Bang, bang, bang...

The wronged souls kept hitting the light curtain, their faces were hideous, like mad beasts.

Ma Dingdang looked calm, standing outside the light curtain and looking at the wronged souls.

She was confident in her own strength, and with the help of the Ma family's yellow cloth talisman, she could trap thousands of wronged souls.

"All the wronged souls are insane and seem to be corroded by some kind of power.……"

"Is it really a curse?"

Ma Dingdang frowned and thought, even the Heavenly Eye could not see anything unusual.

At this time, the old man came out of the house tremblingly, protecting Chen Duo behind him.

He looked at the wronged souls in the formation with a complicated look in his eyes.

""Old man, do you know something?" Ma Dingdang asked.

The old man opened his mouth slightly, unable to speak for a moment.

After a short silence, he shook his head and sighed:"Only the clan leaders of all generations know the secrets of Yuejia Village.……"

The old man is the patriarch of this generation. He mustered up the courage to speak out the secret buried in his heart.

"Yuejia Village has a history of thousands of years. There was no village here before. Later, a demon woman founded Yuejia Village."

"The witch feeds on souls. She captures many people and keeps them in captivity to become her food."

"The villagers today are all descendants of those people back then.……"

Thousands of years ago, the witch mysteriously disappeared, and Yuejia Village was cursed. The villagers have been living here, relying on hunting for a living and multiplying.

After listening to the description, Ma Dingdang seemed to think of something, and his face suddenly changed.


"Feeding on souls?"

"Could it be the immortal witch from a thousand years ago?"

Speaking of the words 'immortal witch', Ma Dingdang looked solemn.

"Aunt, how come I don't know?" Ma Xiaoling asked in surprise

"It's normal that you don't know, because this is a taboo in the spirit world, and the news was blocked a thousand years ago!"

Ma Dingdang traveled around the world, so he knew a lot of secrets.

Every five hundred years, a 'great evil' will be born, causing bloody storms and bringing disaster to the people!

A thousand years ago, the immortal demon girl turned out to be born, practicing evil arts, feeding on souls, and her soul was immortal.

In order to practice, she once slaughtered a city and exterminated 100,000 people!

This incident caused a sensation, and the major sects in the spirit world joined forces and sent masters to encircle and suppress the immortal demon girl.

Later, the ancestor of the Zhuge family trapped the demon girl with the art of Qimen Dunjia, and gathered the power of the major sects to seal her!

Five hundred years ago, demons from the demon world invaded the human world, causing chaos in the world and rivers of blood.

At that time, there was a holy monk who led many monks to encircle and suppress the demons.

The holy monk cut out his heart and offered it to the demon, and finally sealed the demon leader Xie Ji in the Kunlun Mountains...

Ma Xiaoling was stunned and felt incredible.

Every five hundred years, there will be a disaster?

"Calculating the time, this year is exactly 500 years old!"Ma Dingdang continued

"This year, I’m afraid something big will happen!"

Ma Xiaoling glanced at Luo Chen when she heard this.

Could this year’s ‘big evil’ be her fiancé?

Luo Chen said nothing and fell into deep thought.

A demon woman who feeds on souls?

Immortal soul?

Yuejia Village?

Surname Yue...

He instantly thought of someone, Yue Qiluo in"Wu Xin: The Monster Killer"!

The immortal demon woman mentioned by Ma Dingdang is exactly the same as Yue Qiluo!

They also practice evil arts, feed on souls, and have immortal souls!

Just when Luo Chen was stunned, the old man walked up to Ma Dingdang, and suddenly his legs bent...


The old man knelt on his knees and begged,"Master Tianshi, I would like to ask you to help these wronged souls to transcend!"

"They are all pitiful people. After death, they become wronged souls and will never be reborn.……"

At this time, one by one, the villagers opened the door and walked out of the house.

The villagers looked at Ma Dingdang expectantly.

"Master, please save them!"

""Save them!"

Dozens of villagers begged and knelt on the ground.

Ma Dingdang blinked and looked at the villagers kneeling in front of him, but he didn't react.

"You guys get up first, I'll try my best."

After saying this, she turned her head and looked at the wronged souls in the yellow cloth formation.


Ma Dingdang formed seals with his hands and activated the yellow cloth talisman.


The four yellow cloth talismans continued to shrink, bursting with golden light.

The wronged souls in the formation wailed, screamed, and hit the light curtain.

After a moment, the yellow cloth talisman shrank to the extreme and turned into a ball, trapping all the wronged souls in it.

"My money... four hundred thousand!"

Ma Xiaoling looked at the yellow cloth talisman with a painful look on her face.

The yellow cloth talisman was made of special materials, and the cost price of each one was as high as one hundred thousand!

She looked at the old patriarch and said,"You have to pay. I don't make money from you. You must give me the cost price!"


The old man nodded quickly.

Luo Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry. As expected, she was Ma Xiaoling. She would never do a business at a loss at any time!

"Xiaoling, take out the thirteen soul-guiding lanterns!"

Ma Dingdang said in a deep voice:"If you want the wronged souls to reincarnate, you can only forcibly open the Yin-Yang Road and send them to the underworld (the underworld)"

"I will open the Yin-Yang channel, you will protect me, and I will need someone to escort the wronged souls to the underworld.……"

At this point, Ma Dingdang's eyes fell on Luo Chen.

"Okay, leave the rest to me!"

Luo Chen nodded in agreement, with a smile on his face.

He was very curious about the underworld!

Since Yue Qiluo appeared, what would the underworld of this world look like?


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