Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 646 The mystery of the base of the divine domain, the birth of the Great Xia Divine Kingdom

Jiang Qingsong smiled silently and motioned everyone to enter and take a seat.

Although the countries in Daxia are competitors, they are like fellow countrymen in the upper divine realm.

In the future, when other countries march into the upper divine realm, they may need Daxia's help.

Now Daxia is just setting an example for them, so that they can see the situation in the upper divine realm, and they can be prepared to establish a country here in the future.

But I didn't expect Daxia to make such a big scene.

Seeing a group of people being arranged to sit, the people on the scene also cast curious eyes, secretly speculating on the origins of this group of mysterious masters.

"Friend Jiang Zhao, I heard that you are going to get married today, congratulations~!" Ra Shen congratulated Jiang Zhao familiarly.

"Thank you, Lord Ra." Jiang Zhao smiled happily and asked, "By the way, how is Brother Hufu now? Is he still in the Yellow Sand Divine Realm?"

"Something happened in the Divine Realm, and I went back not long ago," Ra replied, "As for the Yellow Sand Divine Realm, the situation is basically stable, but it's a bit of a headache because of the new gods."

Jiang Zhao frowned, "Has your Yellow Sand Divine Realm also been infiltrated by the new gods?"

"Yes." Ra looked worried.

Hearing the conversation between the two, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King also cast a surprised look, "Yellow Sand Divine Realm? Is this gentleman from the Yellow Sand Divine Realm?"

"I guess so." Ra nodded and smiled.

Jiang Zhao also took the opportunity to explain the origin of Egypt and the Yellow Sand Divine Realm, and the fact that Apophis had been killed by them.

Hearing this, Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King were secretly shocked.

"I was wondering why I haven't seen that guy for a while. So that's what happened." The Hundred Battles Immortal King sighed, "So, in the future, the Yellow Sand Clan will be in charge of His Excellency Ra God?"

"He will take charge temporarily, and will definitely hand it over to Khufu in the future." Ra God said with a smile.

Duobao Taoist and the Hundred Battles Immortal King understood and said nothing more.

"By the way, Senior Duobao, how is the Tongtian Divine Realm? Have you discovered any new gods?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"Nothing unusual for the time being," Duobao Taoist sighed, "but it's still not solid."

Jiang Zhao was also helpless about this.

There was no way. The existence of the advanced new gods was too strange. Unless the other party took the initiative to reveal their feet, it would be impossible to find out.

Later, several scattered forces arrived.

Seeing that the auspicious time had arrived, all departments of Daxia quickly entered the state, and all forces on the scene also became quiet.

Uncle Jiang Qingsong cleared his throat, took the initiative to walk to the stage, and delivered a speech as the first generation of the Great Xia God King, welcoming the arrival of all parties, and began to announce the Great Xia's declaration of founding a country.

Generally speaking, if the surrounding forces are dissatisfied, they can jump out to oppose at this time.

However, the lineup supporting the Great Xia was too luxurious, and the scene was quiet and peaceful, and no one dared to oppose it.

While Jiang Qingsong was reading, all the Great Xia star soul masters also silently straightened their backs, solemn and full of excitement.

The old seniors and seniors present also had red eyes for no reason.

For many years, what they once dared not to dream of has now actually come true.

A kingdom of God from the homeland is now standing in the world of the upper divine domain with an unparalleled momentum.

The moving reactions of the old seniors and seniors present naturally attracted the attention of other people.

Those forces from the upper divine domain may not know, but the true gods of the countries in the New Blue Realm have seen something.

"I heard that you Daxia sent out a wave of calls some time ago to recruit former Daxia students," Lord Shiva said thoughtfully, "It seems to be quite effective~!"

"Not bad, not bad." Jiang Zhao grinned.

Nordic Odin sighed, "This is a good idea. We will try it later."

The true gods of various countries were also tempted.

Like Daxia's current predicament, they are now facing a shortage of manpower.

It's just that because their countries have always had the kingdom of God in the lower realm of God, the situation is much better than Daxia.

But there are still many talents who have drifted to other places and have no news, especially the holy palace forces that were once stationed in various countries, which absorbed many of their outstanding talents.

It was not until the ancient heritage was revived and the realms of various countries rose that those "cancer"-like holy palaces were completely eradicated.

And Daxia's operation undoubtedly reminded them.

But the embarrassment is that they don't have the long-planned plan like Daxia, nor do they have the special medium of student cards. It's not that easy to gather the former students.

At the same time, the uncle Jiang Qingsong has finished reading and entered the stage of worshiping the starry sky.

The whole process is extremely tedious and complicated, but the people on the scene are watching very seriously.

After a series of tedious etiquette and steps, Jiang Qingsong slowly climbed the high platform for worship and looked up to the sky to ask questions about the starry sky.

There were strange phenomena in the sky above the scene, causing an uproar in the audience.

"What's going on? Is there something strange going on?"

"No, no, there must be something wrong. Normal sacrifices cannot get a response from the starry sky so quickly."

"It seems that the power of the starry sky seems to recognize Da Xia's first generation of God King?"

"Even if they recognize it, it shouldn't be like this, right? This is too unreasonable."

"Yes, think about the founding ceremony of our Kingdom of God, it took three days of questioning and sacrifice to get a response."

"Three days is considered good. In the past, some Kingdoms of God sacrificed for more than a month before getting a response."

"I remember that even the top kingdoms of God would take half a day to react, right?"

"Yes, even the powerful Ten Thousand Gods Empire took a full half a day to reach resonance and communication with the starry sky."

Jiang Qingsong, who was in front of him, had just begun to ask the sacrifice, and he immediately received a response from the starry sky and established a connection with the laws of the starry sky.

What's even more bizarre is that this phenomenon not only appeared quickly, but also had an unprecedented scale.

It was completely beyond people's cognition.

In contrast, the true gods of the countries in the New Blue Realm were relatively calm, because they knew very well that Jiang Qingsong was amazing.

Anything related to the power of the starry sky would become extremely simple for Jiang Qingsong, just because of his amazing [Star Brain] Star Soul.

To put it bluntly, establishing a country and condensing the base point of the God's Domain is actually similar to astrological card making, which is a process of sensing the power of the starry sky and establishing communication with the mysterious starry sky power.

Because of the mystery of the power of the starry sky, it is not enough to just establish communication. You must also feel the power of the starry sky in the vision to establish real communication with the starry sky, so as to establish and condense the base point of the divine domain.

But for Jiang Qingsong, this process is not difficult at all.

Looking at Jiang Qingsong who has established communication with the starry sky vision and started to condense the base point of the divine domain on the high platform, the true gods of the countries in the New Blue Realm are also full of emotion and envy.

"Speaking of which, you should also have a base point in the lower divine domain, right?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously: "Did you also have such a smooth time at the beginning?"

But God Ra shook his head and smiled: "Our base points in the divine domain are all integrated, and we have not gone through this process."

"Okay." Jiang Zhao smiled awkwardly, and then he remembered that the countries in the lower divine domain already had the strength of the divine kingdom, but only after they appeared did they begin to rise strongly.

"If you want to establish a country in the upper divine domain in the future, will you inherit the base point of the lower divine domain, or condense a second base point again?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

"Of course, we share a base point," explained the Tsarist God of War. "As far as I know, the base point of the upper divine domain is much stronger than that of the lower divine domain. Our subsequent establishment of a country here is equivalent to upgrading the power of the original base point.

However, the territorial occupation of both sides is independent of each other, and we can use the method of enfeoffment to enfeoff a subordinate God King in the lower divine domain, similar to the incarnation of the divine domain base point."

"I see." Jiang Zhao was amazed when he heard it. "Speaking of which, what exactly is the divine domain base point?"

"A very mysterious substance, containing very strange power. As for what it is specifically, we will not mention it clearly." The Tsarist God of War helplessly spread his hands.

"You all should have it, right? Can you let me see it?" Jiang Zhao said expectantly.

The Tsarist God of War smiled slightly, and when his mind moved slightly, a ball of light wrapped in golden soft light floated out from his eyebrows, "This is the divine domain base point of my Tsarist Divine Kingdom."

Jiang Zhao was stunned at the time.

The strange power emanating from the light ball was completely different from the power seen before, and it contained an extremely powerful void characteristic.

It was like a point that could be attached in the endless void, very strange.

At the moment the light ball appeared, the power of the laws of heaven and earth around it seemed to be converging and approaching the light ball, just like a vortex suddenly appeared on a calm water surface.

On the contrary, the layer of golden soft light wrapped around the base point was a bit like a combination of merit power, faith power, and star power.

The more Jiang Zhao looked at it, the more novel it was. He couldn't help but probe his mind to explore the inside of the light ball.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

The moment he saw the strange substance inside the light ball, Jiang Zhao stood there in a daze.

"What is this...?!" Jiang Zhao's heart was pounding, and he felt that the substance inside was inexplicably familiar.

Rather than saying it was a substance, it was better to say that it was a grain of dust "imprisoned" by the light ball.

That's right, it was dust.

It's just that the tiny dust particles all exude an extremely real and mysterious breath.

This made Jiang Zhao think of the "soil" left by Hou Tu Niangniang in his hand.

Immediately, he suppressed the shock in his heart and probed his divine consciousness into the storage card. Compared with the strange soil, it can't be said to be exactly the same, but there is no difference.

But compared with his soil, the dust of the Tsar War God is a little pitiful.

Of course, the dust in the "God's Domain Base Point" of the Tsar War God is not small, but because each dust is floating and running around inside the light ball, it seems not clear.

If you really want to condense together, it is still the size of a mung bean.

But this is not the point. The point is that the soil guarded by Hou Tu Niangniang in Jiang Zhao's hand is as big as a fist.

Before, Jiang Zhao was still wondering what this soil was used for and why Hou Tu Niangniang valued it so much that Jiang Zhao almost forgot that there was such a piece of soil in his hand.

Now he was surprised to find that this thing turned out to be the God's Domain Base Point.

No, strictly speaking, this soil is not the base point of the God's Domain, but the special material that constitutes the base point of the God's Domain.

On the other hand, the so-called base point of the God's Domain is actually the remaining traces of Hou Tu Niangniang.

No wonder the territory of the Kingdom of God must rely on the base point of the God's Domain to exist, because Hou Tu is the incarnation of the earth.

Of course, the dust in the base point of the God's Domain is not the dust left before the ancient catastrophe, but more like the remaining original power of the earth after Hou Tu's death.

A grain of dust is enough to fill the sea.

However, compared to the soil in Jiang Zhao's hand, the dust in the base point of the God's Domain is essentially the same, and it should also contain some other special power.

Jiang Zhao suppressed his inner trembling and looked at his uncle Jiang Qingsong on the high platform.

After the base point of the Great Xia God's Domain is successfully condensed, perhaps this soil can be tried to be integrated into it.

The God of War of the Tsarist Kingdom and the true gods of the New Blue Realm did not notice Jiang Zhao's abnormality, thinking that Jiang Zhao was simply shocked by the strangeness of the base point of the God's Domain.

Little did they know that Jiang Zhao's heart had already set off a storm.

The soil that was almost forgotten became extremely hot at this moment.

At this time, the whole crowd was still holding their breath and staring at the process of Jiang Qingsong condensing the base point of the God's Domain.

The sky was full of strange phenomena. The scenes of the God's Domain of the Heavens flickered back and forth in the starry sky, and finally gathered into a strange vortex similar to the calamity cloud, with rolling heavenly power, casting a brilliant starlight.

At the same time, the surrounding space seemed to have fallen into a brief solidification.

A ball of light shining with golden soft light floated down along the starlight and hovered in front of Jiang Qingsong's forehead.

The next second, the sky eye on the forehead of the uncle Jiang Qingsong suddenly opened, and the starlight surged in the third eye. In an instant, the ball of light was collected into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the whole person burst out with an amazing breath.

The laws of the surrounding heaven and earth also naturally began to move closer to Jiang Qingsong and gathered into a powerful might.

That is a special might that only the God King who controls a kingdom of God has.

Jiang Zhao was amazed and looked at Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King. If he remembered correctly, he had also felt similar might from these two, and it was obviously much stronger than the might of the uncle.

Among the big guys that Jiang Zhao had contacted so far, only the special might of the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor was much stronger than that of these two.

"Does your Hidden World God Realm also have such a thing as the God Realm Base Point?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

Taoist Duobao nodded happily, "Of course there are, but it's different from your divine domain base point in the outside world. Our divine domain base point was finalized after our ancestors were integrated into the Dao, and it was separated from the outside world at the level of the Great Dao Law, and it can no longer be upgraded and expanded."

"I see." Jiang Zhao nodded suddenly.

From this point of view, the process of the first generation of the Emperor of Heaven building the hidden divine domain is actually the process of integrating the Dao into the divine domain base point and separating it out.

Taoist Duobao continued: "The reason why our hidden divine clan can borrow the power of our ancestors is precisely because of the special nature of our divine domain base point."

Jiang Zhao nodded.

It has been said before that the divine domain base point can be used to control the operation of the laws within the territory and to enfeoff this authority to the people below. It can be regarded as a special tool for managing the territory of the kingdom of God.

And because of the integration of the ancestors into the Dao, the divine domain base point of the hidden divine clan can not only be used as a special tool, but also call on part of the power from the ancestors from the enfeoffment authority.

But the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it cannot continue to expand like the normal divine domain base point.

And the territory and base point power of the hidden divine domain should not be taken away by others, and can exist independently of the great laws of the Star Soul World.

This is in line with their positioning as "seeds of civilization".

If the hidden divine domain is a piece of independent and fixed territory, then the divine realm and the upper and lower divine domains are like a piece of shining land that everyone can compete for freely based on their own abilities.

It can only be said that each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

"What about the lower world?" Jiang Zhao hesitated and said, "What kind of existence is the lower world?"

"In theory, the lower world should also exist based on the 'base point', but the existence of the lower world base point is more special. It is not in the hands of anyone, but is controlled by the great laws." Duobao Taoist analyzed.

Jiang Zhao understood, "What about the New Blue Realm?"

"It's a little hard to say about the New Blue Realm," Taoist Duobao thought, "It's even possible that it doesn't exist based on the 'base point'. After all, your New Blue Realm is completely different from other lower realms, and it's weird everywhere."

Jiang Zhao frowned slightly and fell into silent contemplation.

At the same time, his uncle Jiang Qingsong, who had completed the condensation of the base point of the God Realm, also stood up slowly, looked around the scene, and then announced loudly: "From now on, the Great Xia Divine Kingdom will stand among the nations of the upper God Realm!"

The various departments of the Great Xia took their positions, gongs and drums were loud, and salutes were fired.

All the Great Xia Star Soul Masters stood up excitedly at this moment.

The rooster, who had already taken his place, crowed at dawn and announced the birth of the Great Xia Kingdom to the Emperor of Heaven. The hosts of the stars and constellations rose into the sky one after another, and with Jiang Qingsong as the center, they formed an incomplete formation of three circles, four images and twenty-eight stars, showing the style and strength of the Great Xia to all parties present, just like a military parade.

The people present also stood up and applauded to congratulate.

Then, amid the cheers of the audience, Jiang Qingsong took out several long-prepared Dragon Clan God Domain Relics Cards and integrated them into the God Domain Base Point.


In an instant, a territory of the Dragon Clan God Domain unfolded like a scroll from under the Star Palace Group, causing waves of excitement in the surrounding space.

It is worth mentioning that the original territory of the Great Xia did not cover the deep layer of the Netherworld below.

Instead, a new world was opened in the center of the former territory of the Ten Thousand Poisons Kingdom, and the deep layer of the Netherworld became a ring area surrounding the Great Xia.

After all, the deep layer of this Netherworld corresponds to the territory of the former Ten Thousand Gods Empire. Although the territory of the Ten Thousand Poisons Kingdom has collapsed into the deep layer of the Netherworld, it has not completely disappeared and still occupies the position of the upper God's domain.

From the perspective of the base point of the God's domain.

From the moment the Ten Thousand Poisons Kingdom collapsed, the base point of the God's domain of the Ten Thousand Poisons Kingdom had been broken and collapsed, becoming an ownerless land that could never be swallowed up and occupied by other God's domain base points.

A special area that can only be occupied but cannot be truly controlled.

This area has also become the current border of Daxia. Later, Daxia can only continue to expand its territory on the basis of this territory, and continue to expand the deep layer of this circular Netherworld, and when it is extended to intermittent and independent areas, it will be surrounded inside the territory of Daxia.

Of course, this is just one of the ways.

In addition, all the God's kingdoms in the outer circle of the circular Netherworld God's domain can be taken down. In this way, the Netherworld God's domain can be directly turned into the internal area of ​​Daxia.

Although this unowned land can never be controlled by Daxia's divine domain base, actual occupation and encirclement is also a kind of control, isn't it?

On the side of Prince Jianhuo, the people from all sides who are currently based in the deep layer of the Netherworld and Strange Domain obviously realized this, and their faces were obviously not very good.

But due to Daxia's luxurious congratulatory lineup, they did not dare to make trouble on the spot.

Now Daxia's operation has also made them feel a strong sense of crisis.

The people from all sides looked at each other and had the idea of ​​uniting.

If Daxia really wants to wait until Daxia wraps the deep layer of the Netherworld and Strange Domain into its own territory, it will be too late to unite and resist.

Prince Jianhuo obviously realized this, but unfortunately, he was overwhelmed by love after a short while of rationality.

And he could also feel that because he was close to Daxia, the people from all sides were wary of him and did not want to unite with their Jianhuo Kingdom at all.

Unknowingly, the normal celebration ceremony was over.

But the celebration was not over yet. Jiang Qingsong, who had just become the first ruler of Daxia, suddenly became the witness of the wedding of Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun.

A grand wedding was also held in the jubilant atmosphere of the founding ceremony.

The various forces present also witnessed this grand wedding together.

Although they had held a wedding on their own initiative, under the influence of today's festive atmosphere and the witness of relatives and friends present, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun truly experienced the sacredness and ritual sense.

The moment they walked onto the stage hand in hand with Ruan Yunyun, their hearts were pounding.

Then came the traditional wedding ceremony of Daxia, which was to bow to heaven and earth first and parents second.

The people present were also very curious.

But compared to the wedding of the two, the people were obviously more interested in the newly condensed territory below the Xingxiu Palace Group.

After all, it was the first time that the territory of the Dragon Clan God's Domain appeared in the upper God's Domain.

And in terms of natural landscape, the Dragon Clan God's Domain is still quite magnificent.

After the wedding ceremony, Jiang Zhao and Ruan Yunyun smiled at each other, their eyes trembling slightly, feeling a lot, the feeling of entering a new stage of life was particularly wonderful.

The wedding they held before did not have this wonderful feeling.

Grandpa and mother on the side had already laughed so hard that they couldn't close their mouths. Now they finally brought Ruan Yunyun, the little girl, to their Jiang family.

In contrast, old man Ruan Jianfeng and Ruan Zhongzheng were so happy, and their eyes looking at the two newlyweds were more blessings and melancholy.

After the wedding, it was time for the banquet that everyone loved to see.

At the order of Zhao Huotu, who had already prepared, a dazzling array of kitchen god delicacies were served to the tables of guests from all parties, causing shock and astonishment in the audience.

Even the people from all parties who were secretly discussing the subsequent alliance on the side of Prince Jianhuo could not help but be attracted by the delicacies on the table.

They had eaten the high-level gourmet banquet banquet before.

But the wonderful food in front of them, with its color, aroma and taste, completely broke their previous cognition. After a bite, they were amazed and felt that what they had eaten before was just pig food.

The most important thing is that the key benefit of these foods is also extremely powerful and lasting, which completely exceeds their previous cognition of food cards.

"Hiss~ It actually has the effect of nourishing divine power and star power? This, this, this..."

For a moment, everyone forgot about the alliance and scrambled to eat the meal. The more they ate, the more shocked they were.

"My goodness, my elf card actually feels like it's about to evolve. I'm sorry, everyone, this dish belongs to me!"

"Can you have some manners? Have you never eaten before?"

"That's right~ That dish is obviously mine, Zheng!"

... (End of this chapter)

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