Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 684: Defeat the New Gods, a person with integrity is not afraid of his own shadow

Jiu Xing's Erlang Zhenjun is already powerful, and with the improvement of Dharma, Heaven, Xiangdi, his power is no less powerful than that of Vishnu.

Although Vishnu is a permanent star soul entity and has the blessing of true soul power.

But old uncle Jiang Qingsong is no ordinary person.

With the blessing of the Star Brain, Erlang Zhenjun's astrology has been understood to the extreme, and his soul-casting level is also quite high.

From a certain point of view, my uncle's Erlang Zhenjun is already quite high at the "physical and spiritual" level. Even compared to Vishnu's star soul entity, it is not much different.

Fa Tian Xiang Di has evened the gap in "true soul power" to a certain extent.

The whole place was silent.

Facing the power of Lord Erlang, Vishnu felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

The key is that under the influence of the Eye of the Starry Sky, his own weaknesses have been completely exposed to Zhenjun Erlang, and he has no means of protection.

boom! boom! boom!

The two giant gods clashed fiercely in the sky above the True Self Domain.

On the surface, it is Vishnu who is suppressing Erlang Zhenjun.

But in fact, it was Vishnu who was trembling in fear. Behind him, Vishnu's astrological foundation was trembling and was on the verge of collapse.

On the other hand, Jiang Qingsong, who transformed into True Lord Erlang, looked increasingly brave as he fought.

The sun-devouring god beside him covered the sky, and the boundless darkness continued to spread and erode towards Vishnu.

In the darkness, there was thunder and lightning, and the majestic figure of Lei Zu loomed, casting down streaks of thunder that destroyed the heaven and earth.

"No, there's something weird about this thunder!"

Feeling the power of the thunder, Vishnu felt his heart beating wildly and was terrified.

Although the thunder cannot damage the foundation of the stars, it seems to have a very strong restraint and disintegration effect on his star soul entity.

boom! boom! boom!

The always powerful Vishnu entity was struck with blackened wounds by the thunder.

"Damn it, this thunder seems to contain some kind of power of the laws of heaven and earth, which is fundamentally disintegrating the existence of the Star Soul entity."

Vishnu quickly figured out the laws of those thunders.

From a legal perspective, the thunder seemed to have some kind of "judgment" power, and the existence of the star soul entity of their new God Clan did not seem to be allowed by this law of heaven and earth.

Thinking of this, Vishnu became more solemn in his heart.

Although he also knew that the existence of their new god race's star soul entity was rather special, the original void had already been opened. In theory, it should be acquiesced by the current laws of the earth, right?

Or is it that their power is only tacitly allowed and cannot be used "explicitly"?

Of course, he couldn't care less about this issue at this moment.

Because Vishnu's astrological power has begun to collapse.


As Erlang Zhenjun slashed with his sword, the mighty Vishnu seemed to have suddenly suffered some serious injury. The figure that covered the sky began to dim rapidly, cracked, and scattered debris all over the sky.

In this situation, everyone in the New God Clan below had dull faces, unable to believe it all.

On the other hand, all parties in the old God Clan were equally confused.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"If I read correctly, Vishnu seems to have been defeated?"

"Didn't you still have the upper hand just now? Why did you suddenly lose?"

"Did you release the water on purpose?"

"Are you kidding? This battle is directly related to huge interests. How could the Holy Son of the New God Clan let go?"

"Then why is this? It can't be that Jiang Qingsong turned defeat into victory in some way, right?"

"It's the starry sky that has its eyes raised, it's the reason why the starry sky has its eyes raised!"

There was a burst of exclamations and strange screams from the crowd, and all eyes were focused on the forehead of Erlang Zhenjun Fa Tian Xiang Di.

The momentum of the battle just now was so shocking that they gradually ignored the existence of the Eye of the Starry Sky.

Now when I looked closely, I discovered that the previous vertical eye of the starry sky had overlapped with the heavenly eye on Zhenjun Erlang's forehead. The huge starry eye shone like a deep starry sky, and it had been playing a certain role.

People from all walks of life who realized this were all dumbfounded.

I can't imagine what kind of terrifying power is contained in that vertical eye in the starry sky?

Look at the collapse of the true body of Vishnu that covers the sky and the sun. It is like a dam bursting, out of control.

A moment later, with an unwilling roar from the Holy Son of the New God Clan, Vishnu's huge true body completely collapsed and returned to its original size of a hundred meters. The aura around him was restless and his face was pale, as if he had suffered some serious injury.

"No, there's something wrong with Vishnu's aura!"

"Why did it become an eight-star soul? Wasn't it a nine-star soul before?"

"Has your realm fallen?"

"Good guy, you fell from nine stars to eight stars. What kind of heavy damage must you have suffered?"

"Or is it that Vishnu's previous nine stars were actually imaginary and were just knocked back to their original form by Jiang Qingsong?"

On the other hand, Erlang Zhenjun's Law of Heaven and Earth still stands between heaven and earth.

"True soul power?" Jiang Qingsong, who transformed into True Lord Erlang, stood between heaven and earth and sneered coldly: "That's all!"

After saying that, the roaring dog next to him once again turned into darkness, and in conjunction with Lei Zu's thunder power, Vishnu was blocked from all directions.

The three-pointed and two-edged spear in his hand fell down mercilessly, as if it was about to cut the entire world in two.

"His Royal Highness the Holy Son——!"

The New God Clan crowd headed by Bei Minglie screamed in surprise.

Vishnu himself looked ferocious and unwilling.

Seeing the three-pointed and two-edged spear coming at him, he had no power to resist at this moment.

There is no way. At this moment, Vishnu's astrological foundation is seriously damaged, just like a machine that is about to fall apart. Any action may cause the entire machine to fall apart completely.

Critical moment.

An ancient sword cut through the void, and the rolling might instantly changed the color of the entire sky.


The attack of the three-pointed two-edged spear was forcibly deflected, and Erlang Zhenjun was repelled.

The Great Emperor Zhenwo and the Emperor of Ten Thousand Gods on the stage could not help but sit up in shock, looking solemnly at the ancient sword that cut through the void.

The crowds of all parties present were even more overwhelmed by the might of the ancient sword.

"It's just a competition, why kill?" The gloomy voice of the Holy Lord Han Laoxie came from the void, and he seemed very dissatisfied with Jiang Qingsong's behavior.

After that, the skinny big hand waved the ancient sword of immortal craftsmanship and slashed at Erlang Zhenjun in the state of Fa Tian Xiang Di.


Erlang Zhenjun's Fa Tian Xiang Di was instantly defeated by that sword.

Fortunately, the Great Emperor True Self and the Emperor of Ten Thousand Gods acted in time to help Jiang Qingsong block the subsequent might of this sword.

"You are the Holy Lord of the New God Clan, right?" The Great Emperor True Self was full of momentum, surrounded by the imperial power, "Since you are here, why don't you show up and have a chat?"

"I am deeply sorry for interrupting the ceremony of His Excellency the New Emperor," Han Lao Xie's voice in the void was indifferent and calm, "This time, my New God Clan is not as skilled as others, so I won't bother you any more."

After that, the skinny big hand dragged the ancient sword of immortal craftsmanship and slowly disappeared into the crack of the void.

Vishnu, although unwilling, was not the kind of person who couldn't afford to lose.

"Today's battle, my New God Clan lost convincingly, and we will keep our promise in the future!"

Vishnu signaled the New God Clan to stand up, and his eyes looked around coldly, and finally fell on Jiang Qingsong, "God King Jiang, we will meet again!"

After that, he waved his hand and led the New God Clan camp to leave the venue in a mighty manner.

After Vishnu and his group left, the void crack in the sky completely healed, and Han Laoxie's voice was heard again, "Your Excellency the True Self Great Emperor, I look forward to meeting you in Daxia!"

The entire venue, on the other hand, fell into a deathly silence.

Even the True Self Great Emperor and the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor showed a solemnity that they had never had before.

The strength of the New God Clan Saint Han Laoxie far exceeded their expectations.

But from what Han Laoxie said, it seemed that he wanted to talk to the True Self Great Emperor in Daxia.

In this regard, the True Self Great Emperor Wei Xian was not surprised.

After all, he and Han Laoxie were both from the New Blue Realm Daxia, and Daxia had the same meaning to them.

"Uncle, are you okay?" Jiang Zhao and his group also rushed to Jiang Qingsong's side at the first time.

"No problem."

Jiang Qingsong waved his hand calmly, looking at the location of the void crack, with lingering fear.

"That New God Clan Saint... is not simple!" The two contemporary emperors looked at each other and spoke heavily.

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao couldn't help but ask, "Even you two are not his opponents?"

"This...I can't say for sure," the two Heavenly Emperors looked solemn, "but what is certain is that this person's strength is definitely not inferior to ours. Just the ancient sword of the magic weapon is enough to make our backs cold. I wonder what kind of magic weapon it is?"

"Yes, the power of the ancient sword seems to be more amazing than my Xuanyuan Sword!" The Ten Thousand Gods Emperor echoed.

You know, looking at the entire ancient mythology and legends, there are not many that can be compared with the Xuanyuan Sword.

"That ancient sword is called the Immortal Worker Ancient Sword, which is the clan-guarding imperial weapon of the Immortal Worker Clan," Jiang Zhao explained, "Previously, the New God Clan invaded the Immortal Worker Divine Realm and forcibly took it away."

"The clan-guarding imperial weapon of the Immortal Worker Clan?" The Ten Thousand Gods Emperor was secretly shocked, "No wonder."

Obviously, the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor had also heard of the Immortal Worker Clan.

And as the imperial weapon left by the first generation of the hidden Heavenly Emperor, it is naturally extremely powerful.

You should know that the power of the ancestors of all other gods exists in the form of residual souls. It is not because the ancestors of the hidden gods of all parties do not have decent artifacts, but because most of their artifacts coexist with themselves in the form of source magic weapons.

Even Duobao Taoist's Zhuxian Sword is inherited and attached to Duobao Taoist in the form of source magic weapons, and cannot exist independently.

Only the Xiangong clan left such an independent imperial weapon.

This alone is enough to illustrate the extraordinaryness of the Xiangong Ancient Sword!

It is no exaggeration to say that the Xiangong Ancient Sword is likely to be a powerful weapon equivalent to a Heavenly Emperor.

"From the performance of the new gods this time, they are still aware of the overall situation as a whole," the True Self Emperor said in a deep voice: "But I can't figure it out. This person is so powerful, why can't he become a Heavenly Emperor?"

Hearing this, everyone fell into doubts, which was also a problem they had been unable to figure out.

At this time, the gods of all parties had not recovered from the shock just now.

Whether it was the shocking battle between Jiang Qingsong and Vishnu, or the final move by the Saint Lord of the New God Clan, they all caused an unprecedented impact on the various God Clan.

"Is the Saint Lord of the New God Clan so powerful?" The leaders of the God Clan swallowed their saliva, their eyes full of shock.

"Yes, it seems that even the two Heavenly Emperors dare not easily provoke the Saint Lord."

"Could it be that the Saint Lord of the New God Clan is more powerful than the two Heavenly Emperors?"

"But how is this possible? He has not even achieved the Heavenly Emperor, how can he be more powerful than the two Heavenly Emperors?"

The people of all races looked at each other, their eyes full of shock and confusion.

You should know that these two Heavenly Emperors are not ordinary Heavenly Emperors, but the first generation of Heavenly Emperors, each of whom is as top Heavenly Emperor as Jian Dingtian in the past.

And the Saint Lord of the New God Clan can actually be compared with these two Heavenly Emperors, which is really beyond their cognition.

And from the conversation just now, the Saint Lord of the New God Clan is obviously talking to the two Heavenly Emperors in an equal tone, calling them Your Excellency the Heavenly Emperor.

This also further shows that he is not afraid of these two Heavenly Emperors.

"So the New God Clan is so powerful? No wonder they dare to mess around in the God Realm!"

After seeing the power of the Saint Lord of the New God Clan with their own eyes, the God Clan of all parties gradually began to change their mentality.

After all, with a big man who is as powerful as the two Heavenly Emperors of the world as a backer, joining the New God Clan seems to be quite promising?

If it weren't for the high cost of joining the New God Clan, I'm afraid that many God Clans would be eager to join the New God Clan camp.

And with the departure of the New God Clan, this New Emperor Ceremony also became boring.

The True Self Emperor personally announced Jiang Qingsong's victory and handed over the cultivation experience of the True Self Way to Jiang Qingsong.

After a noisy moment, the ceremony came to an end.

"Don't rush to leave, please stay for a while, clan leaders of each tribe." The True Self Emperor and the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor looked at each other, and their eyes swept coldly at the crowd of various tribes below the stage.

The people of various tribes were not stupid, and they naturally knew what the two Heavenly Emperors wanted to do.

However, compared with the tension and worry when they were just exposed, they were very calm at this moment.

After all, even the Jian family was messing around, and they were doing it more cruelly than them, so what was there to be afraid of?

Even if the two Heavenly Emperors were unhappy, could they still deal with all of their gods?

If they really couldn't survive, they could turn around and defect to the New God Clan, and no one would care if they messed around casually.

Soon, the people of various tribes dispersed and left one after another, but the clan leaders and leaders of each tribe stayed.

Then, at the signal of the two Heavenly Emperors, they entered the True Self Hall in a mighty manner.

The True Self Emperor and the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor sat on the throne above the hall, the Jian family and the True Self Church sat in the second seat, and the other leaders of the tribes sat down in turn.

"Now that the new God Clan has left, the tribe leaders are also here," the True Self Emperor said coldly: "It's time to talk about you devouring the blood of your own tribe."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent instantly.

The tribe leaders looked at each other, all of them looked like dead fish that were not afraid of boiling water.

And those law-abiding God Clan leaders spoke indignantly one by one, venting their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

"Throughout the history of the God Realm, such behavior has been expressly prohibited. In the end, only a few of us are honestly following the rules. This is unfair!"

"That's right. If there is no satisfactory result today, don't blame us for being reckless!"

"Since no one follows the rules, let's do it together!"

"Don't look down on the New God Clan from a high position in the future. We are all low-class people. Who looks down on whom?"

"Anyway, I am disgusted today. You actually have the nerve to blame the New God Clan?"

"In my opinion, you high-ranking clans are more disgusting than the New God Clan!"

Facing the abuse and accusations of these God Clans, the other unclean God Clan leaders avoided their eyes one by one, and their skins were thick.

The True Self Emperor saw that the atmosphere was almost exaggerated, and said in a deep voice: "Don't the clan leaders of all parties have anything to say?"


The clan leaders of all parties were embarrassed and pushed each other, but no one spoke.

From time to time, they looked at Jian Zongbai and others from the Jian family, as if they were waiting for the Jian family to speak on their behalf.

But what surprised them was that the Jian family did not seem to speak on their behalf, but looked at them with a condescending and indignant look.

It was as if they were good people.

This made the leaders of the various gods very unhappy.

What does it mean? If you have a good relationship with the two emperors, you can deny it and be both a king and a queen, right?

So soon, someone couldn't help but speak: "Yes, devouring blood is indeed not a glorious thing, but there is nothing we can do about it. If it weren't for maintaining the continuation of the bloodline, we wouldn't want to harm our own family, right?"

Seeing the righteous look of the leaders of the gods, the two emperors looked gloomy.

"Bloodline withering is normal, no God Clan can continue forever," the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor said in a daze, "If you are all so unscrupulous, what will those God Clan that have withered think?"

"We all understand the truth," the leaders of all parties said shamelessly, "but you are a full man who does not know the hunger of a hungry man. If the matter has not fallen on you, you can certainly say so."

"The tribes of both your majesties have just started, and they are thriving. How can they understand the difficulties of us, the old generation of God Clan?"

Hearing this, Jiang Zhao and the others couldn't listen any more.

"So this is the reason why you kill the lower-level tribesmen and maintain your own bloodline?" Jiang Zhao's eyes were full of disgust, "Why don't you donate your own bloodline to awaken the bloodline of the lower-level tribesmen?"

At this point, Jiang Zhao gradually figured out some things.

He had always thought that the reason why the old God Clan in the God Realm did not join the new God Clan was because of their conscience.

Now it seems that he was too naive.

Human nature is the same.

The fact that they could secretly devour the blood of their own people shows that they have no conscience at all.

The reason why they did not join the new Protoss is, on the one hand, because they are still observing the situation and are not in a hurry to stand on the side.

On the other hand, it is to maintain their own vested interests and status.

Because from the perspective of the people in the new Protoss camp, most of them are not the direct descendants of the former Protoss. Many of them are collateral descendants, relatives, or even low-level descendants of a certain Protoss.

To put it bluntly, the selection and cultivation standards of the new Protoss are not entirely based on the original blood and talent.

And this is the fundamental reason why the parties of the old Protoss did not join the new Protoss.

After all, no one dares to guarantee that after joining the new Protoss, they will not be ridden over by those collateral descendants, and they may even become the "nutrients" of those collateral descendants.

From a certain perspective, the new Protoss fundamentally broke the original class and pattern of the Protoss.

This is what the vested interests of the Protoss high-level people on all sides cannot accept the most.

Facing Jiang Zhao's questioning, someone immediately started to be sarcastic.

"Hehe, I was curious before, how can you, a relative of the Jian family, have such an excellent bloodline? Even the Heavenly Star Plate has awakened in you."

"Now it seems that you must have killed and devoured many members of the Jian family since you were a child?"

"That's right, who made you the grandson of the high priest of the Jian family, the background is there."

Hearing the sarcastic words of the leaders of all parties, Jiang Zhao and the people of the Jian family were stunned at the time.

And the doubts of the leaders of all parties did not stop, but intensified.

"Your Majesty, if you really want to solve this matter, please start with the Jian family first," one of them said indignantly: "Look at their family, their bloodline is almost catching up with the first generation."

The True Self Emperor and the Ten Thousand Gods Emperor also gradually understood the thoughts of these people.

It turns out that they regard the Jian family as their "kind".

Jiang Zhao and the people of the Jian family smiled at each other, and they also felt a little bit amused.

Seeing the gods from all sides complaining with confidence, they all smiled but said nothing.

As the saying goes, a person with integrity is not afraid of his own shadow. If you have integrity in your heart, you will naturally be upright and fearless of any doubt.

"Haha, I wonder why you are so confident. It turns out that you are suspicious of the Jian family?" Emperor Zhenwo teased.

"Your Majesty, is the situation of the Jian family not worthy of suspicion?"

"That's right. The blood of the family is better than the other. If it is all born, I will never believe it."

Emperor Zhenwo and Emperor Wanshen wanted to laugh for some reason, and then teased and looked at the people of the Jian family, "Everyone in the Jian family, your situation is indeed hard not to be suspected. Explain it."

The two emperors of heaven certainly knew the situation of the Jian family, but as neutrals and law enforcers at this moment, it was not easy for them to help explain anything.

Jian Zongbai cleared his throat and looked around proudly.

"First of all, I feel extremely disgusted by the suspicion and speculation of everyone present," Jian Zongbai said coldly: "Secondly, suspicion must be based on evidence. Even the new gods before could not doubt my Jian family. How can you be confident to question the generations of martyrs of my Jian family?"

Jian Zongbai's righteous speech obviously stunned the leaders of various tribes present.

But all parties were more afraid of Jian Zongbai's strength, rather than giving up their doubts.

"Really? Then please explain to us, Chief Jian, why has your Jian family's bloodline been so well maintained so far?" An old man in the crowd said coldly: "I'm afraid this doesn't conform to the law of iterative apoptosis of the bloodline of the God Clan, right?"

"Why not?" Jian Zongbai calmly asked back: "How many Heavenly Emperors have emerged from the generations of my Jian family God Clan? Please go and find out carefully.

In addition, the direct line of my clan has always maintained the tradition of single-line inheritance, unlike your clans, which are more bloated from generation to generation."

As soon as these words came out, a kind of questioning was immediately speechless.

It is well known that when a God Clan member achieves Heavenly Emperor, the bloodline of the entire clan will be strengthened.

And the number of Heavenly Emperors that have emerged from the Jian family God Clan over the generations is definitely one of the best in the entire God Realm.

This is also the fundamental reason why the bloodline of the Jian family has always been maintained at a certain level and has never declined significantly.

To put it bluntly, the gods that gradually withered in history were not because they kept to themselves and did not do evil things, but because their descendants were not motivated and failed to produce a Heavenly Emperor to prolong the life of the entire God Clan.

Therefore, whether a God Clan can prosper depends on whether its descendants are motivated.

Theoretically, as long as the descendants are motivated enough and a Heavenly Emperor can be born every ten generations, the entire clan can continue.

There is no need to harm and devour the blood of the same clan to maintain it.

In addition, there is another key reason why the Jian family is so strong, that is, the fine tradition of the direct lineage.

Since the birth of the Jian family, the direct lineage of the Jian family has been a single-lineage lineage, which can be counted on one hand, and the rest of the clan members will be classified as collateral groups.

Take Jian Zongbai and Jiang Qingsong for example.

In the future, Jian Zongbai's branch will be the direct lineage of the Jian family, and Jiang Qingsong will be the collateral lineage.

Of course, because of Jiang Qingsong's surname, he may be counted as a foreign relative in the future.

But this is not the point. The point is that every generation of the Jian family has adhered to this rule and has never changed it.

If a collateral descendant of a certain generation becomes the emperor of the world, then the lineage of this collateral descendant will be promoted to the direct line, and the original direct line will be demoted to the collateral line.

In fact, in Jiang Zhao's opinion, this is the fundamental reason why the Jian family can prosper for a long time.

After all, everyone has selfish desires, and the Emperor of Heaven is no exception.

It is absolutely a rare and precious thing that the Jian family can maintain this from generation to generation. (End of this chapter)

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