When the boss of the Seven Stars Gang saw this, he was also panicked.

"Wait...you guys...you guys listen to me……"

Before he finished speaking.

Bang bang bang bang~

In an instant, gunfire rang out, countless bullets sprayed out, forming a death net in the air, covering everyone.

At this moment, the Death Star was hanging high above the heads of the Seven Stars Gang, shining with dazzling light.

"Ahhhh………It hurts so much………"

"Help...Help!………It hurts!"

"Uh uh………It hurts………"

In a blink of an eye, all the people fell down in unison like wheat being cut in half, and the air was filled with a bloody smell.

Some were killed on the spot, while others were dying, with only one breath left.

At this moment, corpses and body parts were everywhere, and blood was flowing freely on the ground.

After firing their guns, these hundreds of Korean death warriors walked up with expressionless faces and began to shoot again with ease.

Among them, a small number of gang members were not dead yet, but were shot in the hands and feet, and could be rescued.

When they saw the death warriors shooting again, they were so scared that they trembled all over on the spot���They were crying and begging for mercy.

They were all crying and gasping for breath.

"Don’t… don’t kill me… Smecta!"

"Spare me… Spare me!"


The assassins were completely unmoved by this and were extremely cold-blooded.

Shot after shot, they completely wiped out all hope of life.

"You...you...you...borrowing money...turns out to be true."

One second later.


After the gunshot, the boss of the Seven Stars Gang ended his sinful life. His last thought when he died.

In the next life, he would never lend money casually again.

A few minutes later.

This group of Korean warriors began to clean up the battlefield, picking up the bodies one by one, stuffing them into bags, and preparing to throw them into the river. They made a tiny contribution to the cause of land reclamation in Goryeo.

In addition to here, similar things were happening to different gangs in other cities in Goryeo.

Facing the sticks raised by the local Goryeo gangs, This group of Korean warriors used Desert Eagles to tell them a truth.

Sir, times have changed (eat the answer)!

One gang after another, with a head full of swear words, was beaten to death on the spot.

Their boss also died with regret.

On this day, countless Korean gangsters made their own small contributions to the expansion of the motherland's territory.

Of course, not all gangs are without guns. There were a few times when some of the gangs also took out guns.

Then, the warriors took out AK47s and shot them into sieves in an instant.


In a room in a residential building near a gunfight. 770

"Ah Xi! What just happened? What was that sound? Why was it so loud? And it sounded like a gunshot."

In the living room, a otaku had a bad face and cursed. He didn't understand what happened at all.

He just opened the social platform and posted what happened just now as if it was a trivial matter.

"Just now, there were bursts of sounds similar to gunshots near my home. I don’t know what’s going on." Soon after he posted the message, a series of replies appeared below, with similar content, all mocking him.

"Ajia, are you trying to attract attention again? Gunshots? Do you think you are in the United States?"

"That’s right, we are in Goryeo, how could there be any gunshots?"

"Are you daydreaming? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Ahahahaha…I lost the game? Are you hysterical?"


Seeing this, the otaku's face turned red with anger. He grabbed his phone and ran downstairs. According to his previous memory, he ran towards the place where the sound had appeared.

A few minutes later.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the otaku was scared to death on the spot.

Corpses, blood, and a group of strangers with guns in their hands.

He was pale, covered his mouth tightly, and ran to the bushes nearby.

When several of the assassins swept their eyes over here, the otaku was so scared that he didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of being discovered.

Unfortunately, the assassins saw it at a glance. Fortunately

, according to Lin Yaozu's instructions, they did not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and directly selectively skipped the otaku.

Half an hour later.

The otaku crawled out of the bushes and ran home like crazy.

From this moment on, he made a vow deep in his heart that he would never go out casually again.

This world is too dangerous, and it is safest to stay at home.

Half an hour later, he returned home and opened the social platform again, and found the comments below that message.

There have been different changes.

"OP, did you hear it too? I heard the same thing here, I thought it was an illusion! I didn't expect someone else to have the same experience"

"Hahahaha… now people are forming groups to make up lies?"

"Hearing gunshots"


"I also +1, I live in Sihui District, how about you! Is it the same place?"

"No! Busan Pyeongcheon area"

"It can also be heard on Xiaer Street in Dapingshan. In addition to the sound like gunshots, there is also a clattering sound."

"Is this true? You are saying it too scary!"


The otaku saw this and continued to scroll down. He found that this comment seemed to be popular for some reason, with more and more people leaving comments (ahda).……

"It can’t be a gang fight!"

"Let me tell you something, you may not believe it, I met a few hooligans from the Seven Stars Gang online, and we were playing together today! An hour ago, they suddenly said that someone came to provoke them, and they had to hang up for a while, and then come back to continue fighting after the fight, and then, they are still hanging up until now."

"Goose, goose, goose... This is such a sad story, but it makes me want to laugh."


"Holy shit! Someone is really shooting. I risked my life to take this secret photo. The gangs near my house have come to my house and beat them up."


"Oh my god! I just passed by a local moneylending place and saw blood all over the door. The stench could be smelled from a long distance away."


"The police station phone number is not connected, it keeps showing busy, and I don't know why"

"I'm hiding now. The situation is unclear now. It's best for everyone not to go out."


Seeing this, the otaku trembled with his hands and posted his experience.


Seoul Police Department

"Ring Ring Ring……"

"Hello! Ah! Good! You are right! I repeat, this is the Seoul Police Department. Making a false report is illegal. You can be responsible for what you say!"

"Ring Ring Ring……"

"??? Oh! I see! Thanks for calling!"

"Ring Ring Ring……"

"Yes, yes, yes! Noted!"

"Ring Ring Ring……"

The policewoman who was in charge of answering the phone felt like her head was about to explode. She didn't know why so many people called today.

Everyone claimed that they heard gunshots.

If the addresses were close, it would be fine and somewhat convincing.

But they were eight hundred feet away, all in different areas, and they heard gunshots at the same time.

How is this possible?

If there were really continuous gunshots, why didn't the police station feel anything?

Of course, this may be because the locations of various gangs are farther and farther away from the police station.

Although the policewoman felt that it was a bit fake, it was her duty. No matter how fake it was, she had to report these things as soon as possible.

She picked up the landline and made a call.

A few minutes later.

In the office on the top floor

""Oh, oh, oh! Got it!"

The Seoul Police Chief hung up the phone with a sneer on his face.

"Are you kidding me? This is Korea, not the United States. Why are there so many gunshots?"

"Humph! Some people are really getting more and more unscrupulous. They even dare to make false police reports on a large scale and use this to play tricks on the police."

"It just so happens that this time we use these guys as examples to make an example of them."

"Otherwise, this evil wind may not be stopped."

Thinking of this, he made a phone call and gave instructions.

A moment later, the people from the network technology department found the alarm IP and address based on the alarm call.

Then, a police car sped away.

Half an hour later

""Knock, knock, knock~"

There was a knock on the door of a room.

A middle-aged man saw the police outside the door through the peephole, immediately opened the door, and shouted excitedly. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"It’s great that you are finally here…it’s so great!"

""Hurry, hurry, hurry... please come in!"

At the same time, the people at the door were a little confused.

Ah... this reaction doesn't seem like a false alarm!

Ten seconds later, the middle-aged man took out his mobile phone, played the video, and spoke in fear.

"This... I accidentally took this photo before, right at that window... There are people... There are hundreds of people shooting and killing people."

"It's so scary... it's so scary��…"

After watching the video, the faces of several Korean policemen suddenly became solemn.

The content of the video was exactly the same as what the middle-aged man said.

There were really hundreds of gunmen.

To be honest, the truth of this matter is really crazy.

At this moment, they suddenly remembered another thing.

If the contents of those calls to the police were not false, but true.

Then... this time it was really a big deal.

More than ten minutes later.

Several Korean policemen came to the vicinity and began to check the situation. The smell of blood in the air had not dissipated yet. The brown-red bloodstains on the ground seemed to prove everything.

Walking into the building in front, it had been turned upside down.

Everything is proving and leading to the cruel truth.

Seoul Police Station, top floor office

"What? It's actually true? Damn it, how could such a terrible thing happen? Check! Check it out quickly!"

After the director hung up the phone, his legs went limp and he slumped down in his office chair.

"This time… this time it really broke the news! Damn it, where on earth did this group of people come from?"

"Crazy! Massive shooting in Seoul!"

A moment later, police cars were dispatched to different locations.

The sirens rang from south to north, from east to west.

Similar scenes were happening in various cities.

Not only the director of Seoul, but also the directors of other cities were also overwhelmed and almost died of worry.

There were also a few who were not mentally able to bear it and were sent to the hospital on the spot.

At the same time, in the presidential suite of the Four Seasons Hotel


【The subordinates' death squad (236 people) triggered the encounter, which took 13 minutes and 11 seconds. The battle was won. Click here to view the detailed results.……】


【The subordinates' death squad (136 people) triggered the encounter, which took 6 minutes and 32 seconds. The battle was won. Click here to view the detailed results.……】



Looking at the system panel constantly refreshing the battle victory prompts, Lin Yaozu put on a faint smile on his face

"Haha! What era is this? Still using sticks to fool people! This is the era of hot weapons. You really can't keep up with the trend."

"If you fall behind, you will be beaten!"

"This is an unchanging truth since ancient times."

Speaking of this, someone's tone was still a little sarcastic.

In one day, 100,000 Korean warriors swept all the gangs in Korea, and countless Koreans made due contributions to the reclamation of the sea.

At this moment, Lin Yaozu put his fingers on the edge of the sofa, tapped his index finger, and thought about what to do next.


That evening, the Korean Internet went wild.

The news media also joined in the fun, with one article after another with exaggerated headlines appearing on the hot search lists.

《Sirens blare, a new chapter begins for Goryeo, the culprit turns out to be……》——Seoul Daily

《The Seven Stars Gang was destroyed, hundreds of gang members died, and the murderer turned out to be……》——News and gossip

《The end of the gang, the mysterious organization reappeared, and the Goryeo Kingdom ushered in a shocking change……》——Busan News Network

Most of the content of these articles is speculation���The words used are all ambiguous, such as possible, perhaps, maybe, high probability, etc.

Although the authenticity remains to be verified, the popularity is really high.

Many media outlets were delighted to see the traffic increase, and they quickly published more articles.

Anyway, just make it up, one point is true, nine points are false, and you can guess as much as you want.

This time, not only Korean netizens were hotly discussing and commenting, but also many netizens from other countries came to join in the fun and join the discussion.

"Hahahaha… I am dying of laughter… Doesn’t Korea say every day that its country is very safe? Why are there so many gunfights now? (Chinese)"

"I understand! Goryeo is preparing to apply for World Heritage status. The source of the Freedom Gunfight also belongs to this country. (Chinese)"

"I am dying of laughter... The person above is really talented. It is okay to apply for the gunfight to be listed as a world heritage site. (Chinese)"

"As a younger brother of our Eagle Sauce, it is normal for Korea to have a gunfight! After all, it is very free. (Eagle Sauce Country)"

"Damn you guys, I wish you guys a gunfight every day. (Sakura language)"

"Ahsi! You bunch of damned bastards, who the hell wants to apply for the gunfight to be listed as a world heritage site? (Korean)"


For some reason, the term"shootout" suddenly became popular.

Countless netizens from other countries flooded the Korean Internet with this term, which made a group of Korean netizens angry and cursed.

During this period, some people even sent a festival application called"Freedom Gunfight Festival" to the World Heritage Organization in the name of Goryeo.

What's even funnier is that this application was approved on the same day.

For a time, the"Freedom Gunfight Festival" became popular all over the world, and Goryeo became a laughing stock.

Goryeo, Cheongwagak, inside the office of the Presidential Residence

"Ah Xi! Why did this happen suddenly? Investigate... Investigate thoroughly... Investigate thoroughly... We must investigate thoroughly."

After reading the relevant information, President Goryeo's face was very grim.

"Also, send a notice to the World Heritage Organization to ask them to withdraw the so-called Freedom Gun Fight Festival from the World Heritage list."

"Damn it, which bastard is causing this? I'm so pissed!"

"Oh, let’s check carefully to see if those chaebols are behind this."

At the same time.

Samsung chaebol headquarters, top floor office.

At this moment, after reading the relevant information, the face of the person in power, Li Jianxi, was also uncertain.

"Where did these guys come from?"

"Damn it! How come I've never heard of it?"

"Junyi, send someone to check the background of those people, and if possible, try to win them over first."

As soon as the voice fell, the confidant beside him nodded, turned around and went out to get busy.

On the other side, for some reason, looking at the information in his hand, the person in power, Li Jianxi, had a bad premonition in his heart.

He felt that these newly emerged unknown forces might cause harm to the Samsung chaebol.

After a moment, he took a deep breath, walked to the side of the French window, and looked down from a high position.

Below the building, the human figure was as small as an ant, and it was like being placed under the feet of a quilt.

Seeing this, Li Jianxi's eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness.

"Humph! Goryeo belongs to the Samsung chaebol. Such unrest will never be allowed here."

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