After completing the mission, Yun Fei came back and saw Senju Tobirama basking in the sun outside. If an outsider saw this, it would be hard to imagine that the current Senju Tobirama was the former powerful Second Hokage of Konoha. The current Senju Tobirama was more like an old man enjoying life. Seeing Yun Fei coming back, Senju Tobirama opened his eyes and said:

"How was the mission this time?"

Although his teacher would ask him every time he went out on a mission, Yun Fei still answered honestly.

"There is no problem as before, but the situation has been a little tense recently, and there have been constant frictions among the major countries.

Teacher, why don’t we go back to Konoha? You promised to let Tsunade be my wife, and it’s been ten years!

Anyway, the Third Hokage has been in power for so many years, and he must have stabilized the situation in Konoha.

It’s not a solution for us to stay here all the time.

Now your health is getting worse, you should go back to Konoha as soon as possible.


Senju Tobirama frowned after hearing this. Although he has been receiving treatment all these years, it is obvious that the medical conditions here are far inferior to those in Konoha. The most important thing is that the countries have started some minor frictions again, which may become the next Ninja World War. Thinking of this, Senju Tobirama couldn’t sit still, and said to Yunfei in a deep voice.

"We will set off for Konoha today."

The voice of the system came over immediately after hearing this.

Option 1, return to Konoha safely with Senju Tobirama, and be rewarded with Flying Thunder God.

Option 2, refuse Senju Tobirama's request, and be rewarded with all attributes.

Option 3, leave Senju Tobirama alone and get double chakra.

Yun Fei was a little confused when he saw this. Weren't there always 2 options before? This time it turned out to be three options. But no matter how many options there are, Yun Fei will naturally choose 1. However, with such a good reward, it is obvious that the way back will not be peaceful. But no matter what, Yun Fei has confidence in himself.

It's a pity that you have to complete this task to learn Flying Thunder God.

Without the cooperation of Flying Thunder God, the multiplication detonating talisman you have learned can't be used at all.

You must know that the power of the multiplication detonating talisman can be said to be the killer move in Senju Tobirama's ninjutsu, but the disadvantage is that you need to be close to use it, and you also need to move quickly, otherwise it is easy to hurt yourself by mistake.

So far, Yun Fei has never Neither had used it before, and Senju Tobirama had strictly forbidden it from being used before learning Flying Thunder God.

After packing up casually, the two set off. The system's reward gave Yunfei a bad feeling. You know, option 1 is much stronger than the next two options, and it must be accompanied by danger. Of course, it is also possible that Yunfei thought too much.

Yunfei was still very cautious about this return trip. Senju Tobirama was still a wounded soldier and had almost no combat power, so Yunfei could only rely on himself for the whole journey.

After finding a nearby town and asking for directions, Yunfei and Senju Tobirama headed all the way to Konoha. Because of Senju Tobirama, the speed was not too fast, but fortunately The first day passed without any danger. Now they just need to wait until tomorrow and travel half a day to return to the Land of Fire, which will be relatively safe.

Although they are still in the Land of Lightning, the two found a tree hole and started a fire inside. It is still early spring, and Yun Fei himself does not care, but he does not want to make Senju Tobirama's injury worse due to other reasons. You know, Senju Tobirama is now in his fifties and his health has begun to decline.

Although there is a certain risk of being discovered when starting a fire, Yun Fei still insists on doing so. This is also because he has absolute confidence in his chakra perception. Although he may not be as good as himself, Although Yunfei was not a teacher, he could still sense some of the chakra around him.

Although his teacher often spoke harshly to him, he was almost unreserved in taking care of him and teaching him ninjutsu. So Yunfei had to bring Senju Tobirama back to Konoha safely no matter what.

Soon the next day arrived, and the two who had a good rest continued on their journey. However, Yunfei had not walked far when he sensed several strands of chakra following him. Judging from the strength of the chakra, it was an elite jonin with three elite chunins. Such a configuration was more than enough to perform ordinary tasks, but now they were following him. They must have discovered the identity of their teacher. Thinking of this, Yunfei and Senju Tobirama said

"Teacher, there are a few people following us. How about I deal with them first and then continue on my way?"

In fact, Senju Tobirama had already sensed the chakra behind him. Although he was still seriously injured, his perception did not decrease at all. After thinking for a while, he said to Yun Fei

"We don't know what the intentions of the people behind us are yet, so it's best to figure out their intentions before considering the next move. Our most important task now is to rush back to Konoha first."

Yun Fei nodded after hearing this, and sent out a shadow clone to cover the rear, and by the way, he tried to find out whether the people behind him were enemies or friends.

After a while, Yun Fei's face was a little gloomy. The group of people really came for the two of them. They were actually members of the Golden Horn Unit who had not been killed before. They recognized Senju Tobirama and were ready to hunt him down.


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