Chapter 102 102 Aya’s strength, high -cold dual -marked Jiang Gongzi

“Sister Xin,” Lu Xiaoyi remembered the dean of the Jian, thinking about: “Sister, she will make a guzheng, you let her try it.”

He heard that he took a melon seed from Jiang He’s hand, “Right.”

Sister Xin stared at Bai Yan’s face. In the sunset, her face was lazy and like the moon, gorgeous but not demon, obviously a loose manner. Guzheng …

She has a sense of absurdity.

Is this the history book recorded?

Sister Xin turned back, “Miss Bai, our Yan She is too much of you this time, thank you.”

Of course, even if Bai Yan said that she would compose, Sister Xin still didn’t worry.

She is also trying to find the people in the circle.

In a short period of time, Sister Xin was afraid of the quality. Yan Bei’s voice conditions were good, but she was afraid that Yan She would be scolded by netizens.

This is what Sister Xin does not want to see.

The two people, Bai Yan and Yan Sheli, paid so much for this role, she didn’t want this character to have a little regret.

Sister Xin did not pin her hope on Bai Yan, took her mobile phone to communicate with Mandarin, and found a variety of connections, hoping to find a song that was not released in accordance with the character.

Bai Yan knew that Sister Xin could not completely trust herself. Not only did Sister Xin, but Bai Yan himself was not sure.

As she thought, she asked Yan Luping to hold a gun and train back and forth.

Yan She was very talented in performance. Bai Yan only pointed at two words, and she could show that temperament.

“Xiao Yan,” Bai Yan felt that she had learned a lot, and then asked Lu Xiaozheng slightly, “Can the guzheng of the school let me take it home for two days?”

Lu Xiaoyan didn’t know.

“You wait,” Lu Xiaozheng took out his phone and turned out Xu Qian’s number. “I ask Xu Qian.”

Xu Qian is the Minister of Literature and Art and has the key to the storage room.

“She said yes,” Lu Xiaozheng stuffed his mobile phone back to his pocket, “I’ll help you get it.”

Lu Xiaoyan and Xu Qian were about to be familiar with, and Bai Yan continued to stare at Yan Sheng here.

Next to, Jiang He sitting on the steps looked at Bai Yan, and looked at Lu Xiaozheng, who was going out.


Bai Yan took Guzheng with Jiang He back.

Lance sat next to Ji Heng and chatted with him, and was surprised to see the Guzheng hugged by Bai Yan, “Shimo?”

“Guzheng,” Bai Yan kept putting Guzheng back to the room, and came out with a silver needle. He explained with Lance, “It is a musical instrument in our country.”

Lance had never seen Guzheng and reached out curiously and dialed the strings.

” -”

The sound was like Gu Hongyuan’s clear cry.

He reached out again, randomly, his voice danced like a group of demons.

Jiang He silently covered his ears, and he didn’t speak, so he stared at Lance.

Lance was even more vigorous, until Bai Yan slowly compared the silver needle on his head, and said slowly: “You move again, I crooked, it will be hemiplegia.”

Lance: “…”

He understood it, and silently returned to the outer lounge chair, and let Bai Yan give him a needle.

Bai Yan was acupunctured by Lance, and then returned to the room.

She put the piano on the table, remembered the matter of Ming Dongzhang, and took out her mobile phone to send a long sentence to Ming Dongzhang-

【*& Amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; amp; ¥@#…】

[Sitting and holding a solid, pay attention to breathing, concentrate, breathe with the abdomen]


After posting, she reached out and moved the strings.

Jiang He was lying on her table and stared at her fingers. She only used her left hand to dialect the string, and at the same time three or four string together.

The sound of light or heavy, but there was no tune, as if to lift the sound at will.

The edge is revealed.

Jiang He was stunned.

Bai Yan looked at him and laughed: “You seem to be slowly my family.”

After speaking, write a word on the book next to him.

She was experienced in itself. She was full of feelings, but she was still trying how to interpret the tune.

Jiang He will go to see what she wrote at this time.

Bai Yan’s words are always good -looking, simple and clear, but Jiang He’s view, he just after reading the dictionary, he began to doubt his life.

There are four, seven, and a square in a word?

Still the word?

He sat back blankly.

I haven’t learned it, I haven’t learned it at all.

After a while, Bai Yan wrote down a few more words. He didn’t believe in evil, and looked at it again. Good guys, this time there were nine, four, three, and even a big big? Intersection

Jiang He stood up and moved outside silently to watch Ji Heng’s five -son chess.

Lance was just Ji Heng, and when he saw Jiang He, he turned his eyes and let Ji Heng go away. He wanted to play chess with Jiang He.

Jiang He hadn’t played the fifth son, and Ji Heng took a cigarette bag and told him the rules.

Three minutes later.

Lance: “…?”

Come again.

Two minutes later.

Lance: “?”

Come again.

One minute later.

Lance: “(Smile)”

Jiang He put away the white chess piece, and finally was a little confident.

He sat on the stone bench, poked his watch again, and attached a message to Jiang.

Jiang He first tried: [,]

On the other side of the mobile phone, Jiang Ai Li is still in the laboratory. He will go to see Zhang Erqiu with Bai Yan tomorrow morning. Today, he will hurry up to deal with the laboratory.

Area B Laboratory constant temperatures all year round. In order not to bring pollution to the laboratory, everyone will put on experimental uniforms.

He stood in front of the detector and leaned slightly to see the quality of the dark matter particles on the instrument and the scattering of the scattering.

There were still a few people behind him. He Wen was particularly excited.

Jiang was attached to the slightly sideways, and the cold -light lenses couldn’t stop his aesthetic sight at all.

I didn’t speak, I just raised my hand slightly.

Others understand in seconds and can go back.

The mobile phone was on, and Jiang Ai took the phone and picked up the phone, which was Jiang Hefa’s comma.

Jiang Fu away: [?? .

It was confirmed that Jiang He had time now, and Jiang He went to Bai Xun to take a photo secretly.

Jiang He: [[Picture]]

Jiang He: [,]

Jiang Zi left one side in the Done D. Opening the picture and looked at it. The picture on the picture was a regular word, which said that the words were not accurate.

See this line.

Jiang attached to his footsteps, and the assistant who was behind him almost was shocked by Jiang Ai, who was almost stopped.

Take a few steps in a row, then look up secretly and observe secretly.

Jiang Ziyi touched this line of words.

For a long while, I will reply to Jiang He in a tightly.

【Small Ielectric】

[This is a subtraction record]

Behind him, the assistant saw that Jiang Gongzi seemed to be a lot of good mood, not much good, but it was a bit more popular and fireworks than in the past.

The assistant was encouraged: “Jiangjing University has an international speech. The research institute asked if you have time to go back and give them a speech?”

Jiang was attached to his head. He was wearing a white experimental service, which was cold, and his tone was light and light. “No time.”

After all, go to prison to teach a fool.

Can’t teach Bai Yan may also doubt his teaching level.


The next day.

Early in the morning, Bai Yan got up to find Zhang Shize.

Jiang He was going to go to Ji Shaojun’s new home with Ji Heng, and he was still lying on the bed.

Jiang Ziyi stopped at the intersection of Qingshui Street.

Bai Yan got on the car, and she tied her seat belt lazily.

There is a light and cool smell in the car.

Bai Yan wrote the score last night to nine o’clock. I was afraid that no one else had rest, so I did not continue. Writing the score was temporarily determined and occupied her for more than three hours.

She has her own planning every day and is very self -disciplined. She starts the plan of the day after finishing the song.

It is more than three hours later than before.

Soon as much as three o’clock to sleep.

Get up at more than five o’clock.

Because Zhang Shize has to start labor at 7:30, they have to start counseling earlier.

Jiang attached to the car steadily, and Bai Yan fell asleep halfway on the way. She was so heavy -daily. Maybe today, it may be too tired, or maybe it makes her feel relaxed here.

Jiang Ziyi tone the sound of zither in the car in the car a bit smaller.

When the car stopped slowly at the prison door, Bai Yan hadn’t woke up yet. Jiang Zai saw the time, and was less than 6:30. He didn’t call her, just turned off and opened the window, turned around and looked at her seriously. Essence

Early, the Chaoyang hadn’t had time to show it, and only a ray of breeze passed through her face.

Bai Yan still pulled his hair today. The broken hair was gently blown by the wind. The black hair was blown from the side face to the tip of his nose.

Jiang Ai Li stared at the strand of hair for a long time-

It dares to provoke me?

Jiang Gongzi reached out coldly and distributed the strand of the strands to the place it should stay.

When it was about to be 6:30, he would wake people without any matter.

Zhang Shize thinks that Brother Jiang seems to speak well today.

Did not scold him.

He was confused.

At 7:20, Yan herme was waiting outside. She would tell Zhang Shize to say the news of “Da Yong”. Next week, she will not see Zhang Shize for a long time.

Bai Yan should go out first.

Jiang Ziyi followed her.

Zhang Shize usually has a lot of words. In the face of Yan Sheng, Yan sheng himself was also a cold temperament. Last time Yan herme came with his parents, and the two of them hardly said a word.

When Jiang Ai was falling behind Bai Yan, he had to bring his door.

He glanced at Zhang Shize, and then looked at Yan herme, and suddenly said: “Zhang Shize, have you hurt?”

Zhang Shize stunned.

Yan Lu looked at Zhang Shize, and then looked at Jiang Ai.

“He was fighting with Liu Xinming last time. He suffered a very heavy internal injury. He hasn’t been good yet.” Jiang Fu Li pointed out where Zhang Shize was beaten by prisoners, and then went out elegantly.

Zhang Shize touched his stomach, and then looked up at the anxious Yan sheng.

醍醐 醍醐 醍醐.


The new house bought by Ji Shaojun is in Xinan Community.

It is not far from Qingshui Street on Ringcheng Avenue, 11 buildings 101.

The community was new than before. It was only built for a few years. There are 12 floors in a building. The occupancy rate is not very high, and house prices are not very expensive. More than 3,000 levels. Ji Shaojun and Shen Qing bought them on the first floor.

When Bai Yan and Jiang were attached to, Ji Shaojun’s family had many people.

Chen Tuan was studying chess with Ji Shaojun’s colleague, and Ji Heng took a cigarette bag and poured it aside.

Ji Shaojun’s family also had two students who were playing with Jiang He, mainly to watch Jiang He fight for the cube.

Ji Shaorong helped Ji Shaojun in the kitchen. Shen Qing wore a hat on her head and entertained guests in the lobby because of her serious illness.

The small living room was crowded.

The door opens.

Shen Qing saw that Bai Yan and Jiang were attached. She greeted the two in and closed the door. “Ah, Xiao Jiang, you are here.”

Ji Heng, who was standing next to Chen Tuan, looked up subconsciously.

It happened to be attached to Jiang.

The lively hall was instantly scratched by cold wind.

Chen Tuan hadn’t turned back, and his men stopped subconsciously in the air. His past experience told him that someone should have arrived.

He missed his head.

Sure enough, the cold Jiang Gongzi fell behind Bai Yan.

Ji Heng held his hand with a cigarette bag. He attached Jiang from beginning to end, and then watched Ji Shaojun who said from the kitchen to say hello to Jiang with him.

Ji Heng: “…?”

Who is this suddenly appearing?

“Dad, this is Xiao Jiang,” Shen Qing took two cups, attached to the water to the water, and poured the water, and enthusiastically introduced Jiang Zi away to Ji Heng.

Shen Qing broke the deadlock and enthusiastically introduced Jiang Ai to Ji Heng.

Jiang Fuli asked Ji Heng politely, “Hello.”

Before Ji Heng, Chen Tuan took a chess piece and quickly avoided him.

So only he did not know it alone?

Ji Heng looked at Jiang Zi, and his voice was boring, and he said “um”, not much.

Shen Qing asked Jiang to sit away, and she was busy cutting the fruits for the two. Jiang attached to a board and sitting on the sofa, and there was a Ji Heng who glanced at him from time to time.

Both were silent.

Bai Yan was sitting lazily and sitting on the side to brush the question.

Occasionally, I think about the scores, and I think of what I think of it.

Shen Qing brought a new fruit plate from the kitchen and gave them two.

Jiang Ziyi was very average to the fruit, but when he saw a cherry, he took a try. Shen Qing bought the cherry.

Well enough.

He took two again and handed it to Bai Yan.

He reached out and hooked the trash can around Jiang He.

Jiang He looked at Jiang Ai with his head expressionlessly.

“Brother,” Jiang He was beside Jiang He, a high school student gently pulled Jiang He’s sleeves and pointed at the Rubik’s cube in his hand. “You restore this.”

Jiang Zaili heard the words, looked down at the Rubik’s cube in Jiang He’s hand, and then ridiculed.

Jiang He: “…”

He recovered that side angrily.

High school student sighs.

Opposite, Ji Heng glanced at it and slowly retracted his eyes.


After dinner, Chen Guoheng had to stay here to play cards.

Ji Shaojun took a painting to Bai Yan and asked her to help him to Xu En. Xu En did not arrive today, but the ceremony arrived early in the morning.

This is the gift from Ji Shaojun.

Bai Yanfa WeChat asked Xuen, and the other party was still holding a press conference. There was no time, and he said to come at night.

Then Ji Shaojun would definitely say her, and Bai Yan asked Xu En to send her address to her.

She went to him late.

Xu En soon sent an address to Bai Yan–

[There is a dinner, you have to have time to eat a little, a lot of good food]

[Unfortunately, you can’t come to you]

There are many people in Shen Qing.

Bai Yan wanted to find a place to brush the question, and Jiang He also followed them back.

Jiang Fuli directly drove the car back to the uniform building he lived.

Bai Yan fell asleep again on the road, feeling better than before.

Ming Dongzheng was sitting on the lawn in the garden, and his four fingers were collected on the palm of the palm, not like a mountain.

Jiang He jumped out of the car, then squatted beside Ming Dongzhang, and looked up at him.

Ming Dong opened his eyes and was frightened. He jumped up and found that his body was lighter, “Master, how did you come back?”

As soon as he looked up, Bai Ji and Jiang were attached to the car.

Ming Dong’s mouth opened his mouth and wanted to talk to Bai Yan. When he saw Jiang Ai, he quickly stood up and returned to his previous cold and rigorous. “Master, Miss Bai.”

“Um.” Jiang Aiyi glanced at him.

Bai Yan smiled at Ming Dongzheng.

Jiang He pulled Bai Yan’s corner and asked her to see his paintings.

Jiang Fuli looked at the back of the two, and went to the study room with a cold face to open an online meeting with the Jiang family.



After hearing that Jiang Ai Li finally returned, Chen Jingluo quickly found it.

There are also ladies around.

She was wearing a plain long skirt with a beige coat outside, and the maroon hair was hot into a lazy big wave, scattered behind her head.

“Yu Shen.” Seeing her, Ming Dong stood up slightly and greeted her, and his tone was particularly respectful.

Yu Hongyi’s lips were slightly cooked, and the color was slightly cold, and only Ming Dong nodded.

It is accustomed to this attitude.

She came from Master Chen.

After a while.

Jiang was attached to the downstairs, and the air pressure was slightly lower.

I didn’t expect Jiang to come down so soon.

“Yu Shen, you have to be you.” Chen Jingluo said excitedly that he had never seen Jiang Zi’s side three times.

Yu Hongyi was very surprised, but when she heard the words, she smiled.

A long figure on the wooden stairs slowly went downstairs.

He put on a slightly soft home suit, but his slightly drooping face was still like a cold mang of a blade. He glanced over a cold glance and better than all frost.

It is like a scroll with a strong ink.

Chen Jingxiao bowed his head and didn’t dare to look at it: “Jiang Shao.”

Yu Hongyi also returned to God. She retracted her eyes and took out a letter, “This is the old man.”

Ming Dongzhang reached out to pick up the letter from Yu Hongyi and took it in his hand without giving Jiang away.

Yu Hongyi glanced at the letter in the hands of Ming Dong’s hand, his lips a little.

However, they all know that Jiang Fu Li rarely picks up what others give, unless he is his friend or researcher he brought.

Jiang attached to his head, saying that he already knew that it was extremely indifferent.

Then walk to the cabinet at the door without squinting.

As he walked, it seemed to be frosty on the ground.

The cold white fingers pulled the drawer, evoked a string of keys from it, and then leaned on the cabinet halfway. The slender fingertips touched the desktop and looked at the stairs at will.

No one dared to speak in the dead hall. Chen Jingyu looked at the two of Yu Hongyi and didn’t understand what was.

Until the upstairs came up again.

Both Chen Jingluo and Yu Hongyi were very surprised and looked up subconsciously.

(This chapter is finished)

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