The old man was very angry.

"You are a Devil Fruit user!" Seeing Tren's almost abnormal instinctive dodge ability, Shrike was shocked

He immediately took the initiative to distance himself from Tren and stared at Tren with his vigilant eyes.

"Devil Fruit?" After hearing Shrike's words, Tren turned the knife in his hand slightly, and said with a hint of doubt in his tone: "I haven't eaten that kind of thing, and I haven't even seen one."

His expression was very sincere, and he didn't look like he was lying.

However, Shrike didn't dare to relax at all, because Tren's strength was too amazing. If he really wasn't a Devil Fruit user, then how could he have such a strong strength?

"If you are not a person with special abilities, how could you be unknown in this vast ocean with your strength? I have no impression of you at all."

Shrike paused when he said this. If there is such a powerful person, but no news has been leaked, there are only two possibilities

One is that this person has been keeping a low profile and unknown before; the other is that all those who knew him did not survive, so the news could not be spread.

Thinking of this, Shrike swallowed his saliva involuntarily and tried to keep his voice calm: "Let's treat today's incident as a misunderstanding and say goodbye here, how about that?"

"Ah?" Tren seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world

"You are the one who took the initiative to provoke trouble, and now you are the one who wants to escape. I am the head of a group, don't you have any face?!!"

Before he finished speaking, Tren had already taken the initiative to attack, and the long sword in his hand slashed out, and the blade light was as sharp as a word slash - "Self-created·Word One!"

"Damn... I'm going to die." Shrike secretly said in his heart, and hurriedly raised the long serrated knife across his body to try to resist.

With a "clang" sound, Shrike was knocked out with the sword.

He fell heavily to the ground, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"So strong..." Shrike struggled to get up, his eyes full of fear. At the same time, he turned around and saw that almost all of his pirates were about to die under the hands of Teemo and Li Jing.

"My dream... my partner..." Shrike looked at this scene, his eyes became firm, his hand holding the weapon tightened slightly, his eyes slightly raised and stared at Tren

"Since you won't give up, don't blame me for being rude! They are all..."

Shrike said, Tren suddenly swung his long sword, flashed past, a head flew up instantly, and then a headless corpse of Shrike fell down powerlessly

"I'm so sorry! My readers will not be interested in your boring dreams and memories at all." Tren's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile, and at the same time put [Gambling] in his hand into the scabbard.

Then, he winked at Li Jing, and then reached out without hesitation to tear off a piece of clothes from Shrike's body.

After wrapping the Shrike's head with the cloth, Tren leaped and easily returned to the deck of the Black Pearl.

On the other side, after receiving Tren's signal, Li Jing completely ignored the shouting and roaring of other members of the Sharktooth Pirates.

He flashed and instantly jumped into the air, drew out his sword and swung it violently, and a sharp sword energy with a strong Chinese swordsman's aura suddenly burst out.

This sword energy easily split the ship of the Sharktooth Pirates in half, and then the whole ship slowly sank into the vast sea...

"It feels good to stretch your muscles and sweat occasionally."

Li Jing returned to the Black Pearl, casually inserted the sword into the scabbard, and then sat down on the armchair by the side of the ship like a deflated ball.

He was even too lazy to put the sword back on his waist, just casually placed it beside him.

"Only thirty-five. Li Jing, you should have slowed down the speed of cutting the boat just now." Timo came out from the back at some point, looking at Li Jing and said slowly.

"Ah! Quick battle, quick decision, this is the order of Captain Tren." Li Jing waved his hand, and then looked at Tren

"But, Captain, why are you holding that guy's head?"

"It's really strange, when did the captain have this hobby." Timo also stared at Tren in confusion.

Looking at the eyes of the two, Tren smiled slightly, then threw the Shrike's head to the deck, and smiled

"Of course, it's for the other members to return quickly!"

At this time, the system summon progress was as Ah

Dragon's defense-breaking gift pack has arrived at [Summon 55%], so Tren is particularly hoping that a certain smoker in Rogue Town can help a little...

After the episode of the Sharktooth Pirates, Tren and his party, who were not far from Rogue Town, arrived at this place of beginning and end near noon the next day!

"We are here in Rogue Town, Captain." On the Black Pearl, the ship elf Xiao Hei shook his cute little hand and said happily.

"I saw it." Tren stood at the bow, looking into the distance, looking at the bustling town not far away that was like a harbor transit center, with a slight smile on his face.

Timo, who was standing on the observation deck, naturally saw Rogue Town, but he did not pay too much attention to it, but concentrated on wiping the weapon in his hand.

He thought to himself: "Well, maybe I can study new poisons later."

Thinking of this, the corners of Timo's mouth under the mask couldn't help but rise slightly.

He really couldn't get interested in activities like visiting towns. Therefore, he had already discussed with Teren that he would stay on the Black Pearl.

However, unlike Timo, Li Jing was even more excited than Teren when he saw Rogue Town.

He danced and shouted: "Captain Teren, look! There are so many ships in the harbor! It's so spectacular! But... it's strange, why didn't I see a pirate ship?"

Teren rolled his eyes helplessly and replied unhappily: "Come on, how can a pirate ship dock in a normal port so openly!

Do you think they are all as upright as us?" After saying that, Teren couldn't help but roll his eyes at Li Jing again.

"Xiaohei, pay attention to controlling the speed! Then, find a better place and park the ship there." Teren instructed the ship elf Xiaohei.

"No problem, captain, please rest assured! I will complete the mission successfully~" Xiao Hei once again gave Teren a cute little salute, and then with a beautiful diving action, he escaped into the Black Pearl with a "whoosh".

Then, the speed of the Black Pearl gradually slowed down, and it began to automatically simulate the best place to stop the ship...

Finally, the Black Pearl found an ideal place to stop the ship. There was calm water, clear water, and some beautiful coral reefs and small fish around.

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