Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 642: The base of the divine domain, the insect ecosystem deep underground

At certain critical moments in the future, or when life and death are at stake, you can rely on the power of the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor.

But when it comes to establishing a country, you must rely on yourself!

This is not only the arrogance in Jiang Zhao's heart, but also the arrogance in the hearts of all the people of Daxia.

Only by establishing a country on its own can Daxia truly be based in the upper divine realm, and this is something truly worthy of pride and pride.

When you come up, you rely on external forces, and your mentality is inherently inferior to others.

In addition, if you want to marry with the Empire of All Gods in the future, even if you don't have equal strength, you must have equal ambition and mentality.

Lian Yu'er naturally saw Jiang Zhao's thoughts and smiled happily, her eyes full of recognition.

As a little princess of the Empire of All Gods, she has seen the rise and fall of too many kingdoms of gods.

Only with this kind of mentality can we establish a kingdom of God in a down-to-earth manner and have the qualifications to be passed down for generations to come!

This is the ambition that every powerful divine kingdom must have.

So after hearing Jiang Zhao's words, Lian Yu'er's last worry about the founding of Daxia completely dissipated.

Although Daxia has not yet been officially established as a country, in her eyes, the Kingdom of Daxia has already been established.

"What the president said makes sense," Man Xiaoli, Song Feng and others agreed deeply: "Since we want to create our own Kingdom of God, we naturally have to rely on our own strength to achieve it. If we don't even have this little confidence, what qualifications do we have?" Standing in the forest of the upper divine realm?”


The rest of the people were also excited and agreed deeply.

Jiang Lingtong and Ao Xian saw everything in their eyes, their eyes full of relief.

Because they know that from this moment on, these children in front of them can already shoulder the burden of Daxia's future.

Looking at the excited faces of the brothers and sisters present, Jiang Zhao's inner emotions were also aroused, and he was full of enthusiasm and pride.

"In that case, why not officially declare the founding of the country on the wedding day!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was startled at first, and then nodded excitedly.

"Haha, we have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"That's right, we're just waiting for the president's words!"

"I have been waiting for a long time and finally waited until today~~~."

"Speaking of the announcement of the founding of the country, is there anything that needs to be prepared? Or can we just announce it directly?" Everyone was very interested.

Lian Yu'er smiled sweetly and said: "Of course it's not that simple. To establish the Kingdom of God, you must have a God-King-level powerhouse to sit in command, sacrifice to the stars in public, and use your position as God-King to make an oath and declare it to the world.

Only in this way can the base point of the Kingdom of God be built in the upper divine realm to expand the territory. "

"A God-King-level powerhouse?" Jiang Zhao was stunned, "Does it have to be a God-King?"

"That's not necessarily the case," Lian Yu'er thought, "Theoretically speaking, as long as he is a strong person of the same level of god, it will be fine."

Jiang Zhao nodded slightly, "What about the follow-up?"

"The birth of each divine kingdom's base point will squeeze and divert the base point power of the surrounding divine kingdoms. The power of this base point is crucial to every divine kingdom. Therefore, the establishment of the Great Xia Divine Kingdom will inevitably It will cause opposition and dissatisfaction from surrounding divine kingdoms and forces," Lian Yu'er explained.

"What exactly is the base point of the divine realm?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled, "Why is it so important?"

"An extremely mysterious substance, it is also the base point on which the entire Kingdom of God's territory depends. The stronger the base point of the Kingdom of God, the larger the territory that can be expanded. To put it bluntly, if the ruins from the God's Domain of the Gods want to become the territory of the Kingdom of God, It must rely on the power of the base point of the Kingdom of God to exist.

In addition, the power of the God King bound to it to control the territory of the Kingdom of God also comes from the base point of the Kingdom of God.

With the help of the power of the base point of the divine realm, the divine king can perfectly integrate the territories from different divine realms, and use the laws and personalities he masters to influence and change the entire territory.

It can be said that the God King, the base point of the God Realm, and the entire God Kingdom are firmly bound together. "

Hearing this, everyone was amazed.

"It turns out that the territory of the Kingdom of God can be expanded as much as it wants, isn't it?"

"Then how to improve and strengthen the base point of this divine realm?"

"There are many methods. Successfully conquering another country's territory is equivalent to robbing the opponent of part of the opponent's base point power. In addition, with the increase in population and belief in the territory of the Kingdom of God, the base points of the Kingdom of God will also naturally grow to a certain extent and become more stable. , and form a special protective force.

Generally speaking, the more prosperous the Kingdom of God develops, the more obvious the effect of absorbing the surrounding population will be. This is also the biggest conflict of interest between Daxia and the forces of the surrounding Kingdom of God. "

Everyone listened thoughtfully, and many militants were already eager to try.

"Then what if we directly kill the opponent's God King?" Luo Changfeng said with great interest.

"Then you can seize the opponent's divine kingdom's divine domain base point, integrate it into your own divine domain base point, and control the entire opponent's divine kingdom's territory," Lian Yu'er nodded: "But generally speaking, this is not the best choice. , Unless the other party is willing to die, most of them will choose the other two methods."

Luo Changfeng was puzzled: "How do you say that?"

"Opening up territory and expanding territory is naturally a good thing, but it is also a burden," Lian Yu'er explained: "And seizing the base point of a god king's domain only controls all the territory of the other party to a certain extent, but the people on the territory Faith cannot be easily reversed.

And in most cases, various resistance forces will arise within the opponent's territory and last for a long time. "

"That's it." Everyone finally understood.

To put it bluntly, directly seizing the opponent's god king's divine domain base point is equivalent to gaining the person but not the heart.

This is the saying that occupation is easy but governance is difficult.

The growth and stability of the base point of the divine domain is directly linked to the population and belief. Simply winning the other party's territory is of little significance. How to bring the other party's people and beliefs back is the key.

"In other words, in addition to forcibly seizing the opponent's base point of the divine domain, you can also make the opponent surrender and become a vassal state?" Jiang Zhao said thoughtfully.

"Yes, that's pretty much what it means. This is the method adopted by many top forces today," Lian Yu'er nodded and smiled: "But there is a gentler method."

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the method used by your empire of gods, right?" Jiang Zhaoxiao asked.

Lian Yu'er nodded: "This gentle method is to surrender, not to be affiliated, to retain the independence of the other country's kingdom, but to allow the other country's kingdom to open its door to our faith and allow our faith to spread normally on their side. It is fair. compete."

"So, the Tiangong side also uses this method?" Jiang Zhao thought.

"It's essentially the same, but Tiangong has improved some ideas on this basis," Lian Yu'er said: "Faith is no longer a dominant one, but within Tiangong's sphere of influence. Every divine kingdom is open to the outside world and competes fairly with each other. .

It is equivalent to building a more dynamic Kingdom of God Federation.

My father also thought about following this method back then, but this method was too troublesome to implement and could not be formed in just one or two generations. "

Jiang Zhao deeply agreed with this.

The system of Tiangong seems beautiful, but it is extremely difficult to implement.

Every kingdom of God needs to be selfless and implant the concept of taking pride in military exploits into the hearts of every citizen, thus forming a virtuous cycle.

In comparison, it is easier to maintain order as the Empire of All Gods is dominated by one family.

Of course, in the end we must move towards a system like Tiangong.

For example, now, as the Ten Thousand God Emperor ascends to the divine realm, other countries in the Ten Thousand God Empire will definitely become more and more restless without the restraint of the Ten Thousand God Emperor.

At this point, Jiang Zhao also had a clear idea about the future development of the Kingdom of Great Xia.

That is to first take the route of the Empire of All Gods, and then develop towards a system like the Tiangong after everything is stable.

"By the way, what kind of existence is the God's Realm Base Point?" Jiang Zhao continued to ask.

"I can't explain this clearly," Lian Yu'er shook her head helplessly, "But I have seen the base point of my father's divine realm. It is a very strange and magical substance. Even now that I have reached the divine realm, I still rely on it. That divine domain base point.

Speaking of which, our Ten Thousand Gods Realm seems to be formed on the basis of that God Realm, and is completely integrated with the Ten Thousand Gods Realm. It seems that it cannot be expanded in the future. "

Jiang Zhao's eyes moved slightly, "In other words, the territory of the divine realm is actually formed by the base points of the divine realm? The stronger the base points of the divine realm, the larger the territory will be formed after being promoted to the divine realm?"

"So far, yes." Lian Yuer nodded.

Combined with the differences from the lower realm to the lower divine realm, and then to the upper divine realm and divine realm, the higher you go, the higher the authenticity and aura of the realm.

It is not difficult to see from this that the power of this divine domain base point is directly related to the grade and authenticity of the entire territory.

Of course, New Blue World is an exception.

And from this perspective, it further confirms the specialness and mystery of the New Blue World.

Although the aura of the New Blue Realm is not as abundant as that of the Divine Realm, its authenticity far exceeds all realms of the Divine Realm.

You can tell with just your toes that the New Blue World must be hiding some big secrets. It’s no wonder that the protoss from all sides are so interested in the New Blue World.

"By the way, how large a territory can the newly established base point of the divine domain cover?" Jiang Zhao further asked.

"This depends on the strength of the strong person who establishes this divine domain base point. The stronger the strength, the more divine domain base points he will get," Lian Yu'er introduced: "Generally, the divine domain base points of the initial level god king can only be A territory with one or two relic cards.”

Jiang Zhaoran nodded, "It seems that I have to leave this matter to my uncle."

Everyone agreed with this.

After all, Jiang Qingsong is undoubtedly the ceiling of Daxia's strength today. With him establishing the foundation point of the God's Domain, he can start at a higher level.

As for the subsequent wedding, Jiang Qingsong, as his uncle, will definitely be present.

"Hahaha, Buddha, I'm already so hungry and thirsty," Luo Changfeng said enthusiastically: "When the time comes, just give me a piece of land on the border. I can't wait to expand the territory!"

"The same goes for us." Zhang Yifan, Hu Dajun and others are also eager to give it a try. "When the time comes, give us some manpower, and we can still have a bright future in the summer~!"

Jiang Zhao nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, when the time comes, I will arrange you in a circle according to the positions of the twenty-eight constellations to facilitate mutual support."

"What a good idea," Shen Wanshan's eyes brightened, "When the time comes, I, Xuanwu Qisu, will be like a bulldozer and bulldoze the kingdoms of gods next to me."

"What about us?" Bai Dajin asked displeased.

"Well, Brother Jin can just stay and guard the hinterland of Daxia. Support us when you have time," Luo Changfeng said with a smile: "In the future, our territory will become bigger and bigger, and the operation of the laws of the underworld of Daxia will depend on your Holy Palace. control."

Bai Dajin pondered for a while, and there seemed to be no problem.

Jiang Zhaoze looked at Lian Yuer in confusion, "Can this be realized?"

"Of course," Lian Yuer nodded and smiled, "After all, the number of laws and positions that each God King controls is limited, so naturally, ministers who control other laws and positions are needed to assist. In this way, the operation of the entire Kingdom of God can be better controlled and maintained.

Take our Ten Thousand Gods Empire as an example. The laws of the undead are controlled by one of my father's trusted generals.

At that time, we only need to use the base point of the God Realm to confer a title on Brother Bai, and hand over the control of the laws of the underworld to Brother Bai. Later, Brother Bai can further delegate the functions of the laws to others."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"Can it only be handed over to the Star Soul Master?" Bai Dajin pondered and said, "Can it be conferred to the Emperor of Fengdu?"

"Of course it can be," Lian Yuer said, "but generally speaking, it is safer to hand it over to the Star Soul Master, but with the status and strength of the Emperor of Fengdu, there is no problem."

"That's great." Bai Dajin nodded with satisfaction.

It can only be said that his belief in the Emperor of Fengdu is still so devout.

"But then again," Tang Xianzhen said worriedly, "After the announcement of the establishment of the country, there will inevitably be a lot of trouble. It is better to put it after the wedding, so as not to affect your wedding."

In this regard, everyone in Daxia agreed.

But Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun didn't care, "It doesn't matter, come if you want, can't we give them back?"

"Hehe, I really want to see who dares to come and make trouble on the day of this lady's wedding?" Ruan Yunyun said viciously.


"It's okay, it's settled." Jiang Zhao proudly said, "Brother wants double happiness!"

For him, it is also a very meaningful thing to put the wedding together with the day of Daxia's establishment.

"Okay~" Luo Changfeng said indifferently, "As long as you don't mind, everyone will pay more attention and try to nip all kinds of troubles in the bud."

So, the establishment of Daxia was decided in the discussion of everyone.

Looking at the old seniors and senior sisters around, everyone is also full of expectations.

I wonder if many seniors and seniors will be willing to return after the founding of Daxia?

"Since everything has been decided, don't be stunned, just start preparing." Shen Wanshan suggested enthusiastically.

"No hurry, there is something else to say."

Jiang Zhao smiled mysteriously and invited everyone to return to the main hall of Xingxiu Palace.

A group of people looked at Jiang Zhao in confusion.

Jiang Zhao did not hide it, "This time I got a great opportunity in Tongtian Divine Realm, and it also solved many of my doubts about the Conferred God System."

Then, he talked about the dispersion of the status and the fusion of the status.

Everyone in Daxia was stunned.

"Does it mean that the ancient inherited positions of everyone are not complete now? Do we need to integrate the scattered positions?"

"Yes, that's what I mean," Jiang Zhao nodded and said, "I brought back a lot of positional power from the Tongtian Divine Realm this time. It just so happens that everyone is here, so I'll give it to you all."

As he said that, he transformed into the form of Emperor Ziwei on the spot, raised his hand, and the sea of ​​consciousness projected the stars in the Xingxiu Palace.

Inject the corresponding position of the Conferred God List into the corresponding host carrier.

For a time, the entire Xingxiu Palace was shining with stars.

The Xingxiu card hosts present were surprised and happy, and the corresponding Xingxiu card power increased greatly, and they couldn't stop laughing.

After finishing the work, Jiang Zhao continued, "If I guessed correctly, there should be a lot of positions of your ancient star souls scattered in other major divine realms, and you have to search for them by yourselves."

Everyone expressed their understanding.


With Jiang Zhao's adjournment, everyone left one after another.

Everyone's face was filled with high spirits and full of expectations for the future of Daxia.

"Yunyun, stay and discuss the Mechanical God Realm with Grandpa. I will go to the Netherworld Holy Palace with Xiao Luozi later to check the situation." Jiang Zhao turned to look at Ruan Yunyun.

"Go ahead." Ruan Yunyun smiled knowingly and went to study and discuss the Mechanical God Realm system with Grandpa Jiang Lingtong.

As for Teacher Ao Xian, he naturally shouldered the responsibility of carrying forward the Dragon Clan God Realm and the subsequent establishment of the Dragon Clan Holy Palace.

Speaking of which, since binding with the inheritance of the Draco Starworm, Ao Xian's research on the Dragon Clan God Realm has been like a cheat. Now he has already studied the entire Dragon Clan God Realm astrological system clearly.

And on this basis, following the power veins of Xiao Guangli and his sister, he began to explore outside the Dragon Clan God Realm astrological system.

In addition, the ancient astrology of Daxia learned from Jiang Zhao has made initial progress.

It is estimated that it will not be long before those dragon clan bosses in the ancient myths and legends of Daxia can be reproduced in Ao Xian's hands!

Jiang Zhao was also looking forward to this.

He immediately shared the dragon-related stars he found when he was observing the stars with his teacher Ao Xian to help him.

After receiving this sharing, Ao was also ecstatic and full of inspiration.

Before Jiang Zhao said goodbye, he couldn't wait to run back to study.

Looking at the four people, Xiao Guangli's siblings, Xiao Xingchong, and the Third Prince, they were also preparing to go wild in the deep of the Netherworld.

A moment later, Jiang Zhao and Luo Changfeng entered the deep of the Netherworld and headed towards the Netherworld Holy Palace.

"From what I learned on the way back, the situation there seems not to be good?" Jiang Zhao asked worriedly: "What is the current specific situation?"

"It's true that I can't take it anymore," Luo Changfeng sighed helplessly, "Yu'er and I have prepared to completely ruin it after your wedding."

Jiang Zhao frowned and said, "This is not like your style."

"You'll know when we get there later," Luo Changfeng said helplessly: "The breeding speed of those bugs is getting faster and faster day by day. They can't be contained at all, and they may burst the dike at any time."

"Where is the connection point with the Wilderness Tower? Are there any clues?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"Not yet," Luo Changfeng spread his hands and said: "The depth of this dark and mysterious realm is far beyond your imagination. It feels like it is impossible to reach the bottom."

"Where are Chu Kuang and Brother Gangjun? They haven't come back yet?"

"It seems that you went to the depths of the Savage Tower to study again," Luo Changfeng said: "But I have already sent someone to notify them. I guess you will definitely come back when you get married."

Jiang Zhao nodded thoughtfully and said no more.

The depths of the Netherworld are still chaotic as ever, with swarms of ferocious beasts and insects raging.

However, with Lord Chicken and the two ferocious beasts standing guard, no ferocious beasts came to provoke them at all.

After a while, the three of them successfully arrived near the Netherworld Holy Palace.

From a distance, I saw the strange scene of the Netherworld Holy Palace.

There are countless layers of domains stuck on top of each other, and the unfinished Netherworld Palace is also riddled with holes and in dilapidated condition.

After passing through several layers of domain card barriers, I gradually saw the situation inside clearly. It was filled with densely packed insects of various shapes.

If you don't go deep into the first level of the barrier, the number of bugs will increase dramatically.

Rather than saying it is the Holy Palace of the Netherworld, it is more like a huge insect nest.

Many members of the Netherworld Holy Palace were busy suppressing countless insects, and everyone's face was full of exhaustion.

The entire Netherworld Holy Palace is like an egg sac filled with bugs, about to be burst by the crazy breeding bugs.

Fortunately, the arrival of the three people made the bugs inside calm down a lot, especially the appearance of Chicken Master's infinitely ferocious aura, which caused many bugs with weak intelligence to fall directly into hibernation.

This is also the biggest difficulty in controlling this area.

These low-level bugs in their original form have no spiritual intelligence at all. They are not suppressed by the old devourers and the four evil auras. They only know how to instinctively devour and grow, and continue to spread to the outside.

Although Jiang Zhao was mentally prepared, he was still disgusted after entering the interior.

Looking at the interior of this area, it is already a scene riddled with holes. The ground is full of dense potholes, and the depths of the ground are already like ant nests. The caves are crisscrossed and bottomless.

"What are these insects rushing out for? Are they going to die?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled.

"Well." Luo Changfeng spread his hands helplessly, "For such low-level insects, if they go outside, they will die. But there is no way, this is their instinct, just like moths rushing to the flame."

"Have any powerful evil insects evolved?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"The strongest bugs I have ever seen so far are about the level of sixth-level evil creatures," Luo Changfeng nodded: "And most of them exist deep underground. The deeper you go, the more high-level bugs there are, so I always feel that this The vitality of the area has long existed, and the insects deep underground may have evolved to an extraordinary level.”

Jiang Zhao frowned and said, "Then why is it exposed now?"

"Because high-level bugs are devouring low-level bugs," Luo Changfeng thought: "Based on this, we have caught a lot of high-level bugs during this period to control the crazy breeding of bugs, and the effect is pretty good.

In addition, these bugs seem to be purifying evil forces, so it is probably because Brother Gangjun purified the evil here that these bugs spread deep underground. "

Jiang Zhao was shocked: "Can they also purify evil forces?"

"That's not true." Luo Changfeng explained briefly.

Probably some bugs, while devouring various powers, will also swallow evil powers and gradually transform into evil things. Then these evil bugs will be swallowed by other bugs.

Over time, these evil forces will gradually be gathered to the top of the food chain.

Although many powerful evil insects and evil creatures were formed, it also purified the evil forces deep underground to a certain extent.

Before they accidentally discovered it, this method should have formed a relatively stable special ecology deep underground in this area.

Yang Gangjun's purification of this area broke this balance and allowed the ecology inside to spread. (End of chapter)

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