The sky was clear, and the sky was full of clouds.

Above the East China Sea, the sky was clear, and suddenly, a cloud gathered like ink.

Then, a thunderbolt split the sky like a giant dragon, and fell directly on an unknown island harbor.

As the saying goes, there was a loud noise in the sky...

"Water... I want water..." Tren lay on a wooden board like a fish in a dry rut, and the dryness of his throat made his hands keep groping.

Suddenly, his left hand seemed to grab an object similar to a guardrail, so he struggled to half-support his body and leaned on the side.

The hand that crossed the guardrail touched a touch of coolness, like a long drought meeting a sweet rain!

"Water!" Tren subconsciously used his hand as a cup, scooped up some water, and couldn't wait to put it into his mouth.

However, the expected cool and thirst-quenching feeling did not come, but the salty smell of the sea was like a tide that rushed straight to the top of his head!

"Puh! It's so salty!" This was like a revelation, and Tren's mind was instantly clear. Although sea water could not be drunk, it at least made his mouth moist again.

After waking up, Tren looked at the surrounding environment and the boat he was in blankly. For a while, his head was buzzing, "Where is this? Wasn't I struck by lightning? According to common sense, shouldn't I be lying in the ICU at this moment? And then my relatives and friends should have enough food?"

While speaking, Tren's eyes moved to the steps at the rear of the boat, where there was a locker similar to a drawer.

"Forget it, let's see what's there first. At worst, I'll pay you later." Tren's throat rolled, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then reached out to open the storage point.

Then, several red apples and a kettle, as well as a map and a sharp dagger, appeared in front of him.

"Sure enough, there is water!" Tren's eyes were immediately attracted by the kettle. As if he had found a spring in the desert, he couldn't wait to unscrew the lid and drink it in big gulps.

The cool liquid moistened his dry throat and restored his spirit a little.

"I'm alive, I'm alive!" Tren, who put down the kettle, felt refreshed. Sure enough, water is the source of life!

Putting down the kettle, Tren picked up the map and wanted to see where he was. However, he saw that most of the map was sea, especially the two avenues similar to the cross that crossed in the middle, dividing the sea into four parts. As for the islands on the map, they were full of strange symbols and unknown marks.

"This layout..." Tren frowned and thought. This map didn't seem to be anywhere on Earth that he was familiar with, or he believed in his own guess more than Earth.

The reason was simple. His eyes fell on a red circle on the map, and the four characters "Goa Kingdom" were written in the circle.

"Goa Kingdom, Windmill Village, plus the East China Sea..." Tren muttered to himself, feeling uneasy.

He looked up and looked around. Except for the small island in front of him, there was only a vast sea, boundless, and the boat was fixed in the harbor with the wind swaying gently.

"This is the world of One Piece!!" Tren took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

Although he rarely watched One Piece, he was still familiar with the three major comics, not to mention this fierce world of pirates!

He didn't believe that the so-called pirates here were just adventurous like Luffy!

That's right, the boy's real name is Terensu, which is similar to Milk Terensu, but because of his experience as Milk Brother in junior high school, he prefers to call himself Teren

As for why he was struck by lightning, well... As the saying goes, the back row by the window is the hometown of the king, and the rainy day by the tree is the way of the king!

But the important thing now is not why he was struck by lightning, but what to do! ?

Thinking of this, Teren picked up the dagger and held it tightly, as if this sharp weapon could bring him a sense of security.

But this so-called sense of security was fleeting, because Teren discovered a more serious problem, that's right!

The ship he was in seemed a little familiar

The hull was like a coffin, with two candles on both sides emitting green flames, and the sails were similar to the cross structure...

That's right! This is the founder of the black knife rowing, driving without looking, the direction depends entirely on the waves! The ride of the king Hawkeye!

Is it so exciting on the first appearance! ! !

Thinking of this, Teren stood up and said, "No wonder there is only one locker on the boat and it is so small, and there is no oar (black knife).

Taken away by Hawkeye!

No, let's get off the boat first. "

As a result, when Tren wanted to get off the boat and go to the island, a man stood on the highest point of a slope not far away.

He had short black hair, sharp yellow eyes, and a short beard.

He wore a black hat with white fluff, a burgundy patterned shirt, a black windbreaker, white trousers and black boots.

He had a cross knife hanging on his chest and the world's strongest black knife, Night, on his back. However, he had an extra small bag, which should be the supplies he bought when he got off the boat.

Looking at the man, Tren's face was as heavy as iron, as if it could crush a mountain.

"Joracol Mihawk. "

At the same time that Tren saw Hawkeye, Hawkeye also saw the guy who got off his ship.

At this time, Tren was about 1.9 meters tall, with a figure similar to Ace, and short black hair. I don't know if it was because of the thunder body tempering, but he didn't look like this originally.

"Stupid little thief? I didn't expect to steal on my ship." Hawkeye murmured, and then slowly walked towards him, not in a hurry at all, as if in his eyes, Tren would die sooner or later, it would all be death!

On the other side, watching Hawkeye slowly walking towards him and still some distance away, Tren couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "I know you are here, system."


"Brother, don't joke, it's really going to kill people now! You make a sound! "Seeing that no one responded in his mind, Teren broke out in a cold sweat.

[Ding! System No. 35614 is here to serve you, dear time traveler!]

"Huh~" Hearing this wonderful voice, Teren breathed a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said: "It's an emergency now, don't talk nonsense, if you have any functions or novice gift packs, just throw them in my face!"

[This system is a system for summoning partners. Due to the recent crackdown on the system's atmosphere, it is forbidden to sell sheep's head and dog meat, so this system has no store, but a gift will be randomly given when summoning!

As for the host, your novice gift pack is a free summoning opportunity.

Warm reminder that all the characters summoned are related to the host's mental state.

Exception, except for product after-sales issues, this system will not answer any questions next.]

"Summon partners according to my mental state?" Looking at the words that appeared in front of the system interface, Teren breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly

"Isn't that invincible? People with my mentality are all strong and capable. After all, only strong people can appreciate each other... "Thinking of this, Teren smiled slightly. Then, he whispered: "Summon." As soon as the voice fell, something like a magic circle flashed in Teren's mind, and then a man's shadow appeared! This tall and mighty figure, this figure with a sword on one side! That's right, a hot man!

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