought Luo Changfeng was a blockhead, but now I realize that you are the biggest blockhead."

"My my~" Jiang Zhao hurriedly explained, "If I had known you cared so much, I should have been engaged to you when I graduated from high school."

Hearing this, Ruan Yunyun rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Hmph! I think you're not even as good as Luo Changfeng?" Ruan Yunyun didn't know why she was upset.

Jiang Zhao was not happy at that time, "What are you kidding? How am I worse than Xiao Luozi?"

"Anyway, you are not as good as Luo Changfeng."

Ruan Yunyun stared at Jiang Zhao with her beautiful eyes, feeling a little tired.

She hinted so clearly, but this wooden man did not react at all.

Alas~there is no way, who let this man be chosen by her?

"No, you have to explain it to me clearly," Jiang Zhao said with a little defense: "If you say I am not as good as others, I can understand, but I can never accept that I am not as good as Xiao Luozi."

Ruan Yunyun shook her head with tired eyes, and had nothing to say.

At the critical moment, it was still Monkey Brother who took the initiative to rush out, looked at Jiang Zhao with regret, shook his head and sighed: "Your host is so stupid that even I, a monkey, can't stand it."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Zhao was confused.

Monkey Brother stroked his forehead speechlessly and shook his head silently.

The next second, Ji Ye, the Third Prince, Xiao Ha, and Lao Niu took the initiative to come out of the soul box and looked at him speechlessly.

"Switch to the Southern Cross!" The Third Prince said impatiently, "Hurry up!"

"What's going on? What's the big deal?" Jiang Zhao couldn't help but get nervous, "Why are you all running out?"

"I told you to change to the Southern Cross, so you change it. Why are you talking so much nonsense?" The Third Prince said unhappily.

Although Jiang Zhao was a little confused, he still changed the Beidou Emperor's car to the Southern Cross.

Just as he was about to continue asking what happened, he was forced into the cabin by Monkey Brother the next second, and then Ruan Yunyun, who was blushing, was also stuffed in.

"What's going on?" Jiang Zhao was a little confused at the moment, and his brain was a little down.

Xiao Ha rolled his eyes and raised his hand to summon the Queen of the Underworld, and asked unhappily, "What? Do we, an old couple, need to demonstrate it to you on the spot?"


Jiang Zhao, who had been confused for a long time, finally understood something in a trance.

Looking at Ruan Yunyun next to him, her face was red and almost bleeding.

"Ahem, that... isn't this good?" Jiang Zhao, who realized the situation, couldn't help but get nervous.

Although he often pointed fingers at other people's feelings and talked about a lot of theories, he himself was also a rookie.

Otherwise, he would not have fallen to the point of blind dating in his previous life.

The blind dating experiences in his previous life were still vivid in his mind.

So much so that his wonderful journey through time and space was inexplicably hit by a meteorite after a failed blind date.

Now that it's really his turn, he is a little at a loss.

"You have been in love for so many years, so don't talk about any procedures and rules, just do what you should do."

The usually taciturn Ji Ye walked forward righteously, regardless of Jiang Zhao's reaction, and locked the door with a bang, turning to Lao Niu and signaling: "Lao Niu sister, give them a little atmosphere~!"

Lao Niu understood, and the power of the god of love in his body surged wildly, and pink hearts and bubbles instantly filled the entire Southern Cross.

Waves of power called "love" flowed freely on the Southern Cross, subtly stimulating the love in the hearts of the two people in the cabin.

Seeing this, Ji Ye and Monkey Brother were satisfied.

Then, everyone was not idle. While "protecting" the two, they also gave them a simple sense of ceremony.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Third Prince rode on the wind and fire wheel and flew around the Southern Cross. The wind and fire wheel under his feet frequently flew out brilliant fireballs and unfolded brilliant fireworks.

Then the two fire dragons of Samadhi True Dragon roared out, and under the control of the Third Prince, a picture of dragon and phoenix appeared.

The Qiankun Circle was hung with the Chaos Ribbon, fluttering around the Southern Cross like a ribbon.

Ji Ye transformed into the true form of the Star Soul, singing loudly, and the sunset glow dyed the whole sky red.

Monkey Brother turned the golden hoop into a suona and sang a song of birds paying homage to the phoenix.

Xiao Ha and the Queen of the Underworld transformed into the audience of the wedding, clapping and cheering, and the atmosphere was full.

A group of star souls had a lot of fun and were overjoyed.

The newlyweds in the cabin looked at each other with burning eyes and were speechless.

Under the influence of the power of the god of love, the love that the two had hidden in their hearts for many years had already flooded like a mountain torrent.

At this moment, Jiang Zhao finally understood the meaning of Ruan Yunyun's words "You are not as good as Luo Changfeng".

The young and beautiful girl in front of him seemed to want to be a mother too.

After the divine sense exploration, the picture outside the cabin appeared clearly in front of Jiang Zhao.

The atmosphere has reached this point, if there is no action, it would be a bit unreasonable.

Not as good as Xiao Luozi?

Are you kidding?

I'm sorry, Uncle Zhongzheng and Grandpa Ruan.

The incident happened suddenly and the situation is urgent. I, your son-in-law, can only act first and report later!

Having said that, the procedures should still be followed, "Yunyun, will you marry me?"

"Yes," Ruan Yunyun's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were firm, "I do."

Coincidentally, the high-pitched voice of Ji Ye came from outside the cabin: "Bow to heaven and earth..."

"What the hell is the heaven and earth to bow to? I'll bow to you later~!"

Jiang Zhao shouted angrily, turned around and picked her up in Ruan Yunyun's cry, humming and grinning: "Xiao Luozi can hit the target with one shot, why can't I?

No, I want to hit the target with three yuan in one shot——!"


A ship with various celebration special effects slowly floated over the sky of Tianxuan Divine Kingdom, attracting the attention of countless people.

Benefiting from the vigorous development of Daxia Chamber of Commerce, Tianxuan Divine Kingdom is now a thriving scene.

It doesn't look like it has just recovered from a disaster.

"My goodness, whose wedding is this, making such a big noise?"

"Maybe it's that royal noble or the proud family?"

"Hiss~ Why do I feel that ship is a little familiar? I seem to have seen it somewhere."

"Rich people are different, their weddings are so different."

"No, no, it's not right!"

"Fuck, what is that?"

"Why is the sky starting to change color?"

"Oh my god, is this a strange phenomenon?"

"Who is so awesome that a wedding can cause a strange phenomenon?"

The sky where the Southern Cross slowly passed was gradually getting darker, and in broad daylight, it showed a strange phenomenon of stars, as if the whole starry sky was blessing this wedding.

On this day, most of the people in Tianxuan Divine Kingdom witnessed and witnessed this strange phenomenon.

In the palace of Tianxuan Divine Kingdom, Tianxuan Divine King naturally noticed this strange phenomenon and was about to rush up to find out, but suddenly found that the ship was a little familiar.

"Hey~ Isn't this the ship of Jiang Zhao?"

Looking at the scene of a group of star souls laughing and talking on the Southern Cross, with lights and decorations, and salutes, he was somewhat confused.

"What is this... doing?"

"And what is this strange phenomenon of heaven and earth?"

Just as he was hesitating whether to go up and ask about the situation, a pair of boys and girls came out of the cabin. The girl's face was flushed, and the boy looked very proud.

And with the appearance of the boy and girl, the strange phenomenon in the sky also dissipated.

Seeing the two people come out, Ji Ye, Monkey Brother, the Third Prince and others came forward to congratulate.

The pride and joy on Jiang Zhao's face were about to overflow, "Come on, guess whether it is a boy or a girl, and there will be a prize if you answer correctly~!"

"Nine out of ten is a girl." Monkey Brother pondered seriously.

"Son, son is good." Xiao Ha pondered: "In the future, he can inherit the kingdom that the host has built for him, perfect."

The star souls had a heated discussion about this.

Jiang Zhao looked at the beauty in his arms with a doting look, "Girl, do you like a daughter or a son?"

"It feels the same, what about you?" Ruan Yunyun blinked and asked curiously.

"A daughter." Jiang Zhao pondered.

"Why? Isn't a son good?"

"I can't tell, it's as if there is some power in the dark telling me that it must be a daughter." Jiang Zhao was thoughtful.

"But what if Lian Yu'er is pregnant with a son?" Ruan Yunyun's words hit the key point.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao's heart beat wildly, as if he had seen the scene of his daughter being taken away by Huangmao in the future, and he shuddered.

No, Huangmao in this world must die--! (End of this chapter)

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