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If he continued to consume like this, his natural energy might not be enough if the tailed beasts did not catch him.

After Han Ye, who had just dodged in time, turned into a tailed beast, three huge tailed beasts appeared on the scene.

As long as these three tailed beasts were entangled, the other two tailed beasts would support them.

After seeing that there was no effect, Yun Fei decisively chose to give up.

As Yun Fei gave up, the surrounding trees stopped growing.

Seeing this scene, Tobirama Senju suddenly felt bad.

Even the Tree World Descent had been used but it had not been used yet.

Now their situation would become more dangerous.

Even Rope Tree and Mikoto in the distance felt that the situation was already very bad.

"Hahaha! Boy, surrender quickly, and I will consider leaving you an intact corpse."Shukaku began to taunt when he saw that the trees around him did not continue to grow.

Option 1. Defeat the tailed beast and lead others to win the war, and the reward is Wood Style: Wood Dragon Technique.

Option 2. Be defeated by the tailed beast, all members sacrifice themselves, and use Izanagi to escape, and the reward is Wood Style: Ranking Technique.

Option 3. Defeat the tailed beast, but other personnel are captured, resulting in the failure of the war, and the reward is Wood Style: Minor Bag Technique. After

Shukaku finished taunting, the system immediately gave him a task. Seeing the task, Yun Fei did not hesitate at all and chose 1 directly. Other Wood Style Ninjutsu are not worth mentioning compared to Wood Dragon. Wood Dragon is the strongest Wood Style Ninjutsu under Woodman and True Thousand Hands. Although other Wood Style Ninjutsu are not bad, they are much worse than Wood Dragon.

"Do you think this is my trump card? Then it

's too early for you to be happy."Although the tree world's birth did not have the expected effect, Yun Fei was not panicked at all. He said to Shukaku lightly, it's really too early to think about being happy now.

"Humph! Use whatever tricks you have. I want to see what you have left to fight the three of us." Hearing Yun Fei's calm voice, Shukaku immediately continued to taunt him. In his opinion, the tree world descent just now was Yun Fei's last trump card. Even this didn't defeat the three of them. Now Yun Fei is just a jumping grasshopper. He and others can kill him at any time if they want to.

"I didn't intend to use it so soon, but now it seems there is no other way. If you want to see it, then open your eyes and see it clearly. Fairy Technique·Wood Release·Flower Tree World Descends."

Yun Fei said as he made seals. The last seal formed a tree that began to grow wildly again. As a large number of trees appeared, there were also huge flower buds. Shukaku looked at the trees again. Yun Fei or the tree world was born, and immediately laughed and said

"Is this the trump card you mentioned? You are the same as before, so just die, Tailed Beast Ball!"

Shukaku was preparing to condense the tailed beasts, while the Four-Tails and the Five-Tails were also condensing the Tailed Beast Balls. If the three Tailed Beast Balls exploded at the same time, even if Yun Fei opened Susanoo, he would probably not be able to resist. At this time, the buds had slowly opened, and a large amount of pollen appeared when the buds opened.

The three tailed beasts were completely unaware of this. When Hashirama Senju went to catch Shukaku, he used the Tree World Descent to catch Shukaku clearly. Shukaku had no chance to see other ninjutsu, and Shukaku didn't know the other two, let alone the other two. But the three tailed beasts that condensed the Tailed Beast Balls soon found out that something was wrong.

After inhaling the pollen, the three tailed beasts' brains began to slowly Becoming drowsy, Yun Fei sneered at the three tailed beasts. In the original work, even Uchiha Madara was almost knocked out by this jutsu, and Tsunade and other contemporary Five Kage were directly knocked out by it. The three tailed beasts inhaled a lot of pollen for unknown reasons, and now they are slowly becoming drowsy.

Although the tailed beast ball in his mouth was barely fired, it deviated from the direction due to his dizziness and did not hit Yun Fei. While the three tailed beasts ignored the surrounding trees and fired the tailed beast ball at Yun Fei, a large number of trees directly entangled the three tailed beasts and began to absorb chakra.

Because the three tailed beasts were caught, this time the absorption The collection went smoothly, and soon the three tailed beasts had absorbed a large amount of chakra, causing the Jinchūriki to slowly be unable to maintain the tailed beast form, and slowly transformed back to the Jinchūriki form. At the same time, because of the large amount of pollen inhaled, even if he transformed back to the Jinchūriki form, he would directly faint.

At this time, Yunfei's Sage Mode also disappeared.

With the disappearance of the Sage Mode, Yunfei's Flower Tree World Advent could not be maintained.

Seeing this, Yunfei smiled bitterly.

He thought that his chakra was enough, but he didn't expect that he could only use the Tree World Advent and the Flower Tree World Advent once with the addition of the Sage Technique.

Compared with the first generation of Hokage himself, it was really far behind, not to mention the True Thousand Hands and the Woodman Technique.

, even whether the wooden dragon can be used now is still a question.

However, Yun Fei also completed the task smoothly, and Senju Tobirama also completed the task at the same time.

Because Yun Fei used the Flower Tree Realm, Senju Tobirama already knew the power of the pollen of this technique, so he moved away from the location of the pollen early.

Although the Third Kazekage was known as the strongest Kazekage, he had never seen this ninjutsu.

At most, he had heard of the Birth of the Tree Realm.

Without knowing why, he inhaled the pollen and fainted directly.

At this point, all the enemies in the barrier were captured. Yun Fei looked at Senju Tobirama and asked,"Teacher, should we just get rid of them on the spot?"

Yun Fei asked this question to test the attitude of Senju Tobirama.

Although the current ninja village mechanism is good, it is obvious that the struggle between countries has never stopped.

Unless a person with the strength of Senju Hashirama or Uchiha Madara appears again to suppress it, it is possible.

The mutual understanding between Naruto in the original work is only possible when there is an external crisis that no one can solve.

Otherwise, even if people understand each other, there are only so many resources.

If you take more, others will take less.

The Fire Country is rich and has no worries about food and clothing, but compared with other countries, resources are more or less scarce.

Once natural disasters and man-made disasters occur, wars will inevitably occur when they cannot survive.

This is inevitable.

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