At the beginning, he became a baby and worshipped Uncle Jiu as his godfather!

Chapter 71: Exorcising the Spirit and Going to Master's Uncle's House (1/2)

The three-day Dharma Assembly ended.

But the mood of the crowd was not very high.

Because they were busy for three days but returned without success and gained nothing.

They prepared a large number of paper figures, paper horses, and paper money, but they did not succeed in saving a single ghost.

Even the best beans were ground into fragrant and steaming tofu, and the highly skilled opera troupe invited from the provincial capital failed to attract a wandering soul.

Several dollars were spent in these few days.

In addition to treating the villagers of Renjia Town to a few meals again, they still gained nothing.

Uncle and Taoist Simu didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

It was indeed a bit ridiculous.

This ritual was a win-win situation for everyone. Master Ren could accumulate virtue, and Uncle and Simu could also accumulate virtue.

Otherwise, Simu and other brothers would not have been specially asked to share the profits.

As a result, after so much busy work, not a single ghost was successfully saved.

This was because Lin Yu was asked to learn the magic strike before the ritual on an auspicious day.

That day, Lin Yu learned the magic strike and asked the ancestor to possess him, temporarily performing the superhuman imagination of the golden light spell.

The palm that soared into the sky was bright with golden light and awe-inspiring. It seemed to cover the light of the scorching sun in the sky, as if it was going to make a hole in the sky.

Although it may not be so powerful, it seemed to be the effect in the eyes of everyone.

It turned out that no one took it seriously at the time, and everyone was immersed in shock.

The next day, when the ritual began, they realized that something was wrong.

After a busy day, they scattered paper money, burned incense, sang opera, and shouted to sell tofu, but they still did not attract a ghost in front of the altar.

At first, they thought that there were fellow Taoists who were secretly obstructing them.

Uncle and Taoist Simu searched for it, but still found nothing.

So they sent people to shout, scatter money and burn incense around Renjia Town for ten miles.

Still, they could not find a ghost.

At this time, Uncle and Taoist Simu had some vague guesses.

The two asked Master Ren to find someone to ride a rickshaw to carry them for twenty or thirty miles.

This is really certain. In a few nights, within 30 miles of Renjia Town, not even a lonely ghost could be found.

This is really unimaginable.

The land of Shenzhou is densely populated, and even some hills near Renjia Town are still inhabited by many people.

Over the years, there are countless lonely ghosts who have died normally, not to mention the changes of dynasties, the turbulent times, the suffering of the people, and the people's misery.

As a result, there was not even a ghost within a radius of 30 miles.

The two of them thought about it and figured it out. It was not because of anything else, but because of Lin Yu's palm that hit the sky at that time.

Although that palm did not hurt a person or a bird, the power was huge, and it was also the Golden Light Curse after the ancestor possessed it.

It contains the Taoist Xuanmen righteousness, the righteousness of heaven and earth, and the power of golden light to break evil.

That kind of majesty and righteousness, in addition to showing a very strong and yang energy, is exactly the opposite of ghosts, such yin objects.

Moreover, Lin Yu's palm contained nearly ten thousand strands of powerful magic power. When it was hit, the golden light spread out, and the impact range was huge.

The lonely ghosts walking in the wilderness were either fierce, violent, or confused.

Even if they had no wisdom, they had energy.

The body was yin, and there was an energy repulsion to the most yang things.

It could be said that their energy was driving them, or it could be said that the yin energy in them was driving them.

They fled out quickly and involuntarily.

For these ghosts, the body had no entity, was not hindered by the terrain, and did not know fatigue.

With the ability to seek good fortune and avoid harm, it was naturally easy to escape thirty miles overnight.

Although Uncle and his men prepared incense, paper money and tofu, the aura these things gave off was not as intimidating to ghosts as the extremely yang aura.

Moreover, the range of these things on the ground was obviously far less than the range of the golden light that exploded in the sky and driven by tens of thousands of mana.

As a result, it was naturally difficult to attract even a single ghost.

This ritual ended in such a sloppy manner.

But even if they gained nothing, Uncle and Taoist Simu could hardly say that they were unhappy.

Because they saw another surprise in Lin Yu.

Lin Yu learned the Golden Light Mantra.

It was not difficult to learn the Golden Light Mantra, but Lin Yu's way of learning was really amazing.

Lin Yu had not studied the Golden Light Mantra properly, but had experienced using the peak Golden Light Mantra of his ancestor.

These were two completely different concepts.

Because the Golden Light Mantra is a method of cultivating both sex and life.

It's like someone is teaching you to fly an airplane, but you can never learn to build an airplane directly, nor can you understand the principle of airplane flight directly.

When you eat a bowl of rice, it is difficult to analyze what nutrients and substances this bowl of rice contains based on the taste and digestion of the stomach, and what elements from the world are absorbed during the growth process.

But Lin Yu learned the Golden Light Mantra directly, and it was not the kind of half-understanding.

Uncle and Taoist Simu checked it out, and it was clear that he had a very solid foundation in the Golden Light Mantra.

Ordinary Taoist disciples may not be able to achieve such results after practicing for one or two years. Even if they spend one or two years of hard work, they still need the guidance of a famous teacher to go this far.

With such talent, even if this Dharma Assembly gained nothing, how could Uncle and Taoist Simu feel sad?

But Lin Yu knew that his gains were not just the little on the surface.

After all, the Golden Light Curse was a secondary effect after the ancestor possessed him.

This time, their main purpose was to learn the Divine Fighting Technique.

Lin Yu made a finger gesture, and a talisman flashed faintly in his palm.

It seemed like a seal was placed in his palm.

This was a talisman to drive away gods.

The Divine Fighting Technique is related to cultivation, but it is not absolutely dependent on cultivation.

It mainly depends on whether you can pass your message to the gods you want to summon, and whether the gods are willing to give you face.

If the gods are willing to give you face, then your Divine Fighting Technique can be considered as practiced even if you practice it for one day.

Even if you practice for decades and worship the gods every day, it doesn't matter if the gods don't like you.

And Lin Yu is the one who is liked.

Now that the heaven is gone and the underworld is gradually becoming weak, it is difficult to find where the gods are.

Even their Maoshan ancestors are too old and can't be found.

Now they can make some reactions, but they have some remaining consciousness, marks, and magic power.

The spirit seat still holds their power when they were alive.

Lin Yu's talent can make every ancestor look at him.

When he practiced the magic, every ancestor couldn't wait to attach himself to him and provide him with help.

Such a child, such a genius, is really too precious and rare.

So if it is against the Maoshan Patriarch, Lin Yu's divine attack is naturally a one-step success. He has reached the pinnacle of perfection just after entering the door.

After the Patriarch possessed him, he not only brought the Golden Light Curse to Lin Yu, but also left Lin Yu with this seal of driving away gods.

The Taoist masters who have achieved the Taoism can drive some gods to help them do things.

Some ask them for help, and some give them direct orders.

It mainly depends on the level of Taoism, morality, and rank of the two.

The Patriarch of Maoshan is naturally of high rank in the Heavenly Court. This seal of driving away gods is equivalent to the Patriarch holding his official seal to stamp Lin Yu.

It is still very deterrent to those gods whose ranks are lower than the Patriarch.

At this point, for the practitioners in the mortal world, it is also a step to heaven.

It is difficult to get more benefits. Such benefits are probably the blessing of several times of practice.

But Lin Yu is different.

Lin Yu is not only talented and hardworking, but also cheats!

With the help of the ancestors, Shenlan immediately added points!

[You have learned the magic of fighting, you have obtained the seal of driving gods, and the magic of fighting lv5]

[Your magic has reached the pinnacle and obtained the magic of driving gods: driving gods]

[Drive gods lv1: drive gods]

The brief introduction contains endless profound meaning.

This paragraph inevitably reminds Lin Yu of a word, called the spirit of the general.

These four words are obviously a powerful paragraph in the mortal world.

Apart from other things, the horse outside the pass may not live in peace for half his life.

But he does not restrain the gods when he is sent to the spirit.

Even if it is just the most ordinary heavenly soldiers and generals, the land god, it is difficult to use these four words.

But driving the gods can!

Lin Yu had just learned this magical power, so he naturally couldn't dispatch powerful gods.

But ordinary mountain gods, land gods, ghost messengers, and golden strongmen still had to obey his orders.

With such a skill, the horses outside the pass would be half-dead in front of him.

More importantly, those witches who practiced acting as gods no longer had the qualifications to act in front of him.

However, Lin Yu's magical power was also half-dead.

Because it is difficult to find real gods between heaven and earth.

There may be some mountain gods and land gods on earth, but these mountain villages and lands are just the sustenance of people's thoughts.

Maybe because of their official positions in the gods, their sustenance is also different, and they are not as far away from the mortal world as the gods in the heaven.

But in the end of the law era when the spiritual energy is scattered, they are just statues of gods.

Maybe they are not regarded as real gods, but only as some special magic tools.

It is probably extremely difficult to meet a mountain god or land god with whom one can communicate.

It is precisely because of this that those witches and wizards have met at a good time.

They can steal the faith of the gods without worrying about the punishment of the gods.

But when they met Lin Yu, who had the ability to drive away the gods, they met their natural enemy.

Lin Yu's ability was not strong enough, and his own strength was not strong enough.

The gods who really left their names in history and were slightly famous in the world must be driven by him.

Willing to help is willing to help, but the meanings of the two words "drive" are different.

Even if Lin Yu has the seal left by his ancestors.

However, if there is no heaven, there will be no respective ranks and no procedures for doing things.

The statues of the gods left in the mortal world, which contain the power of the gods' characteristics, will naturally be affected by the driving of the gods.

If those witches dared to act like gods in front of Lin Yu, if they didn't act well, Lin Yu could directly drive the divine power from them.

Even if these divine powers already contained their personal magic power, but they didn't act well and their Taoism was too shallow, Lin Yu could naturally use his magical powers to strip them of their divine power.

This is the seal that gods must be subject to. After all, a higher official rank can crush people.

If there is no real god, and only some divine power is left, how can they resist Lin Yu who has seals and magical powers?

If it is the witches who act well, they should be more careful.

The better they act, the more like real gods, and the greater the influence of Lin Yu's exorcism on them.

Especially since they only have divine power but not the rank of real gods, they will be subject to Lin Yu's control and it will be difficult to resist.

The better they act, the more sensitive they are to seals and exorcism magical powers.

Lin Yu can directly drive them as yellow turban warriors.

If these people meet Lin Yu, they will really meet their ancestors.

People with weak cultivation just meet natural enemies, but people with deeper Taoism are more helpless.

However, Lin Yu did not tell anyone about this matter, and only waited until he met the successful witch in the future to give him a surprise.

"Yu, let's go."

"Oh, OK."

Lin Yu threw his luggage on his back.

He waved to Uncle Nine Ren Tingting, Qiu Wencai and Master Ren, who were reluctant to leave and looked worried, and followed Taoist Simu and set off.

This ritual took up some time and did not gain anything.

It was time for Taoist Simu to leave.

Before leaving, he invited Lin Yu to his home to play.

It just so happened that Lin Yu had another sword technique to learn from Taoist Simu.

Uncle Nine was naturally very reluctant to let him go.

He really treated this godson as his own flesh and blood.

But I don't know what kind of educational needle he heard from Master Ren, and he actually thought seriously about the four words of combining work and rest.

When Uncle Nine came back and thought about it, it seemed that he had never relaxed for a moment since he started practicing after Lin Yu left.

Such hard work and diligence really touched his master, but also made him, the godfather, feel distressed.

He was also a little worried.

Lin Yu's string was too tight.

The more he thought about it, the more worried he was. Because of the invitation of Taoist Simu, he readily agreed to let Lin Yu go with him.

Although it was a long journey, it was not hard for Lin Yu's physique. Instead, it allowed Lin Yu to stop and practice and relax.

Master Ren was also in the farewell team, with a smile on his face.

Uncle Jiu and Taoist Simu did not hide the fact that this ritual was fruitless from him.

Although it was fruitless and several oceans were wasted, Master Ren was not unhappy at all, and he did not dare to be unhappy at all.

Because he also saw the palm that soared into the sky with his own eyes.

At that time, I just felt that even if there were hundreds of foreign guns, let alone dozens of foreign guns in Renjia Town, how could they stop this palm?

Such a strong strength and powerful destructive power have already made Master Ren dare not be unhappy.

And his daughter has become the apprentice of Uncle Jiu and the junior sister of Lin Yu who hit him.

Seeing that they are all family members, Master Ren feels at ease with such strength.

And he doesn't want Uncle Jiu to lose more money, preferably tens of thousands of dollars.

He feels guilty and sorry for the loss, so that these conscientious people will be completely tied to their warship of the Ren family.

With such a master to escort him, Master Ren started to do business, and he was not afraid of any threats or any troubles.

Their Ren family really wants to rise to the top.

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