Yun Fei saw a huge red gorilla appear in front of him. The four tails on its back revealed its identity. It was the Four-Tailed Son Goku!

Yun Fei was speechless when he thought of this name. You know, people who can be called Son Goku are either powerful enough to overturn the world or can easily blow up a galaxy. As a result, Yun Fei was not very interested in this tailed beast called Son Goku. Although it was very powerful among the tailed beasts, it was simply too weak for another person called Son Goku.

With the appearance of the Four-Tailed, Yun Fei's relaxed expression became serious. Although the Four-Tailed was only ranked sixth among the tailed beasts, it was obviously much stronger than Shukaku. Although the weather in the Rain Country was favorable to Yun Fei, the huge body of the Four-Tailed was enough to offset this geographical advantage.

Although the Four-Tails is very large, it is still very flexible. The Four-Tails raised its hand and smashed it directly at Yunfei, but Yunfei quickly dodged it with the instant body-flickering technique. The Four-Tails took advantage of the victory and used its tail to attack continuously. Although Yunfei was not attacked, it also left Yunfei with no time to use ninjutsu. Yunfei was a little annoyed by being attacked by the Four-Tails like this. This is not going to end, right? The

Four-Tails' tail was suddenly grabbed by a hand, and a large amount of chakra suddenly burst out of Yunfei's body. The chakra quickly transformed into his arms and ribs. Although it was only the first stage of Susanoo, it was enough to resist most attacks.

Yunfei took advantage of the fact that the Four-Tails' tail was caught and did not fight back for a while, and immediately used ninjutsu to attack.

"Water Style: Water Cutting Wave.

Yun Fei violently spurted out a rapid ultra-high pressure thin water column from his mouth, directly cutting off the tail that Susanoo had grabbed. The Four-Tails whose tail was cut off roared angrily, and directly grabbed Susanoo's arm and used its ultimate move.

"The burning river spewed fire."

After the Four-Tails grabbed Yun Fei's Susanoo, it immediately changed from holding it with one hand to holding it with both hands, and quickly turned its hands into a molten state and smashed them to the ground. The huge volcanic impact caused the surrounding ground to burst and release a large amount of magma.

Even though the two sides fighting from a long distance saw this scene, whether it was Jiraiya and Orochimaru of Konoha or Huang Tu and Shou of Iwagakure, they were a little worried. Shou and Shou were because Lao Zi had been forced to transform into a tailed beast, which was also the last resort of the Jinchūriki. If the tailed beast could not defeat the enemy, then he would be in danger.

And Orochimaru and Jiraiya were worried because of the attack just now, such a large-scale and powerful ninjutsu, Jiraiya and Orochimaru felt that if they had not escaped, they would not be able to resist it.

As a result, whether it was Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Huang Tu and Shou slowly edged On the battlefield near Yunfei's side, both sides wanted to know the result of the two people very much. Once they decided the winner, the winner would almost certainly win the battle.

Yunfei in the field had no time to use the Flying Thunder God Technique. Fortunately, when Yunfei was caught, he had already upgraded his Susanoo to the third stage (which was the stage of Uchiha Itachi). But even so, a large part of Yunfei's blue Susanoo was melted.

This made Yunfei a little scared. If Yunfei had not been cautious just now and used a higher form of Susanoo the moment he was caught, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die. The

Four-Tails over there would not give Yunfei any chance to breathe. Having one of its tails cut off made the Four-Tails completely manic. Seeing that Yunfei had actually resisted the Burning River's great fire, a huge force quickly condensed in its mouth. The chakra ball was the ultimate move of the tailed beast, the Tailed Beast Ball!

Seeing that the Four-Tails even used the Tailed Beast Ball, Yun Fei was not panicked at all. Although Yun Fei could not use the Flying Thunder God to guide lightning and did not have the complete Susanoo, Yun Fei ran fast. How could he not run away if he could not be stopped!

Just when the Four-Tails fired the Tailed Beast Ball from its mouth towards Yun Fei, Yun Fei had already used the Flying Thunder God to move to the opposite direction of the Tailed Beast Ball. Seeing the Tailed Beast Ball explode, Yun Fei's right eye shed tears of blood. At this time, black flames suddenly appeared on the Four-Tails. Seeing the black flames on its body, the Four-Tails immediately erupted a large amount of magma, trying to eliminate the black flames with magma.

What the Four-Tails did not expect was that the magma not only did not make the black flames disappear, but because of the magma, the range of the black flames became larger. Although Amaterasu claimed that she had never killed anyone in the original work, But its attack power is unquestionable. If Yun Fei does not actively extinguish the black flame, it will burn until the target is completely burned out before it will extinguish itself.

Soon the black flame covered the whole body of the Four-Tails, and the Four-Tails also let out a tragic roar, but what surprised Yun Fei was that the Four-Tails did not attack again, but just screamed in the same place.

While Yun Fei was waiting for the situation of the Four-Tails, Lao Zi had secretly moved towards Huang Tu and others. It turned out that it was one of the Four-Tails' tails that had just been burned by the black flame, and Lao Zi had already moved to Huang Tu while Yun Fei was observing the Four-Tails' tail.

Huang Tu and Shou were very surprised to see the seriously injured Lao Zi. They all knew Lao Zi's strength, and he had just transformed into a tailed beast. Unexpectedly, he was still so seriously injured. Fortunately, he escaped in time, otherwise if he was caught, the Rock Ninja would suffer a great loss.

Suddenly, a flare-like object was launched from the sky. All the Rock Ninjas quickly began to retreat after seeing it. Yun Fei, who was watching the Four-Tails, didn't care about anything else. Now Yun Fei was determined to get the Four-Tails and didn't care about anything else.

After a while, the huge Four-Tails turned into a single tail, which made Yun Fei realize that he had been fooled. Although the Eight-Tails also used this trick in the original work, Yun Fei didn't expect that the Four-Tails would be the only one to be killed.���Yun Fei also knew this trick. Even though the Four-Tails was not intentional, Yun Fei still fell for it.

At this time, Jiraiya and Orochimaru also rushed over. Because the Rock Ninja suddenly retreated, the people of Konoha did not chase them. After all, there are many wounded in the Konoha camp now. If they chase them rashly, they may be ambushed by others, which will really be a loss.

Seeing Orochimaru and Jiraiya, Yun Fei almost knew that the Rock Ninja should have retreated. Otherwise, they should be fighting with their respective opponents and would not come to look for him.

"The Rock Ninja retreated, right?"Although Yun Fei had guessed it, he still asked

"Well, before that, Lao Zi suddenly fired a signal flare and all the Rock Ninjas retreated. We were afraid that the camp would be attacked by surprise, so we didn't chase them."


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