Ohnoki and the fourth generation Fukage Rosa are not worried for the time being, but the third generation of Naruto Tobihizu is completely panicked, and now he needs to face the Wunin Village.

   If the opponent is the former Mizuno Village, Sarutobi Hi-Slash will definitely not be afraid. No matter how mysterious the previous Mizuno Village, it is definitely not as mysterious as Konoha.

   But now it is Uchiha Ryukae’s management of Kirikino Village. Uchiha Ryuka’s strength has been able to destroy Kimha Village ten years ago. What is his strength now?

   is unimaginable, at least Sarutobi can't imagine it.

  "¨"What can you do? "

   Sarutobi Rischi summoned all the high-level officials to discuss how to resist Wunin Village.

   Also, Yunnin Village is also a threat. Fortunately, Yunnin Village is temporarily held back by Iwanin and Sand.

   "There is no good way now, only challenge."

  Oshemaru glanced at Sarutobi Hizen, and then said calmly.

   Jiraiya is also in the village of Konoha now, his expression is very solemn.

   "Yes, there is no strategy now, and other villages will not help us, only relying on our ability to challenge."

   Sarutobi Rizhan has a sharp look on his face, this time he will go to the battlefield in person.

   And Oshemaru, Jiraiya, and Danzo were all taken by Sarutobi Hito (has it?). In the face of the coming Wunin Village, Sarutobi Hizen needs to go all out.

   At the same time, he also regretted it a little. Haaki Shumo was dead. If Haaki Shumo was not dead, Konoha Village would also have an extra strength, and Haaki Shumo was also alive at the pinnacle of the shadow level.

   "This time it is the life and death battle of Konoha Village. Let the major families of Konoha Village not to hide it." Sarutobi Hitizan issued an order again.

   In the past, the major clans retained their strengths, so he didn't say anything, but now this time it is different, and the retention of strengths will be over for Konoha Village.

   Then Sarutobi Hitoshi, led the five thousand ninjas to set off, preparing to stop the mist before landing in the land of fire.

   This can pull the battlefield beyond the land of fire, and also want to take the lead. In fact, Sarutobi Hisaki is also well prepared. He has prepared the killer, not to mention that he can win, but it is a good fight to stay undefeated.


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Chapter 129:

  The country of Uzumaki, Mikoto brought Mizuna to stay here.

   "Why don't you kill Mikoto in the land of fire in one breath?"

   Jiuxina asked Mikoto suspiciously, the country of vortex is very close to the country of fire, and it can take up to half a day to reach the country of fire.

   "If I guessed correctly, Konoha Ninja has already been waiting there, and he might be ambushed in the past, so check the situation first."

   Mikoto's expression is serious now.

  Since Liu Feng asked her to be the commander of the battlefield, she must do a good job, and she must not disappoint Liu Feng's trust in her.

   "It makes sense, why didn't I expect it." Kushina patted himself on the head.

   "Because you are stupid, so I can't think of it."

   Liu Feng said unceremoniously at this time.

   "What are you talking about, I killed you, the big bad guy, and, if you don't stay in Wunin Village and don't help, what are you going to do with you?"

   Jiu Xinnai grabbed Liu Feng's hand angrily, and took a bite on Liu Feng's arm.

   "I followed here first to prevent accidents, and secondly, I was a little boring in Wunin Village, so I came out to breathe."

   Although Liu Feng doesn't want to intervene in the third Ninja World War, the prerequisite for not intervening is that Wunin Village can win by himself. If Wunin Village loses, Liu Feng will definitely take action.

   doesn't interfere because he can win without him. If he can't win, Liu Feng will definitely interfere.

   Of course, Liu Feng believes that even if Liu Feng does not make a move, he can win this Ninja World War.

   First count the strength of Wunin Village. First, the strongest Mikoto, the strength of the super shadow level peak, and then the Nine Sina, after using the fairy mode, there is also a super shadow level strength.

   Kage-class peak combat power Uchiha, Yuzuki, yes, Yuzuki also followed this time, his main purpose is to deal with Danzo.

After   , there are ordinary shadow level strengths, Terumi Mei, Yakura, and dried persimmon ghost shark.

   In addition, there are three beasts with three tails, namely three tails, five tails and six tails. When these combat powers add up, the four Ninja villages will not be able to defeat Wu Ninja village.

   As for the elite ninjas, there are more. Which of the Uchiha clan is weak, and the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan are also not weak.

   Liufeng can completely fight soy sauce and watch this crushing battle.

   "The information has been obtained, and as expected, Konoha Ninja has come." Mikoto took the information and looked at it.

   "What does Mikoto think should be done? If we act rashly, we might suffer." Kushina put away her impulsive personality.

   Mist Shinobi must use a boat to pass, I am afraid that the ship will be destroyed if he can't get to the shore, so Mist Shino can only be on the sea.

   Although Wu Ren is proficient in water escape, it does not mean that he will not be drowned. If he treads on the water, he cannot last long at sea, which is very costly.

   "I will shoot."

   Mikoto decided that she would take action, and first set up a station in the country of fire to be a foothold, otherwise she would remain passive.

   "Are you going to single-handedly challenge the entire Konoha Ninja army? How about me and you?" Kushina's eyes lit up slightly.

   "No, after my commander-in-chief leaves, you must take on the task of commanding."

   The rejected Kushina was a little disappointed, but he didn't make a fuss.

   "Why, are you surprised?" Kushina asked, looking at Liu Feng next to him.

   "What surprised me?"

   "Aren't you surprised that I didn't make a fuss and insisted on taking action, or even replaced Mikoto against the Konoha ninja army?"

   "Haha, Do you think I don't know you? Although you usually mess around, I know you won't be foolish at critical times."

   Liufeng smiled slightly. He has been with Jiuxina for so many years, don't you know Jiuxina's character?

   Sometimes that hot temper may make her a little impulsive, but when it comes to real big things, Kushina still thinks a lot.

After   , Mikoto left alone and killed the Konoha Ninja army alone, but it was enough.

   Of course, although Liu Feng believed in Mikoto, she also followed Mikoto secretly, but Mikoto didn't know it.

   Mikoto is very strong, but if Liu Feng doesn't want Mikoto to find out, Mikoto will not be able to find the slightest trace of Liu Feng.

   In the past five years, Liu Feng's progress has been terrifying, and his power has been controlled to the point where he wants, much stronger than it was five years ago.

  Mikoto went by alone, and of course she was discovered from the sea, but she was not afraid of being discovered, and when she approached the shore, she turned on the full body Susano.

   The sakura-purple Suzano, a little feminine, looks like a Valkyrie.

   The height of more than one hundred meters, the horrible aura was like a black cloud, which made the Konoha ninja who found Mikoto a little breathless.

   "Uchiha Mikoto."

   After Sarutobi arrived, his expression was extremely solemn.

   A good news and a bad news. The good news is that it is not Uchiha Ryukae, and the bad news is that Uchiha Mikoto in front of them does not seem to be able to deal with them.

   At this moment, the tenderness on Mikoto's face disappeared, replaced by indifference.

   "Teacher, this doesn't seem to be something we can deal with," Oshemaru said.

   Even if the ten thousand snakes are channeled out, it is only a child to Susano, can it survive Susano's knife?

   "Order Konoha Ninja to retreat, we block Uchiha Mikoto."

   Sarutobi Hitoshi expressionlessly ordered that she must block Uchiha Mikoto, otherwise she could cause Konoha Ninja to suffer heavy losses.

   "How can I stop this?"

   Danzo asked Sarutobi.

   A complete body with a height of more than 100 meters, I am afraid that a single blow will destroy the world. Can they hold up a move?

   "Use the four red sun formations."

   Sarutobi Rizen was going to use this assassin. He was originally prepared to guard against Uchiha Ryukae. Although he didn't think it was of much use, Sarutobi Rizen still regarded this as a assassin.

   Now that Sarutobi Rizen has said the method, it can only be used. The four shadow cascades jointly use the four red sun formations to temporarily trap Mikoto's Susano in the enchantment.

   This is an enchantment. In the original book, the four Hokage reincarnated from the dirty soil used the four red sun formations to block the Ten Tails.

   However, the ones currently used by Sarutobi Rischi, Jiraiya, Oshamaru, and Danzo are definitely not comparable to the four Hokage who reincarnated from the dirty soil.

   Dirty Rebirth can consume chakras without limit, but they can't do it, not to mention the strength.

   "Enchantment? Let me see if I can break it."

   Mikoto, who was blocked by the barrier, didn't panic, and controlled Susano, pulling out the slender Tachi hidden in the wings, and slashed towards the barrier.

   One hit hit, without making any waves. After all, it was a powerful barrier that could trap Ten Tails, how easy it was to break.

   However, Mikoto’s attack will speed up the speed at which Sarutobi and their chakras are consumed, so now Sarutobi and their chakras are consumed wildly.

   If they were consumed like this, they couldn't last for five minutes, they weren't reincarnated from dirty soil, and they couldn't squander chakras unscrupulously.

   Oshemaru's gaze flickered, and it won't work anymore. If you keep going, there will only be a dead end.


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Chapter 130:

   "Teacher Sarutobi, my chakra can't hold it anymore. When the chakra runs out, we might have to wait to die."

  Oshemaru reminded to Sarutobi Hizen.

   "Three minutes, we insist on three minutes, after letting the ninja troops retreat, we can leave." Sarutobi Hitoshi is not stupid, and will not stay to die.

   If they all die here, then Konoha Village will also exist in name~.

   Sarutobi Rischi's words let Oshemaru relax. In three minutes, he insisted on it more than enough, and then there was more than enough power to escape.

   In this way, Mikoto used the entire body to be used to be able to sing. After being trapped for three minutes, the four red sun formations were indeed strong enough, and with Mikoto’s current strength, it could not be cracked.

   "Forget it, don't chase it."

   Mikoto watched the escaped Sarutobi kill them, and gave up on chasing them, because if they were to kill them, they would definitely cause a lot of damage to the surrounding area.

  Mikoto needs to use this to build a camp, and doesn't want to destroy it, and chasing it up may not be able to kill them.

   Susano has strong destructive power, but when the enemy wants to escape, killing the enemy is not that simple.

   Then Mikoto sent a letter, letting Kusina lead Mizuna to rush over from the country of Uzumaki.

   In the evening, Wu Ren finally stepped into the territory of the Fire Kingdom from the Uzumaki Kingdom and began to build the camp.

   "The situation of the Konoha ninja forces needs to be investigated. In addition, we need to launch an attack on the Konoha ninja forces."

   Mikoto took over the command again and began to order.

  The Seven Ninja Swords are all here, so Mikoto asked the Seven Ninja Swords to take action together. The weakest are the Quasi-Kage-level Ninja Swords. The threat to Kiba Village is not small.

   "Liu Feng, what do you think of my arrangement?"

   Mikoto looked at Liu Feng and asked.

   "Not bad, the seven Ninja swords attacked together, and Konoha Ninja would not be able to sleep."

   Ryufeng trusts the strength of the Seven Ninjas very much, Uchihama is the pinnacle of the shadow level, the dried persimmon ghost shark is the shadow level, plus five quasi-film level combat power.

   They united, enough to come and go freely in the Konoha camp, and Sarutobi couldn't keep them behind even with a shot.

   "Actually, it is not difficult for us to defeat Konoha Village. After defeating Konoha Village, we should also attack other villages." Mikoto looked at Liu Feng inquiringly.

   "Mikoto, we haven't beaten Konoha yet. You are thinking about what happened after defeating Konoha. In Liufeng's words, you are swollen."

   Yoshinna walked to Mikoto's side and squeezed Mikoto's face with his hands. Is this swollen person in front of him really Mikoto? Kushina suspected that Mikoto in front of him was a fake.

   Mikoto opened Kusina's hand unhappily.

   "Don't you have the confidence to defeat Konoha Village, since we sent troops, Konoha Village has already been defeated."

   Now Mikoto is not swelling, but Mikoto knows that she can definitely win, and it is already a must-win situation. If she wants to lose to Konoha, she doesn't know how to lose.

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