"Your fruit devouring machine, I've already helped you get it."

Hearing Gazhi's words, Lin Yu smiled, took out a stack of design drawings, looked at the other party and said:

"I also got the design drawings of the ancient weapon Hades."

After speaking, Lin Yu directly threw the design drawings to Gaji.

The design drawings of the ancient weapon Hades, Lin Yu had asked Robin to copy them all and left a copy.

Taking the design drawing, Vince Mock Gaji flipped through it casually, and when he saw the ancient text on it, he quickly determined that this was a real ship design drawing.

Later, he clapped his hands and was carried on a chained machine one meter wide and two meters long, and a box containing materials.

"This is the information of your Fruit Devouring Machine and Bloodline Factor to transform people."

Looking at the machine that was like a crusher, Lin Yu raised his eyebrows, then stepped forward and put it into the storage box of different dimensions along with the box.

After putting away the things, Lin Yu took Anna and Charulia and turned to leave.


On the Divine Slave.

Inside an unmanned grocery warehouse.

Lin Yu sat on the chair and watched Lei Jiu study the fruit devouring machine he had just brought onto the boat.

Behind him, Anna and Charulia stood quietly, looking at Lei Jiu with a curious look.

Lei Jiu studied carefully for a long time, only to find that the chain tied to the fruit devouring machine was mixed with a small amount of sea lou stone.

She then kicked the chain above.

In the next second, the fruit swallowing machine ran on its own, opened its mouth, and swallowed towards Lei Jiu.

Lei Jiu frowned, and slammed a punch on the fruit devouring machine, directly knocking it to the ground.

Then, Lei Jiu took out a few twenty-centimeter-long nails and nailed the fruit devouring machine to the floor, unable to move.

These nails are made by mixing a small amount of sea lou stone, which can inhibit the activity of the fruit swallowing machine, prevent it from biting people, and keep it running to a minimum.

After doing this, Lei Jiu came to Lin Yu's side, sat on his lap, and said with a smile:

"If you want to produce memory alloy, you need to start feeding it different proportions of metal scrap iron, and after finding the proportion, you can stably produce."

"I'm afraid it will take a long time."

"No hurry, just take your time." Lin Yu didn't care about the stall hands.

For him, the production of memory metal is only to equip all crew members with combat uniforms, and by the way provide a stable source of funding to pave the way for his ambitions as king of the world.

"Young Master, Mikita said that an unknown pirate ship has been found in front of the Shennu and is rushing towards us."

"She wants to clean them up."

Xia Lulia pressed back the small phone worm on her left wrist and looked at Lin Yu and spoke.

The small phone worm Charulia wears on her hand can talk to the same kind of phone bug within a kilometer range, and the function is similar to a walkie-talkie.

It was Lin Yu who let Lei Jiu research it in order to facilitate communication between the crew, because the stock of telephone worms was insufficient, so a total of five such small telephone worms were currently produced.

As Lin Yu's personal maid, Anna and Charulia are one each, the lookout Mikita is one, the chief navigator Nami is one, and the rest is in Lei Jiu's hands.

Others need to wait for Lin Yu to buy the corresponding phone worm and give it to Lei Jiu to make before they can be equipped.

Hearing that there was a group of pirates preparing to rob him, Lin Yu suddenly became interested, in his opinion, these pirates were all scattered wealth boys who provided home delivery, and they were deeply loved by him.

"Let's go, let's go and see."

Pulling Lei Jiu, Lin Yu took a few people to the deck of the Shennu, although he was an unknown little pirate, he was also ready to see the liveliness.

On the deck, Nami, Nokiga, Mikita, and Ephrendra were watching the pirate group rushing towards the Shinnu in front of them, ready to show their skills.

Nami, Nokiga, and Mikita are ready to see how strong they are now.

And Avrandra is participating in the robbery of other pirate groups for the first time, so he is very excited.


"Hmph! Just leave it to me alone, don't follow."

Nami said very confidently.

As Lin Yu fed the Natural Thunder Fruit, although she was due to a series of reasons such as poor physical fitness foundation, too little guts, and insufficient combat experience.

For the time being, he can't exert the power of the Thunder Fruit as skillfully as Lin Yu, but under the bonus of the Thunder Fruit, it is still not a problem to teach some little pirates a lesson.

Of course, the most important thing is that the scientific combat uniform made by Lei Jiu for her has adjusted the defense ability to the maximum according to her requirements, reaching the level of invincibility, so she dares to single out the entire unknown group of pirates.

"Nami, don't be too proud, believe me or not, I can sink that pirate ship with a single bomb." Noki tossed the coin in his hand with a smug look.

Although Nami's natural thunder fruit is very powerful, her superhuman explosive fruit ability is also not weak.

"Yahahahahaha, you guys wait here slowly, I'll take a step first."

MISS Valentine's Day Mikita let out a magical laugh and flew directly towards the pirate ship that attacked in the distance.

As Mikita, who can adjust her own weight, the combat suit has the longest flight endurance, and others can only fly for half an hour at most, while she is three hours!!

And she is also the only two of the four who have mastered the armed color domineering, although it is only the most basic armed color domineering, but bullying the little pirates in front of her who don't know what to call is more than enough.

"Bastard, you actually sneaked !!"

Nami saw Mikita leave first, and gritted her teeth in anger.

Her physical fitness is not up to standard, and now she can't do things like Lin Yu who turn into thunder and walk in the sky.

Carrying a spear with a sniper scope, the Sandia female warrior Lachi flew down from mid-air, withdrew her wings behind her back, looked at

Nami and Nokigao, and said: "Nami, Nokigao, the distance is almost the same."

"I see."

Nami and Nokiko answered at the same time, then jumped into the air and quickly chased after Mikita, they didn't want to be left behind.

"Hey, hey, take me with you."

Avrandra looked at the three people who flew away and quickly shouted.

She can't fly and doesn't have a combat suit, and now she can only look at the three of Nami, Mikita, and Nokigao who left.

Nami and Noki glanced back at Avlandra and chuckled

, "You're too big, we can't carry it!!"

Avrandra's height is nearly three meters, which is not at all what the two of them can carry.

"Eh!!" When Avrantra heard this, she was immediately frustrated.

Born on Nine Snake Island, which advocates force, she has always been proud of her big man, but now she can no longer be proud.

As soon as Nami, Nuo Qi and the others left, Lin Yu took Lei Jiu and the three to the deck.

After taking the telescope handed over by Charulia and seeing the people on the pirate ship in the distance, Lin Yu was immediately happy.

"Isn't this the Clown Emperor's pirate ship!"

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