With that, French walked towards the center of town, Nami touched her wallet still on her waist and began to walk around the street, Robin looked around, she picked a path to the edge of town.

“Let’s go this way, Itachy, from this side you can see the whole town.”

The ferret looked at the general direction and nodded. “Walking from this side should be a high point, and you can see more scenery.”

Robin smiled slightly and took out the notebook on her body, she found that the notebook was still wet, and the paper was glued together.

Seeing this, Itachi took Robin’s notebook, and he controlled the small amount of Chakra to release a small fire attached to the palm of his hand, and his hands tightly pressed the leather surface of the notebook to prevent the flame from burning, only retaining the temperature, and quickly dried the notebook.

When he took the notebook again, Robin was pleasantly surprised. She felt the warm leather of the notebook, and her heart warmed.

“Itachi, you really didn’t eat the Devil Fruit, but you can only ninjutsu?”

“Devil Fruit, what the hell is that.” Itachi wondered.

Robin saw that the ferret really didn’t seem to understand the Devil Fruit, so he explained it to him in detail.

Explaining to the key point, Robin waved his hand, and countless arms grew into wings from her back.

“The Devil Fruit will give people special abilities, like the ability of my flower fruit, and the ability of Luffy rubber fruit, which belongs to the superhuman line.”

“There are also two kinds of fruits, one animal and one natural.”

Robin explained in detail the general effect of each series of fruits for the ferret, and the ferret understood.

He muttered, “It’s like, it’s not a world.” ”

What did you say, ferra?” Robin winked at the ferrets.

“Nothing.” Itachi sighed softly.

He looked at the island in the distance, and in the distance, the deep sea full of sunlight.

“Speaking of which, the ferret doesn’t know where his hometown is now, does he?” Robin looked at the ferret and laughed.

The sketches fluttering with her fingertips are recording the ferret now looking into the distance.

“yes.” The ferret nodded slightly.

At this time, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be something on his head.

The weasel reached up and found that at some point he had two small hands on his head, like two horns of a deer.

Seeing that the ferret found out, Robin smiled until his face flushed.

She took out the sketch and showed it to Itachi, who saw that she looked like a deer standing on a cliff and looking sadly into the distance.

“It’s very interesting.” Itachi also smiled slightly.

The two walked all the way forward, and they came to a colorful sea of coral flowers.

Robin stood by the sea of coral flowers, her dark blue top and pink long skirt reflecting her fair skin, like an extension of a sea of flowers.

She leaned down and smiled at the coral that looked like flower petals.

She asked the ferrets: “Before you didn’t seem to understand what the Four Seas Region was, then do you know the Red Earth Continent?” The

ferret also sat down next to Robin.

He smiled wryly: “I don’t seem to know anything.

“Trouble you, tell me about it, as much as you can.”

Robin looked at the weasel with confusion in her eyes, she didn’t understand anything, and she still smiled very softly.


She began to tell the weasel about the world, as if telling a newly enlightened child about the magic of the sea.

Robin talks from the East China Sea to the North Sea, from the Red Earth Continent to the New World, from One Piece Gore D. Roger opened the Age of Exploration to tell the story of the war on top, the four emperors with white beards ended, the new four emperors divided the new world, and the new marshal of the navy, Sakaski, took office.

Robin tells Itachi about his adventures with Luffy.

It wasn’t until the sun had fallen and the dim daylight gradually appeared from the west that Robin stopped talking, and she looked at the ferrets, whose eyes fell into a complete blankness.

“Am I talking too much?” Robin said.

“Not much, very well told.” The ferret came back to his senses.

“I’m sorry Itachi, I really don’t know your native Fire Country, and I don’t know.”

“The world is big, and your homeland may be somewhere we haven’t touched yet.”

The ferret listened, stunned for a long time, and then let out a bitter laugh.

He said half-jokingly: “After listening to you, I seem to feel that I have no connection with this world.”

“I don’t seem to be from this world.”

“But you’re from this world.” Robin put his hand on the ferret’s shoulder, and the warmth of his fingertips flowed into the ferrachi’s body through the ferrachi’s soft armor.

“You’re a very reliable man, Itachi.”

“I think Luffy will invite you to be our companion.”

When he heard the word companion, the weasel’s eyes were shocked.

These two words have a very complicated meaning for him.

Seeing that the ferret did not speak again, Robin stood up, and she pointed to the road ahead.

“Let’s go weasel, let’s go over there and take a look, there seems to be a stop sign there.”

“It’s amazing, is there a bus shuttle on Fishman Island.”

The ferret looked in the direction Robin was pointing and saw that it was a stop sign.

“If you can take the bus, you can see more of the island.” Robin said with a smile.

“yes, that’s a good idea.”

The ferret was still digesting what Robin had just told him.

This colorful information has allowed him to construct his initial impression of the world.

A world of great navigation where pirates run rampant and wars at sea.

It’s a completely different place from the ninja world.

At the same time, just above Fishman Island behind them, in Dragon Palace City, the ‘holy land’ of Fishman Island, there had already been a big disturbance that they did not expect.

Luffy and Usopp and the others, who were rescued by Kemi, converged with Nami and met the invitation of Neptune the king of Fishman Island, the Great Knight of the Sea, to go to Ryugu City for a banquet.

Just after they arrive at Dragon Palace City, Neptune hears the prophecy of the island’s prophet, the owner of the mermaid café, the adult mermaid Charlie: Fishman Island will be destroyed in the hands of a man in a straw hat.

In addition, after the right minister of Ryugu City reported to Neptune that the Straw Hat gang was suspected of abducting fish people, Neptune decided to arrest Luffy and the others first.

However, the final result is that Solon and Usopp have now captured all the people in Dragon Palace City.

But the previous order to arrest the Straw Hat gang has been issued, and the soldiers of Dragon Palace City who are still outside are currently searching for everyone in the Straw Hat gang.

As Weasel and Robin sat together in the seats under the stop sign waiting for the bus, Weasel saw from a distance that a group of fish people in armor were coming towards this side.

“Robin, look over there, is that the Fishman army on Fishman Island?” There was a little more caution in the weasel’s eyes.

Robin immediately noticed the armored fishmen, and before she could speak, a large group of fishmen were already holding bounty orders to compare Robin’s appearance.

“That was… Nicole Robin of the Straw Hats!

“On the order of King Neptune to arrest everyone in the Straw Hats!”

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