"In fact, we asked for help from the village three days ago, but the village has not yet received reinforcements."

Hatake Sakumo said with a wry smile. Now Konoha is fighting on several fronts. Once the other side sends out too many masters, the number of people Konoha can send will be relatively limited, especially when Danzo just suffered a defeat and was seriously injured. It is even worse.

Unless Sarutobi Hiruzen and Senju Tobirama lead the team to resist the two battlefields respectively, and Kushina must follow along, it will be possible to resist the situation where the masters of the two ninja villages are all out in the two battlefields at the same time.

Now all the masters of the Sand Ninja have come out, while the Third Tsuchikage and the Five-Tails Jinchuriki of the Rock Ninja are still in the Rock Ninja Village.

If both of them come out, Konoha will have to send two more masters to the front line.

But now that Sarutobi Hiruzen is not out, the only ones who can lead the team are Senju Tobirama and Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo He was injured by Lao Zi before, and even if he recovers and leads the team, he still can't beat the Fukudani or the Third Kazekage.

But if Senju Tobirama leads the team, it depends on whether Senju Tobirama's body can support him to finish the battle.

However, in Yunfei's opinion, Senju Tobirama should lead the team this time, because there is not much difference between Danzo coming and not coming.

There must be one who can beat one of these two people, but Danzo can't beat both.

However, Yunfei's arrival helped Hatake Sakumo a lot. Now the main difference is the core combat power. The opponent has three Kage-level people, while Konoha actually has only Hatake Sakumo. Tsunade can fight Chiyo because she restrains Chiyo. In fact, Tsunade has not reached the Kage level. No matter whether it is the Third Kazekage or Fukudani Hatake Sakumo, she can only beat one, not two.

"What is Tsunade's situation now?"

If the Sand Ninja even has the Third Kazekage, Tsunade would not be so blindly reckless. After all, the strength is not equal, so if she goes over, she will die.

"Actually, we were tricked by the Sand Ninjas. We attacked a small team of the Sand Ninjas and got their food and grass transportation route map from them. So Tsunade led her team to intercept them, hoping to further undermine their morale. But she didn't expect that the team leader was a trap, so Tsunade and her team were trapped. Fortunately, they used the terrain to temporarily resist the attack of the Sand Ninjas."

Hatake Sakumo briefly explained the situation. In this case, there was no way to get tricked. After all, no one would have thought that the Sand Ninjas would use a small team as a price to send false information.

"The most urgent task is to rescue Tsunade and the others first. After all, no matter Tsunade's identity or her role, Konoha will not allow her to sacrifice."Yun Fei said in a deep voice

"There is no good way now. If we can find Tsunade, the situation will be good. In this way, we can carry out targeted rescue."

Hatake Sakumo proposed his own idea, which made Yunfei's eyes light up. Others could not find out because they could not break through the defense of the Sand Ninja, but Yunfei had the Flying Thunder God, so it was too easy to break through the defense of the Sand Ninja. Now Yunfei only needed to wait until it was dark before he could act. Fortunately, it was already evening.

"Then I will go to investigate at night, and we will discuss how to rescue her when I come back."

Hatake Sakumo originally wanted to persuade Yunfei, but seeing how confident he was, and considering Yunfei's previous battle record, Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything, but just nodded in agreement.

It got dark very quickly, and Yunfei didn't wait until midnight, but set off directly after dark.

Yunfei was very anxious now.

It had been three days since Tsunade was besieged.

Even if she was not captured, the situation must be very bad.

Yunfei specially brought some food with him, although it was only dry food and water.

Yunfei moved forward quickly in the night, and soon saw a large number of Sand Ninjas, but they did not attack, and were obviously resting. Yunfei lost his way on the spot. After throwing a Flying Thunder God Kunai, Yun Fei threw another Flying Thunder God Kunai into the air. After flying for a few seconds, Yun Fei was directly teleported to the Kunai in the air. He immediately opened the Sharingan and observed carefully.

In a valley not far away, Yun Fei saw some obvious signs of fighting. Then Yun Fei immediately began to sense. After confirming that there was indeed a large amount of chakra reaction in the valley, Yun Fei quickly threw another Flying Thunder God Kunai in the direction of the valley.

Soon, Yun Fei bypassed the encirclement of the Sand Ninjas through this series of operations and entered the valley directly. There were all kinds of corpses along the way, which showed how tragic it was.


Although it was already night, Yun Fei was soon discovered by Konoha's ninjas. Fortunately, Yun Fei had been on the battlefield of the Sand Ninja before, and the color of Yun Fei's hair was obvious enough. Someone had recognized Yun Fei's identity and stopped the teammates who were about to shout, and respectfully called out:"Master Yun Fei"

"I didn't expect someone to know me. It seems I don't need to explain any more. Take me to find Tsunade."

Yun Fei was taken directly inside by this ninja. Fortunately, with Tsunade, the wounded inside received some basic treatment, but the situation was still not optimistic. Most ninjas would not mind not eating for a few days, but their fighting power would inevitably decrease if they were hungry. Fortunately, Yun Fei also brought a lot of ration pills, which should be able to alleviate the situation.

Yun Fei soon saw Tsunade, but Tsunade was in a very bad condition. Although there were no scars on her body, the blood stains on her clothes and the degree of tearing of her clothes showed how they had persisted in the past few days.

""Yun Fei, why are you here? How did you break through the Sand Ninja's encirclement?" Tsunade was a little bit unconvinced when she saw Yun Fei, but Tsunade was Tsunade after all, so she asked the most important question.

"If I don't come, you stupid woman will probably be exchanged as a hostage by others. I have learned the second stage of Flying Thunder God. Who is the leader surrounding you now?"

Although Yun Fei's words were talking about her, Tsunade still felt warm in her heart. No matter how good you say, it is not as good as what you do. Although Yun Fei was scolding Tsunade now, Yun Fei showed up in front of her the first time he knew that Tsunade was in danger. This was beyond Tsunade's expectations. In Tsunade's mind, although Yun Fei would come, she should focus on the overall situation and come later, but she didn't expect him to come so soon.


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