At the same time, the four priests in their respective trial places were also at a loss after receiving the news from Enel. In fact, the four trial sites are all concentrated on a white sea river that runs through the entire "God's Island", but each trial entrance allows people to quickly reach the designated location. However, if you choose to take the main road, it means that you must pass four trials in a row. And at this moment, Teren and his group did just that. .... Teren and his group easily crossed the trial entrance and walked upstream along the river. After all, the ruins were just behind Enel's palace. "When we are almost at the end of this river, we will be there." Gray Wolf looked at the map in his hand again, and then turned back. "I'm already old, but I didn't expect to have to hike." Li Jing complained, then pretended to touch his waist, and looked at Tuanzi from time to time.

"My deputy captain Li, Tuanzi won't let you ride! Forget it." Timo, who was sitting on top, instantly broke Li Jing's mind.

"Ahem! I eat three pounds of meat a day, how could it be like this?" Li Jing cleared his throat, and then continued to follow Gray Wolf.

"It's normal to be a little tired, after all, we are always climbing up." Teren said as he looked at the flowing Baihai River.

"Hmm?" As soon as Teren finished speaking, many white floating balls floated on the river.

"This..." Teren hadn't reacted yet, and saw the ball explode directly and issued a strong impact.

"Bang!" The strong airflow directly left a deep mark on the trunk of a big tree.

And Teren relied on his body instincts to dodge sideways, but now his posture was very strange.

"This ball can also emit airflow!" Tren turned back and exhaled.

"Are you from Qinghai? You look no different from us!" At this time, Salid, with a round belly, glasses and a yellow hat, stood on her surprise ball and floated slowly, with a smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Looking at this strange woman, Teren frowned, but he could tell from the small wings behind her that she was a Sky Islander.

"My name is Shadley, the chief priest of the Ball Trial! If you want to pass, you must pass me first!" Shadley proudly introduced herself standing on her surprise ball.

At the same time, Enel, who had followed all the way, smiled when he saw Teren and his group met Shadley.

"Shadley is one of the four priests of Sky Island, in charge of the "Ball Trial" with a survival rate of 10%, nicknamed "Forest Enlightenment".

There is also a shock bey hidden in her gloves, and the surprise ball is also very powerful (a ball cloud with various weapons hidden).

So Qinghai people, you should... play rock-paper-scissors next!!!" Enel looked over and saw Teren and his group playing rock-paper-scissors crazily together.

[Enel 5%]

"Am I the first one to be eliminated?" Li Jing sighed

"My luck is bad too." Gray Wolf shook his head. In the end, Teemo and Sadako guessed, and Sadako won.

"No, what are you doing?" Shadley looked at Tren and his gang, feeling that he was being looked down upon.

Tren ignored this woman who was like a ball, but stared at Sadako and said, "Come on!"

"No need." Sadako smiled slightly and waved her hand, "We can just go over there, she's dead."

"Hmm (.-`ω´-)?" Tren was stunned, but then he thought that Sadako, who hadn't taken action for a long time, actually had the ability to strike at the miscellaneous soldiers with a dimensionality reduction attack

So he ignored Shadley and walked forward.

"As expected of someone from Qinghai, he is so arrogant!" Shalid looked at this scene, gritted his teeth, and was about to take action.

But his eyes suddenly turned bloody black, and then his breathing became rapid as if something was strangling his neck.

A moment later, just when Tren stepped over Shadli, Shadli fell directly into the river below powerlessly, and the ball cloud she controlled also exploded!

"Shadli is dead?" The whole battle lasted less than a minute, and Enel's scalp was numb.

Especially because he just heard very clearly, Shadli's fearful voice.

[Enel 10%]

"No! It must be because of other reasons. They will definitely not be able to pass the next place guarded by Gedazhi!" Enel comforted himself.

Geddazhi is the priest in charge of the "Swamp Trial" with a survival rate of 50%. He holds the "Wind Spray Shell" and the "Cloud Shell" that can produce swamp clouds.

Although he is a little weaker than Shadli,

But Gadaz's ability is even more disgusting! Thinking of this, Enel hurriedly followed again.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the Swamp Trial, he saw Gadaz being slapped to death by a horned white bear!

[Enel 10%]

"No, what the hell is this!" Enel subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to cast the spell "Judgment", but retracted it

"No, no! They should rely on others. If I take action, it will be meaningless

And the next Shura and Ohm will only be stronger! The two of them are incomparable to Shadli and Gadaz!"

Tren looked aside, watching Tuanzi slap someone to death with a slap, and couldn't help but say, "Teemo, didn't you take action just now?"

"I thought so too! Who knew that guy bumped into Tuanzi's palm by himself." Teemo sighed helplessly.

Tuanzi walked to the river and washed his hands, as if he had just slapped a cockroach to death.


So Tren and his group continued to move forward, but they didn't know that at this moment, Shura, dressed as a pilot, was on the top of the tree, watching them.

"Shadley and Gadaz are really useless. They let people go so quickly." Shura said, and touched the three-foot bird beside him.

That is, a huge vulture with three colors.

"Haha, it seems that Shura has already set his sights on them." Enel, who was watching from a God's perspective, was very relieved this time, so he habitually took out an apple.

"Shura is the priest in charge of the "Trial of the Rope" with a survival rate of 3%, nicknamed "Sky Knight".

He rides a three-foot bird, holds "Rebei" and "Rope Cloud" in one hand, and with the fire spear, he has killed countless people. This group of Qinghai people has lost at least two or three companions this time."

Just when Enel thought he had a sure win this time, Shura also rode on the three-foot bird.

"Blame your bad luck, Qinghai people." Shura looked particularly wretched with the blessing of his mustache, and then he clenched his fire spear and rushed directly with the three-foot bird! !

"Die..." Before Shura arrived, he saw a shadow-like blade swinging towards him, and then he, who was one with the bird, was split into two with his mount and fell into the forest not far away.

"Gray Wolf, why did you suddenly attack?" Li Jing, who had been following Gray Wolf, shouted while touching his long beard that was almost cut off.

"Nothing, just now a bird seemed to be coming towards us, and I wanted to see if I could have a little extra meal at night, but the body seemed to have fallen somewhere else." Gray Wolf said helplessly.

[Enelu 15%]

"Dang... the bird brushed." Enelu listened to Gray Wolf's words, and his palm couldn't help but crush the apple that he hadn't bitten off.

"No, this is an accident!" Enelu was still comforting himself! !

"Yes, Shura is too confident. This has always been his shortcoming. Otherwise, he would not have given some guys a chance to pass his trial. But Ohm is different!

He is in charge of the Iron Trial, and his survival rate is almost zero! Nicknamed "Sky Warlock", he has a holy sword in one hand, superb swordsmanship, and Yunbei, which can spray iron clouds

His holy sword is as light as clouds, as hard as iron, flexible and can change shape! This is definitely something that people in Qinghai have never seen!

Yes, Ohm can do it. He... He was split in half!!!"

[Enelu 25%]

Looking at Ohm who was cut in half by Li Jing's sword, Enelu was completely broken. What kind of "game" is this?

This is clearly "dog-hook speed pass"! !

"Hey! Qinghai people!" Enel flashed directly to the top of the building above Ohm's body, staring at Lun and others.

"Who are you?" Li Jing retracted his sword, then pointed at Ohm and said, "I am counterattacking in self-defense. He just started it."

Enel: "..."

[Enel 5%]

"I am a god! The god of Sky Island!" Enel introduced himself domineeringly, and with that contemptuous look, he looked a bit like a god.

At this time, Teren completely ignored Enel's self-introduction, but looked at the summoning progress on the system and swallowed his saliva.

[Summoning 95%] Among them, Enel provided a full 85% of the spiritual emotions in the shortest time.

"Damn... Enel, you are really a "god"!!"


PS: Xianyu thinks that it is not good for the three generals of Bikini Bottom to go out alone. After all, they are a group, so they should come out together!

And I found that SpongeBob seems to only know how to make crab buns! Can he be a chef like this? It's hard, I hope there is a perfect chef candidate...

Xianyu would like to thank everyone for their support! Xianyu guarantees three updates a day, so that everyone can see their favorite characters appear as soon as possible!

Because everyone’s comments on salted fish were recorded in a small notebook!

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