The dead body was found, but the dead body was found.

Through careful observation and analysis of the place where the bodies were found, Enel easily deduced the true intentions of Teren and his gang.

As Dashan had initially revealed to him, their goal was indeed to seize the gold.

Thinking of this, Enel took out the sound shell without hesitation and quickly contacted the four priests on the Island of Gods: "From this moment on, all of you will gather at the temple immediately!" After saying that, Enel decisively put down the sound shell.

Soon, four responses with different tones came from the sound shell, but Enel did not listen to these voices, because he firmly believed that these four guys would never dare to disobey his orders.

You know, these four priests are the only four people who survived when Enelu destroyed his hometown of Biruka after obtaining the Thunder Fruit.

After completing all the arrangements, Enelu stood quietly on the branch, staring deeply in the direction of Tren and his group, and then turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Next, we just need to wait for the characters in the game to appear."


At the same time, on Tren's side, everyone was not ready to continue walking, because it was late, so they planned to stay here for one night

"Fortunately, there is Tuanzi!" Tren took the bag from Tuanzi, who had grown bigger, and then worked with Sadako to set up overnight supplies such as tents and pots

"Oh!" As the things on her body were taken off, Tuanzi instantly shrank her body, and then ran around. It was obvious that she had always wanted to do this along the way.

"Tuanzi, don't run too far." Sadako sorted out the items and reminded.

"Yeah!" Tuanzi nodded and winked at Sadako, indicating that she knew, and then continued to have fun.

"Sometimes I really doubt Tuanzi's identity." Li Jing listened to Tuanzi's cry and smacked his lips.

"Tuanzi was a famous mountain god of Baishen Mountain before she joined the group. If she didn't like Captain Teren, she couldn't join the adventure group!"

"That's right..."

"Okay, my deputy captain who has many skills." Timo looked at Li Jing who was stroking his beard again, and his mouth corners slightly raised, "You should go with Gray Wolf to catch some meat!"

"Timo, this joke is not going to pass, right!" Li Jing's expression changed instantly, staring at Timo.

"I dare not, after all, you can lip read! Haha." Timo smiled and then held some dry branches to build a small pyramid for the fire.

"It's over. Li's wisdom in life!" Li Jing sighed.

"Bang!" At this time, Gray Wolf came back with a creature similar to a pig and a bear.

"Let's eat this today!" Gray Wolf put down the behemoth and clapped his hands.

"I didn't expect that the creatures on the sky island are also quite big."

"That's right." Li Jing walked around the behemoth and looked at it.

"Li Jing, peel it better. We will roast some meat and cook a pot of meat soup later." Teren looked at Li Jing and said.

"No problem." Li Jing took out his sword directly, and then a few sword lights flashed. The behemoth brought back by Gray Wolf was instantly separated by skin and flesh, perfectly divided!

"This skin is good. Find a chance to modify it. When the weather gets cold, everyone can put on an extra coat." After the division, Li Jing looked at the fur and chuckled.

"You can do it yourself!" Teren, who had already grilled the meat, replied, then turned his eyes and shouted

"Timo, don't watch, come back to eat first!"

"Okay, Captain!" Hearing Teren's words, Timo turned over and jumped down from the tree, and now walked towards the fire with Tuanzi who had finished playing

At this time, Teren, Li Jing, Gray Wolf, and Sadako had already sat together in the center of the temporary camp, and only the two of them were missing...


"Island of Gods", at the entrance of the temple

The four priests had already arrived here, but they looked at each other with some disdain

"Ohm, you didn't do anything stupid again!" Salid, who was round, wearing a straw hat and had red hair, looked at the bald man with a Yunbei sword on his waist, and said in a light tone.

"Stop diverting trouble! Shalid, just be yourself!" Shura, dressed as a pilot, got off a bird and tugged at his mustache with his little hand.

"God's order hasn't come down yet, so you'd better be careful!" Gaidazi, who had a unique hairstyle, a purple suit, and black gloves, spoke coldly.

"No wonder they say you are the most trusted priest of God, Gaidazi!" Ohm sneered at Gaidazi.


It was obvious that the four priests under Enelus were obviously at odds with each other, and they had been fighting openly and secretly for so long.

"If you continue to talk, I will stop you from speaking." Just as the four people were talking about each other's faults, Enelus' voice came from the temple.

"Sorry, God!" The four of them half-knelt at the same time. Their fear of Enelus was indelible, especially when they saw Enelus destroy Biruka with their own strength.

"Why don't you get in? Wait for me to go out and invite you?" In the temple, Enelus sat cross-legged on the soft seat, and his expression was already a little unhappy.

At this time, the four priests also ran into the temple in a hurry and knelt in front of Enelus.

"God!" The four shouted in unison.

Looking at his four priests, Enel raised the half-eaten apple in his hand, took a bite and said

"You have been very free recently!"

"No! We have been maintaining the peace of the Island of Gods and suppressing the resistance of the Shandia clan.

There are also traces of the previous generation of gods, Ganfor!!" The four people trembled, looking at Enel's slightly raised fingers and swallowed their saliva, fearing that this god would be unhappy and send down the thunder!

And Enel looked at his four priests, raised the corners of his mouth, and then canceled the action on his hand, and the four people immediately breathed a sigh of relief

"I have something to ask you!"

"Please give me your orders."

"You don't have to go back to your own territory next, stay in your own trial place!" Enel smiled.

"Go back to the trial place we are in charge of?" After hearing this order, the four people all showed puzzled expressions on their faces.

You know, that place was just four checkpoints that Enelu set up for the residents who tried to board the God's Island when he was bored.

Normally, the four priests would not guard there in person, and more often their subordinates would be responsible for it.

Now they were suddenly asked to return, well... it was really puzzling.

Perhaps he noticed the doubts in the expressions of his four priests, and Enelu, who was in a particularly good mood today, explained: "Haha, because this god found a group of interesting guys!

And their destination will undoubtedly pass through the trial land!" The corners of his mouth raised high, as if he couldn't wait to see what happened next.

The four priests looked at each other, and they all read a trace of helplessness in each other's eyes.

Their "god" seemed to always like to play some so-called "games", and they could only passively accept it.

Although they were a little dissatisfied, they had no right to refuse at all, and could only obey the order to go to the trial land where they belonged...

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