Astrology Card Maker: Start with Pleiades Star Official

Chapter 686 Han Laoxie's extraordinary means, the black domain of the divine realm

"Not only do you want to devour the blood of your own clan, but also want to transform into an evil soul master?" Old uncle Jiang Qingsong frowned.

"I'm afraid it's not just that." Jiang Zhao said solemnly.

Although evil soul masters are not aliens in the realm of gods, they are still inferior to others.

Especially the Evil God Clan, whose status is always lower. On the one hand, it is because they are associated with evil forces, but the bigger reason is because the Evil God Clan cannot become the Emperor of Heaven.

To put it bluntly, although the Evil God Clan gained great power with the help of evil energy, it also ruined the possibility of becoming the Emperor of Heaven.

If you turn your bloodline into evil, you can go to the evil realm and become an evil emperor.

But the key point is that evilizing the bloodline of the Gods is a very dangerous thing and is resisted by all the Gods. Most of the Evil Gods in the God Realm today are just evil soul masters who practice evil soul power. They have not evilened the bloodline, so even There is no possibility of becoming the evil emperor.

Therefore, the Evil God Clan is essentially a line that is unpalatable to both sides.

The only advantage is that it can use evil forces to gain powerful power.

"You mean, this person wants to evilize his own bloodline? Like the Evil Emperor Shen Cang?" Jiang Qingsong and everyone in the Jian family team were shocked.

"It's very possible," Jiang Zhaoning nodded, "If you just want to transfer to evil soul power, there is no need to go to such trouble or be so sneaky."

In Jiang Zhao's view, devouring the blood of the same race and the evil blood is essentially to enhance strength.

For the bottom-level protoss who are about to decline, they are equivalent to two different choices, and there is a certain conflict.

As I said just now, the Evil God Clan is a path that is unpalatable to both sides. It can neither become the Emperor of Heaven nor the Evil Emperor.

As for those protoss who secretly devour the blood of their own race, they essentially want to gather the power of everyone to create a heavenly emperor for the race, thus completely changing the situation of bloodline death.

It's just that there is a little selfishness mixed in, but essentially it is to reverse the decline and death of the bloodline.

However, after transforming into evil soul power, the possibility of becoming the Emperor of Heaven was completely cut off, and naturally it was impossible to reverse the death of the ethnic group's bloodline.

Therefore, this person was probably not for the future of the entire ethnic group from the beginning, but entirely for himself, in order to gain greater power.

It can't be as simple as just converting to evil soul power!

Instead, he wanted to turn evil into his own bloodline and become a complete evil god like the evil emperor Shen Cang.

The faces of everyone who realized this instantly became serious.

After all, the problem of evil bloodline is much more serious than swallowing the bloodline of the same race.

"Damn it, these gods are really rotten to the core!" Ruan Yunyun gritted her teeth angrily, "It's just a matter of killing their own people, but they don't even deserve to be human beings!"

"Fortunately, it was discovered in time."

Everyone in the Jian family's elite team was secretly afraid.

But Jiang Zhao shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Is it in time? I feel like it's already too late."

"What do you mean?" The team was shocked.

"When you find a cockroach in the room, it means there are already many cockroaches in the room." Jiang Zhao shook his head and sighed, "What's more, this person was not even an evil soul master before, and even he dared to turn evil blood , indicating that someone is probably already doing this.”

Hearing this, everyone took a breath to calm down.

Just as Jiang Zhao said, even those who were not evil soul masters are secretly preparing to transform their bloodline into evil spirits. Then can the evil god clan in the past be stopped?

Previously, the Heavenly Emperors from all sides were under control, and no one dared to mess around.

Now that all the heavenly emperors have fallen, coupled with today's troubled times, and the evil catastrophe that may come at any time, the "order" and "rules" in people's minds may have long been forgotten.

After all, things like devouring the blood of the same race are happening everywhere. How can the evil transformation of blood be spared?

Even if there are now two new emperors, they may not be able to reverse this chaotic situation.

"This matter is of great importance and must be reported to the clan leader and informed to the two Heavenly Emperors!" Everyone in the Jian family team said seriously.

Jiang Zhao naturally understood this, and immediately contacted his mother through the Star Card and asked her to inform his uncle Jian Zongbai.

After finishing the matter, Jiang Zhao looked at the new protoss boy again.

At this time, the young man had already cleaned up the battlefield.

Perhaps because he had gotten his revenge and found the reasons for his "faith" and "pursuit", his whole body was no longer as lifeless and numb as before.

"It seems that you new gods don't eat everything~!" Jiang Zhao said with a smile.

The young man smiled noncommittally, "That's natural. Our great new protoss is to fight against evil forces and lead the Star Soul World to a better future. Naturally, we cannot associate with evil forces."

Jiang Zhao pondered and nodded, "Isn't it okay if I just converted to evil soul power and my bloodline is not contaminated?"

"Shit is shit, even if it's just placed next to the bowl, it's still shit." The young man's words were rough and rude.

"Haha, you are quite naughty~!" Jiang Zhao laughed dumbly and asked, "So, those evil soul masters from the Evil God Clan are not recognized by your new God Clan?"

"That's natural." The young man said without thinking, his eyes full of disgust.

It seems that in their eyes, the Evil God Clan is something more disgusting than the vast number of "ants".

If the Old God Clan is a group of uncivilized inferiors and primitive people in their eyes, then the Evil God Clan may not even be considered human beings in their eyes, but a group of humanoid flesh maggots covered in abscesses.

After receiving the confirmation, Jiang Zhao's mood became more solemn.

Before, it was just worries and speculations, but now it is basically certain that there is something wrong with the evil gods in the divine realm.

After all, even the New Gods looked down upon them and did not accept them.

Then if they want to improve their strength, they have only one option left: evil bloodline.

Perhaps from the moment they became evil soul masters, they were destined to have such a day.

No, to say so is to look down on them a bit.

Perhaps from the moment they became evil soul masters, they were ready to completely transform their bloodline into evil, but they had been holding back due to external pressure and did not dare to take that step.

After all, who among the serious gods would take the initiative to be contaminated by evil forces and associate with evil forces?

Choosing to associate with evil forces shows that they have become interested in evil forces.

In the past, the reason why all parties in the God Realm could accept the existence of the Evil God Clan was because they were also part of the fight against evil forces, and they did have certain advantages in fighting against evil forces.

To put it nicely, it means defeating magic with magic. To put it badly, it has a certain existence value and utilization value.

But the premise of all this is based on the non-evil bloodline.

But when they take this step, they cannot be completely trusted.

At the very least, it will pollute the bloodline of the Gods. At the most serious level, while the evil bloodline brings powerful power, the corrosive and bewitching abilities of evil forces will also increase.

Take the former Evil Emperor Shen Cang as an example.

Although he has always maintained his sanity and has not been controlled by evil forces, he only talks about it in order to better fight against evil forces.

But in theory, he is a time bomb that could explode at any time.

If you associate with the devil, you are destined to lose advantage.

Regardless of the high-sounding words of Evil Emperor Shen Cang, judging from his series of actions, he was essentially "aiding the evil" and helping the evil power spread among Star Soul Masters.

Perhaps in his mind, everything he did was "right".

But in the eyes of normal people, what they are doing is aiding the evildoers.

Especially the invasion of the New Blue World.

Before, it could be understood as pure expansion, but since knowing the special nature of the New Blue Realm, it can no longer be viewed simply from the perspective of "evil realm expansion."

Of course, he might not know what kind of disaster this would bring to the Star Soul World.

Or perhaps, he has been subtly affected by evil forces, but he just didn't realize it.

It can be summed up in one sentence: either stupid or bad!

The former Jiang Zhao might have felt that "defeating magic with magic" was a feasible route.

But since I got the research materials left by Senior Xian Gong, I completely gave up on this idea.

According to Xian Gong's research, evil forces are likely to be a manifestation of heat death due to entropy increase.

If this is the case, then the evil soul masters' so-called "defeat magic with magic" is tantamount to setting fire to one's body and exacerbating the coming of the Great Heat Death.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhao's inner sense of urgency became even stronger.

I originally thought that the New Gods were the big villains, but in the end, the group of evil soul masters are the biggest threat in the world today.

"Isn't this old guy's conversion to cultivating evil soul power a temporary decision?" Jiang Zhao asked seriously.

Perhaps because he had a good impression of Jiang Zhao and his group, the young man did not hide anything, "Now that I think about it carefully, there are indeed traces to follow."

"How to say?"

"The old man has been very close to the Wu family in the Black Territory over the years. Especially after the death of the Emperors of Heaven, the exchanges became more frequent." The young man said thoughtfully.

"Wu family?" Jiang Zhao frowned, "Evil God Clan?"

"That's right." The Jian family team on the side nodded seriously, "They are the relatively famous evil gods in the surrounding area."

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the Wu family." Jiang Zhao took a deep breath and looked solemn.

He also had some understanding of the black area on this side of the divine realm, which was similar to the black area on the other side of the lower realm.

Essentially, it is an area that was contaminated and eroded by evil forces from outside the realm during countless crises in the past.

It's just that compared to the black area in the lower realm, the black area in the divine realm is more dangerous.

In the black area on the lower realm, only one or two evil sources occasionally fall down, but in the black area on the divine realm, dozens or twenty of them fall down at every turn, and the frequency is frighteningly high.

This is after the cracks in the sky above the black domain have been repaired and sealed.

If it had been the time of the disaster and crisis, the source of evil would not have been smashed down by dozens or twenty pieces, but like hailstones.

Even the source of evil is just a side dish. Those terrifying evil creatures that come in from the cracks in the sky are the truly terrifying things.

Therefore, the formation of each black domain corresponds to a disaster in the history of the divine realm.

And because evil soul masters need to absorb evil energy to practice, the black realm has naturally become the habitat of the evil gods.

"Would you be interested in coming with us?"

As he was leaving, Jiang Zhao looked at the blood-stained young man from the New Protoss not far away.

Facing Jiang Zhao's invitation, the young man was obviously stunned, "Is that right? You want to invite me, a new god, to join forces with you?"

Jiang Zhao spread his hands and smiled: "At least when it comes to fighting evil, everyone is on the same front, right?"

The young man opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and nodded in agreement to Jiang Zhao's invitation.

The moment he boarded the Southern Cross, the young man couldn't help but look around curiously, "As expected of a young man from the Jian family, even the vehicle card is so cool."

"Even if your tribe is declining, it is still a tribe of gods. Do you have to look so ignorant?" Jiang Zhao said strangely.

The young man gritted his teeth and snorted, "The conditions in the main vein are indeed not bad, but unfortunately we, the lower-level tribesmen, are not considered human beings at all. We have been raised like pigs all these years."

Jiang Zhao and the others understood, and looked at the young man with more sympathy.

"I think you are quite strong," Ruan Yunyun asked curiously, "Even if you haven't become a new tribe of gods, you are not much worse, right?"

But the young man smiled miserably, "If it weren't for the power given by the great saint, I would not be the opponent of those beasts with my own strength."

"Huh?" Jiang Zhao was shocked, "Can Han Laoxie directly give you power?"

"Han Laoxie?" The young man looked strange.

"Uh, it's your Holy Lord." Jiang Zhao smiled awkwardly, "How did he give you power?"

But the young man's focus was obviously off, "Do you know our Holy Lord?"

"I guess so," Jiang Zhao curled his lips and smiled, "But this is not important. What's important is how he gave you power. Could it be that he could also attach power to you from a distance?

But that's not right. If it was Han Lao Xie's power, your former clansmen would have been wiped out in one move."

And from the scene they watched before, it was quite difficult for the young man to bloodbath the family. There were several times when they were even ready to help.

"Have you really seen our Holy Lord?" The young man was full of shock and excitement, "May I ask what the great Holy Lord looks like?"

"..." Jiang Zhao was straight with black lines.

No, Han Lao Xie is your father, can he make you so excited?

"An old man, anyway, he has nothing to do with handsomeness." Jiang Zhao responded with a lack of interest.

But the young man was very excited when he heard it.

It seemed that it was a great honor for him to know this information.

Jiang Zhao thought that the crazy fans who chased stars in his previous life were outrageous enough, but he didn't expect to see something even more outrageous now.

"Thank you, sir," the young man thanked Jiang Zhao solemnly, and seemed to have let down his guard against Jiang Zhao and his party, "I wonder when I can have the honor to see the face of the Holy Lord?"

Jiang Zhao and his party rolled their eyes.

"Hey, buddy, you haven't answered our questions yet!" Ruan Yunyun reminded unhappily.

The young man came back to his senses. Perhaps because Jiang Zhao had met Han Laoxie, the young man seemed to have shortened the distance between them. "After I gave up my soul, the great Holy Lord not only reshaped my weak natal star soul, but also gave me an additional powerful star soul inheritance."

When he said this, the young man's face was full of reverence.

Jiang Zhao and his party could understand this.

After all, for a person who was persecuted by his own people and was already desperate, Han Laoxie's call was no different from the appearance of a god.

But this was obviously not the point.

"Reshaped your natal star soul? And also gave you an additional powerful star soul inheritance?" Jiang Zhao confirmed in surprise: "You mean, he not only reshaped your natal card remotely, but also created a star soul for you remotely?"

"Yes," the young man nodded excitedly: "This is the greatness of the Holy Lord! It's simply a miracle!"

Jiang Zhao and the others looked at each other in surprise, and their hearts could not calm down for a long time.

When they watched the battle before, they also saw the young man's natal star soul and another star soul. Both star souls were very powerful and had the ability to condense star soul entities.

In his impression, most of the new gods only have one star soul that can condense star soul entities.

Even those saints are no exception.

But the young man in front of him was actually given such a powerful power by Han Laoxie.

Those who don't know would think that this buddy is Han Laoxie's biological son!

Or did Han Lao Xie just master this miraculous ability and just tried it on the young man?

The key point is that the ability to reshape a star soul and condense a star soul in the air is completely beyond the cognition of Jiang Zhao and others.

You know, star souls are essentially star soul cards.

The star souls of today's star soul masters are first made by star soul card making, then bound, and slowly cultivated step by step.

And Han Lao Xie's miraculous operation is equivalent to skipping the process of card making and binding, and directly shaping the star soul in the target soul, and even skipping the process of cultivation.

"This, this, this... is it true?" Ruan Yunyun looked unbelievable.

Jiang Qingsong and the Jian family team next to him also looked incredible.

"Hiss~ Could it be that Han Lao Xie has completely mastered the secret of the original void?" Jiang Qingsong asked in surprise.

Jiang Zhao couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

This outrageous operation, from the perspective of card making theory alone, is obviously not feasible.

Only by combining the power of the original void can it be realized.

In addition, the part of the soul that the young man gave to Han Laoxie should have played a key role in this.

Before, I thought that Han Laoxie collected the young man's soul in order to control him. Now it seems that the part of the soul of the new gods controlled by Han Laoxie should not be as simple as controlling them.

"Can I see the situation in your sea of ​​consciousness?" Jiang Zhao asked tentatively.

"Ah?" The young man refused with an expression of "Do you know me well?"

"Well, don't worry, I'm just curious." Jiang Zhao also knew that this behavior was a bit abrupt, but he couldn't help his curiosity.

Hearing this, the young man was still alert and defensive.

This made Jiang Zhao somewhat embarrassed.

Seeing this, Jiang Qingsong said kindly: "To be honest, my little Zhao is also a card maker, so he may be curious about Mr. Han... uh... the miracles of your great Lord, and he really wants to see how your Lord did it."

Sometimes you have to admit that being able to speak can solve many problems.

No, after hearing what Jiang Qingsong said, the young man was obviously much more relaxed, and even had the urge to take the initiative to show Jiang Zhao the great miracles of their Lord.

In this way, Jiang Zhao successfully probed his divine thoughts into the young man's soul sea of ​​consciousness.

As he expected, the young man's soul was indeed incomplete, but like other new gods, it seemed to be unaffected.

Looking at the constellations corresponding to the two star souls in the young man's sea of ​​consciousness, there was almost no difference from the normal sea of ​​consciousness constellations.

As we all know, when a star soul master comprehends the constellations of his own star soul to a certain extent, it can be presented in the sea of ​​consciousness.

If the young man hadn't revealed it in advance, it would be impossible to tell that these two sets of constellations were created recently.

On the side, his uncle Jiang Qingsong also quietly opened the Starry Sky Eye.

"Tsk tsk, your Saint Lord's handiwork is truly amazing!"

Jiang Zhao withdrew his divine consciousness from the young man's sea of ​​consciousness, and praised Han Lao Xie.

"Really?" The young man was excited.

Jiang Zhao smiled, but didn't say much. Instead, he used divine consciousness to communicate with his uncle secretly, "How about it, uncle, are there any impurities in the two sets of constellations?"

"Yes, but much less than that of the Saint Son of Vishnu and the Saint Son of Tianpeng." Jiang Qingsong said.

"It seems that Han Lao Xie has made great progress in his research on the original void," Jiang Zhao nodded after pondering, "If nothing unexpected happens, he should have mastered this ability for a short time."

Compared with the Saint Sons of Vishnu and Marshal Tianpeng, the situation of the two star souls in front of the young man is obviously a bit updated.

I just don't know when Han Lao Xie has this kind of heaven-defying ability.

How many new gods are created in this way now?

"By the way, I don't know your name?" Jiang Zhao asked.

"Han Li."

Jiang Zhao nodded in understanding, feeling a little strange.

Although he knew it was just a beautiful coincidence, he still felt an inexplicable worry.

After all, teaming up with Han Lao Mo is not a good thing.

"By the way, what are your plans next, brother Han?" Jiang Zhao chatted with the young man with interest.

"Of course, I will respond to the call of the great saint, go to join the new gods, and work with my fellow tribesmen to develop and expand the new gods!" Han Li's eyes were full of determination and yearning.

Jiang Zhao and others were not surprised by Han Li's answer.

I have to admit that the common belief of the new gods is really awesome.

As they spoke, the gloomy and terrifying black area filled with evil spirits appeared in front of everyone, and even from a distance, they could feel the strong evil spirit.

From a distance, you can vaguely see a few scattered evil sources falling.

And above the black area, there is a slightly distorted and broken sky.

You can still vaguely see the outline of the sky crack that used to be. It is said to be repaired and sealed, but in fact it is just a patch. You can vaguely see wisps of flowing black matter flowing in the gap of the patch.

Compared with the black domain in front of us, the black areas and dark areas in the lower world are really small witches compared to big witches.

In Jiang Zhao's opinion, the evil power of the black domain in front of him is even stronger than that of the evil domain.

Logically speaking, this level of evil erosion should have been involved in the void where the evil domain is located, but this area in front of him is still in the God Realm.

It can only be said that the territory of the God Realm is indeed strong and durable enough.

It has been eroded to this extent, but it has not been completely captured by the evil domain void.

"When was this black domain formed? It should be a few years old, right?" Jiang Zhao looked at the Jian family elite team on the side.

"It must be 20,000 to 30,000 years."

"Hiss~" Jiang Zhao took a breath of cold air: "It has been so long, and it has been kept like this. Have you ever thought about cleaning it up?"

The leading captain shook his head and smiled: "The Black Domain is already vast, and there are often a large number of evil sources falling. It is not easy to clean it up, and the evil forces faced by the God Realm are much stronger than those under you.

The gods in the surrounding domains can do is to prevent the Black Domain from spreading outward."

"Can't it be cleaned up?" Jiang Zhao raised his eyebrows, "Let Brother Gangbi try later."

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