And as soon as she was close to Nangong Nayue, Xue Nai under the snow smelled a familiar fragrance, and she thought back to herself, isn't it exactly the same as the folding fan before, and it was a love debt to find the door.

Under the snow, Xue Nai turned white again, and Shen Ming opened the door of the Ministry of Service and walked in with everyone.

Yukishita Yang Nai carefully observed Yukino's posture and did not find anything unusual before he breathed a sigh of relief, and then focused on Shen Ming, who just nodded to her and let the chains bind him into the service ministry.

"How did that moon-chan come out? And how did you get here? Go back? Shen Ming asked immediately, he could already see it just now, Yukishita Yang Nai is also a vampire, it seems that Yukino packed his own blood for her before. Eight five three" Nangong Nayue simply told Shen Ming what happened, although her body could not go back after being transformed by the world, but she was not angry, she had already thought about it, it would be good to live in this world.

And Yang Nai, who heard Shen Ming's voice, was shocked, yes, it was this voice, the voice she had been searching for for two years finally appeared again!

"Come to my house!" Shen Ming directly sent out an invitation, and the house next to him let Nangong Nayue come to live, and when he ate, he just added a pair of chopsticks.

"Good!" Looking at Shen Ming's eyes, Nangong Nayue thought about it and agreed.

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Go back to my old profession, I'll go to the top of this school and see if I can be a teacher!" Although Nangong Nayue's body has been sleeping for ten years, the doppelganger outside is a qualified teacher.

"Actually, I feel that you can come and be a student, after all, you have been sleeping since you were sixteen years old, and those ten years can't technically count!"

Shen Ming looked at Nangong Nayue, who had originally reached her waist and now had a height of her chest, and said, she has taken on the heavy responsibility since she became a witch, and now she has unloaded the heavy responsibility and may not return to her original life.

"Forget it, I'm used to teaching people, but I don't want to be taught a lesson!" Nangong Nayue wanted to take out her folding fan, but she couldn't find it for a long time, so she had to stretch out her hand and nodded on Shen Ming's forehead, and the moment she touched it, she also felt Shen Ming's physique.

"You kid really didn't have good intentions!" Nangong Nayue reached out and grabbed Shen Ming's collar, she had also contacted Shen Ming before, when he was still a normal human.

"Nazuki-chan can't talk nonsense, the ending was happy at that time, didn't it?"

"Yes, yes, Vatora cried out with joy!"

"And after you are so nonsense, the Lion King organ is going to cry, and the sword witch sent by him can't get close to the fourth true ancestor at all, and in the end, there is no way, only to re-select a few male sword witches and send them over!"

Nangong Nayue said angrily, Xiao Gucheng was already gradually expanding, and she also knew that this had little to do with Shen Ming, but it did not prevent her from pressing him on that matter.

"Hey, Nazuki-chan! Since you have come to this world, don't worry about the previous things, and experience a new life with peace of mind! Obviously she was tied up firmly, Nangong Nayue still didn't see how Shen Ming stretched out a hand to stroke her hair.

Nangong Nayue shook her head and wanted to shake Shen Ming's hand off, but after no result, she directly reached out and patted it, but Shen Ming didn't care at all, and was still stroking her hair.

"I said, don't put sauce after my name!"

Nangong Nayue said helplessly, but Shen Ming still went her own way, and she had no choice but to let it go.

Shen Ming looked at the sisters under the snow who were talking again, and now everyone understood a lot of things in their hearts, and they almost connected everything.

"How did you transform into a vampire? I feel the breath of Demon Ji Ice on your body, we should not have met before! "

"Hello Shen Mingjun, I am Xue Nai's sister Yang Nai, I want to thank you for what happened a few years ago!" Yang Nai stood directly in front of Shen Ming and bowed directly, bending at ninety degrees showed her sincerity, and it was also basic common sense to show some arcs to express gratitude.

Of course, these can't avoid Shen Ming's eyes, or Yang Nai didn't think about avoiding Shen Ming's eyes at all, from the time she was transformed into a vampire a few years ago, she understood that her future was already this man's0.

Shen Ming's eyes were a little drifting, Xue Nai under the snow had not said anything, Nangong Nayue tightened the chains unhappily, and Shen Ming also directly used time to delete and break free from the shackles of the chains.

"Nazuki-chan is really not well-behaved!"

Nangong Nayue only felt a big hand on his head again.

"I see, it seems to be a timeline problem!" Shen Ming nodded and said, he finally understood why the ordinary scarf could be rated SS level, it should be related to the jump in the timeline.

"In that case, then I will accept your thanks for my future self!" Shen Ming nodded and said. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Okay, it's almost class time now, then I'll go back first, if you have something, just call me!" Shen Ming helped Nangong Nayue straighten his messed up hair and left the service department, looking at Shen Ming's gradually departing figure, Nangong Nayue and Xuexia Yangnai looked at each other again, both determined some thoughts in each other's hearts.

"Teacher Nangong, right, let's go, I'll take you to meet the principal of Xiuzhiyuan, if it goes well, you should be able to join directly this afternoon!" Yukoshita Yukino looked at Nangong Nagetsu, and although she sighed in her heart that she had another opponent, she also had to use her identity as a Tokyo search officer to help her get the position of the old 2.6th division of Shuzhiin.

When Shen Ming returned to the classroom, he happened to meet Nakano's classmate who happened to arrive in the classroom, but Nakano glanced at him and just squeezed out a smile and ran to his desk and lay down.

Shen Ming glanced at the green headband on Nakano's head, this is Nakano Yotsuba, what happened, how did she change so much, how did the usually sunny girl become so dark.

"Did something happen? Nakano-san? Didn't I say that before? If you have any difficulties, you can go to the ministry for help! "

Shen Ming asked with a deep curiosity, and Mad San and Shi Xiang also looked over together.

"Woo hoo... One flower is gone! "

Nakano Yotsuba couldn't hold back any longer and said with tears in his eyes.

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