After coming out of the Hokage's office, Yun Fei quickly gathered three people and informed them of their specific tasks. He asked them to gather at the village entrance at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and prepare everything tonight.

Then he let the two of them disperse first, and Yun Fei went to the tailor shop with Kushina. Since the fabrics for lingerie were very scarce, and Yun Fei paid several times the price, the tailor made a set in just a few hours. The purpose of Yun Fei's trip was to let Kushina wear the finished lingerie.

After assembling the lingerie at the tailor shop, he took Kushina to her room. Kushina, who didn't know what was going on, looked at Yun Fei curiously, waiting for his explanation.

"The teacher has already secured this mission for you and the Third Hokage. Isn't it time for you to fulfill your previous promise?"

After hearing Yunfei's words, Kushina realized that Yunfei had taken her to the tailor shop today. It turned out that she wanted to wear the clothes prepared by the teacher. This was not a problem for Kushina at all. She directly took the bag from Yunfei's hand.

But after Kushina went to the back to open the bag, her head suddenly became hot and her face quickly turned crimson. Kushina, who was a little annoyed, said to Yunfei:"Teacher, you are cheating. This is not clothes. This is........It's just a few pieces of cloth."

Hearing Kushina's words, Yun Fei said jokingly,"Is our future first female Hokage of Konoha going to go back on her word?"

Kushina was speechless after Yun Fei's words. After hesitating for a long time, she made up her mind. In order to become a female Hokage in the future, she was willing to do anything. Moreover, she didn't seem to be so disgusted when her teacher saw it. Thinking of this, Kushina didn't seem to be so resistant.

After hesitating for a long time, Kushina shamefully put on those pieces of cloth and walked out shyly. Although they were lingerie, Yun Fei didn't buy the very revealing ones. After all, Kushina was still a little loli. If she really wore the kind that adults wore, I guess even Kushina couldn't wear it.

"What a beautiful view!"

Looking at Kushina coming out, Yun Fei suddenly showed a wicked smile. In front of Kushina, he admired the beautiful view carefully and openly.

"I didn't expect that Kushina, who usually seemed to have a poor figure, actually had a good figure after putting on this outfit. The two little rabbits are already showing signs of growing up, and the legs are slender enough."

Yun Fei thought, muttering from time to time, and nodding from time to time, with the posture of a researcher.

Being looked at by Yun Fei like this, and making comments from time to time, Kushina's already red face turned from crimson to dark red. Angry Kushina picked up the pillow beside her and threw it at Yun Fei, and shyly ran back to the locker room. After a while, Kushina changed back into her own clothes and came out. Looking at Yun Fei who had not left yet, she said half-shyly and half-angrily:"Asshole teacher, you are not allowed to tell anyone about what happened today, otherwise I will...."

"What are you going to do?"

After hearing Yun Fei's words, Kushina thought for a long time and it seemed that she had nothing to threaten Yun Fei. She immediately turned into a blood-red pepper and said,"If the bastard teacher tells others about this, I will never talk to you again...."

Hearing this threat which was not a threat at all, Yun Fei waved and asked Kushina to sit near him, then he touched Kushina's head, stood up and said:"Go to bed early, the mission starting tomorrow will be very difficult, you look really good in this outfit."

After that, he laughed and left. As Yun Fei walked out of the room, the mission was instantly completed. He got a photo album of Tsunade, shook his head and threw it into the room.


The next day, after the four of them gathered and confirmed everything, they rushed out of the village.

On the way, Yun Fei introduced the specific mission of this time to the three of them, and said in a deep voice:"This mission is not the same as the previous mission.

You may die if you are not careful, so you must take care to protect yourself.

This time our main task is reconnaissance.

If you encounter an enemy that you cannot defeat, you must find a way to protect yourself.

Do you understand?"

After hearing Yun Fei's words, the three of them changed from their previous laughing expressions to seriousness. They also had a general understanding of this mission. The four of them shuttled through the large trees around them. The terrain of the Fire Country is complex, and forests and mountains are the main terrains of the Fire Country.

According to the intelligence, Yun Fei and others planned to go to the stronghold on the border of the Fire Country to check the situation and then make plans. As the four of them moved forward, the surrounding woods became more and more dense, and the sky became darker and darker. Yun Fei decided to find a place to rest first.

After two or three days of rapid travel, Yun Fei and the other four finally arrived at the border area of the Fire Country.

"The stronghold should be just ahead." Yun Fei looked at the map and signaled everyone to stop.

After sensing it, Yun Fei found that he could not sense any chakra nearby. This gave Yun Fei a bad feeling. Either there was really no one in the stronghold, or the enemy had set up a barrier to prevent perception. But no matter which one it was, it was bad news for Yun Fei and others.


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