Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 669 The Hidden Emperor and the Divine Emperor, the birth of the second new emperor

Jiang Zhao was secretly shocked, "Could it be that you had anticipated everything that happened later, and anticipated our arrival today?"

Tongtian Patriarch shook his head and smiled.

"Then you...?" Jiang Zhao looked strange, "Or is he still here, and has come to see you in advance?"

"I guess so," Tongtian Patriarch smiled meaningfully, "Master did come, but didn't say much. The reason why I can guess your intention is mainly because you are different from last time."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao's heart skipped a beat.

It is obvious that Tongtian Patriarch saw the changes in him after he woke up in the deep layer of the Origin Void.

"The reason for the Origin Void?" Jiang Zhao tried his best to remain calm.

"That's right." Tongtian Patriarch nodded happily, with a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

Of course, this conversation between the two was told to everyone. Jiang Lingtong and the other two did not know the existence of the deep layer of the Origin Void, so they subconsciously thought that Jiang Zhao had undergone some changes after absorbing the soul components.

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and asked seriously: "In other words, the Origin of the Void is related to the Hongjun Patriarch?"

"There is indeed a connection, but it may not be what you think," Tongtian Patriarch said calmly: "In the past, Master came to me once and borrowed the method of my clan's inheritance of inspiration and appeared once. You should have guessed this."

"Is it really the Master?" Duobao Taoist was surprised and suspicious.

"To solve the troubles of my New Blue Realm?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"That's right," Tongtian Patriarch nodded, "As for the specific reason, Master didn't say much, and I don't know much about it. As for where Master went later, I don't know even more."

Jiang Zhao nodded after thinking, and suddenly asked: "You also know the existence of the Origin of the Void, right?"

Tongtian Patriarch smiled without comment, with a hint of deep meaning in his smile.

"Have you been there?" Jiang Zhao further confirmed.

"Reached it," Tongtian Sect Master nodded meaningfully, "In fact, not only this seat, but all the first generation of Heavenly Emperors who created the Hidden World Divine Realm have reached that place.

In other words, only the first generation of Heavenly Emperors who have reached that place are qualified to create a Hidden World Divine Realm and leave behind this spark of civilization."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

"Did the ancestors also go to the Origin Void?" Duobao Taoist was surprised and suspicious.

Jiang Lingtong and Qi Tianxuan were also shocked.

But only Jiang Zhao heard the deep meaning of Tongtian Sect Master's words.

Note that Tongtian Sect Master used the words "reach" and "arrive", not "been there".

In other words, Tongtian Sect Master and the first generation of Heavenly Emperors of the Hidden World Divine Clan did not go to the Origin Void, but reached and touched the deep layer of the Origin Void through cultivation.

This also confirmed his previous speculation with Ruan Yunyun.

In addition to the ancestors of the Immortal Workers Clan, there were many people who woke up in the Origin Void later.

No wonder when he first met Tongtian, he looked at him strangely.

No wonder the ancestor of the immortal race told the Immortal King Baizhan to treat him with courtesy and gave the inheritance materials treasured by the immortal race to Jiang Zhao for processing.

Now thinking back, I suddenly felt enlightened.

Those who had awakened in the Origin Void had all seen Jiang Zhao...

Although Jiang Zhao was in the image of his previous life in the Origin Void, just as Ruan Yunyun could recognize him at a glance, people who had awakened in the deep layers of the Origin Void could naturally recognize him.

Or is there a special aura on him, a strange aura projected from the flesh in the previous life?

"No, isn't it said that when you become the first generation of the Heavenly Emperor, you can choose to create a hidden world or ascend to the realm of God?" Jiang Zhao suddenly thought of the popular science before the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor.

"Indeed." Tongtian nodded.

"Isn't this a contradiction?" Jiang Zhao was confused.

"Is it contradictory?" Tongtian explained with a chuckle: "Creating a hidden divine domain and leaving behind a civilization are two different things. Some first-generation Heavenly Emperors with extraordinary talents can indeed create a hidden divine domain before touching the Origin Void.

But there is still a long way to go to turn the hidden gods into a civilization.

If I'm not mistaken, you heard these words from the new emperor of the time, right?"

Jiang Zhao nodded blankly.

"No wonder," Tongtian smiled dumbly, "The younger Heavenly Emperor of the time is indeed gifted, and there is a great hope that he will touch the Origin Void one day."

"You mean, a normal first-generation Heavenly Emperor may not be able to create a hidden divine domain? It's just that the situation of the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor is special." Jiang Zhao said in shock.

"That's right," Tongtian Patriarch nodded and asked with a smile: "Aren't you surprised that the number of God Realm God Clan is much larger than that of Hidden World God Clan?"

Jiang Zhao was slightly startled, "It seems to be true."

The number of Hidden World God Clan is not a little different from that of God Realm God Clan.

The data is not good, the number of Hidden World God Clan is not even a fraction of that of God Realm God Clan.

In the case that every first-generation Heavenly Emperor can freely choose two routes.

Even if the development concept of the Hidden World God Clan belongs to a niche, it should not be so big.

Now combined with what Tongtian Patriarch said, the idea is clear at once.

It's not that the first-generation Heavenly Emperors of all generations did not want to create the Hidden World God Clan, but that most of the Heavenly Emperors had no choice at all.

"Do you know the difference between these two first-generation Heavenly Emperors?" Tongtian Patriarch asked with a smile.

"One is to achieve the Star Soul, and the other is to achieve oneself." Jiang Zhao nodded and answered.

"The key is here," Tongtian Cult Leader calmly explained: "Becoming a Star Soul is not an easy thing. In other words, the threshold for becoming a Star Soul is much higher. From a certain perspective, becoming a Star Soul is actually to use oneself to achieve it. It is the existence corresponding to the egg, hatching and resurrection of the star soul.

This is also the fundamental reason why it is difficult for descendants of my hidden divine clan to become emperors of heaven.

Take my disciple as an example, not because he cannot become a Heavenly Emperor, but because he is still far away from becoming a Heavenly Emperor.

Of course, after returning from the Origin Void this time, the distance has shortened a lot. "

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and others were greatly shocked.

It turned out that they had always thought that the hidden gods could not become emperors because of their bloodline and inheritance methods.

Now I understand it after listening to the explanation from the leader of Tongtian.

It’s not that the people of the hidden gods cannot become emperors of heaven, it’s because the path to becoming an emperor by “becoming a star soul” is a bit long and the threshold is extremely high.

Take Taoist Duobao as an example, his strength is no less than that of the ordinary Heavenly Emperor in the divine realm.

But according to the leader of Tongtian Cult, Taoist Duobao is still far away from becoming the Emperor of Heaven. From this, we can also see how difficult it is to "become a star soul" to become an emperor.

"Does it mean that the threshold for becoming a divine emperor is much lower?" Jiang Zhao asked next.

"That's right," Tongtian Cult Leader nodded and smiled: "Take my disciple as an example. If he were to follow the standards of the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperor, he would have already become a Heavenly Emperor. Of course, although the threshold for a Divine Realm Heavenly Emperor is low, there is still a long way to go in the future. To leave, this is the main reason why the strength of the divine emperors is so different."

"I see," Jiang Zhao nodded, "I wonder which of these two routes is better?"

“Then it depends on the strength of the Star Soul inheritance,” Tongtian Cult Leader explained: “Generally speaking, as long as the inherited Star Soul level is sufficient, it would be better to take the route of becoming a Star Soul, but this route also has shortcomings. "

"What shortcomings?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"After the inherited star soul is successfully hatched and emerges from the cocoon to become a butterfly, other star souls can no longer be used." Tongtian Cult Master said: "Take me as an example, the moment I became emperor, I have become the same as the former Tongtian Cult Master. There is no difference between them, so naturally they can no longer control the power of other star souls."

Jiang Zhao listened with half-knowledge, and roughly understood what Master Tongtian meant.

To put it bluntly, only people in the Star Soul World can control the power of the Star Soul Card.

After achieving the Star Soul and being resurrected into the corresponding existence, it is equivalent to jumping out of the framework of the Star Soul world and completely transforming into the god it once was. Naturally, it can no longer use the power of the Star Soul world.

But the advantage is that after being resurrected and becoming the corresponding existence, you have 100% control of the power of the corresponding god.

In addition, you can continue to practice, strengthen, and improve on the basis of your previous strength.

"What about the Divine Realm Emperor?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"The God Realm Heavenly Emperors have achieved their own achievements, so they can naturally continue to further develop their other star souls. The so-called emperor souls are still star souls in essence. They are just much more powerful than ordinary star souls because of their merits."

Jiang Zhaoran nodded, "When the God Realm Heavenly Emperor has cultivated to a certain level, will he be able to touch the Origin Void Realm?"

"Theoretically it is possible, but it has never happened so far." The leader of Tongtian Cult said.


"Because the road to casting souls themselves is longer, not to mention that in addition to casting souls themselves, they also have to be divided by star souls," the leader of Tongtian explained: "To put it bluntly, we are raising a child, and the essence of the divine realm emperor is I am raising several children. Although I have merit and help, as well as the recognition and support of the current Taoist laws, it is still a long process. "

"No one has ever succeeded?" Jiang Zhao was puzzled.

"Throughout the ages, how many people have been amazingly talented and beautiful? There are naturally many people with this qualification and potential," the leader of Tongtian Cult sighed: "But the premise is that they can survive until that time."

Jiang Zhao took a breath of surprise, "You mean, it's not that those amazingly talented divine emperors didn't have that ability, but that they didn't live to that moment?"

Leader Tongtian nodded heavily, "That's right."

"Because of the evil power?"

Leader Tongtian nodded noncommittally, "After all, merit and the recognition of the Great Law also come at a price."

"Guard the Star Soul World and resist the erosion of evil forces?" Jiang Zhao guessed.

"That's right," Tongtian Cult Leader nodded: "In fact, today's merits basically come from the elimination of evil forces. If the God Realm Emperor wants to go further, he must also eliminate more evil forces."

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and fully understood.

The moods of Jiang Lingtong, Taoist Duobao and Qi Tianxuan also became complicated.

Although the barrier to entry for the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperor route is low, the road ahead is full of difficulties and thorns.

If you want to continue on your path, you must obtain more merit and spend more time understanding the great path. If you want to obtain merit, you must eliminate more evil forces, which will continuously increase the risk of death.

But if you don't fight against the evil forces, you can't go further and get a longer life.

This creates an infinite loop.

From a certain perspective, this set of logic and rules may have been born to fight against evil forces.

"Compared to the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperors, we are more like a bunch of deserters," Tongtian Cult Leader smiled wryly at himself, "From the bottom of my heart, I still admire the Divine Realm Heavenly Emperors. It is precisely because of their succession that Xingxing The soul world continues to this day.”

Hearing this, everyone's reverence for the God Realm Emperor became stronger.

At the same time, they became more disgusted with the New God Clan's delusion of "keeping the Emperor in captivity".

"Senior, don't belittle yourself," Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and said solemnly: "You are also contributing to the Star Soul World like the God Realm Emperor, aren't you?"

Tongtian Sect Master smiled slightly, and although he didn't say much, there was a clear sense of relief on his face.

At first glance, it seems that the God Realm Emperor is braver and has made greater contributions.

But in Jiang Zhao's view, the Hidden God Clan Emperor is also making his own contributions, but the division of labor is different.

To put it in the most direct way, creating the Hidden God Realm is to transform oneself into Taoism and dedicate oneself.

And all this is just to leave a spark of civilization for future generations.

In essence, everyone is working hard and dedicating themselves, but the way the God Realm Emperor fights bloody battles and sacrifices his head and blood seems more tragic.

In addition, from the situation in the deep layer of the Origin Void, Jiang Zhao could also vaguely guess something.

"If I am not wrong, your Hidden God Clan Emperor should not just leave behind the fire of civilization, right?" Jiang Zhao said after pondering.

A strange color flashed in Tongtian Patriarch's eyes, and then he stared at Jiang Zhao deeply without saying much.

Jiang Zhao was not stupid either. From Tongtian Patriarch's reaction, he could be sure that the Hidden God Clan Emperor had other tasks or missions besides leaving behind the fire of civilization.

And this point was also inferred from the empty shell left by the ancestor of the Immortal Worker Clan (Qian Guodong) in the deep layer of the Origin Void.

And this mission may be related to the shaping of the Star Soul World System.

After all, the once independent Instrument God Realm was dispersed and integrated into the major God Realm systems due to the efforts of Brother Qian Guodong.

As the saying goes, laymen look at strategy, experts look at logistics.

Most people can only see the strategy on the front line and the soldiers fighting bravely, but they don't know that the logistics personnel in the rear are equally important.

"The Dark Sea ruins that fell into the New Blue Realm several years ago and brought the revival of the ancient heritage should be your masterpiece, right?" Jiang Zhao asked meaningfully.

"I guess so," Tongtian Patriarch curled his lips and smiled, "but it was mainly the credit of Master, we just lent a hand, after all, our group of people have been half dead for a long time."

"I see." Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Tongtian Patriarch.

Jiang Lingtong on the side was also shocked.

Obviously, if it weren't for the efforts of the hidden emperors, there would be no revival of the ancient heritage of the New Blue Realm.

"Don't be polite, it's all my job." Tongtian Patriarch waved his hand indifferently.

Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Since the Dark Sea ruins are related to you, then is my birth also related to you?"

Jiang Lingtong and the other two thought that Jiang Zhao was asking about "feeling pregnant".

But only Jiang Zhao understood that he was not asking about just feeling pregnant.

Hearing this, Tongtian Patriarch's eyes narrowed obviously.

After a long silence, he slowly spoke: "Your existence is quite special, I don't know, maybe Master knows some inside information."

"What about him?" Jiang Zhao asked anxiously.

Tongtian Patriarch shook his head with a bitter smile, "He seems to be unpredictable, and after I became a Taoist, I was restricted here, so I naturally can't know his whereabouts."

Jiang Zhao sighed lightly, expressing his understanding.

But he couldn't help feeling a little unwilling.

Obviously, he was only one step away from the truth, but he still couldn't solve it in the end.

"By the way, how much do you know about the senior of the Immortal Worker Clan?" Jiang Zhao asked about the Immortal Worker Clan.

"A very powerful senior, and also the first generation of the first generation of the Heavenly Emperor born in the Star Soul World, worthy of everyone's memory. Even some of the things we are doing now are still based on the Immortal Worker Senior."

Speaking of the Immortal Worker Clan, Tongtian Patriarch's eyes were full of respect.

Then, Jiang Zhao and the others talked about the New God Clan and their crazy thoughts.

After listening to this, Tongtian Patriarch frowned, "They are really a bunch of greedy people. The power in the original void is enough to make your star soul masters advance by leaps and bounds. Why do you have to go down such a crooked path?"

"In your opinion, do they have value in existence?" Jiang Zhao asked seriously.

"It's hard to say..." Tongtian Patriarch thought, "After all, even evil soul masters have value in existence. If they just covet the Emperor they support, it's okay. After all, that's the path they chose, but if they reach out to other Emperors, it's a bit too much."

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao fell into deep thought.

As Tongtian Patriarch said, if they only deal with the Emperor they support, it's their own internal affairs, and they don't need to care as outsiders.

And most of those who are willing to become the New God Clan are eager for quick success and instant benefits. Even if they become the Emperor of Heaven and are regarded as "prey", there is nothing to regret.

Therefore, as long as they don't reach out to other legitimate Heavenly Emperors, it will be fine.

But is this... realistic?

Such a group of people who are eager for quick success, unscrupulous, and have no bottom line, what else can they not do?

In addition, their cruelty to the low-bloodline gods and their descendants is the biggest sin.

"It's a pity that I have already become a Taoist," said Tongtian Sect Master with a gloomy face, "otherwise I really want to personally beat these guys."

"Master, please don't get angry. Leave this matter to our descendants." said Duobao Taoist.

Seeing this, Tongtian Sect Master had a little relief in his eyes.

Then he looked at Qi Tianxuan with expectation and said, "Now with the blessing of the power of Yuanchu Void, it will no longer be difficult to become the Emperor of Heaven. You little guy should work hard and your achievement will never be lower than that of the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor!"

"Thank you for your good words." Qi Tianxuan thanked respectfully.

Jiang Zhao and his friends were not stupid. From what Tongtian Sect Master said, they could tell that the time had come to make the power of Yuanchu Void public.

And the future Star Soul World will also usher in an unprecedented powerful era with the blessing of the power of Yuanchu Void.

At first glance, it seems to be a good thing.

But Jiang Zhao saw a trace of helplessness and pessimism in it, "Has it come to this point?"

You know, Yuanchu Void is the core of the entire Star Soul World and the basis for the existence of all human beings today.

Releasing the power of Yuanchu Void is equivalent to releasing the ultimate family assets.

This is obviously the rhythm of risking everything and fighting to the death.

To put it bluntly, the future of the Star Soul World will eventually end up in their generation.

Tongtian Patriarch looked dim, and it seemed that he was not as pessimistic as Jiang Zhao thought. Instead, there was a hint of fighting spirit in his eyes. "It has been delayed for so long, and it is time for the last fight.

We have done what we should do and can do. As for whether we can end this catastrophe, we can only rely on God's will."

Obviously, Tongtian Patriarch was not very sure.

After coming out of the Tongtian clan's forbidden area, several people felt a little heavy.

The upcoming catastrophe is the key point after all.

As for when it will come, Tongtian Patriarch can't say for sure, and what the current Star Soul Masters can do is to treat every day as the day before the catastrophe comes.

As for what the evil power is and where it comes from, Tongtian Patriarch can't figure it out.

Not only him, but also the fallen gods and Buddhas in the heavens have not figured out where the evil power comes from.

"The gods and Buddhas of the past could not stop this catastrophe. Can we really do it now?" Taoist Duobao's eyes were filled with deep confusion.

On the side, Qi Tianxuan, who had obtained the memory of the inheritance of the Immortal Throne from the inheritance of the Immortal Throne, was also at a loss, "Can the endless evil power really be solved by starting over again?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and his grandfather Jiang Lingtong could not help but fall into silence.

Although the current Star Soul World has allowed many gods of the past to reappear in the world, it is essentially just a restart.

What the gods and Buddhas of the past could not do, can they do it again now?

"There is no need to be so pessimistic," Jiang Zhao said thoughtfully: "The gods of the past left this Star Soul World, obviously for a purpose. The gods and Buddhas of the past could not do it, but it does not mean that the gods and Buddhas of the present cannot do it."

Although it is not clear how the entire Star Soul World works and the specific meaning of its existence.

But Jiang Zhao can feel that the Star Soul World seems to be integrating and strengthening the power of the former Buddhas of the heavens.

If it is really just the same as before, is there any need to start over again?

Therefore, the gods and Buddhas who will reappear in the world from the Star Soul World in the future will inevitably become more powerful than before.

"I hope so." Taoist Duobao sighed faintly.

At this moment, several people were suddenly stunned, and their eyes looked at the sky of Tongtian Divine Realm at the same time.

"Huh? This is..." Taoist Duobao was surprised and happy, with a gleam in his eyes.

Jiang Zhao also clearly felt a sense of déjà vu.

The next second, a familiar change broke the tranquility of the entire Star Soul Master world, and also appeared in the sky of Tongtian Divine Realm.


A shocking buzzing sound exploded from the sky, and the sound of heaven and earth wrapped in the power of the Great Dao echoed slowly, like fairy music, resounding throughout the Star Soul World, and it lasted for a long time.

The sky turned into a scene of rosy clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The entire Star Soul World, whether it is the lower world or the upper world, or the Divine Realm, all showed the same scene.

That's right, it was the strange phenomenon of the birth of a new emperor!

"Has another new emperor been born?"

Jiang Zhao and the others murmured in surprise, and the pessimism and confusion in their eyes disappeared.

The strange phenomenon of the birth of a new emperor in front of them undoubtedly gave them a shot of heart, making them feel a little hope and dawn.

"Who could it be?" Jiang Zhao's eyes were full of expectation and curiosity: "Is it my uncle or a genius in the realm of gods? Or is it Senior Wei Xian from the True Self Sect?"

Duobao Taoist felt it carefully, his eyes flashing, "From the fluctuations in the void, it doesn't seem to be a strange phenomenon born from the realm of gods, but rather from the upper realm of gods." (End of this chapter)

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