Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 658: Awakening from the previous life, the place of origin

First, Bodhi Patriarch brought Blue Star to the Star Soul World.

Then, Hongjun Patriarch took action to seal the abyss crack that contained the secret of Blue Star.

All of this shows the specialness of Blue Star (New Blue World)!

At this point, Jiang Zhao can almost conclude that Blue Star is the so-called Origin Land.

And under the surface of the water in front of him, perhaps the secret of the Origin Land, or the secret of the last pure land of the New Blue World, is hidden.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the strange water surface.

"Little Kuangzi," Luo Changfeng said excitedly: "Do you think we are ripe now?"

"It should be." Chu Kuang sighed and shook his head, seeming a little uncertain.

But whether the time is ripe or not, Han Laoxie has broken the agreement of the year, and there is nothing to worry about them going in.

"Can we enter the water freely?" Taoist Duobao asked curiously, "Are there any restrictions?"

"No," Chu Kuang confirmed, "As long as you are a Star Soul Master, you can enter and exit freely. It is only a hindrance to evil forces."

Everyone nodded excitedly and began to get ready.

Only Yang Gangduan looked embarrassed, "Can I still go in?"

"This..." Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang were also stunned, "Gangduan is indeed special. Let's give it a try. Even if we can't get in, it doesn't matter."

Everyone looked at each other and was eager to try.

"For safety reasons, let's go first."

Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang took a deep breath and took the initiative to walk to the edge of the water.

Then, under the gaze of everyone, as if they had made up their minds, they jumped into the "water".

There was no splash, no sound, and they just sank in.

Seeing this, everyone no longer hesitated and jumped into the water. After all, the mysterious sensation inside had already made them thirsty.

Jiang Zhao and the true gods of various countries were not so anxious because they had no sense of it.

"Dad, hurry up! Let's go in too!"

Ruan Yunyun couldn't wait to pull Jiang Zhao's hand and jumped in excitedly.

Uncle Jiang Qingsong and the true gods of various countries in the New Blue Realm followed closely behind, their eyes full of curiosity and expectation.


After sinking into the water surface of the strange water surface, the consciousness instantly fell into an inexplicable loneliness.

It was just like the feeling when wandering in the void at the beginning, the difference was that the void was pitch black, and under the water surface was a wonderful world with colorful starlight flowing.

The "water surface" seemed very deep, and it was still floating in the colorful starlight for a long time.

But this is not the point. The point is that the discomfort in Jiang Zhao's sea of ​​consciousness has become stronger, and as he continues to go deeper, the discomfort is further increasing.

"Yunyun... Yunyun...?"

Ruan Yunyun's little hand in his hand seemed to disappear without a trace, which made Jiang Zhao a little uneasy.

Obviously, after entering here, everyone was teleported independently.

"What's going on, how... why is it like this..."

The discomfort became more and more severe, so that the consciousness began to be intermittent and blurred.

From time to time, strange pictures flashed in front of my eyes, and I felt like I was insane.

"Could it be that Han Laoxie's trick?"

Jiang Zhao was uneasy, wondering if he had been fooled. This place was not a good place at all.

While thinking, the intermittent consciousness became more and more serious. The whole person was in a cycle of blackout, awakening, blackout, and awakening again.

So much so that Jiang Zhao didn't know how long it had been.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he could still vaguely hear the calls of Ji Ye, Monkey Brother, the Third Prince, etc., but the voices became lower and lower until they disappeared completely.

At the same time, Jiang Zhao's consciousness also fell into complete confusion.

I don't know how long it had been.

The "sleeping" consciousness suddenly woke up, and Jiang Zhao suddenly opened his eyes, as if he had woken up from a nightmare, and the whole person was sweating and breathing heavily.

However, the scene in front of him made him fall into a deep stagnation.

This is a strange void filled with the brilliance of stars, and there are balls of light floating in the void, like fireflies flying all over the sky in the fields at night.

"What is this...?!"

In doubt, several balls of light floated by.

It turned out to be a group of sleeping souls wrapped in starlight cocoons. The starlight emitted by each sleeping soul light ball is like a tentacle, connecting the entire strange void.

So the sleeping soul light ball is like drifting with the flow, floating in this strange void with a special trajectory.

"No, these souls..."

In shock and stagnation, Jiang Zhao suddenly realized something.

I saw that each sleeping soul had a different image, maintaining its original appearance and form. Although it was not as clear as a real person, you can still see what they looked like in the past.

Human souls, of course, all look like humans.

But this is not the point. The point is that the clothes and images of these sleeping souls are slightly different from the current New Blue World and even the entire Star Soul World.

More like... more like the people of the former Blue Star.

Jiang Zhao, who noticed this, felt a chill in an instant.

Then he suddenly thought of something, and subconsciously sank his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness to check, but he couldn't sink in.

Fear and shock instantly spread throughout his body.

His eyes trembled as he looked down at his body, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva with difficulty, and the whole person instantly fell into deep self-doubt.

"This, this, this..."

Looking at the familiar clothes on his body and this familiar "body", Jiang Zhao's mind went blank.

He quickly stretched out his hand to touch his face and facial contours, and only then did he fully confirm the situation at this moment.


The clothes he was wearing at the moment were exactly the clothes he wore when he had a blind date with the little fairy when he traveled back in time.

Because it was my first blind date and I wanted to leave a good impression on the other party, I bought a new set of clothes, so I was extremely impressed by the clothes I wore.

Not only the clothes, but also the body shape, facial contours, and even hairstyle are so familiar.

Such a strange situation made Cha Jiang Zhao completely confused.

Yes, when he woke up at this moment, he actually restored the body of his previous life, and he still retained all the memories of this life.

Looking at the sleeping souls floating around, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but make a bold guess.

"Is it really a brain in a vat, a drama from The Matrix?"

After the intense shock, Jiang Zhao gradually calmed down.

Perhaps the former Blue Star humans had died long ago and were brought here by some kind of force, becoming the "soul base" of human existence in today's Star Soul World, similar to what the Origin of the Back Earth is to the Kingdom of God.

Only he, the "traveler", is special, still retaining his former body and soul.

"In other words, does this body of my previous life always remain in this void?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but carefully observe this strange void.

After careful observation, it was discovered that although the sleeping soul light clusters floating in the void seemed irregular, they seemed to be floating around him as a whole, or in other words, around the area where he was.

"What about the rest?"

He looked around suspiciously, but found no trace of anyone else.

Obviously, it seemed that he was the only one who came here, and what the others entered should be another layer of void.

And because of a series of special characteristics, I came to this strange and deeply hidden void.

"No, what about my body outside? Isn't it going to be disconnected all the time?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but feel a little nervous and worried.

After all, there are not only people from Daxia outside, but also many people from the New God Tribe.

It would be bad if after going back, he found that his body outside had been killed.

In addition, there is another key question, how do I get out of here?

Immediately he calmed down and felt it carefully, and found that although the body in his previous life was exactly the same as in the previous life, it actually contained soul power.

Moreover, this soul power is extremely special. It is much purer and more powerful than the soul power in the outside world, and it shines with the luster only found in the starry sky. It is more like a combination of soul power and star power, flowing through the limbs and bones.

Although he cannot feel the existence of the three souls and seven souls, he can feel the existence of this soul power in his body.

"I feel like this soul power is far from reaching its limit. It should be the reason why I haven't fully exerted my soul power outside."

Jiang Zhao felt and pondered at the same time.

If nothing else goes wrong, when he has filled up the seven souls outside and recast the three souls, he will be able to open the sea of ​​soul consciousness here.

By then, some doubts should be cleared up.

Take these two special beings, Master Ji and Xiao Ha, for example.

"The key is how to get out of here? We can't be stuck here forever, right?"

With a frown on his face, Jiang Zhao decided to explore forward.

Although there is special soul power, the speed of floating and flying here is quite fast. Unfortunately, after floating for a long time, I can't see the boundary of this void.

"No, no, there must be a way out, but I haven't found it yet."

Jiang Zhao frowned and thought hard, but couldn't find any ideas.

"I wonder how Yunyun and the others are doing. Will they encounter any danger?"

Maybe it’s because I care about my body outside, or maybe it’s because I care about Ruan Yunyun, my mother, my uncle, my grandfather, and a series of other friends.

A familiar feeling of discomfort arose.


Jiang Zhao's eyes brightened slightly, as if he understood something.

He immediately closed his eyes and began to use his mind to feel the existence of the body outside. The memories of this life in the Star Soul World kept reappearing in his mind, and familiar faces appeared in his mind.

The discomfort began to increase rapidly, as did the feeling of intermittent consciousness.

Soon, consciousness completely disappeared.

I don’t know how long it took, it could be a long time, or it could be just a moment.

The whole person woke up from his dream again, but compared with the time when he woke up just now, this time he seemed to have adapted and calmed down a lot, but he still felt uncomfortable.

Looking at his current appearance and the familiar voices of the star souls in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Jiang Zhao's lips curved into a relieved smile.

Apparently, he's back.

"What happened to the host just now? Why did he suddenly lose consciousness and the entire sea of ​​consciousness fell into darkness. I thought you were dead?" Xiao Ha said with lingering fear: "I am scared to death."

"How long have I been asleep?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"It looks like less than half an hour." Master Ji quickly made a judgment.

Jiang Zhao instantly understood that the time basically matched his time in that strange void. From this point of view, the switching speed between the two sides was still very fast.

"I just fell asleep here like this. Did nothing happen?" Jiang Zhao asked curiously.

"Brother Monkey is protecting you, what can happen?" Xiaoha said with a smile.

Jiang Zhao was speechless, almost forgetting the special existence of Brother Monkey.

After all, even if he dies, Brother Monkey can still exist independently.

Brother Monkey in the soul box smiled happily and said: "However, a few guys from the New God Clan passed by nearby just now. Although they were a little curious, they were scared away by me."

"Didn't you see anyone else?" Jiang Zhao continued to ask.

"not yet."

Jiang Zhaoran nodded, and immediately began to curiously observe the void where he was at this moment.

I miss the starry void just now, but there are no cocoons of sleeping and floating soul light. Instead, there are strands of light flowing and intertwined in this starry sky.

Upon closer inspection, it looks a bit like the streamers who unlocked the heavenly stars in the Dark Sea ruins.

And Emperor Fengdu, who is still in his hands, also confirmed this.

Through the power of Emperor Ziwei, Jiang Zhao could also vaguely feel that every ray of light intertwined in the void corresponded to the power and remnant souls of the gods in the past.

It's just that the power of these residual souls seems to have been processed in some way by the power of this starry sky.

After some feelings and observations, Jiang Zhao quickly made a judgment.

"It seems that these streams of light should be the soul components."

In other words, as long as you can find the corresponding soul component and fuse and absorb it, you can enhance your corresponding soul component.

"So, those ancient evil souls outside were probably formed by the condensed evil power relying on these soul components?" Emperor Fengdu analyzed at the side.

"Nine times out of ten, yes." Jiang Zhao nodded.

At this moment, he has figured out the special characteristics of the New Blue World and the secret of the "Original Land".

Although we still don’t know why Blue Star is the Origin Land and why it has such a strange function, at least we have figured out the meaning of the Origin Land’s existence.

To put it bluntly, all humans in the Star Soul World today are virtual projections of the consciousness and souls of the Blue Star humans in the past.

Since the humans in the New Blue World are natives of the Origin Land, they should be special in this kind of "projection".

If you guessed correctly, the compatibility between the New Blue World people and the Gods should be due to this.

In short, this place is equivalent to the core of the entire Star Soul World.

It’s not surprising that evil forces are taking a peek here.

Once the evil forces invade this place, the Star Soul World will not be far away from death.

If you guessed correctly, the process of bringing Blue Star to the Star Soul World was obviously not smooth, otherwise there would be no need for Patriarch Bodhi to fall into a deep sleep.

On the way, the evil forces apparently noticed and spied on the secret of Blue Star, and invaded to a certain extent.

The abyss crack mentioned by Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang is equivalent to a hole torn open by evil forces in the New Blue World.

In other words, it is an underlying system vulnerability in today's Star Soul world.

Just when Jiang Zhao was about to look for others, a skinny figure slowly floated down from above, so much so that Brother Monkey didn't know when the old guy came over.

"Senior Han Laoxie?"

Jiang Zhao was surprised and suspicious, and his heart could not help but beat wildly.

"There is no need to panic," Han Laoxie said with a calm smile, "You and I are both citizens of Daxia. From now on, just call me Senior Han. In addition, my surname is Han, and my given name is only Shang."

Obviously, Korean businessmen don't seem to like the name Han Laoxie.

Seeing that the other party was not disgusted, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, "I wonder if Senior Han has any advice?"

"Guidance is out of the question," Han Laoxie waved his hand and smiled, "I have been observing you for a long time just now, and I have noticed it since you entered here."

Facing Han Laoxie's penetrating gaze, Jiang Zhao's heart beat wildly.

By the way, this guy won’t discover his secret, right?

"You... seem to be different from us prison escapees." Han Laoxie looked at Jiang Zhao thoughtfully, as if he wanted to see something, "Did you have any special feelings during the time when you were unconscious? , or anything discovered?”

"I've passed out. How can I feel?" Jiang Zhao pretended to be speechless. "If I feel, is that still called coma? The situation you mentioned is called a vegetative state."

"Really?" Han Laoxie was startled, half-convinced.

Jiang Zhao continued to be harmless, "Senior, if nothing happens, junior will go and join the others."

"No rush~" Han Laoxie said calmly: "What do you think of this mysterious place?"

"Well, I just woke up." Jiang Zhao continued to act stupid.

Han Laoxie smiled dumbly and was speechless.

The conversation immediately changed: "I heard from Xiaosi that this little guy seems to know something about his Marshal Tianpeng. I guess you have obtained part of the inherited memory from the Star Soul?"

"That's right." Jiang Zhao said.

"No wonder," Han Laoxie understood, "But the inherited memory obtained through the deep layers of the Netherworld?"

"It seems that the deep layers of the Netherworld can only restore certain inherited memories of the hidden gods," Jiang Zhao shook his head and smiled: "The inherited memories of the younger generation do not come from the Netherworld."

"Oh?" Han Laoxie became interested, "Where does that come from?"

“I told my seniors before that it comes from a mysterious ruin that fell into the New Blue World many years ago,” Jiang Zhao said with a smile: “Not only the juniors, but also my uncle and the true gods from all the countries in the New Blue World also got the inherited memories from there. "

Hearing this, Han Laoxie looked strange and doubtful, "Is there really such a mysterious ruins?"

Jiang Zhao spread his hands noncommittally.

"Where is the relic? I'll take some time to check it out," Han Lao Xie said, "Speaking of which, I haven't been back to the New Blue World for a while."

"The relic has disappeared." Jiang Zhao explained helplessly.


Han Lao Xie obviously began to doubt the authenticity of the Dark Sea Relics again.

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do. Anyway, the heritage and power of our group come from that relic," Jiang Zhao explained calmly, "It is precisely because of the appearance of that relic that the ancient heritage has been revived for our New Blue World."

"Ancient heritage revived?" Han Lao Xie was slightly surprised, "You mean, now the star soul masters of various countries in the New Blue World have begun to use ancient heritage cards? I was wondering why the cards of your little guys are so powerful."

"Why, don't you know yet?" Jiang Zhao was surprised.

Han Lao Xie nodded, as if a little embarrassed, "I have been immersed in research here for many years and rarely walk outside. I didn't expect that the New Blue World has developed to this point?"

"Have you been exploring the secrets here?" Jiang Zhao also became interested.

"Of course," Han Lao Xie said without hesitation, his eyes flashing with obsession and greed, "Aren't you curious?"

"I am curious for sure," Jiang Zhao shook his head and said, "But with my current strength, I should not be able to explore the secrets here."

"No hurry~Take your time," Han Lao Xie looked at Jiang Zhao with a smile, and seemed to admire this junior from his hometown, "I think your inherited star soul has great potential. Don't you really consider coming to me?"

"I appreciate your kindness," Jiang Zhao declined politely, "I have my own ideas and goals."

Han Lao Xie didn't force it, but just expressed regret for Jiang Zhao's idea, "Hehe, what future can you have following Chu Kuang and Yang Tianfang? You will find out in the future that I am your real guiding light."

Jiang Zhao smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Looking at your current situation, the New Blue Realm seems to be developing well."

Han Lao Xie smiled with a smile, as if he was really ready to go back to the New Blue Realm.

This made Jiang Zhao a little worried.

The New Blue Realm is already in chaos, and the arrival of the New God Clan will undoubtedly make it even more chaotic.

"It's okay, but it can't be compared with your New God Clan." Jiang Zhao smiled awkwardly.

Han Lao Xie smiled and didn't say much.

After leaving a slightly confused look, he disappeared without a trace.

But Jiang Zhao always felt that the old guy had not left yet, and who knows if he was still observing him in secret.

"Senior, take care~!"

After bowing and bidding farewell, he quietly set off and began to look for the traces of the people in Da Xia.

Han Lao Xie has been immersed in research here for many years, and combined with the scenes he saw in that deep void, he also figured out some things.

If nothing unexpected happens, the incomplete soul of ordinary New God Clan is likely related to Han Lao Xie's research here.

After all, all people in the current Star Soul World were "born" under the projection of the sleeping souls of this original void.

Only the power here can achieve the weird soul control effect of the New God Clan.

However, Han Laoxie should not have touched the deep void yet, but at least he has explored the existence of the deep void.

From the current point of view.

The group of saints of the new gods who claim to be superior seem to regard this layer of the original void as the "real origin" of the Star Soul World, and think that today's human beings are the projection of the remaining power of the gods of the former heavens.

Little do they know that the remaining power of the gods of the heavens also depends on another layer of "things".

This can be roughly seen from the situation in this layer of the original void.

Take those intertwined streams of light for example. They seem to be messy, but if you comb them carefully and zoom in on them, you will find that those drifting streams are in clusters.

While drifting wantonly, each cluster is also drifting around.

It is exactly the same as the situation in the deep void.

Each cluster of streams of light here corresponds to a sleeping soul cocoon over there, and the swaying streams of light correspond to the tentacles-like glimmers around the soul cocoon.

"Come on, come on, come out and feel it, and find the soul components that belong to you."

While thinking, Jiang Zhao also released all the star souls.

As he expected, the star souls can sense the streams of light corresponding to their soul components here.

But there are exceptions.

Ji Ye, Xiao Ha, and Monkey Brother seem to have no sense at all.

"Are you sure you don't feel anything?" Jiang Zhao confirmed.

"No, not at all." Xiao Ha shook his head affirmatively, "I feel this place is quite familiar."

Ji Ye nodded slightly, indicating the same.

Monkey Brother did not have that familiar feeling.

Jiang Zhao was not surprised by this.

Monkey Brother was not included in the "system" of the original void because his soul and body were preserved by Bodhi Patriarch. Monkey Brother did not go to Guixu to find the original place in the past, so naturally he would not have that familiar feeling.

From this point of view, Ji Ye and Xiao Ha did not seem to be included in this "system".

Or Ji Ye and Xiao Ha did not perish in the ancient catastrophe, but were probably directly integrated into the origin land in a complete form.

Then the question is, where was the power of Ji Ye and Xiao Ha hidden?

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