Tang Xiaorui took the mobile phone that Lin Zihang gave her, but her expression was not so happy.

Lin Zihang asked her why she was not happy, but she said that Lin Zihang had spent too much and had no money.

Lin Zihang smiled, because these mobile phones were all cut off by him from the eve of the eve, and it didn’t cost a penny.

But he wouldn’t tell anyone this secret, otherwise they would definitely suspect how Lin Zihang alone chopped off so many apples from Hexi 12?


Eight o’clock in the evening.

Lin Zihang finally planned to start the flash delivery APP.

Because of this takeaway APP, there is no fame at present, and no one uses flash delivery to order food.

So what is Lin Zihang going to do now? That’s crazy sales.

“The system, let 100,000 virtual dead soldiers, start on the major forums Zhihu, to advertise our flash delivery APP, advertising this kind of thing, don’t I need to teach you?” It is to promote our flash delivery APP, let people know the existence of flash delivery, so as to use it to order! ”

“Good host, I know what to do!”

The voice of the system then responded.

It has to be said that within the system, the existence of virtual dead is good.

They are like 100,000 hard-working operators, frantically doing errands for Lin Zihang.

Moreover, they are very efficient.

Basically, in just a split second, major headlines Zhihu and even Weibo and other chat software have appeared flash delivery advertisements.

Even, the system also let some virtual dead soldiers, invade some chat groups, and frantically advertise in the group.

Those group owners can’t kick people if they want to.

“Shock, following the two major takeaway apps of Meixiaotuan and Hungry, there is another APP called flash delivery in China. It is said that this APP, the first order is free without money, the second order is reduced by ten yuan, and every order after that, you can immediately draw 2 to 5 yuan red envelopes, such a conscientious takeaway APP, are you still not moved? ”

“Flash delivery takeaway APP established, newcomers are comprehensive, activity discounts, delivery staff delivery speed is very fast, tomorrow at eight o’clock in the morning, officially open for ordering, priority ordering, and even immediately draw a hundred yuan red envelope prize Oh!”

“Everyone come and use the flash delivery APP, really conscience, it is said that the boss used to be a rag picker, and later picked up the rags and became rich, so I want to give back to everyone in a free way!”

“At present, the flash delivery APP is only open to the whole city of the imperial capital, first come, first served, those who place an order first, lottery first, face order first!”

Almost instantly, that night, the software of the major entertainment industries was basically dominated by the messages of the 100,000 virtual water army hired by Lin Zihang.

Those 100,000 virtual dead soldiers are very efficient and efficient.

After posting on the headlines, go to Weibo and brush it.

After brushing Weibo, I went to tease the fish and brushed the barrage.

Anyway, basically people with mobile phones, open the entertainment software that night, you can see the sales advertisement of the flash delivery APP.

Some people are naturally refreshed, and they download the flash delivery APP.

And some people, do not want to download, take over to open other software, and are flashed by the delivery of takeaway APP advertisements, in desperation, they are in an atmosphere.

After downloading Flash Delivery, I just wanted to give a bad review, and then found that I wipe, the page of this APP is also too good-looking, right?

The page is beautiful, the goods are complete, and even better than Mei Xiaotuan and Hungry No, it is even better.

So, for a moment, they forgot to give a bad review, and they all cared about what they would order for breakfast tomorrow!

Lin Zihang said that new users register, the first single single, whatever you order, will be free, the second order will be reduced by ten yuan, and then you can draw a lottery, and then get a red envelope.

With such a good thing, of course, everyone has to try it.

“100,000, 300,000 … 1 million? ”

“Good guys, the number of downloads in one hour of flash delivery is as high as one million?”

Lin Zihang himself was naturally surprised.

I have to say that the 100,000 virtual water army is still very powerful.

As soon as this advertisement went out, the number of downloads of the flash delivery APP went up.

Moreover, it is still growing in multiples of tens of thousands, which is very rapid.

Below the APP, there are countless newly registered user messages.

“I heard that this latest takeaway APP, the first order is free, right? Then I will order a luxury fried chicken family bucket at eight o’clock tomorrow morning to try, if it is a real noodle list, then praise, if not a noodle list, bad reviews are indispensable! ”

“Lying groove, I just drew a lottery for a newcomer and drew 100 yuan? It’s true, it has been sent to my WeChat wallet, it’s really good cow batch, this takeaway software! ”

“Good reviews, just looked at the page of flash delivery, it is really quite exquisite, much more affordable than Mei Xiaotuan and hungry, if it is really as advertised, then after that, I will use this takeaway APP to order!”

“Bad review, why is it only open to the imperial capital? Are the people of our magic capital not human? Bad reviews, bad reviews, why aren’t we open? Hum…… me off! ”

When Lin Zihang saw the comments and messages below, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but turn up slightly.

What he wants is this sensational effect.

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