"You guys protect Mito, and leave the rest to me!" Yun Fei said to the other guards:"Keep this, and if there is any danger, just scream, and I will rush to your side as soon as possible."

Hearing Yun Fei's words, Uzumaki Mito's heart was still a little rippled. It can be said that Yun Fei and her were just casual acquaintances. Now not only did he offend the big family of the Warring States for her, but now he is fighting to protect her. It is impossible for you to say that you are not moved, but this kind of touching is definitely not love, at least not now.

After Yun Fei finished speaking, he walked towards Sarutobi Yasunari. Now the opponent has made it clear that he wants to kill him. Yun Fei also took advantage of the time when he was talking to Uzumaki Mito just now to slowly gather natural energy. Although this seal suppresses strength, it still does not suppress fairy arts. After all, even in the entire Warring States period, there is only one person who can use Sage Mode, Hashirama Senju.

In the original work, there is no fixed posture for absorbing natural energy in Sage Mode. In the original work, Jiraiya's Sage Mode cannot let go of both hands, while the others have no restrictions. At the beginning, Naruto still had to sit down to absorb natural energy, but Yunfei not only did not have to sit down, but also did not have to keep his hands together.

When Yunfei walked in front of Sarutobi Kangjian, Yunfei's Sage Mask had already appeared, and with the help of the Mangekyō Sharingan, Yunfei's momentum had reached its peak. The five ninjas of the Sarutobi clan watched Yunfei quickly make hand seals.

"Five escape techniques: Great Linking Bullet Technique."

Five ninjas used five different ninjutsu to attack Yun Fei at the same time. In the original novel, Sarutobi Hiruzen used four shadow clones during the Fourth World War. Once hit, a devastating explosion would occur.

However, compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the strength of these five people was obviously not as good as Sarutobi Hiruzen. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen did not look like a ninja hero in the original novel, the gap between the Kage and the Quasi-Kage was still very large. Yun Fei was also ready to try how strong the devastating explosion in the original novel was. Seeing the five attributes of ninjutsu approaching, Yun Fei had no intention of dodging at all.

"Be careful."

Even Uzumaki Mito next to him couldn't help but exclaimed. Although the five attributes of ninjutsu restrain each other, they also cooperate with each other. It is definitely not the kind of one plus one equals two, not to mention that there are five attributes.

Soon, the five attributes of ninjutsu directly hit Yun Fei's position. The explosion caused by the ninjutsu forced everyone to use ninjutsu to resist. Uzumaki Mito was close to Yun Fei, and the guards next to him were ready to use sealing techniques to defend before he was hit, but soon they found that they couldn't use sealing techniques, and immediately took Uzumaki Mito back quickly.

Everyone looked at the explosion.

At the center of the explosion, obviously everyone knew that if Yun Fei wanted to run, the ninjutsu that had just instantly moved behind Sarutobi Pingchang would definitely help him escape, but he did not run, which must mean that he had a trick up his sleeve.

Only the five ninjas from the Sarutobi clan looked at the explosion with confidence.

Others did not know the power of this ninjutsu, but didn't they know it? They were confident that even if Uchiha Madara came, he would definitely not dare to withstand this ninjutsu head-on.

But soon they found out that they were wrong, and saw a huge chakra giant appear in the center of the explosion. Seeing this chakra giant, Sarutobi Kangjian exclaimed:"Susanoo!"

Others may not know, but he is someone who has fought with Uchiha Madara. Uchiha Madara's trump card skill is Susanoo. Now seeing Yun Fei also activated Susanoo, Sarutobi Yasunari has become more and more uneasy, but suddenly a trace of black shadow flashed in his eyes, and this trace of black shadow was keenly noticed by Yun Fei. Seeing this trace of black shadow, Yun Fei seemed to think of something.

Yun Fei looked at the several quasi-shadows in front of him and sneered. The pentagram in the Mangekyo Sharingan began to rotate. As the pentagram rotated, one of the quasi-shadows suddenly fell down. Seeing someone fall down, Sarutobi Yasunari immediately yelled to the remaining people:"Don't look at his Sharingan, that is the illusion of the Sharingan."

Hearing this, several quasi-shadows were inexplicably terrified. Although the illusion of the Sharingan is very strong, it doesn't mean that it can kill instantly without any signs.

Yun Fei looked at the terrified looks of these people and sneered in his heart. Even the shadow-level Lao Zi and Han couldn't resist the power of Tsukuyomi, let alone this small quasi-shadow.

Several people didn't dare to look at Yun Fei's eyes and prepared to launch ninjutsu again. Suddenly, black flames came out of one of them. The ninja of the Sarutobi clan next to him hurriedly used water escape ninjutsu to help his companions put out the fire, but the water splashed on his body. Not only did the black flames not extinguish, but they burned more and more. Wang, in a short while, the Quasi-Kage of the Sarutobi clan was burned to ashes by Amaterasu.

While the others were still surprised by Amaterasu, Yun Fei had already chosen to attack again. No one had cleaned up the Flying Thunder God Kunuka left behind before, and now it was just right to use it. While the others were still surprised, Yun Fei used the Flying Thunder God Technique to flash behind another Quasi-Kage and directly used the long sword in the hand of Susanoo to split the Quasi-Kage in half.

Although all this seemed very long, in fact, from the death of the first Quasi-Kage to Yun Fei's use of Susanoo to kill the third Quasi-Kage, it was no more than a minute.

During this period, Yun Fei used Tsukuyomi, Amaterasu, and Flying Thunder God Technique in conjunction with Susanoo.

Each move killed a quasi-shadow, and it was done lightly without any fireworks.

All this happened so fast that even Sarutobi Yasuken himself did not expect that the three quasi-shadows he had trained with great effort would be killed instantly by Yun Fei.

This was simply impossible.

Yun Fei looked around, and a flash of light appeared, and he disappeared in an instant.

It turned out that the two remaining quasi-shadows saw Yun Fei so powerful, and turned around and began to prepare to attack the Uzumaki clan again, because the sealing technique could not be used in the barrier.

The guards around Mito Uzumaki almost lost their fighting power.

A quasi-shadow had already attacked Mito Uzumaki.

Fortunately, Mito Uzumaki was also strong.

The long sword with a cold light almost passed through her skin.

When the quasi-shadow was about to continue attacking, Yun Fei had already used the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to Mito's side.

The quasi-shadow was about to continue attacking when he was grabbed by a giant skeleton hand and was crushed into a ball of minced meat. Another quasi-shadow was about to retreat when Yun Fei used Amaterasu to burn him to ashes. In less than five minutes, all five quasi-shadows were directly eliminated.


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