Another day after class, Naruto and Hinata Hinata came to their usual cultivation place together.

Before cultivating, Naruto grabbed one of the little girl’s hands.

Although the little girl was no longer twisting, she was still a little shy about Naruto’s sudden behavior, her face was flushed, and she still looked so restrained.

Of course, Naruto is not flirting, he mainly wants to observe the chakra in Hinata’s body.

This time, Naruto’s chakra ran smoothly in Hinata’s body, and he clearly felt the changes in Hinata’s chakra. The little girl is like Naruto, Chakra is improving all the time, and now the amount of body memory is far beyond that of her peers.

Naruto suddenly remembered that at the beginning, Hinata Hinata’s chakra, when he met Naruto’s chakra, he was like a vicious dog preying, and he had been chasing and wanting to devour.

With the continuous transformation and growth, now the Chakra accuracy in Hinata’s body is almost close to Naruto, and there is no need to fuse so crazy.

But Naruto always felt that something was wrong, and he tried to increase the output of Chakra, wandering around Hinata’s body and making observations.

After a long time, he reacted, the Chakra accuracy in the little girl’s body had reached a critical point, and relying solely on fusion was no longer enough to break through

However, as Chakra’s infusion increased, Hinata Hinata felt that his body began to stir, and Chakra began to be out of his control, and was rushing to the same place.

“Naruto-kun, I…” Hinata Hinata wanted to ask Naruto for help, but before she could speak, the raging Chakra, in an instant, flooded into her eyes.

For the first time, when she didn’t open it on her own initiative, the white eye was automatically activated.

Near the temple, because of Chakra’s riot, the green tendons naturally burst out, and then her pupils faded to only a piece of white, and then the white slowly deepened, and finally evolved into a bright white.

The world in front of her also lost its color in an instant, turning black and white, and the surrounding things faded to demonstrate, showing in front of her eyes in the most pure form of energy.

“My eyes!” Hinata Hinata yelled, she lost control of her eyes, no, more precisely, eyes controlled her!

All the creatures in the line of sight, in addition to the basic energy form, also constantly emitted energy ripples, like ripples on the surface of the water.

This feeling, Hinata Hinata had never felt before, and these ripples disappeared in a blink of an eye, as if it were an illusion.

Then she didn’t have time to pay attention to it, and a wave of consciousness passed through her eyes, urging her to raise her other hand.

Naruto noticed Hinata’s abnormality, but had no idea what was happening.

“Boom!” Hinata Hinata let out a low roar, centered on her hand, and the power spread outward, detonating those energy ripples by the way, attacking the surrounding world indiscriminately.

Naruto was the closest and was the first to be impacted, even though he used Chakra to protect himself at the first time, he still felt like he had been hit by a truck, and he almost flew out in a sharp pain.

Fortunately, Naruto reacted quickly enough, stomped on the ground with one foot, and then stood on both feet, standing in the face of the power of the explosion, firmly grasping Hinata’s hand.

The little girl couldn’t control this power at all, couldn’t stop it at all, and the power kept venting in all directions until Chakra was exhausted, and she barely stopped.

“Naruto-kun, how are you!” The power explosion ended, Hinata Hinata checked Naruto’s situation for the first time, Naruto was too close to the center of the outbreak, and he suffered the most, Hinata Hinata was worried about what accident happened to Naruto.

Hinata Hinata reached out to touch Naruto’s face, Naruto subconsciously reached out and grabbed Hinata’s sky, Hinata Hinata was a little shy and wanted to retract, but Naruto firmly grasped it and refused to let go.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m fine.” Hinata’s outburst raised all the dust around him, and Naruto coughed lightly a few times before slowly speaking.

Although Naruto looked grizzled and his clothes were tattered, he was lucky enough to react quickly and didn’t suffer much damage. Hearing that Naruto was okay, Hinata Hinata couldn’t care less shy, and held Naruto’s hand tightly, expressing his concern through movements.

Naruto let out a long breath and finally came to his senses and looked around. I saw that in the center of the position where the two of them were standing, a large pit ten meters wide and five or six meters deep appeared, and everything in the pit was crushed.

Naruto secretly said that if his strength was slightly insufficient, he might have suffered multiple injuries.

“Naruto-kun, what’s going on?” Hinata Hinata said timidly, she didn’t expect that she would have so much energy.

Naruto let go of his clenched hands, crouched down, pinched a pinch of earth, and then asked himself, “Is this repulsion?” ”

This scene is like a Shinra Heavenly Sign, but the scope is much smaller. But Shinra Tensei needs the eye of reincarnation to release, and Hinata Hinata only has white eyes.

Can white eyes also release Shinra Tianzheng? Naruto was a little confused.

In Naruto, the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, only the vision of the distance, perspective and insight eyes, are some auxiliary functions, so the Hyuga clan will develop a soft boxing Baguazhang and improve the fighting ability of the clan.

Even if Boruto Vortex evolved a clear eye that the Hyuga clan had never had, he had never heard of such a powerful power.

But Naruto looked closely and was convinced that this was repulsion!

“Naruto-kun, what is repulsion?” Hinata Hinata had never heard this word before and asked in a low voice.

Naruto heard Hinata’s question, suddenly raised his head, and Hinata Hinata looked at him, and then did not answer, laughing to himself.

Naruto was surprised to find that Hinata Hinata’s pupils were no longer simply white, but a little more mysterious blue.

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