Wencai rarely sees Uncle Jiu’s kind face.

Watching Uncle Jiu teasing the poor baby, his face was full of love, and the atmosphere was particularly harmonious.

He stood barefoot on the bed, feeling a little helpless.

He always felt a little out of place, as if he was an outsider.

“Master, who is this little guy?”

“He is Lin Yu, and he will live with us from now on.”

“Ah? Master, you went there at night, how come there is suddenly a son? Who is the master’s wife?”

The harmonious atmosphere was broken in an instant, and Uncle Jiu’s kind face twitched.

His eyebrows couldn’t help but jump.

Uncle Jiu raised his head and looked at Wencai with his eyes fixed.

Wencai understood the elegant meaning of the music, and stood on the bed and bent his waist obediently.

Uncle Jiu raised his hand.


He slapped Wencai's head hard.

"You are the one who talks too much nonsense! Get off the bed and cook!"

Uncle Jiu blew his beard and glared.

Wencai got off the bed in disgrace.

At this moment, Lin Yu suddenly burst into tears.

"Wow~~! Wow~~! Wow..."

This cry made Uncle Jiu panic.

He was at a loss, holding Lin Yu, and imitated the way the woman held the child, gently shaking and patting Lin Yu's back.

"Oh~oh~, little darling, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry~"

But Lin Yu was still crying, hoping that Uncle Jiu could understand what he meant.

Uncle Jiu, a virgin, didn't even have a wife, how could he understand the baby's thoughts?

He was really at a loss when Lin Yu cried like this.

It felt wrong to put his hands anywhere.

Such a master who could face fierce zombies and scary ghosts without changing his face was made anxious by Lin Yu.

Hearing the loud crying in his ears, he had a headache and sweat on his forehead.

"Wow, Master, why is this little guy crying? Is he hungry?"

Wencai's men, women, old and young faces suddenly came forward and poked Lin Yu's face with a finger.

Lin Yu was scared and almost forgot to cry.

"How could he be hungry? I just fed him in the town before coming back. It's not even half an hour. You treat everyone like a glutton!"

Facing Wencai who was lazy in the morning, Uncle Jiu was very disappointed and didn't like him at all.

He didn't speak in a good tone.

Wencai was embarrassed. He had never raised a child.

It was only because he had to get up early to cook that he remembered to eat.

Since Lin Yu had just eaten half an hour ago, he really shouldn't be hungry so quickly.

Lin Yu kept howling in Uncle Jiu's arms, and felt very helpless listening to the conversation between the two.

Of course he was hungry!

His body was weak, and although he was full of milk, he was just maintaining his life.

It's just that because children have small stomachs, they can't retain too much nutrition at a time, so they can only be fed slowly to grow up healthily.

But Lin Yu awakened his talent for absorbing nutrition, and he can get double nutrition by eating.

And he was still exercising.

Whether it was waving his hands or kicking his legs, this was a lot of exercise for a newborn baby.

So he quickly absorbed all the nutrients, and now his stomach was hungry and his body needed nutrition.

So he cried for milk.

But Uncle Jiu obviously didn't understand.

Lin Yu wanted to hold Wencai's fingers next to his face and suck them, telling Uncle Jiu that he was really hungry.

But after taking a look at Wencai's face, he found that he had just gotten up and had not washed up, and he didn't know if he had clasped his hands yesterday, which really made Lin Yu unable to put his mouth down.


"Have you washed your hands? The child is very delicate, don't touch him randomly."

Uncle Jiu knocked Wencai's hand away.

He held Lin Yu in his arms very tenderly.

Facing Uncle Jiu's two faces, Wencai had no complaints. He really felt that the little guy in front of him looked small and pitiful.

Lin Yu's eyes lit up.

He stretched out his two little hands and quickly held Uncle Jiu's hands.

He directly put Uncle Jiu's fingers into his mouth and wrapped them up.

"Hey, Master, look, he's not crying anymore, he's not crying anymore, I told you, he must be hungry!"

Wencai pointed at Lin Yu and got excited.

Uncle Jiu frowned tightly.

"It shouldn't be..."

He murmured softly.

"Can a child be fed too frequently..."

Uncle Jiu reached out and gently touched Lin Yu's abdomen.

The abdomen was flat, and there was indeed no sign of bloating.

He was not full, and there was still room in his stomach, could he really be hungry.

"Wencai, hold the ewe."

Uncle Jiu brought the ewe back from the town just to feed Lin Yu.

Wencai obeyed and held the ewe directly.

The ewe was a little uncomfortable and bleated.

Uncle Jiu held Lin Yu and squatted quietly.

There was still some hesitation on his face.

"Little guy, can you eat it? Don't be stubborn!"

He didn't expect Lin Yu to respond to him.

Lin Yu didn't plan to respond to him.

Uncle Jiu held Lin Yu and moved towards the sheep baby canteen.

A fishy smell came to his nose.

Uncle Jiu couldn't help frowning, and Lin Yu rolled his eyes.

"Little guy, little guy, don't die!"

Lin Yu rolled his eyes and really scared Uncle Jiu.

He hurriedly tried to feel Lin Yu's breathing.

He was relieved to find that Lin Yu was safe and sound, but he couldn't open his eyes because of the fishy smell.

"Wencai, fetch some water and wipe the sheep well."

Wencai didn't neglect it and hurried to fetch water.

Lin Yu was relieved and didn't have to struggle anymore.

He didn't have to endure the stinky smell and force himself to suckle and grow strong.

Uncle Jiu gently put Lin Yu aside.

While washing the sheep's body with water, he pinched his fingers and chanted a spell.

Danzhu Mouth God, vomit filth and remove atmosphere, tongue god, lun, pass life and nourish the spirit...

He tried to use this spell to help remove the fishy smell on the sheep, but he didn't know whether it was useful or not.

Listen to the Taoist spell and gain [Language Ability].

[Language ability]: Speak complete sentences 1000 times, language ability improved, language learning ability improved, spirit +0.5

The light screen flashed in front of his eyes, and a new talent was awakened.

Speaking 1000 times can improve 0.5 spirit, which is a high improvement, but Lin Yu obviously didn't dare to speak.

It's not that he was afraid of being regarded as a monster by Uncle Jiu, but his spirit value was already very high.

6 points of spirit, which has already suppressed his body with only 0.1!

"Okay, eat milk obediently."

Uncle Jiu held Lin Yu and stuffed him into the belly of the ewe.

Looking at the baby canteen in front of him, Lin Yu didn't think so much.

He pounced on it and sucked it with big mouthfuls!

(Growth energy +2, growth energy +2, growth energy +2...)

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