Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 665 Fengdu Luoshan Ruins Card, the Development and Planning of the Kingdom of God

"Xiao Kui?" Jiang Zhao was slightly startled, "Could it be that the legend about Meng Po is true?"

The Emperor of Fengdu nodded happily, "Although it is only the incarnation of Hou Tu, it is enough to drive this legacy of Hou Tu, and the girl has also merged with another incarnation of Hou Tu."

Everyone present was shocked when he heard this.

"What do you mean? Meng Po is also the incarnation of Hou Tu Niangniang?" Everyone was surprised.

"Since the Emperor said so, there is naturally nothing to doubt," Bai Dajin and others sighed, "It's just a little unbelievable."

After realizing this, everyone in Daxia was naturally overjoyed.

After all, the biggest problem in building the underworld has been solved.

The next thing is much easier.

"What about the follow-up, are there any necessary conditions?" Jiang Zhao continued to interrogate.

Emperor Fengdu pondered, "The follow-up is naturally to recreate Fengdu Luoshan as the base of the underworld."

"The ruins of Fengdu Luoshan are stuck, right?" Jiang Zhao nodded, and continued to ask, "What else?"

"At present, I can only think of these," Emperor Fengdu pondered, "As for the follow-up situation, we can only know it after it is actually carried out."

Jiang Zhao nodded slightly and said nothing more.

The Southern Cross sped all the way and soon returned to the sky above the Daxia territory.

It was thought that Daxia Kingdom would definitely be attacked when they were not there, but the situation seemed to be different from what they expected.

The situation in Daxia Kingdom was stable. Although some small chaos broke out, they were all solved by the Daxia soldiers who stayed behind.

After returning to Xingxiu Palace, I learned that.

On the one hand, it was because the attention of all parties was attracted by the insect swarm pit, and on the other hand, it was because of the support provided by the True Self Church and the old seniors and sisters.

At the beginning, the various forces occupying the deep layers of the Netherworld also launched an attack on Daxia.

Unfortunately, with the joint efforts of Daxia, Zhenwo Sect and seniors, they were well protected.

Seeing that they could not get any benefits, the parties in the deep of the Netherworld gave up the idea and began to explore the foggy void with all their strength.

It is worth mentioning that the Sword Fire Kingdom also provided a lot of assistance.

In addition, the Immortal Worker Divine Realm also successfully arrived in the void near Daxia Kingdom a few days ago, and successfully opened up a space node somewhere in Daxia Kingdom, opening up communication between the two sides.

With the arrival of the Immortal Worker Clan, the defense of Daxia Kingdom was completely stabilized.

As for those seniors, although many of them stayed, they left Daxia one after another later.

After all, everyone has their own work and life.

"The Immortal Worker Clan is here too?" Jiang Zhao said in surprise.

"Yes," the elders of the association who stayed behind nodded and smiled, "They chatted quite well with us old guys."

Jiang Zhao didn't waste any words. After arranging the plan for the underworld, he asked his grandfather to take a group of weapon refiners to visit the Immortal Worker Divine Realm.

Ruan Yunyun had nothing to do, so she followed with great interest.

After all, she was able to revive the Mechanical Creator and successfully awaken in the deep layer of the Origin Void. The Great Dao Refining of the Immortal Worker Clan had at least half of the credit.

Just as the words of the Mechanical Creator when he was resurrected.

"The Taoist Ancestor cast my body, and the Immortal Worker shaped my soul!"

It was the power of these two big guys who seized the fortune of heaven and earth and jointly created the miracle of the Mechanical Creator.

It was only because of the particularity of the Star Soul World that it could not accommodate or be compatible with the "miracle" of the Mechanical Creator, so this miracle relied on Ruan Yunyun, the host.

It was also because of this that Ruan Yunyun could wake up in the deep layer of the Origin Void like Jiang Zhao.

Normally, it is not easy for a star soul master to practice and explore the deep layers of the Origin Void.

For example, Han Laoxie, the Saint of the New God Clan, is extremely powerful and has been studying in the Origin Void for many years, but he has not been able to touch the deep layers of the Origin Void.

Because of the special nature of "crossing", Jiang Zhao has been kept in the deep layers of the Origin Void in his previous life.

So after contacting the Origin Void, he directly awakened his previous life's body.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Zhao is an "internally appointed" or "relative household" existence.

But Ruan Yunyun's awakening is different.

Her awakening is more like a miracle of the birth of the world under the fusion of various forces.

To put it bluntly, the couple are both truant players.

Although they arrived at the "end" first, there is definitely a big gap with those who walked to the "end" down to earth.

Fortunately, no one has walked to the end down to earth yet, and they still have a long time to develop.

Logically, Jiang Zhao should also go to the Immortal Worker Clan.

But there are still many things he needs to do.

The first is to make the [Fengdu Luoshan] relic card, and then the natal cards of several cheap uncles such as He Mingzhong.

After finishing the work, he has to go to Tongtian Divine Realm and the Immortal Clan Divine Realm.

Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Immortal King are not in a hurry, and they are patiently waiting for Jiang Zhao to finish the work in his hands.

However, the migration of the Immortal Worker Clan made the two of them a little tempted.

"Brother Duobao, do you think we should also move here?" Baizhan Immortal King asked thoughtfully.

"It seems that Brother Xianwang and I have the same idea," Duobao Taoist said with a smile: "Although it is a bit troublesome, in the long run, it is definitely better to move here."

"Haha, heroes think alike!" Baizhan Immortal King smiled knowingly.

After all, migration is just a little troublesome for their Hidden World Divine Realm, and it requires the consent of the ancestors and a part of the power left by the ancestors.

To put it bluntly, for the Hidden World Divine Realm, it doesn't matter where they are.

At least before the collapse of the Star Soul World and the official start of "wandering", they are like ships docked at the "void port", and it doesn't matter where they are.

The only difference is that random migration will consume some reserve energy, which will reduce the endurance of future "wandering".

So for the Hidden World Divine Realm, life lies in stillness, and generally they will not migrate randomly.

But this does not mean that they cannot migrate.

At least it is still very valuable to migrate to the vicinity of the Great Xia Divine Kingdom.

On the one hand, because of their origin with the ancient heritage of the Great Xia, on the other hand, because of the existence of the Origin Void.

After migrating here, the descendants of the clan can also more easily obtain the power of the Origin Void.

In addition, this trip to the Origin Land also allowed them to see the potential and future of the Great Xia.

In the short term, migration here may be affected by war, but in the long run, this place will inevitably become safer and safer.

Especially from the perspective of the Star Soul World and the coming catastrophe, Daxia is definitely promising in the future.

The "Hell" plan that is currently being planned is enough to amaze them.

"Brother Immortal King, do you think they can succeed?" Duobao Taoist's eyes flashed with expectation and worry.

From his heart, of course he hopes that Daxia can succeed, but for them, the Hell plan is too shocking.

Not only for them, but for anyone, this is an unimaginable feat.

"From their previous communication, the possibility is still very large," Baizhan Immortal King said, "This king also wants to see the scene after the kingdom of God independently controls the operation of the law of life and death."

With the strength and realm of the two, they naturally have a certain understanding of the laws of life and death and reincarnation.

It is precisely because of sufficient understanding that we know how profound the law of life and death and reincarnation is, and how difficult it is to let a kingdom of God independently control the operation of this set of laws.

You know, even their hidden divine domain is only relatively independent.

In essence, it is more like a "copy" or "duplicate" of the current Dao Law, and it is essentially running according to the operating logic and rules of the Dao Law.

Except that the power of the ancestors can affect the operation of the laws of the hidden divine domain, it is not under their control as a whole.

But what Daxia has to do now is to completely control the life and death cycle of its own kingdom of God and establish a complete life and death cycle system.

Looking at the history of the Star Soul World, no kingdom of God or hidden divine domain has been able to do this.

Even the current emperor of heaven is only the maintainer of the Dao Law, not the real controller.

Looking at Jiang Zhao and others who are making cards, the two big guys are full of emotion.

At this time, Jiang Zhao is trying his best to sense and complete the information of the ruins card of Fengdu Luoshan with the assistance of Bai Dajin.

With the cooperation of the two, it will be much easier.

Unknowingly, the information of the ruins card of Fengdu Luoshan has been explored.

Then, with the blessing of my mother's astrological cake, I officially started making the relic card.

During the production process, my mother Jiang Xinmei and my uncle Jiang Qingsong were also in place at the first time.

After all, according to past experience, after the ancient relic card is successfully made, there is a high probability that powerful evil things will take advantage of the loophole.

Facts have proved that their worries are not unnecessary.

As the Fengdu Luoshan Relic Card gradually condensed, the sky above the Xingxiu Palace suddenly blew a strong wind, and the projection of the underworld emerged. Countless evil things like ghosts and evil spirits whistled in the meantime, just like a scene of the underworld that had lost order.


The projection of the vision stirred up waves of violent void fluctuations, and cracks in the void were torn open one after another.

"Here we go!" Jiang Qingsong immediately transformed into Erlang Zhenjun, accompanied by Lei Zu, "Don't stand there, two seniors, help!"

Duobao Taoist and Baizhan Xianwang were somewhat shocked when they saw this scene for the first time, but they soon calmed down.

"What's going on? Can your relic card attract the infiltration of evil forces from outside the domain?" The Immortal King of Hundred Battles was shocked.

"It seems so," Jiang Qingsong smiled helplessly, "The previous relic card of the first heaven is the same."

Although they were shocked, the two bosses were not panicked.

Although the evil power emanating from the void crack was very strong, it was nothing to masters of their level.

"Be careful, it's coming!" Jiang Xinmei reminded in a startled voice. While transforming into Dou Mu Yuanjun, the whole person was shrouded in a brilliant and ancient starry sky. The Three Holy Mothers beside him held up the Precious Lotus Lantern and cooperated tacitly with his brother Erlang Zhenjun.


I saw a group of evil black fogs like a group of demons dancing wildly roaring out of the void crack and spreading in all directions.

Everyone had expected this, and the Ten-Star Domain Card barrier rose slowly, restricting the evil things to the area around the Xingxiu Palace.

At the same time, the majestic figure of Emperor Fengdu appeared in the sky above the Xingxiu Palace, with a rosy glow. The elites of the underworld, led by Bai Dajin, had already taken their positions.

"The Emperor Fengdu has returned, why don't you ghosts surrender quickly?!"

Bai Dajin transformed into the Ghost Emperor, carrying the power of Emperor Fengdu, and instantly suppressed the countless evil spirits and evil creatures, making them tremble in fear.

However, the countless minions were obviously not the focus.

The key point is the evil creature with black tentacles swaying in the billowing black mist. This evil creature is not a bit stronger than the evil creature that appeared when the Dragon Relics Card was born.

And because it comes from the ruins of Fengduluo Mountain, this evil creature seems to have certain undead characteristics.

The swaying tentacles gathered together to form tentacles, and dispersed to form an overwhelming mass of ferocious evil spirits. At this moment, they were frantically attacking the boundary of the ten-star domain card.

Fortunately, the ten-star domain card barrier is powerful enough and always stable.

This made the evil creature feel a deep sense of powerlessness, and its attack became even more frenzied.

The experts present did not tolerate him and joined forces to suppress him.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Taoist Duobao controlled the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and was invincible, constantly suppressing the swaying tentacles.

The Immortal King of Hundred Battles holds a spear and goes in and out seven times, showing great bravery.

"Can't you kill me?" Jiang Xinmei frowned.

After some suppression, everyone gradually felt the strangeness of the evil creature.

As soon as the front foot scattered a tentacle, the back foot was able to regroup. Although the power of the evil creature could be felt to be weakening, it recovered quickly due to the vast evil power of Fengduluo Mountain.

Although this evil creature couldn't do anything to them, it felt disgusting.

"I really don't believe it!" Taoist Duobao was a little angry and was about to use the Immortal Killing Formation on the spot.

"It's not necessary," the figure of Emperor Fengdu said slowly, "This evil beast just relies on the power of ghosts and evil powers."

At this moment, all the evil creatures in the underworld have been wiped out by Emperor Fengdu and the underworld elites.

The freed-up Emperor Fengdu and Yang Gangjun, who had transformed into Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, looked at each other and both attacked the evil thing.

In an instant.

After the evil creatures were dispersed, the ghost power began to turn into the sky full of yin energy, pouring into the body of Emperor Fengdu, and the dispersed evil power was super-evolved by Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

In just a moment, the evil creature began to lose its strength, and its strength and momentum declined rapidly.

Everyone was stunned and took advantage of the victory to pursue him.

Without the blessing of the ghost power and the evil power, the evil creature was no match for the strong men present. It was quickly beaten to pieces and defeated.

While the evil creature was being killed, several void cracks also began to heal quickly.

At the same time, rays of starlight fell from the vision projection and converged on Jiang Zhao.

The Fengduluo Mountain Ruins Card was successfully born.

And split into five nine-star ruins cards in front of Jiang Zhao.

"It's done."

Jiang Zhao opened his eyes with satisfaction.

He naturally saw the battle just now and didn't take it to heart at all.

Just kidding, with Emperor Fengdu and the underworld elites here, plus the special existence of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, what is there to worry about?

"The next thing to do is to clean up the ruins of Fengduluo Mountain as soon as possible." Jiang Zhao smiled slightly, handed one of them to Bai Dajin, and placed it in the ruins hall of Xingxiu Palace. "What's next for your Underworld Holy Palace?" busy."

"It should."

Bai Dajin and everyone's eyes were shining, and there was no trace of sadness on their faces, but instead they were full of excitement.

After all, Fengduluo Mountain is the ultimate holy land in their minds!

"Send one back to the Great Xia of the New Blue Realm later, so that the juniors and juniors back home can also contribute," Jiang Zhao continued to distribute: "By the way, Mom, you take the time to go to the God Realm and let the Jian family Also lend a hand.”

"Don't worry~" Jiang Xinmei took one of them and said with a smile: "Your mother and I give orders, who in the Jian family dares to disobey?"

Jiang Zhao smiled dumbly, his eyes resting on the remaining two relic cards, and then he looked at Taoist Duobao and Hundred Battles Immortal King with a teasing smile.

Before, it would have been impossible for him to hand over the relic card to an outsider easily.

But now, whether it is the Tongtian Divine Realm or the Immortal Clan Divine Realm, they are all pure members of their own family.

"Would you two seniors also help me?"

Taoist Duobao and Immortal King Baizhan had long been crying, so naturally they would not refuse, "Don't worry, I will never let you down."

"My Immortal Clan is very good at cleaning up evil things." The Immortal King of Hundred Wars was proud and confident.

"Really?" Jiang Zhao asked, "Why don't we help the Heavenly Palace ruins too?"

"Heavenly Relics Card?" The Immortal King of Hundred Wars was stunned.

Taoist Duobao explained: "It is the relic space where our clan's forbidden land tests the connection."

"Haha, that's great," Baizhan Immortal King suddenly realized, with a hint of excitement in his eyes, "I've been coveting the relics of the Tongtian clan for a long time. This way, I won't have to beg my grandpa and sue my grandma every time."

"Senior Immortal King has also been to the ruins of Heaven?" Jiang Zhao asked in surprise.

"Well," Baizhan Immortal King nodded and smiled: "I was invited by Brother Duobao several times before and helped him a lot. Unfortunately, this old guy is so precious that he won't give in to us Immortal Clan no matter what. open."

Taoist Duobao said angrily: "It's a test in our clan's forbidden area. How can we let you foreigners in?"

Naturally, the Hundred Battles Immortal King also knew the importance of the forbidden land test to the Tongtian clan, so he complained and complained.

Now that he has the [First Level Heaven] relic stuck in his hand, he is naturally smiling from ear to ear.

"By the way, I have discussed with Brother Duobao and are planning to move the divine domain to your area near Daxia," Bai Zhan Immortal King said with a smile, "You shouldn't be unwelcome, right?"

"Welcome, absolutely welcome!" Jiang summoned everyone in surprise and joy.

How could you not welcome such a good thing?

After some pleasantries, Immortal King Baizhan asked about Prince Tianxuan, "I wonder when my little friend will leave with me?"

"There's no rush, there are still some things that need to be arranged, maybe in three days." Jiang Zhao thought.

"Okay, then I will wait a little longer." The Hundred Battles Immortal King was not in a hurry.

"In that case, I will go to the True Self Sect first to see the little ones of my clan, and then come back in three days." Taoist Duobao said with a chuckle as he left.

Immortal King Bai Zhan was also idle, so he naturally followed him out of curiosity, "True Self Cult? When did your people go to True Self Cult?"

"It happened not long ago." Taoist Duobao smiled pretending to be mysterious.

Immortal King Bai Zhan followed closely behind, becoming more and more curious: "Why do your people go to the True Self Sect? Hiss~ Why do I feel like there is something hidden here?"

"Go over and take a look. Brother Immortal King will naturally understand."

"Really?" Baizhan Immortal King became more and more curious.

After watching the two big guys leave, Jiang Zhao and his gang also got busy.

Now that the Kingdom of Great Xia has just been established, there are too many things to be busy with.

Uncle Jiang Qingsong's side, with this wave of major improvements in the base points of the God's Domain, Daxia's territory can continue to expand a few blocks.

Of course, expanding the territory is just a trivial matter, the focus is on the subsequent series of things.

It's impossible for those large tracts of territory to remain empty, right?

While attracting the foreign population from surrounding countries, preliminary planning and construction must be done, right?

And over at Daxia Starry Sky Academy, the annual graduation season is coming soon. The young students who have been promoted by then must have a place to live, right?

In short, the whole of Daxia will be very busy.

Although he is a hands-off shopkeeper, he still has many things to keep busy.

All the way to the temporary residence of He Mingzhong and others, several people who had lost their life cards were now feeling a little depressed.

Although Jiang Zhao would definitely not treat them badly, and it would be a joy to help Ruan Yunyun resurrect the Mechanical Creator, after all, it was the life card that had been with them for many years.

Even raising a dog will create feelings, let alone a natal card that is connected to their soul.

"Xiao Zhao, are you here?"

He Mingzhong sighed, as if his precious daughter had been seduced by Huang Mao.

"You guys make me feel guilty~! The opportunity to re-select your life card is not something that everyone can encounter. Come on, come on, let's all smile." Jiang Zhao can naturally understand the mood of a few people, but that's the end of the matter. Their birth cards say they will never come back.

"It's okay," He Mingzhong sighed and waved his hands, "We are just a little sad and not used to it."

Jiang Zhao sighed helplessly, "If you miss them in the future, you can ask Yunyun to release the Mechanical Creator to reminisce with you."

Hearing this, several people couldn't help laughing.

"Come on, come on, be energetic, a bright future is waiting for you!"

Jiang Zhao chuckled and began to ask several people about their original horoscope positions, so as to find the astrological inheritance that suited them.

Hearing this, He Mingzhong and others were surprised and happy, "What Xiao Zhao means is that our natal star will still be the natal star it once was?"

"That's right," Jiang Zhao nodded and smiled: "This has been verified by Sister Zhenzhen before."

"Then we can condense the parts of our Creator again?" Zhang Daniu said in surprise.

"..." Jiang Zhao shook his head dumbfounded, "Don't think about it. After the birth of the Mechanical Creator, the stars have also undergone tremendous changes. The stars of your birth cards are no longer in their original positions."

After hearing this, several people were disappointed and shocked.

No wonder there was so much movement when the Mechanical Creator was born. Even the stars shifted and changed.

At the same time, Jiang Zhao had also found the position of the natal stars of He Mingzhong and others through the telescope constellation.

Although these natal stars all belong to the astrological system of the Mechanical God Realm.

But the secret of astrological card making is that a star can belong to different astrological systems.

"Hey~ Uncle Daniu, the position of this natal star is a bit essence~!" When Jiang Zhao was amazed, he instantly had a corresponding idea, "In addition, the astrological system of the Mechanical God Realm seems to overlap with many instrumental astronomical constellations. "

You don’t know if you don’t see it, you will be shocked.

I have never compared the relationship between mechanical astrology and astronomical astrology before, but now that I look closely, I can see that there are quite a few overlapping star positions.

After adjusting the observation angle, there are more overlapping stars.

"That's right, the Mechanical God Realm has something to do with Dao Ancestor."

From this point of view, the instrument constellations in the astronomical constellations are obviously related to some of Laojun's remaining power.

After all, Laojun is the number one weapon refiner in heaven, but in all the horoscopes of tools, you can more or less find some traces in grandpa's horoscope of Supreme Laojun. (End of chapter)

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