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But as Hashirama increased his chakra, the surrounding plants surrounded him again. Seeing this, Black Zetsu snorted coldly.

"You actually dared to use Wood Release in front of Ashura, you are totally ignorant."

Then, as Ashura changed his gesture again, a large number of plants suddenly appeared around him again, intertwining with the tree world of Hashirama, and the plants on both sides began to attack each other.

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguish.

" Madara could no longer sit still after seeing this scene, and decisively chose to attack.

Although the range of this move was not as good as Great Fire Extinguish, its power was much stronger than Great Fire Extinguish.

It was a powerful fire style ninjutsu that could instantly ignite a forest.

When used by Uchiha Madara, its power was even greater than the ordinary one.

All the plants around Black Zetsu were ignited, and instantly the fierce flames shot up into the sky.

The sky seemed to be on fire, and even the two clans outside the barrier could see it clearly.

But Hashirama and others were not happy that Black Zetsu was hit by Madara's fire style. Even Amaterasu could not do anything to Black Zetsu. This ordinary fire style should not be able to hurt Black Zetsu, but maybe Black Zetsu would not have time to defend? However, soon after all the surrounding plants were burned out, a spherical substance was exposed in the middle. After it was opened, Black Zetsu inside was revealed. Obviously, he was not hurt at all.

"Avoid the black balls surrounding him and attack his body directly, his body is not immune to ninjutsu."

After saying this, Yun Fei took out the Flying Thunder God Kunai and threw it out, ready to attack with physical skills first. As long as the speed is fast enough, the Tao-Seeking Jade cannot keep up, and with so many people, maybe they can find Black Zetsu's flaw.

As Yun Fei took the lead in launching the attack, Hashirama and Madara both took out their long swords and round fans and began to attack from the flanks.

When the long swords and round fans were about to hit Black Zetsu, they had already taken out their samurai swords to block Madara's round fan, and the long sword was blocked by the Tao-Seeking Jade.

Seeing this opportunity, Yun Fei immediately used the Flying Thunder God to fly behind Black Zetsu, with a Rasengan already gathered in his hand, pushing it towards the back of Black Zetsu.

If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely avoid it at this time. There was no way to avoid it, he was hit by the Rasengan, but the Ashura controlled by Black Zetsu was obviously not an ordinary person. Black Zetsu once again controlled a truth-seeking jade to block the Rasengan again. However, although the truth-seeking jade blocked the Rasengan this time, Yun Fei added fairy arts, which caused a crack in the wall formed by the truth-seeking jade.

This scene forced Black Zetsu to raise Yun Fei's threat level to a higher level again. He even knew the weakness of the truth-seeking jade. This was definitely not an ordinary person. Ordinary people, let alone the truth-seeking jade, would never know that the person in front of them was Ashura even if Black Zetsu stood in front of him. But Yun Fei not only recognized Ashura at a glance, but also knew the weakness of the truth-seeking jade.

"Water Style: Water Cutting Wave."

The only one who did not attack, Tobirama, almost launched an attack just as Black Zetsu did. Now all three sides were blocked by Black Zetsu. The ninjutsu used by Tobirama had a small range but was powerful enough to cut down a tree. If Black Zetsu's head was cut off by this move, he would definitely not be able to recover even with Asura's recovery ability.

A thin high-pressure water column swept horizontally towards his head. Seeing this, Black Zetsu immediately formed a seal with one hand.

A wooden shield suddenly appeared in front of the water column. Although it only blocked the water column for a moment before being broken, this moment allowed Black Zetsu to use the instant body movement technique to avoid the water cutting wave.

After Black Zetsu dodged, he immediately used a ninjutsu similar to Naruto's Planet Rasengan, but this ninjutsu was surrounded by a layer of chakra. Yun Fei did not know the power of this ninjutsu because it was not in the plot of the original manga. Although he did not know the power of this ninjutsu, Yun Fei knew the power of the Planet Rasengan. This one had one more ball than the Planet Rasengan, so its power was only greater.

"Be careful!"

But what Yun Fei never expected was that Black Zetsu actually launched this ninjutsu similar to the planetary Rasengan with both hands, which caught everyone off guard. Even Yun Fei didn't expect that although the spiral shuriken could be thrown, it had to be thrown after adding fairy techniques, but the planetary Rasengan could not be thrown. Fortunately, Hashirama reacted very quickly and used the summoning technique immediately.

"Five Rashomons appeared in front of Yun Fei and the others, and Black Zetsu's ninjutsu similar to the Rasengan directly hit the Rashomons. The first gate lasted less than five seconds before it was destroyed, and the second, third, and fourth gates did not last long either. Fortunately, after four Rashomons, an explosion occurred at the fifth level. The huge shock wave even had a slight impact on the surrounding barriers, which shows its power.

The explosion produced a violent smoke, which was soon dispersed by a gust of wind. A large pit of more than ten meters appeared where Yun Fei and the others were standing just now, which shows that the power was not trivial.

"If we want to attack, we must not stop like we did just now. We must keep attacking and not let him control more Dao-Seeking Jade. Otherwise, physical skills will pose no threat to him. As for ninjutsu, we do not have an advantage over him. If we can suppress him with physical skills, I can take the opportunity to use sealing techniques to seal him directly."

Yun Fei put forward his own ideas. Judging from the few battles just now, although Ashura's body is strong, he is not invincible. As for ninjutsu, although Black Zetsu did not use many ninjutsu, it can be seen that Ashura was good at wind escape and wood escape.

In this way, Hashirama's map cannon will lose its advantage, and Black Zetsu will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The most important thing is that if several people all use Susanoo and wooden men to attack, the violent shock wave generated may even affect the barrier.

Although this barrier is very strong, if several people all use such a large-scale attack, no one can say whether the barrier can hold up.

If it can't hold up, it will break.

Then all the previous results would be wasted.

The others nodded in agreement. If Tobirama had not made the marks in advance, he might have succeeded. As soon as the explosion dissipated, Yun Fei launched another attack. Holding the Thunder God Sword in his right hand, he launched Flying Thunder God again, flashed to a kunai not far away from Black Zetsu and launched another attack. Tobirama also threw a large number of kunai at the same time, not seeking to hit the target, but to cover all the marks first.

Madara and Hashirama launched physical attacks from the front and the left respectively. They were all masters of physical techniques. Although they were dozens of meters apart, they had rushed to Black Zetsu in an instant.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading -

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